kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
Final CAS experience reflection
- What did you enjoy most about CAS?
I think I enjoyed a significant portion of my CAS experience. I loved sailing in Greenland and hiking in the mountains for my CAS Activity! Morever, while developing my Creativity I have fallen in love with digital animation and painting! And as for my Service experience, I particularly liked walking the dogs from the shelter and helping our local, school science community by organizing such events as the Science Picnic and the open days! - What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome this?
There were a few of great challenges during my CAS experience. I have especially struggled with my Activity because I have been experiencing medical issues, which caused my activity at the gym to become hindered by constant pain and an increasing inability to exercise. This led to me having to limit my time spent at the gym and focusing on hiking and taking long walks instead. Eventually, I had to undergo a spinal operation at the hospital. After that, my CAS Activity fell to physiotherapy and rehabilitation. However, I am still proud of my Activity achievements in spite of these obstacles!
As for the other CAS strands, I think the greatest challenge in Creativity was persevering and not giving up on animation, even though beginnings are rough, especially for inexperienced, self-taught animators. However, I have managed to keep my passion by switching between various techniques and challenging myself with, for example, learning new drawing programs, 3D reference modeling, complicated camera angles and perspective shifts, adding dramatic shadows, lighting and colour, as well as drawing on new equipment. In CAS service, I have mostly struggled with time allocation for walking dogs at the shelter. I live far from it and have very limited public transport options to get there. I had to learn how to manage my schedule and synchronize it with my parents’ time availability to even be able to provide the service to these poor dogs at the shelter. - What abilities and skills did you develop most significantly in CAS? 
I have undoubtedly learned better time management and collaboration with other students, especially for my Service activities. Moreover, for Creativity, I have learned and improved a lot at digital animation and storyboarding. I started from scratch as a self-learner, and I have learnt how to animate movement, tell a story visually, use more advanced programs, 3D modeling for referencing, more complicated perspective shifts and camera angles, and transitions. Finally, from my Activity, I have learned how to overcome significant challenges due to my medical issues and the operation, and how to persevere through hard times in life, both physical and mental.
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
Signatures and Learning outcomes table:
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.  https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892757397110785/learning-outcomes-and-reflection-what-did-you?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/736764359719763968/learning-outcomes-table?source=share And reflection on my experience with the International Day CAS Project: https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/741479249972723712/cas-project-30012024-reflection-the?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7) I think the Husky and polar-bear situations in Greenland are very unethical and borderline on animal cruelty!!! I was struggling with my choice of action to go there with a captain carrying a hunting rifle, as well as not being able to help all the Husky dogs leashed at the dog fields! https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892548743102464/1207-service?source=share "
We made port and went hiking in a town to resupply. It turns out that in Greenland there is always a lot of Husky dogs in towns and there are entire dog fields covered with doghouses. I think that is extremely unethical and bordering on animal crueltyl!!! The small dogs you can safely play with because they get leashed only once they are 6 months old, and the older ones can be used as guard dogs because some may look really scary from afar. This is also very cruel and unethical in my opinion! Moreover, my captain said that he is experienced with dealing with polar bears in Svalbard and you should always carry a hunting rifle with you there. Once again, I do not know the exact regulations, but I am flabbergasted this is even allowed! There should be other means for sailors available to stay safe away from polar bear used more as warning and a method for scaring them away instead of shooting them!
" Another example is that I have been double-thinking on my choices to learn and help advance nuclear fusion, because this could cause world political imbalance and enhance inequalities. I quote: "I have been struggling lately with the ethical ideology of nuclear fusion. I have heard numerous well-renowed scientists voice their concerns about nuclear fusion becoming available and how it would potentially negatively impact the world political imbalance and enhance inequalities! Moreover, there is the problem of unlimited clean energy bein over-used, negatively impacting the natural environment, or mis-used for military reasons." https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892477932797952/2806-creativity?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6)
I have engaged with the global issue of the need for clean energy, in this case - nuclear fusion. I have undertaken two projects to raise awareness and educate fellow students about the issue. I have prepared a presentation to educate them: https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/698993292891865088/creativity-i-have-created-a-presentation-about?source=share And organized a trip to the ITER fusion reactor in France to teach them and raise awareness about this potential clean source of energy: https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438234855882752/service-20112022?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438234855882752/service-20112022?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
I have worked collaboratively on such service projects as the Science Fair exhibition, and I have learnt a lot about temawork and recognized its benefits, for I would not have been able to prepare the exhibition alone. https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719257659835056128/0606-service?source=share and a similar example - the school's science open days https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438822547013632/service-04022023?source=share Another example is when I was walking dogs for a shelter as part of my service activity, I went with a friend and have discovered that working together and collaboration is beneficial because we are able to help take more dogs at a time for their walks
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4) I have committed to working out at the gym for cas activity. The following links are evidence of my long-term commitment to my perseverance : https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438030105690113/activity-20112022?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/698993604196188160/activity-i-have-almost-upheld-my-goal-of-going-to?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438376306671616/activity-20122022?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892486277332992/2806-activity?source=share Another example is my commitment to learning 2d animation storyboarding and digital drawing. The following links are evidence of my long-term commitment to my perseverance : https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/708438582947430401/creativity-06012023?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719123573208432640/2802-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719124051141033984/2803-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719124123331280896/1204-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/736763761166319616/2810-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/736764038473777152/2811-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/736764239870558208/1212-creativity?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/744805052898738176/1202-creativity-i-have-come-back-to?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3). I have been planning my sailing journey to the Arctic by preparing for it by reading about other sailors' experiences there, how to deal with potential problems, nasty surprises and the quirks of the area, and most importantly - familiarise oneself with the maps, harbours, anchorages, and how to navigate the waters. https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892635944763392/2808-service?source=share And here is evidence of having initialized the trip https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892529780588544/1207-activity?source=share Another example is when I planned and prepared for the service Science Picnic by creating posters for the exhibits https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719257423301459968/2805-service?source=share And here is evidence of having initiated the project https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/719257659835056128/0606-service?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2). I have undertaken the challange of hiking in Greenland and developed skills needed for hiking in places with no signal and no visible trails for hikers, such as for example using Garmin navigation https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892672184582144/1209-activity?source=share I have undertaken the challenge to learn 3d modelling in order to be able to storyboard more complicated perspective shifts of camera angles in 2d animation https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/744804475303329792/2401-creativity-the-3d-modelling-which-i-have?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1). Here I identified my strengths - at the gym, improvement on the treadmill as well on lifting heavier weighs by 5kg https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/728892425130639360/1206-activity?source=share Here I have identified an area for personal growth - storyboarding, more detailed lineart, and storytelling using symbolism. https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/736763918745255936/1211-creativity?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
1. Evidence for completion of CAS project. CAS Project - International Day The following links to posts conclude the evidence of my CAS project: https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/741313095643922432/cas-project-01122023-investigation-my-team?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/741313321500917760/cas-project-14122023-preparation-firstly-we?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/741477788914188288/cas-project-12012024-action-on-the-12th-of?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/kalinakalinakalina/741479249972723712/cas-project-30012024-reflection-the?source=share
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
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24.02 - Service I have been further transcripting the books to computers with the library's program for the disabled people. I have learnt that service and helping other people is dificult to fit in my currently busy schedule, so I have been learning time management due to this. Most importantly, I have concluded that more on-hands service to other people would be more suitable for me, because online service does not bring the same kind of satisfaction and connection to either of the sides.
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
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24.02 - Activity I have been doing rehabilitation! My physiotherapist showed me certain exercises I am allowed to do after the operation. Those exclude, most importantly, turning my upper body in such a way that my spine shifts. Therefore, I am doing mostly exercises including being in straight positions. Moreover, I am training my lower back muscles to strenghten the areas that are at risk from my disks and hoepufully avoid furhter problems in the future!
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
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24.02 - Creativity After having learnt 3D modelling for referencing, and having realized the importance of traditional 2d animation for dramatic lighting and physically impossible movement, I have learnt how to connect both 3D referencing and the 2D effects in storyboarding animtation. On the left is an example of a 2d backgound movement, which is dramatic due to its unique lighting, that would be impossible to acheive in 3d animation. On the right is an example of a perspective shift obtained using 3d model referencing, which would looks a lot more convoluted if it was made only traditionally with 2d animation. Therefore, I am quite satisfied with what I have learnt and the results!
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
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12.02 - Service I have been learning how to add special symbols to the books for disabled people at the library. I was not aware how blind people read such sings. I have discovered that my role is to translate them correctly on a computer level, and they are able to read them on their own from there.
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
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12.02 - Activity I had the operation! I have been learning how to walk again, which is my achievement for the CAS activity this time. I know it is not much, but I literally have not been able to do more. My physiotherapist told me to, for now, take slow strolls accross the hospital corridor. I am now able to do that, which is a great progress when comparing it to the 2 days after the operation when I haven't been able to walk to the toilet due to pain, fatigue, head-spinning, and strong nausea.
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kalinakalinakalina · 7 months
12.02 - Creativity I have come back to traditional 2d animation, because i noticed i have become too enthralled with 3D referencing. I've learnt that is important to remember that 2d animation allows artists to create unique scenes, especially involving unrealistic light/shadows and perspectives, adding to the dramatic effect and the overall experience of the viewer.
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