kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Halo Amour Research
They have used of the structure of a human body and then they have changed them by enlarging the body to 8ft tall. They have also buffed the size up.  I have photos below to show the comparison between Halo 5 and Halo: combat evolved.
  The suits from Halo 5 have inspired to come up with my own separate elements of armour design that can be linked together. The armour from a character called the Warden Iternal has made me come up with my own markings on my fore arm amour. The marks on the Warden that look like laser streaks gave me an idea to give my design an even more modernised/futuristic look to it. 
In the game aluminium is one of the many layers of different metals they have used in the armour. I have purposely used aluminium to make you feel like you are in the game. I have also tried to create something inspired from the game to make it lifelike as possible. 
This leads me onto a character in Captain America: The Winter Solider, my inspiration is from the character named the winter solider his actual name is Bucky Barnes. 
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These screenshots are of a character called Bucky Barnes who is in Captain America. I have got screenshots of him because of his metal arm.
this initial research of futuristic armour has led me onto applying amour to buildings. the moving parts and flexibility of the metal armoury have given me ideas for shape and form of the buildings. for instance, the middle picture above, influenced the triangular pieces in my building design. 
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Halo Development
Here is a experimental Architectural piece, my main inspiration was from and Xbox game called Halo 5: Guardians which is a futuristic alien war game. This design is just an idea, half way through my process i experimented on how you could make the buildings look like they are floating. So i just used the pencil tool and cut when i wanted it so the building was floating in mid air.   Here is some inspiration from Halo 5:Guardians requiem which influenced me to create my sketch up design at the bottom of the page...
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Architen Research
Architen are a company who work with tensile strength in there architecture, they specialise in structural membraine design to create tensile fabric structures. I have chosen this company for one of my artists research becuase they are a very modern day design company. They are very modern becuase of the very strong stretchable structures they design for example in the picture below.
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I find this piece of architecture interesting becuase it may be an awning but it has a very sculptural web design within the structure, it has an arched frame and been cleverly designed so it balances to the point at the top of the arch.
It has a very summer and beachy vibe to it, also becuase of how the buildings underneath are designed the buildings are almost like beach huts. The capacity of this design is very strong becuase of how it has stretched and how much capacity it can take. The tensile design has been pulled and has been tightened so much it would be able to withstand a rain storm.
The only problem with this design is how flammable it could be and how much health and safty has been put into this design becuase some materials that are tensile strentch can be very flammable.
It has inspired me to create my own tensile designs and large arched shapes, i will take some ideas from some of Architen’s designs but put a more futuristic style to it. So i might create a very arched design made out of pure glass with a metal webbed frame. The only problem with my idea is that it would be a very fragile design. So overall i have already got alot of inspiration from just this one design and now i can start to experiment with very large or small arched designs.
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Renzo Piano
Renzo Piano is an Italian architect and engineer he has designed many impressive buildings such as the Shard in london, aslo the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City and many more. One of my favourite designs he has done is the the Shard becuase of how it is so modern in its design. It is modern becuase of how the strucutre itself is made out of pure glass. The Shard is a 95-storey skyscraper, it is also 306 metres high.
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When i look at this image the Shard looks like the most futuristic structure in the city, it has inpsired me to create my own very tall and jagged structures. In my designs i will experiment with pymarid shapes and how i far i can go with my designs. Also to create structures with a continues layer to it so theres no finish but i also will experiment with loads of other materials and not just glass, such as carbon fibre, plastics etc. The shard is a very complex design and one of the most impressive things about this design is how well balanced it is. What i love about the Shard is the skin becuase it dosent stop, so the glass has no closing point to it at the top of the structure and that is why its called the Shard becuase is like broken glass. It is different to loads of other buildings becuase many other buildings always have an en point and there to perfect.
also to create structures with a continues layer to it so theres no finish but i also will experiment with loads of other materials and not just glass, such as carbon fibre, plastics etc.
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Dolce and Gabbana Research
Dolce and Gabbana are an Italian fashion house they have a very classy look but also very experimental in there designs. Dolce and Gabbana bring different fashion cultures from around the world and collide them together. They do this to create something thats wierd but also designed in a way so it appeals to others. One of the designs that appears to me is this hoodie below…
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I like this hoodie becuase its has a very classy print on it with white leaves and a black background. I think its a very classy design but aslo up to date design becuase its black and white and simple but then the person wearing it is very modern. So it is very cleverly mixed between old and modern day. I also like how the leaves arnt perfect shape and how they are all slightly different. It is a very complicated design to explain. This hoodie is very strong becuase of the contrast between the black and the white and there is a camouflage theme to it. It has inspired me to create something thats got a twist of old fashioned in it but then mixed with very futuristic designs. What i mean by futuristic is very Sci/FI and designs that are inspired from Halo 5:Gaurdians which is a first person-shooter and a action Sci/Fi fighting game.
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Giorgio Aramani Research
Giorgio Aramani is an Italian fashion house who design, manufactures and distrabutes and retails haute couture, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes etc.One of there designs that appeals to me is this suit below…
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I like this particular design becuase its a nicely tight fitted design that has with it a very sharp shoulder design. Also how its very classy but also so its not to plain they have an inner silked jacket that has a repeated dotted pattern to it. This is to catch your eye more but also so its not a plain black suit. It is cleverly designed to the outline shape of the human body what i mean by this is it goes into the waste and out again. So its not just a straight design, its fitted to the waste line. If you look closely into this suit design on the suit there is a nice silky texture to it and in the suit you can the the weaving which makes it look more intersting. This will inspire me to create a very smart design but with a twist of bold colour in it, to create something smart but also something that will really catch your eye. I really want to collide old with smart with modern day fashion and i will do this by experimenting in workshops and i will start off with screenpriniting.
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Zaha Hadid Research
Zaha Hadid is a modern day architect who is most famous for the Heydar Aliyev Center in Azerbaijan. My favourite pice of architecture that she has designed is the Innovation Tower here below…
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I really like this piece of architecture becuase its very futuristic with the sharp streaks of gass and the smooth areo dynamic design. Its areo dynamic becuase fo the smooth curves that go all the way aroudn the building The building has a very specific shape to it wich is very interesing becuase then itself is very unique. It has been very cleverly designed becuase if you look at the building on the right of the picture where its leaned to one side its well balanced out. It has inspired me to create a design that has a polygon shape to it. Also something that is leaning to one side but so its balanced out at the same time so it dosent collapse.
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kalaumcrouch · 7 years
Roberto Cavalli Research
Roberto Cavalli is is an Italian fashion designer and inventor. He is known for exotic prints and for creating the sand-blasted look for jeans. He is also the founder of the high-end Italian fashion house. One of my favourite designs he has done is below…
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I like and find this design interesting becuase its a huge but nicely fitted jacket. Its very eye catching becuase of the contrast between the jacket itself which is white to the black dots. Its combinded with a slightly old western vibe with the wood coloured shirt. Then it matches a nice but loose, small neck scarf which has a scratched wood colour to it. The combination of all the clothing is very interesting becuase it starts out with a very bright jacket but then it fades gradually to black jeans. This has inspired me to create something that is more risky but has an interesting twist to it. I will experiment more with contrast in my designs with a combination of gradients and interesting textures, combining fitted clothing with small loose pieces of clothing. This is a FAKE FURE jacket.
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