kamiemi · 4 years
im aLIVE!!(??)
hello hello!! im sorry for being inactive for several years ack,,, i dont remember how to use tumblr anymore lmao i-- so i've moved to instagram because i shrug dunno- if you guys wanna look at me being more active on social media then im @kamiiemii im really sorry for not saying anything through these past few years- ive had to focus more and what not and i guess ive changed?? l.. im sorry if i worried anyone by this whole absence thing truly im super super super sorry qAq i wont be using tumblr anymore- if any of you want to chat w/ me you can do so on IG, but for the others- i suppose that this is my more,, formal,, goodbye to the tumblr community??????????
i forgot that the paragraph html tag existed.. oucH-
im really sorry to anyone who was worried i hnnnnnnnnnnnnnkcncnk it was probably my part that i felt mixeD feElinG s about my tumblr and how cri ng e(??) i was so i kinda wanted to leave it behind ngl-
i think thats all i wanted to say?? i wanted this to be short but i guess i overdid it ToT
thank you all of you who accepted me into your community,, i enjoyed being part of fandoms i loved, met tons of really cool artists and i made really great friends here!! im sorry to all of them for being irresponsible aack Kcjbdhbdhfo
so, properly, this time,, i'd like to say thank you all so much for your support and love!!
Thank you, everyone!! and byebye-
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kamiemi · 7 years
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《HIATUS NOTICE》 I was originally going to post this late night yesterday but it got delayed soooo- Yeah. I have to type this over again XDDD so yesterday i got my marks and they are pRETTY GOOD- imsoproudofmyselfahahahah jkjk And now since i have school, i dont think i might be able to post any artwork or stuff until my next holiday or some random time where i get to hold my tablet (most probably waaay until may ;-;) And i havent responded to any messages or anything right now because i need to do this rEALLY QUICK because my parents are waiting for me ;U; -sopleasedontthinkimignoringyou;n; So yea, i guess thats all i have to say now.. I have to go offline after this--- I guess i'll see you all at some random time?? óuò Thanks for reading!! QWQ And see you all sometime later XDD
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kamiemi · 7 years
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:DDDD yeiy bnha drawings- Deku is adorable okeiiiiiii----- Sorry for the inactiveness i have scHOOL TOMORROW -helo darkness my old friend- Which mean hiatus. -noooo (Imgonnaputthatupinlike,5minsXDDD) So just take this drawing i made last week in my spare time and didnt postuntilnowhhhh
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kamiemi · 7 years
How do you colour hair
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(Basically i shade but leave a little space in the middle with a dark color and with the normal color i start  from the space i left out and it just works)
((Yesh i had to use e same drawing because my reaction was the same ;U;))
(((Why did you pick me to ask this, anon? :'D)))
Alright i hope this helps then ;W;
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kamiemi · 7 years
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artists friends problems
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kamiemi · 7 years
Most of it was text XDDDDDD But ye this was fun òuó
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lol did some art with friendo + senpoi @kamiemi on whiteboard fox 
i did most of the meme shxt XD
betteh out
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kamiemi · 7 years
YoOOO IT LOOKS REALLY CUTE BETTY!! :333 And yea~ no worries about the raffle thing ^U^ Tank youu for thisss òwó
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So….geez my phone malfunctioned and boom I can’t use my phone to see the refs for the raffle prizes an iconostasis color quq I’m so sorry So I was drawing New year icons for friends Here’s the first two More coming next @leoyee0w0mainblog @kamiemi
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kamiemi · 7 years
Starving to death & Homeless
Read this whole post before acting please / Sorry beforehand about the long post but I need to do this.
It took me a lot of strenght to make this post. Truth is I should’ve made it way sooner but I always refuse to ask for help until I’m absolutely certain that I have no way out of a problem; and this is one of those cases. Mainly, all the times I’ve publicly asked for help in the past have ended up in people saying I’m a scammer and a thief with no prooof to back those claims up (my bitter ex, for example); that’s bullshit, I’m a person whose life never seems to improve despite my efforts, but I refuse to ask for help; until I’m certain that I’m going to die. And I’m certain I’m going to die right now.
  During the past 2 months, almost 3, my mother (I have no other family or anyone to support me), has been struggling to get her job back. She got fired unfairly due to administrative issues that happened at the time; and when we moved into this place, everything was supposed to work fine, until she was told she was fired. She has been coming and going trying to get her job back during the last months while applying to new ones, and not getting paid a dime; that means that we haven’t paid rent, internet or bought food, and we have pets, that are starving; I’ve put some for adoption and still have more to put up for adoption, but its simply awful to have to get rid of my animals because I’m unable to feed them.
This are picture I took of my arm:
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December marked 5 years that I’ve been unable to find a job; the past 5 years of my life have been literal hell, my mother lost her job many years ago and it took her a handful of more years to get one that doesn’t even pay enough to pay the cheapest of rents. I live in a country where things don’t work the way they should, and getting into details about that is simply pointless; in all these years we’ve tried EVERYTHING in our hands to get out of this hole but it was impossible we’ve lost all of our belongings, got evicted of every place we lived at and went through things no human being nor animal (because my pets have been with me all of this time) should ever go through, I lived with drug dealers, survived a natural disaster, lived in stranger’s houses until they ultimately kicked me out because I couldn’t find a job, and a lot of other situations.
I got hired this year; finally, but on a temporary contract, I only worked one day and haven’t been rescheduled and I don’t know if I will. At this point I can count the meals I’ve consumed in the past months with the fingers of my hands, my animals are starving too, and on top of that our landlord and his family are being absolutely awful despite knowing WHY we haven’t paid rent. They want to remove us by force by january 20st and they also hate my animals, so I fear for their lives.
Here’s some pictures of some of them:
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And my fridge (that bag has some chicken wings I got asking for leftovers at a local shop, but shops here don’t do this so I cannot ask again):
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Right now my mom is fighting her case and trying to find a lawyer to support her, but we cannot meet the eviction deadline; our internet bill is overdue and so is our rent and everything else. I’m running out of soap to wash myself, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that even writing this is physically straining because I’m too weak. I’ve tried everything I can to get out of this and when things started looking up….well…turns out it was just a delusion. I need more time and I cannot aford it.
If you’ve read this up to here….thanks. I assure you I appreciate it. I wanna make absolutely clear that I have NOBODY to support me with this, no family, no friends, no government plans, no organizations, NOBODY. I’ve ran out of options so I’m taking the risk and making this post because I fear for my animal’s lives and my own; I cannot take this any longer, physically and emotionally, and this post doesn’t even cover a bit of what I’ve gone through.
How can you help?
I need to gather 600 dollars before january 20st; but anything will help.
The biggest issue that I have here is that I can’t withdraw money from PayPa in my country unless I own a VISA issued card or a bank account. VISA cards are a luxury I cannot afford, and free bank accounts don’t exist either.
I’m taking donations through Western Union OR a friend mom’s paypal.
If you want to donate via PayPal it’s mandatory that you include a memo saying “donation for Ranshii” with your donation, no matter how big or small. So my friend’s mom will know that money is meant to go towards me. (She has a VISA and a bank account, so she can withdraw the money for me).
Her address is: [email protected]
If you want to donate via Western Union please contact me privately for the information, since I have to give you sensitive info for the treansfer. I reccomend you to check beforehand how much you’d get taxed to send money to me. Country: Uruguay. State: Montevideo. City: Montevideo. That’s all you need to know to calculate tax rates.
If I never get back at you on this is because my internet went down; please don’t think I’m ignoring anyone; if I never reply consider sending the money via paypal.
No matter if you donate via Western or PayPal, send me a screenshot or photo of your proof of donation and I will draw you something.
I wish I could tell you I will have it done by a certain date but with how things are going I don’t even know if I’ll be alive tomorrow. I will do my best to fulfill my word.
Please reblog this, likes don’t do nothing, REBLOG, PLEASE; I’m terrified and I have no other options; I need to buy time so mom can work in her case and I need to get in touch with my supervisor and find out why I’m not rescheduled; I DO need help now; what’s 600 dollars for the internet? Nothing, guys help me, please.
PS- My blog contains adult material so if you plan to take a look and are upsetted by such contents block the nsfw and batkm tags.
PS 2- Please…don’t ask me if “i’ve tried this or that” believe me, I’ve tried everything already, I don’t even have the energy to go over everything that I’ve done, I appreciate your good intentions but right now this is the only way to help…
And finally, people judging my situation by what I draw, stay out of this, no matter if you don’t like my content or think it’s cringey, I’m a living being that’s struggling to survive and help out my animals, they have nobody, that should matter more than some dicks…
Thanks from the bottom of my heart everyone and sorry about the space this post takes in your dash…
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kamiemi · 7 years
((sorry leoyee if it wasnt the name you wanted quq))
Such a hYPED dino huehuehue itwillhaveagreattimewithsnas2iassureu>U>
Andd yea of course it is leoyee! :3
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So this lil Dino name is ‘momo’ right now XD,it like to sleep on snas2 head and it will run around you very happily if you met it X3 .
(Oh well now I can only post on phone XD)
So yea @kamiemi ;3 (I guess XD) If have any questions about you can ask me or @kamiemi (is’t ok emi :3 ? )
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kamiemi · 7 years
is momo eating reload snas XDDD
Weelllll momo (imgonnacallitthatnowhahaha-) likes to sit there and chill probably-What do you think @leoyee0w0mainblog ? XDDD
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kamiemi · 7 years
Reload sans the stress momo XD
Yoshhhh XDDD
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Stressful life XDDDD But its fiNEEE XD
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kamiemi · 7 years
Yooo friend!!! QWó I'm here to SPAM you with love ;333
wAAA STARRY- TOO MUCH SPAMMM---Isisjsisaiahhahshsha-
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kamiemi · 7 years
Emmeh reload snas is SOO freakin precious I will protect Le cinnabun (wait what XD)
Protec him u may XDDDDD
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kamiemi · 7 years
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My textbook was boring so……i did a meme @kamiemi sensei what do u think The iguana meme is mine nyeh
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kamiemi · 7 years
Can you give a tutorial on how to draw people posing I just can't see to get it right every time I try to draw poses
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Aaand thats basically how i do poses. This is a bad tutorial because im a bAD TEACHER XDDD
ANYWAYS, I hope this helps (hopefully???) ÓUÒ
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kamiemi · 7 years
i tweeted this yesterday and i’m losing my goddamn mind at the likes/rts 
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nothing i ever posted of art on twitter got this much attention i’m wheezing 
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kamiemi · 7 years
Aaa! Thanks for the tags ;W; @hungryhorsey2 @bettythedork123 Aaaalrighty then- 1. I like my sense of humor (my mEMEs-) 2. I like that i like drawing hahaha 3. I like that im pRETTY good at maths(???) 4. I like that i can play piano without tutoring (hAHAHA! ((but emi you fdont know how to do the fingering.)) Shhhhhhhshshsh) 5. I like that im also good at ICT >:DDDD I tagggg @leoyee0w0mainblog @starryrainy @sketchymechy @buttonmemo9530 @jazzid
hi!! once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!)
I am disziplined
I like to educate myself about things I find interesting
I am supportive
I am able to learn fast
I am dramatic
@hajime-isayama-official@zekejaegerofficial @djendeavor @serenitymoon3 @sekhmet06 @ravioli-bonaparte @meepuli @saki-r @minie-jaeger @levi-snk
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