kalatidha · 5 years
it still pains me somehow
you know, to see that you’re fine.
and leaving me struggling to get my peace of mind back
without having any chance to curse you in 5 different languages in front of your face.
but i won’t beg.
i won’t beg for answers.
i won’t beg for chance to curse you.
i won’t beg for your time.
nor your understanding.
i won’t beg for anything.
no more.
from now on, i’m gonna try to be soaring solo.
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kalatidha · 6 years
Do our cat really love us?
Do WE love ourselves? Or we just love the idea of loving ourselves?
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kalatidha · 6 years
Tuhan sedang apa ya?
Maybe smoking, you know, while watching us destroying ourselves.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Wise Words of Today
Don’t put too much meanings in words. The idea that matters.
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kalatidha · 7 years
I know this world is a scary place. Come with me and we’ll be terrified together.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.
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kalatidha · 7 years
I just found out how dangerous loneliness is. It’s addictive. Once you understand how peaceful it is, you don’t want to deal with people anymore.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Words to Live By
“Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.” –Jim Rohn
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kalatidha · 7 years
The Problem With Special Snowflake
I just found out that something can be rare, but uninteresting, because of how common its rarity is.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Beyond Infinity
I used to refuse to watch any debate between climate-change deniers and any sane person on earth. I didn’t want to see the reality, I guess. I didn’t want to see how stupid a human being can be. I mean, I still wanted to believe that none of us can be that bad.
But then the “mightiest” nation on earth was withdrawing from Paris Accord.
So I decided to watch those abomination videos and I can’t help but being awed by how ignorant and stupid a human can be. I guess it’s true then, there are two absolute infinities that we, mankind, know: the universe and human’s stupidity.
#americafirst #earthlast
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kalatidha · 7 years
Life Can Be Paradoxical That Way
There were so many things that I thought I would be that I'm not. And there were so many things that I thought I wouldn't be that I surprisingly am. It's both sad and... uh, exciting at the same time.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Double Standard
I hear it all the time, “follow your dreams, listen to your heart.”
Well, what if my dream is to inherit some obscene amounts of wealth? What if my heart tells me to rob a bank for living? What if all I want to do in this life is to dodge taxes, pull off elaborate heists, and spend my nights in wild displays of debauchery? What then?
It’s a double standard, really. It’s more like, “follow your dreams... as long as your dream falls within pre-determined range that was decided by other people.”
ps : do you know that a simple sentence like “you’re not talented enough” can scar a person for life, like, it’ll make them believe that they’re indeed not talented enough for the rest of their life? And then, there will be a pent-up resentment in their heart that they won’t be able to tell anyone. And all that they can do is doing some strange wailing and going to some weird places in their head to escape.
...not that I know that kind of person personally, of course.
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kalatidha · 7 years
me after playing the most fucked up shoot ‘em up game
So long story short, I’m a severed head from a dog house in Japan and was sent to United States to save everyone... by killing everyone. Jeez, where did this guy learn how to save a country? The United States?
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kalatidha · 7 years
Is La La Land a Happy Ending?
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Well, depends on how you see it. But if I may say, then yes, it’s a happy ending. The film is a love letter for those who dream to begin with after all. It’s a love letter for the city that gives people dream. And it’s a love letter for the dream itself.
La La Land is not a love story; it’s a story about love. A love for dreams, a love for passions, and a love for the way you see the world. Mia and Sebastian managed to make their dreams come true. What could they ask for more? Yes, they could ask for different scenario where all is well for them. But is that what they really want?
Anyway, I really like the movie.
...although I still like Whiplash more. In my defense, La La Land didn’t give me teeth-gritting tense like Whiplash did to me. Whiplash didn’t have any action scene, god heaven’s no; but it gave the audience the sense of urgency to care about the main character. La La Land doesn’t have that compelling characters. A passionate pianist who tries to protect what he loves the most with such passion and an aspiring actress who steps on ragged path to make her childhood dream comes true; interesting, but not that compelling to me. Without its musical numbers, dare I say that La La Land is just a good movie. 
But La La Land’s production value is no joke. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling did a very good job; but that’s not surprising, yes? It’s Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling after all. The scoring and soundtrack are amazing. The movie is very well-shot and every frames is very well-thought and pretty. I really, really love it.
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kalatidha · 7 years
When your heart breaks, you’ll forget how to breathe. At first you’ll feel too much and then, you’ll be in denial. Then you’ll feel emptiness. But it gets better eventually. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes years. You’ll remember how to stand and you’ll heal.
However, when you break a heart, you can’t be careful about it. No matter how much you don’t want the person you loved to be in pain, you can’t make it hurt any less. I’d say breaking someone’s heart scars you just as much as having your heart broken. Will the wound heal? I’m not sure. Because mine hasn’t.
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kalatidha · 7 years
Arrival (2016)
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I really love Arrival
The movie was smart, witty, and very beautiful looking. The music scoring was terrific and the actors did a very great job; Amy Adams was very talented and enchanting like always and Jeremy Renner was cheeky and, yet, very well-liked and Forest Whitaker... well, he’s Forest Whitaker; he’s always good.
It was the first time I watched a sci-fi movie that approached from linguistic-perspective. It was a smart and sophisticated sci-fi movie that asked about some big questions and did its best to answer them. There weren’t many action scenes in the movie, but it still managed to make me sitting at the edge of my chair with anticipation.
One of many things that hooked me was the music score. I always love music score that... I’m not sure how to describe it, but sometimes I didn’t quite like a music-score that  overdid the orchestra and didn’t gave the audience some silence to comprehend the situation. Am I making any sense? Anyway... Arrival’s scoring was really great. It wasn’t over-the-top, it was perfectly right.
And I love Jeremy Renner’s character. Well, I love Jeremy Renner in general, so... yeah. I’m not even sure why. I think it’s because he has this second-lead aura... you know, the kind of actor who seems more fit as a side-kick, not the hero. I mean, I don’t mean to insult because it takes talent to be able to play a side-kick. And I always love that kind of character because most of the time, second-lead is much more human and relatable than the main lead.
But I digress.
So to conclude everything, I think Arrival is a really terrific movie. Great production value, great acting, great premise, great everything. But I think those who expect an alien-versus-humanity kind of movie will be disappointed with this movie. So... yeah.
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kalatidha · 7 years
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Everybody has their own Robin - the person you love very much, but you cannot be with. And whoever you’ll meet, whatever you’ll do, nothing will be like it would be with Robin.
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