kalopsic · 3 months
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Nutritional boost
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kalopsic · 3 months
“We wear a smile to hide that we’ve been hurt before.”
— Jacquie Lee, “Broken Ones”
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kalopsic · 3 months
“You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.”
— Unknown
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kalopsic · 2 years
For Aura.
As many of you know, we lost a member of our community here on Tumblr on May 4th, 2022. Aura, who’s name is Hannah, was a caring, loving member of the community, always ready to extend the hand of friendship, to come to us with new ideas and character takes. She was a bright, warm light to everyone who knew her.
Something Aura was passionate about was charities. She was an avid donator to the Edmonton Humane Society and volunteered with multiple drives, including The Stollery Children’s Hospital and The Rainbow Society of Alberta. The latter is an organization that grants wishes to children who have been diagnosed with life threatening and critical illnesses, of which Aura was once a recipient.
Please join us in honouring her memory with a donation to The Rainbow Society.
Thank you so much. Any reblogs, or spreading the link to discord and others, is much obliged. 
Rest in peace, and power, Aura.
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kalopsic · 2 years
{ I’m online on several accounts. hit me up ig }
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kalopsic · 2 years
I think the most painful separation is the one that leaves us hanging around without knowing if we are still part of them or things changed.
Unknown (via surqrised)
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kalopsic · 2 years
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Scorpio sun and Pisces moon female and Pisces sun and Leo moon male
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kalopsic · 2 years
“Why do you fight?”
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She had been standing alone, watching her teammates bicker and spar for only a few moments before a presence came to stand near her. She didn't look to see who, as she was deeply lost in thought about her past and where it had and would lead her.
When he spoke she glanced toward... the leader of... team CLST if she was remembering correctly; Connor wasn't it? She had tried her best to remember everyone's names when the teams were announced. Well, not just names but semblances and fighting styles, weapons and weaknesses. She was of a habit to learn first make friends later, tho she hated it.
"I suppose I've always felt drawn to protect others, like it was my purpose in life. My destiny."
Why else had she suffered so much at such an early age? Why else have such a powerful semblance? Why else be considered for what her teacher and now Ozpin had told her was her duty?
"Why do you?"
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kalopsic · 2 years
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kalopsic · 2 years
“You’re not alone.”
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She looked softly at her childhood best friend as she was filled with the comfort she had been dreaming of since they separated. Years after years all she had wished for was to hear his voice utter those very words.
"Not as long as I have you."
0 notes
kalopsic · 2 years
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His arm fell on her heavily and then she was being squished into him, shocking her out of her feeling of failure. Surprising but certainly not unwelcome, she listened to his words knowing they were all in earnest and sincere. It wasn’t in his nature to lie to her just to make her feel better, something she both loved about him and was unused to after years of untruths in idolatry.  
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She took a steadying breath, settling into the hug and leaning her head to fit the crook of his arm around her. The top of her head fit right under his jaw; they were of similar height with her boots on but when sitting she was shorter and somehow perfectly fit into his arms. He smelled like sweat but she didn’t mind, he also smelled like their laundry detergent and some kind of “cool mountain” deodorant something or other. And something else that was uniquely just him. It was the most relaxed she had been all week, this one moment.  
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“You really believe that?” It wasn’t so much of a question as a statement of dazed relief. She might cry again, now that the surprise had worn off. “You’ll make it there, I have so much faith in you. You could never let me down, Jaune. You know that?”
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She was silent for a moment, trying to get her thoughts in a coherent manner. Despite her habitual unwillingness to open up when things were bothering her, she could tell he knew there was something wrong and he genuinely wanted to fix whatever it was. Through the year they had been paired together he had slowly proven she could trust him, even when it was so incredibly hard to let herself do so. It was getting easier and easier to let him in, she guessed that was something she needed practice to improve. 
“I’m thinking about how I can help you the most. I feel like I’m doing a terrible job as your partner.” Oh light, was she going to cry? Her voice just broke a little as she confessed her current fear to him. “When you get down, I want to help so bad, but no matter what I say all I do is make it worse.”
She bit her lip, focusing on the city lights against the darkened sky. If it had been difficult to look at him before, it was impossible now; she would undoubtedly cry if she did and that was the last thing she wanted to do around him. She began to shake slightly, holding it in was proving difficult even without seeing the way he was most likely looking at her. She all but whispered her next sentence. 
“Please tell me what I can do to help.”
Jaune looked at her incredulously. “You’re doing a terrible job as my partner?”
He was shocked. How in the world could she think that? She, who had given him everything, though he’d done nothing for her in return? He was a leach, and she was goddess that helped him despite having every reason not to.
Jaune scooted closer to his partner, and threw an arm over her shoulders, pulling her into a one armed hug.
“Pyrrha- you’re doing all you can. And that’s a whole lot more than I really deserve. I mean, yeah, it sucks to be so far behind. But. But. Who is is that’s dropped a ladder down into the pit I was in? It was you. I’d still be down there, clawing at the walls if you hadn’t helped me, despite me being a big jerk.”
Now that he thought about it, he’d never talked about the whole blackmailed by that asshole Cardin thing. But she, and the rest of his team had welcomed him back with open arms anyway. “You’re wonderful to me. I… I just have a long way to go, before I’m wear I want to be so I get a little frustrated. Don’t mind it, okay? I’ll get there one day, and when I do, I’ll have you to thank. I’m so grateful for everything you do for me.”
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kalopsic · 2 years
“How do you sleep at night?”
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Was that... Penny's voice? It sounded right next to her but it had to be all in her mind, didn't it? Does it even matter? She wanted to scream out and cry but it was like her body couldn't react.
The answer was she couldn't, nor did she think she ever would be able to again.
She sort of hoped she didn't have to.
After what she did in the tournament, she didn't deserve to.
"I'm.... sorry..." Her throat was too dry to speak aloud in more than a weak whisper. "I'll make it right. I have to try."
Ozpin was right, nothing could prevent her from her destiny and her trying to prolong it did more damage than she ever anticipated it could have. It was her fault. It was her fault.
Everything was...
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kalopsic · 2 years
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
(though off anon is fine too!)
“Is there someone you hold dear?”
“Don’t you feel any guilt?”
“You’re actually afraid to be alone, aren’t you?”
“There must be something you fear.”
“Do you have a home?”
“Is there someone you like?”
“Are you really expecting a positive outcome out of this?”
“Aren’t you ashamed?”
“Aren’t you happy?”
“Who do you despise?”
“How do you sleep at night?”
“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?”
“What do you think of kindness?”
“What do you think of hatred?”
“Why do you fight?”
“Why do you live?”
“How much blood have you spilled?”
“How much death have you seen?”
“Don’t you think your actions are reckless?”
“Don’t you know how much good you’ve done for others?”
“Can’t you tell they love you?”
“Can’t you see (insert name) would die for you?”
“Can’t you see that they hate you?”
“Can’t you tell the truth for once?”
“You’re not tainted.”
“You’re not alone.”
“You’re awful.”
“You don’t think of anyone but yourself.”
“You’re an emotionless robot.”
“You’re just a lap dog.”
“It’s not over.”
“He/she needs you.”
“Stop lying.”
“Stop fighting.”
“Stop pushing others away.”
“You’re cruel.”
“You’re far too kind. Too kind for your own good.”
“You depend on him/her too often.”
“You’re overprotective, it’s stifling.”
“You’re too impulsive, it’s reckless.”
“You’re too careless, it’s a liability.”
“He/she is bringing you down.”
“You’re too timid, it’s easy to see you as a target.”
“You need to listen.”
“You need to speak up more often.”
“You’re weak.”
“You’re strong. Stronger than you’ll ever know.”
“You’re too proud.”
“Quit blaming others for your mistakes.”
“You won’t always be around to save him/her.”
“One day, he/she won’t need you anymore.”
“You can’t cheat death.”
“You can’t hide forever.”
“They’ll find out the truth eventually.”
“That person is only holding you back.”
“They’re too good for you.”
“You’ll be rewarded for your efforts if you keep trying.”
“It will get better.”
“You look lonely.”
“You look bitter.”
“You look tired.”
“You’re hiding a painful burden.”
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“You will always be worthless.”
“Your hands are too dirty, too tainted to be clean.”
“You’re lost in this world. Wandering without a purpose.”
“You’ll rise above them all.”
“You’ll find your place in this world.”
“Eventually, someone will knock you off your pedestal.”
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kalopsic · 2 years
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Scorpio female and Pisces male
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kalopsic · 2 years
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                             Shouko Nishimiya
                A Silent Voice
Independent RP
8 years experience 
Duplicate, OC, and non mutual friendly
AU’s accepted
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kalopsic · 2 years
Touch Starved Prompts
Send one of the following symbols for a starter from my muse where your muse:
👫 - holds my muse’s hand
🤗 - draws my muse in for a hug
😴 - climbs into bed with my muse
🤣 - tickles my muse
🔷️ - tracing shapes on my muse’s skin
💜 - tucks my muse against their chest
☺ - cuddles with my muse
🤲 - cups my muse’s cheek(s)
💆‍♀️ - plays with my muse’s hair
💆‍♂️ - brushes hair from my muse’s face
😶 - nudges my muse
🖐 - rests their hand on my muse’s knee or hip
😿 - rubs my muse’s shoulders or back
😘 - peppers my muse with kisses
👄 - kisses my muse gently
💋 - kisses my muse roughly
😵 - pulls my muse down in a heap
😏 - bites or kisses my muse’s neck
😳 - caresses my muse’s body
👂 - nips or kisses my muse’s ear
Send multiple symbols for a starter with a combination of gestures!
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kalopsic · 2 years
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» Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp Female and Pisces Male
↳ Hailey and Justin Bieber
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