kaivasita · 7 months
This blog will remain inactive for an unknown period of time
Thanks to tumblr's deal with midjourney, and the fact that social media and posting my art online has been generally awful for my mental health, this account, as well as all my side blogs will remain inactive and left in the state they were last used in (though, I still may reblog the odd post). Don't expect any of my accounts to be active again unless some miracle happens, or when I get a site up for Kaivasita and begin advertising it. If any mutuals don't want to lose contact with me, my Discord is chronomaza. Goodbye, and good riddance to this site if this is really the end.
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kaivasita · 7 months
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They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
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kaivasita · 7 months
I really fucking hate having to say this, but if that AI deal goes through I'm completely gone off this site without warning. Nobody interacts with my art aside from people that already see it on discord, I'm constantly shown things that make me upset or anxious, and it's been this way my entire time on this site, and all this has made me realize how little I've been enjoying social media as a whole. It's the main thing that's been tanking my mental health and honest to god I'm sick of it and the responsibility that comes with it and the net zero interaction I CONSISTENTLY have been getting on anything I care about since I joined twitter in 2018. All social media has ever done for me is traumatize, disappoint, and worry me and I've reached my absolute limit with it.
If anyone wants to keep in contact with me for whatever reason my discord is Chronomaza, because there's a good chance all my accounts could be gone by next week, because I've been looking for an excuse to quit social media as a whole and this has been looking like a damn good one.
Also! Any advice on how to completely purge everything I've ever posted for when the time comes would be nice because I'm not about to tediously go through every fucking one of my blogs and nightshade everything- that's too much effort for something I don't give two flying fucks about anymore.
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kaivasita · 7 months
I just finished (after an embarrassingly long time) making a discord server for Kaivasita! Future updates for the book series will be posted in here!
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kaivasita · 7 months
Book 2 update:
There is now zombies
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kaivasita · 7 months
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Found this weird textbook in the back of the local library, decided to scan a few pages of it. I have no idea what this could possibly be for. (highly recommend zooming in, there's a lot of small text!)
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kaivasita · 8 months
Book 2 update!
I've been writing a little bit more lately, so here's the latest changes I've done summarized
Finally finished chapter 22 after literally forever
A character now suffers for longer and slightly more impact-fully
Poor Ryker is finally described having his change of clothes
Albin now has a diagnosed eyesight issue
Finally wrote the reveal for the first of the big spoilers
Zero gets to suffer more
Slight design tweak to a certain "special" place and it's inhabitants :)
The cause of the power outage in chapter 23 is now more reasonable
"Red herrings"
Also! Bonus, other changes I've made to the series as I worldbuild more, especially for book 3:
A long scrapped character has been reused and completely reworked. Please look forward to seeing a character named Chip! They no longer get to be happy.
Redesigned a sophont a bit
Got some ideas from me and my friend's scape and run parasites session the past few days that have definitely inspired some scenes for book 3, as well as... other things ;)c
Something Big now has a proper design
Something that Neowise gains later on now has a proper design
Yeehaw added
Removed herobrine
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kaivasita · 8 months
heya! I’m new to your blog!
Tell me everything about your original characters or I will spontaneously combust like a spoon in a double microwave.
it's a LOT of worldbuilding since Kaivasita IS majorly a worldbuilding project, so it's a bit too much for me to fully summarize but basically:
Everything takes place in another multiverse in the very far future, and the main protagonists (Ryan, Ellie and Albin) are all members of a heavily convergently evolved human like species (minus Albin since he's a nephil, (human angel hybrid)) and everything's going swell until an angel breaks into their house late at night and threatens to kill Albin and takes their dad. This forces everyone to leave the house and unknowingly become tied into a massive cataclysmic event going on across the entire multiverse (even if you don't see much of it yet), and the rest of the narrative sorta focuses on the horrific consequences such a massive event has on individual people. Oh and when things couldn't get any worse, they end up accidentally unleashing a soul eating shapeshifter into their universe called Neowise- who is a personal favourite of mine. He's a little eldritch bastard who destroys universes and cheats at videogames. I love him :3
I'd ramble more but a lot of the stuff with my characters in particular is already written down in my book and I'd rather people read it and discover a lot of it themselves- or it's a spoiler for a future book in the series and I can't say anything about it yet. There's unfortunately not a ton I can talk about openly; Kaivasita is big project with a lot of incredibly complex plot twists set up :')
I WILL say though it's very heavy on the horror side of things, so be warned. It also has a lot of spec bio elements with it's world building since I'm an absolute nerd, if that's your thing anyways. If you have any specific things you'd like to ask about literally any of my characters I'd be happy to tell you more it's just that "tell me about your ocs!" doesn't narrow it down because I have literally over 200 of them, half of which I could write two pages of info dump about LMAO. Thank you for asking it means a lot!! ^^
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kaivasita · 8 months
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In the bowels of a bloodbath
Been having a LOT of fun experimenting with my artstyle lately- and creature design! Here's a new character that I haven't shown off on here yet and (a very fucking frightened) Albin hiding from a Raviion
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kaivasita · 9 months
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Some asshole idk
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kaivasita · 9 months
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Character appears in @kaivasita in the second upcoming book of the series!
You can read the first book now! It's really good!!!
FL Messiah and Kaivasita belongs to Chronomaza
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kaivasita · 9 months
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kaivasita · 9 months
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It ain't pretty, but it's not pretty.
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kaivasita · 9 months
Remember folks! None of the illustrations are final- not because they're early versions or anything like that, but because I'm just indecisive and have a habit of forgetting mildly major details. Like the layer that actually makes the composition look good, for instance
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kaivasita · 9 months
Updated the book 2 logo to reflect my improvement in graphic design, the font change, and also to remedy the quite honestly bizarre decision of mine to forego the consistency between logos?? Either way, massive improvement. Glitter, go!
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kaivasita · 9 months
Book 2 update!
Main font (the one used for the title graphic and the chapter names) has been changed to one that's more legible and actually aligns properly (Have also noticed that the name of said font only happens to include the letters that aligned properly with each other.)
Renamed two characters- one being a throwaway character that only appears in one chapter and calls Albin a (FAKE, NOT REAL LIFE) slur because I actually really like the name and want to use it for a... nicer, character.
The word "Hell" is now used in moderation
Reduced use of 'Desolate', 'suddenly', and 'unfortunately' hopefully for the last time
Fixed the image formatting issues in chapter 17
Some extra, juicy worldbuilding!
Fixed The Plot Hole
Finally found a home for that poor orphan(ed plot point)
Fused a short, redundant chapter with what is now chapter 16
Made chapter 16 a reasonable length by removing two whole pages of dialog that only existed because there was a point in the plot where there wasn't chapters from Ellie and Ryan's perspectives and I needed to explain what they were doing while off screen. But everything said there is shown now, or better explained in earlier dialog, so.
Actually fucking wrote a new chapter for once instead of just fixing something outdated again
More pasta spoiler* foreshadowing
Fixed the image formatting issues in chapter 17, again.
*Joke term for a certain incredibly major spoiler in Kaivasita that's foreshadowed throughout the first arc and revealed in book 3. It completely re-contextualizes the entire narrative in a horrifying way. In other words, you're being fucked with. Hard. As for why it's called that- one of my friends asked if Neowise would like character shaped pasta or not, and somehow, by some wild streak of motherfuckery, I couldn't answer it because it very lightly touches onto the spoiler. It's just that all encompassing of a spoiler.
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kaivasita · 9 months
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Another year, yet another Neowise added to this drawing- actually on new year's this time!. I still cant get over how utterly GAY I made him look here
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