kalealiftsph · 3 years
Guide To Elevator Etiquette
Most people realize that every environment- be it’s a restaurant, workplace or a cab has its own set of rules to be followed. These rules ensure that everyone stays comfortable and safe. One of such common devices is the Elevator. It is used to get you from one floor of the building to the other quickly and conveniently. But sometimes this convenient ride can become the worst couple of minutes of your life. Some people don’t follow basic elevator etiquette and make a simple elevator ride into a nightmare. If you don’t want to become that person, here are the 10-elevator etiquette you must follow. And if you’re looking for some absolute custom home elevator lifts, then there’s some exclusive information for you towards the end of this writeup.  
Etiquette No. 1 Follow the line: Let the people who arrived first to board the elevator. You might be getting late for your work but never ever cut the line. One should learn to respect the line and wait for your turn patiently.
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Etiquette No. 2 “Two-Flight” rule: Avoid using elevators if you are going one or two flights up or down. Unless you are disabled, elderly or carrying something heavy, consider taking the stairs.
Etiquette No. 3 Don’t Block the doors: Before getting in the elevator wait for the people inside to exit first. Do not bump on everyone that comes your way. Give space to the people to get down.
Etiquette No. 4 Hold the doors: There is a lot of debate about holding the doors of the elevators. Following are some sets of rules for holding the door:
●     If you are alone, it’s good to hold the doors for the person approaching the elevator. However, never hold it for your friends who have gone to get a coffee or to the restroom.
●     If the elevator is full, you should avoid holding its door as by doing so you will be delaying everyone.
Etiquette No. 5 Never Press the wrong buttons: Avoid pressing the wrong buttons under all circumstances. Unlike keyboards, there is no turning back if you accidentally pushed the wrong button.
Etiquette No. 6 Maintain Proxemics: It is the study of human behaviour in relation to public and private space.  Elevator is a public space, but we still have our own private spaces and that should be respected by everybody. So, instead of looking at the eyes or faces of everyone, we should face towards the door of the elevator.
Etiquette No. 7 Avoid odours: While riding an elevator good hygiene must be practiced by everyone. What is fragrant to you may not be for other people. So, avoid using anything with a strong smell inside the elevators.
Etiquette No. 8 No phone calls: Talking on a mobile phone in the elevator will just annoy the passengers. Nobody wants to hear your conversation be it personal or business. So, end the phone call before entering the elevator.
Etiquette No. 9 Speak delicately: This is one of the biggest issues with elevator etiquette is whether someone should make small talk or not. Most of us hesitate in engaging ourselves in conversations while in an elevator. However, if you want to speak to someone, keep the conversation light.
Etiquette No. 10 Exit Quickly: Once you reach your floor, get out as soon as possible so that those waiting to board can do so. However, do not squeeze or shove or knock people over in the process.
There are many elevator companies in the Philippines available. However, if you are looking for best custom home elevator lifts, then your search ends with Kalea Lifts. We are one of the leading elevator companies Philippines and provide the best custom home elevator lifts. Click here to know more.
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kalealiftsph · 3 years
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Get the best assistance with classic lifts by Kalea lifts in Philippines. They offer one of the most chic and safe screw driven elevators for home at a very affordable price range.
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kalealiftsph · 3 years
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If you are looking for home elevator Philippines, Kalea lifts has the best options for you. Right from safety to affordability, it is the one stop solution for your lift needs.
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kalealiftsph · 3 years
Home elevators are one of the modern additions to multi storey houses these days. Get in touch with Kalea lifts and get the best assistance with home lifts in Philippines.
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