kalidesorcy · 6 years
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Attendance Cards set 1
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kalidesorcy · 6 years
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Attendance Cards set 1
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kalidesorcy · 6 years
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Attendance cards set 2
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kalidesorcy · 6 years
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Attendance Cards set 1
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
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Radial and Dilatational Grids
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
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Going from Top left to right, then bottom left to right:
1. Edriel Collazo- a dilatational grid that involved many circles, creating a complicated path for the type to follow.
2. A lot more of a simple design, the text follows the path of 3 circles.
3. The grid is basically made out for you, but the many circles in the grid overlap.
4. Edriel Collazo- The radial grid shows that some lines of text will overlap, but not all of them will.
5. Likewise for this one, not all the lines of text will overlap although they seem to be in groups of about 2 lines.
6. The radial paths in this last design seem to form a sprial in the center of the composition.
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
Axial Grids
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As you can see, I’ve organized the axial grid compositions I’ve found in a separate Jpeg in order to see with more clarification the way that the grid is organized. In A, one can see that the axial grid is very simple, with the axis placed on the far right and a majority of the text on one side. B features a diagonal axis with the shape of the text suggesting rectangles. C is similar to A in composition, except features an equal amount of text on both sides. D is our textbook cover! The axis is placed on the left with all of the text on one side and a slanted baseline. E is also similar to A, except with having added (albeit minimal) text on the other side. The arrangement of the text is also a lot more compressed and condensed. F is similar to D in that it has a slanted baseline, however it features text on both sides of the axis. However on the left side, text only appears on the bottom half thus creating asymmetry. G features a grid much like A once again however the entire arrangement of the text is tilted and has created a triangular shape in the bottom left corner of the composition.
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
Violation of Human Rights Sources
Violation of Human Rights Sources:
Amiri, Rina, et al. “Transition Within Tradition: Women's Participation in Restoring Afghanistan.” SpringerLink, Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers, link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B%3ASERS.0000046612.13353.0f.
Mashriqi , Khalida. “WOMEN’S ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN AFGHANISTAN: A QUALITATIVE PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY .” Proquest, search.proquest.com/docview/1372006132. 
Brodsky, Anne E, et al. “BEYOND (THE ABCs): Education, Community, and Feminism in Afghanistan.”Journal of Community Psychology, 1 Jan. 2012, pp. 159–181.
Fleming, Caroline B. "Even in Dreams, They Are Coming: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Education of Women in Afghanistan," William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law vol. 11, no. 3 (Spring 2005): p. 597-618.
Emadi, H. (2015). WOMEN IN THE POST-TALIBAN AFGHANISTAN: DIALECTICS OF OPPRESSION AND TOKEN RECOGNITION. Race, Gender & Class, 22(3), 244-259. Retrieved from https://ezproxy.lib.uwm.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.lib.uwm.edu/docview/1842827818?accountid=15078 
Kavazanjian, Laura. “Addressing Gender Disparities: An Investigation of Nonformal Education in Afghanistan.” Women’s Policy Journal of Harvard , vol. 7, 2009.
United Nations. “Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women .”Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 30 July 2013.
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
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Homework Assignment #1, Two variants.
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kalidesorcy · 7 years
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Attendance Question 1
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