kaithzheartlight · 2 years
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Art Raffle!!!
Last year I did an art raffle and it was INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL so I’m doing another one for getting 666 followers, lol. Make sure to read through all the rules!
If you want a guaranteed drawing from me, I have a commission sheet AND a patreon, which I would be incredibly grateful for if you donated to. I also have a Ko-Fi if you want to look into that.
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Welp, overprotective brother is still real, lol
Ooooh Cross and Dream a thing? 👀
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"It definitely is a thing" -Cross
"I will murdelize you to hell and back" -Nightmare
Oh, and ignore the giant hydra-necked-goopy-giant. Definitely not one of Night's new abilities.
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Wow! I really love it!
Cosmic looks great!
Raffle Prizes
[ENG] Hey! So it had been a very long time. I wanted to apologize to the winners of the Winter Raffle for the monumental delay in their prizes arriving. A lot of difficult things happened, and I had even come to wonder if I still liked to draw, because it doesn't give me the joy it once gave me, but it must be due to the environment in which I have long found myself.
I also wanted to apologize to all of the subscribers of this Blog, whether those who are only here to see a few drawings, or those who are waiting for the next page of the Edenverse. The project has not stopped, absolutely not. I just don't feel well enough to continue the pages yet. This will probably wait for my next move to roommate with Poké. It will happen quickly.
For now, I draw from time to time, without really finding the joy I found in it before, but I try. I don't promise it will come back soon, but it will.
Stay tuned, you never know, something might just happen ~
- Draniae [FR] Hey ! Alors ça faisait très longtemps. Je tenais à m’excuser auprès des gagnants de la Raffle d’Hiver du retard monumental qu’ont prit leurs lots à arriver. Beaucoup de choses difficiles se sont passées, et j’en étais même arrivée à me demander si j’aimais toujours dessiner, car ça ne me procure plus la joie que ça me procurait autrefois, mais ça doit être dû à l’environnement dans lequel je me suis longtemps trouvée.
Je tenais également à m’excuser auprès de tous les abonnés de ce Blog, que ce soient ceux qui ne sont là que pour voir quelques dessins, ou ceux qui attendent la suite de l’Edenverse. Le projet n’est pas arrêté, absolument pas. Je ne me sens juste pas assez bien pour continuer les planches pour le moment. Cela attendra probablement mon déménagement prochain en collocation avec Poké. Ça arrivera vite.
Pour l’heure, je dessine de temps en temps, sans vraiment trouver la joie que j’y trouvais avant, mais j’essaie. Je ne promets pas que ça reviendra vite, mais ça reviendra.
Restez connectés, sait-on jamais, quelque chose pourrait finir par arriver ~
- Draniae
5th Place :
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Olivia belong to nova-x-05
4th Place :
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Cosmic/LightHeart!Error belong to kaithzheartlight
3rd Place :
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Xander belong to silver-undertale
2nd Place :
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Lumina belong to bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing
1st Place :
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Diedre!Tale!Gaster/Rei!Tale!Gaster belong to akumamana61
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
I really love his new design!
But I'm afraid that he is gonna hurt any Errors (Sorry, I'm a huge fan of Error, and I'm so scared if he got hurt...) Also, I'm afraid if he is gonna hurt Cosmic too (Which is a Error too, but technically Cosmic is both a non-glitch skeleton. Also, he is from the LightHeart) is he?
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Template's redesign is finally complete!! It took a lot longer to finish this design than I'd like to admit, but it was worth it. I think he looks super cool now ^u^
This does not replace his old design but is supposed to reflect his character development that took place in Somewhere Else. So his old design is before, this new one after meeting Error in Somewhere Else. It's still okay to draw him in the old design ;D
More info under the cut!
Of course there are some small changes that come along with this new design. Template will carry his pen all the time now. While he often simply kept it safe in his Anti Vo- I mean his Art Zone, he now has it on him at all times. The belt around his chest is acting as a mechanism that allows him to carry the pen on his back; this construction is created not by himself but a fellow AU Alphys he occasionally hangs out with (and yes, of course they watch anime together). From now on, Template does not deny knowing about Errors anymore, but he will still deny that he is an Error himself and when repeatedly bugged about will become more and more aggressive. His glitching increases when he's mentally stressed just like before. Template will, as usual, try to act cool and 'heroic', but while he never meant to hurt anyone, he will now attempt to erase any Error he meets and is actively hunting them while visiting Alternate Universes. He might not admit it, but since he is an Error himself he relishes in the feeling of destruction, which he is now able to channel into his new purpose. That means yes, he gets kicks out of killing other Errors. How nice. Template will always insist of being the good guy and is convinced that he's doing the right thing, arguing with him about it usually doesn't lead anywhere but to make him become increasingly unstable, which usually isn't a thing you would want to do. While Template still respects Ink, he is not longer putting him on a pedestal and doesn't treat him like his role model anymore. Instead, he is convinced that he's surpassing Ink by actively protecting the multiverse by his actions of hunting Errors.
That's all for now. I hope giving Pale a redesign will be less of a headache, haha. If you have any questions, please let me know. :D
(There are still so many asks I want to answer but eeeee I'm trying you guys, I promise!)
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
I might gonna translate the "Oye guapo, cuando vas por el pan?" and turns out is....
"Hey handsome, when do you go for the bread?"
Pan = Bread???
This is the funniest thing I ever heard! 🤣🤣😂😂
Did Error ever try to flirt with Ink in spanish? Like "Oye guapo, cuando vas por el pan?".
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(Neither of them speaks Spanish by the way)
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
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Winter Art Raffle 2020 : Result !!
So here are the results of the winter art raffle !
5th Place : @nova-x-05 Prize : A Half-Body Sketch of a Character of your choice 4th Place : @kaithzheartlight Prize : A Fullbody Sketch of a Character of your choice 3rd Place : @silver-undertale Prize : A Half-Body or Fullbody LineArt of a Character of your choice 2nd Place : @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing Prize : A Half-Body Icon or Half-Body drawing of a Character of your choice 1st Place : @akumamana61 Prize : A Fullbody drawing of a Character of your choice
Thank you to all participants, hoping that those who didn’t win will have better luck this Spring ^^
How to get your price ?
Contact me ( @pokeamifeatherstar ) by private message on Tumblr so we can discuss what you want as drawing from @draniae-blog You have until February 25 to contact me, after this deadline we will draw another winner among the rest of the participants.
We need a clear reference of your character (or the one you want “us” to draw) or a detailed description of it. /!\ Warning /!\ : Please do not ask for mecha (Ex: Transformer, Gundam, ect) or anything related to s*x Thank you ^^
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
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(The 4th place lineart will be in the same style of the 5th one, I just don’t have exemple of it)
draw on January 25, 2021
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Day 24: Making up Afterwards
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Day 23: Arguing
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“This is all YOUR fault!”
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Day 22: In battle, Side by Side
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I got your back!
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kaithzheartlight · 3 years
Day 18: Playing Twister
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Ink is clearly at an advantage at the moment, but Error is determined to win
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
That happen on mine too...
twitter broke for awhile and when it came back it deleted like half of Pigment’s Pride and god knows what else in the mean time
im glad i post stuff everywhere but dude….even some of the comments are gone i liked those
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
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Eyyyyyy! It’s the raffle guys! Be sure to read the rules before entering. You can participate in those 3 platform but can only win in 1 of them. It’s like increasing your chances to win. DEADLINE: 26 SEPTEMBER 2020!!! DON’T FORGET THE PASSWORD! The winner will be announced around 3 days after the raffle. Thanks for considering joining my first art raffle and checking my artworks ^w^
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
?!? I want to see your Account!
This is really important ! Listen everyone, I need you all to read this please.
Hello everyone, it’s been years that I am on Tumblr, precisely, I have to tell you about something important even if you don’t care, at least I say it here in this post :
I think I’m going to erase this account and start all over again, because a lot of thing I don’t really like about my own account and I thought to myself that maybe I will have to start all over.
I remember everything I experienced in this platform, There was some positive but at the same time a lot of negativity unfortunately. I don’t really intend to uninstall the app, but save for the day when I start publishing my drawings and maybe even my Undertale AU’s project. (Yes i say maybe) If you want to follow me and you are really interested in my project and my drawings, please follow me on my instagram, its Ursulaart395
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This is the one and only platform to which I publish my drawings and my project at the moment, I thank you for understanding my decision and I sincerely hope to see you again on Instagram … Maybe even on Twitter ? We will see
To also say that I decided to make changes to my Ocs (I’m not really sure you remember that I have Ocs and even a project but hey, at least I’m telling you)
So it’s completely normal if you see on my Instagram account that I have made a lot of changes about my Oc’s And that I decided to start my project over. Thank you very much for sharing this information so that all my followers and anyone I know can find out.
Thank you for reading and share this please ! Also, if I come back to Tumblr with a new account and send you a message (to people I know) it will be me, that’s it. ^^
@maria-ster​ @marco95z​ @undermemory​ @bananopumpko​ @drawbymonnin​
@drawbymonnin​ @amaryllisarch​ @sansmariez​ @devogamer​ @ruannu​ @valuvrblog​ @valuvr03​ @our-exetale-oficial​ @kittanimo​ @primordialchaos13​ @kuseni-chalcephire​ @xianzemarville​ @swaggness​ @yunayin35​ @artyvanimate05​ @illisanstale​ @gaomonxx​ @wolfynomsstrawberriesramen​ @delphi-almage​ @axellesanblog​ @blobtheartist​ @thebigjuju​ @babeydonut​ and many people i know i guess ?
Thank you so much for reading this !
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
That Voice of Error is pretty good, and I can't stop laughing XD
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the artist that made this awesome comic is @lastseekersrefuge​​ go check them out and show them some love^^
Link to the comic: https://lastseekersrefuge.tumblr.com/post/624468470189408256/i-cant-explain-it
Voice Actors Error was Voiced by me @mramazingva​
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
Your welcome! ^^
Oh thank you! ^w^
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I decide to draw @creepypso 's Error with mine.
And I don't know about this... Though I don't know if the wings looks good.
Anyway, here's LH!Error and WoW!Error or Demon!Error
Oh, and LH!Error just created himself in Wings of War too: WoW!Cosmic or Angel!Cosmic
WoW!Error or Devil!Error is belongs to @creepypso
LH!Error and his version in Wings of War is belongs to me
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kaithzheartlight · 4 years
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I just noticed, that I have posted a lot of the rough sketches, where I designed the characters for Wings of War, beside Errors and Inks! 
So here they are in their full glory~
(And I never thought I would post these colored sketches. Maybe one day I’ll make real ref sheets for all the characters)
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