kaldfar-a · 5 years
MOVING TO @kaldfar
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
i think im gonna.  refresh and reset w agnarr.  will let you know when the new blog is done
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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hi, hello, yes i am alive and yes this blog is still....semi-active ??  i should really rewatch frozen sometime to get the muse back sakdkjfhsgj
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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okay so.  i’m having technical difficulties big time rn.  consider this my hiatus notice except for mobile.  dunno how long it’s gonna last tho.  I won’t even have photoshop so I can’t even reblog my commission post, so i’ll be gone for a while.  you can add me on discord a stylus.#6659
i’m really sorry guys
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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i’m not feeling it today scoob so.  catch me lurking for the most part
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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tag fix
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
uhhhhh hoppin 2 mobile rn but fyi i have jury duty tomorrow and may be on after i get home or i might not hut i will be MIA all day bc i can’t take any electronics with me
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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PILOTED by silas.  est. APRIL of 2017.   promo credit @dracomaleficis
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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i’m gonna hop off to take a shower real quick but also i won’t be around tomorrow because i have jury duty >:(
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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i’m getting so unbelievably annoyed, why is it so hard to find manga caps to make icons from
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
Dallas’ Holiday Gift Raffle
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Hello, lovely snowflakes!! It’s that wonderful time of the year! A season of sharing gifts and reminding those you love just how much they mean to you. And, I want to give a reminder to all of you how much YOU mean to ME. So, I’m here to spread that special holiday magic, no matter what you may celebrate at this time of year!
For three lucky winners, I’ll send out a special gift just for you! It can be whatever you like. Is there a certain Etsy item you’ve been eyeing? Maybe a little collectible you’ve been wanting, but haven’t been able to get yet? Whatever it may be, I’ll send it as a gift! The cap for said gift is within $20, not including shipping. So, it can be more than one item if you’d like, so long as the total remains within that $20!!
That said, you MUST be willing to give me either your address or your email. I understand asking for such information can be a touchy subject for people, so if an address is too much to ask, I’ll be more than happy to send a gift card by email, or other forms of gifting instead!
There’s no tiers, no super special hoops to jump through to participate. Just a few rules to follow:
You MUST be following me to be entered! And, please don’t follow just to get the prize and leave. That would make me very sad, and no very holiday spirit of you. 
Be sure to give this post a like and a reblog! Each one counts as a ‘ticket’ into the raffle.
You can reblog multiple times to increase your chances, but the most ‘tickets’ per person is 5! One (1) like and four (4) reblogs.
It can only be done on only ONE (1) blog. So, if you have multiple blogs, you cannot like and reblog on all blogs.
For my followers outside of the USA, I’m sorry, but I will not be able to send gifts out to you. ;; I wish I could! But, between high shipping costs and other factors, I am unable to do so. However! If you’re willing to work with other ways of gifting, ie. graphics, commissioned art pieces, etc. then I can do that instead!
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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positivity for kaldfar : I wanna send some love for @kaldfar, who I’ve only known a few days but love to bits already! Such a warm and nice person who portrays Agnarr 10/10, would die for mun and muse no questions asked. Hey buddy!
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
im sick and my mom is bitching about me being told to go to urgent care so >:(
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
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this is a functioning app
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kaldfar-a · 5 years
Frozen 2 Lyric Starters
All is Found
“Where the Northwind meets the sea, there’s a river full of memory.”
“Sleep my darling, safe and sound.”
“Dive down deep into her sound, but not to far or you’ll be drowned.”
“In her song a magic flows.”
“Can you brave what you most fear?”
“Come my darling, homeward bound.”
Something Never Change
“The wind blows a little bit colder.”
“That’s why I rely on certain certainties.”
“Somethings never change, like the feel of your hand in mine.”
“We get along just fine!”
“Are you telling me that tonight you’re gonna get down on one knee?”
“Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me.”
“Somethings never change, like the love that I feel for her.”
“I’m not sure I want things to change at all.”
“I’m holding on tight to you.”
Into the Unknown
“But I won’t.”
“Some look for trouble while others don’t.”
“Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls.”
“I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new.”
“I’m afraid of what I’m risking if I follow you into the unknown.”
“You’ve been keeping me awake.”
“Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?”
“Everyday’s a little harder as a feel my power grow.”
“Don’t you know there’s part of me that longs to go into the unknown?!”
“Don’t leave me alone!”
When I’m Older
“What was that?”
“This will all make sense when I am older.”
“Someday I will see that this makes sense.”
“I’ll look back and realize that these were all perfectly normal events.”
“Why are we in this dark enchanted woods?”
“Growing up means adapting.”
“When you’re older, absolutely everything makes sense!”
Lost in the Woods
“I’m left behind, wondering if I should follow.”
“Of course it’s always fine.”
“Is this what it feels like to be growing apart?”
“I am lost in the woods.”
“I never thought it was a question of whether.”
“Who am I if I’m not your guy? Where am I if we’re not together?”
“You’re my true North.”
“I’ll wait for a sign that I’m your path, ‘cause you are mine.”
Show Yourself
“Something is familiar like a dream I can reach but not quite hold.”
“I have always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside.”
“You don’t have to hide.”
“All my life I’ve been torn.”
“Could it be the reason I was born?”
“I have always been so different.”
“Show yourself!”
“I’ve come so far.”
“You are the answer I’ve waited for all of my life.”
“Open your door.”
“I am found!”
“Grow yourself into something new.”
Next Right Thing
“I’ve seen dark before, but not like this.”
“The life I knew is over, the lights are out.”
“Hello darkness, I am ready to succumb.”
“This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down.”
“You are lost, hope is gone, but you must go on.”
“Do the next right thing.”
“It’s clear that everything will never be the same again?”
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