kami-cullen · 8 months
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
— Deepak Chopra
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kami-cullen · 8 months
*kisses you while you're in the middle of infodumping* Sorry, you're just being really sexy right now. Continue.
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kami-cullen · 10 months
Nicky: I want what Neil's on
Andrew: the spectrum?
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kami-cullen · 11 months
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Welcome to Build-a-Frog!
Click here to enter
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kami-cullen · 11 months
hey, do you have any more autistic fox's au's!!!
We’ve scraped up some headcanons and would encourage you to interact with fandom authors and meta posters to share theories about the Foxes on the autism spectrum and possibly generate new content! From previous asks, see autistic monsters, autistic monsters as main story element, andrew on the spectrum, and ‘Foxhole Tidbits Chapter 22: Silent, But Snarky’ here. - A
autistic!neil headcanons by @everythingthatmatters [Tumblr 2019]
- he’s not professionally diagnosed or self-diagnosed. he doesn’t know or even suspect that he’s on the spectrum at first. if his mother knew, she didn’t tell him. not that it would’ve made a difference on the run anyway at the rate he was switching schools and moving towns.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
andrew minyard is autistic hc by @palmett-hoes [Tumblr, 2020]
so why is andrew minyard autistic, you ask? i shall list the ways
tw: implied/referenced abuse
your post for autistic Andrew hc by @palmett-hoes [Tumblr, 2020]
lowkey i just like doing the research and writing meta bc i’m really very different from andrew and all the stuff im writing but andrew is just a character i really really love and i’m so glad that u can see urself in him, esp if this helps in some way 
Andrew with Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD hc by @palmett-hoes [Tumblr, 2020]
so this is another autistic andrew post, about a more specific type of Autistic Experience: Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD, where the brain has difficulty figuring out information coming from the senses and then may make the feelings much stronger or much weaker. it’s a condition very very strongly associated with ASD, and pretty much all autistic people have sensory processing issues to some extent (though autistic people are not the only ones who can have SPD).
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced violence
ADHD Headcanon
adhd andrew minyard hc by @dangerousanddisquieting [Tumblr, 2020]
- his emphasis on how in order for him to listen to you you must catch and keep his attention
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kami-cullen · 2 years
I cant believe the heterosexuals are gone
Theyre gone
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kami-cullen · 2 years
“disability isnt a competition or something you have to Prove is Bad Enough to deserve being taken seriously” and “some people are objectively more or less disabled in certain areas than you are and that isnt an attack on you” are two concepts that yall absolutely MUST allow to coexist. im so tired
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kami-cullen · 2 years
book quotes that i will never recover from
"he is half of my soul, as the poets say. " - song of achilles
"write me a letter telling me how to live the rest of my life without you." - how to make friends with the dark
"they were my birthday presents." - shatter me
"she had realized that she had forgotten the precise blue of his eyes and the depth of his laugh." - clockwork princess
"my name is sam cortland... and i will not be afraid." - assassin's blade
"you chose me four years ago. would you choose me still?" - these violent delights
"we were all supposed to make it." - crooked kingdom
"i remember everything." - the invisible life of addie larue
"come home and shout at me. come home and fight with me. come home and break my heart, if you must. just come home." - cruel prince
"i wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows." - they both die at the end
"you hated the idea of me." - the final gambit
"bob says hello." - house of hades
"abuse can feel like love. starving people will eat anything." - nightfall
"i missed you only with an ocean between us. but if death was separating us... i would find you." - queen of shadows
"i loved him. i love him. as best i could." - we were liars
"i'm the villain, even in my own story. but you were supposed to play a different role." - finale
"i will find you again in the next world—the next life. and we will have that time. i promise." - a court of wings and ruin
"i spent half of my time loving her and the other half hiding how much i loved her." - the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
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kami-cullen · 2 years
Tonight I'm having a breakdown over how much I love Simon Snow and how I'll never be able to tell him so because he's a fictional character
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kami-cullen · 2 years
I need Rainbow to at least make My Rosebud Boy digitally available for the international fans
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kami-cullen · 2 years
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I am deceased.
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kami-cullen · 2 years
Me: *sees gay couple in books*
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kami-cullen · 2 years
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Autistic Headcanons: Peter Parker aka Spiderman from MCU  Please give me credit if you use my gifs. Don’t repost but reblogs welcome!
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kami-cullen · 2 years
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kami-cullen · 2 years
Livvy to Julian
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Dear Julian,
You can see ghosts but you cannot see me. Not when I come to sit by you while you sleep. Not when I am in the movements of the shadows across the lawn, or the twitch of a curtain. You cannot hear me, even though I am speaking to you because I have things I need to tell you. 
I want to tell you about Ty.
He was there. We were there.
You don’t know we were there.
Kit knows.
Let me start over.
You like surprises, Ty says. Ty doesn’t like surprises, but you do.
He is learning Portals, how to open them, how to close them. You need a warlock. But Ty is learning and he is getting better. He wanted to come to see you and Ragnor said he would help.
We wanted to come to see you.
Ty warned Emma, but he told her not to tell you, so it would be a surprise.
So we came through together.
A ghost travels through a Portal just like a Shadowhunter. I didn’t know that. Isn’t that funny?
Well, I thought it was funny.
The Portal opened in the kitchen.
The kitchen looks nice. I am only a spirit caught between the world and the void but I think you chose an excellent shade for the walls. You have always been so good with color.
Other than the color, which was a surprise but not a bad one, there was another surprise in the kitchen. Kit.
Kit was in the kitchen. Wearing that jacket he likes, with the fuzzy collar. The sun came through the window and lit him up.
Everything in Ty froze. Even I almost froze. I’ve seen Kit, of course. I visit him sometimes. Still because I wasn’t expecting him, it hit me how different he looks from the way he did when he lived at the Institute with us. He looks older, and taller. More muscular. He moves like a Shadowhunter now. Graceful.
He’s beautiful.
I heard Ty take a breath like he never has before. Like he was gasping for air, like he’d been sucker-punched and he was trying to breathe and trying to breathe and he couldn’t.
He whispered, “That’s not how you clean a gun.”
Sorry, I should have said before. Kit was cleaning a gun. Why would there be a gun at your house? Blackthorn Hall is like a rock. You turn it over and so many things are underneath. This time a gun was underneath.
Kit went whiter than any ghost I’ve ever seen. He dropped the gun onto the counter. And he didn’t speak. I wonder if he was wondering what I was wondering. I was wondering how Ty knew how to clean a gun. Enough to tell someone they were doing it wrong.
Maybe he just didn’t know what to say, so he said that.
After that they looked at each other.
Time is not fast or slow where I am. And yet it was long enough for me to feel like the whole world was disappearing, like there was nothing else in it except Kit and Ty looking at each other.
Kit said, “You shouldn’t be here.”
He has never spoken to me like that. With such a cold voice. He had put his hands in his pockets and his shoulders were thrust forward, like he was being aggressive, but I could see his hands in his pockets, all knotted up. I wonder if Ty saw it too. Kit’s fingers, digging and digging into themselves.
But Ty wasn’t looking at Kit. He was looking past him at the window. I could hear birds, and quiet English sounds, and Ty breathing. He said, “How long do you think it will take you to forgive me?”
Kit looked at me. He looked a little betrayed, as if somehow I had known he would be here, had planned this. But I didn’t. “I don’t know,” he said.
“But not now,” Ty said in the smallest voice.
“No,” Kit said. “Not now.”
There was no more reason to stay then.
Maybe there was a reason. Maybe it was Kit’s hands crushing in on themselves, till I thought the bones would break like hearts.
But Ty couldn’t see that. Ty was in pain. I put myself next to him, wrapped myself around him, held him while we went back through the Portal. I was sad. I wanted to see you very much, Jules. But Ty needed me to be there with him.
If you dream this, maybe you will know we were there in your house. I am sorry we didn’t stay.
Julian, I don’t know what to do. Ty misses Kit more than he thought he could miss someone. He misses him as much now as he did the day he left. He loves him the same. I think he always will and it scares me.
Kit is used to not needing people, but Ty needs people. He is afraid to need people but that is only because he needs them so much. He is not going to stop needing Kit. I don’t know if Kit will always need Ty. But Ty will always need him.
Irene says hello. I am teaching her to play dead.
I love you.
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kami-cullen · 2 years
He's a 10 but he thinks that means his jersey number
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kami-cullen · 2 years
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‘He just knew he had to hold on for as long as he could.‘
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