kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
How have you had time to fuck all of these people? Did you lose your virginity when you were 11? Do you do anything else between besides going to school and giving yourself enemas? 
Excuse you, I have at least three modes. Chronic annoyance is just my neutral. Sometimes I’m in a great mood and I’m only generally bothered. And then sometimes, annoyed doesn’t do justice, and I start bordering on an anger disorder. 
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No. I was 13 and it’s not that difficult when music and sex are your only two real extra curriculars. It’s always so much fun when people assume things about me - that much more reason to laugh in their face when they’re proven drastically wrong about all of it.
So you don’t have a single mood that’s just pure happiness? Seems about right. Might be why your face is stuck in permanent RBF.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
There’s no reason to hide who I am, even if Lima isn’t exactly accepting. People like me shouldn’t have to hide who we are.
I don’t mean... that’s not quite what I meant. You’re just the first person I’ve met who didn’t prefer to have people forget who they used to be.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
I’m not used to anyone besides Rachel calling me cool. Well.. I can cook anything. Just let me know. I’ll let you know about the go karts once I’ve talked to Blaine. It really depends on how he’s feeling, but I know he could use the distraction.
Okay! I’m good with go karts anytime. I swear, you have really got to work on your fucking confidence. Fake it until you make it is a very real, very powerful thing and a mantra I live by.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Texts || Klaine 2.0
Blaine: Thank you for the care package. You are a really good friend
Kane: I'm just glad you liked it, I wasn't positive but it seemed like comfort things and surrounding you with comfort is imperative.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
TEXTS || Bay + Kane
Kane: Lol those people are weird. What do you usually think about during the sermons?
Bay: I usually fall asleep and my mom smacks me. Or I solve complex equations in my head. Or I think about sex
Kane: How the hell do you solve complex equations without paper in front of you? I like the last one. Makes me want to ensure you always have something to think about.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Kane: What happened?!
Rachel: He was just there and he smiled at me and he had broken fingers and I ran away
Kane: Fuck. I am so sorry Rach. He fucking SMILED at you?! What the actual hell?!
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Kane: Oh god. Him like... /him/? How?!
Rachel: Yeah
Kane: What happened?!
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Kane: Of course.
Rachel: I saw him today
Kane: Oh god. Him like... /him/? How?!
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Rachel: Can I talk to you?
Kane: Of course.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Rachel: They aren’t meant to be though. This is how it’s supposed to be.
Rachel: I’m sorry Kane. I’m too tired right now
Rachel: I’m really excited to spend time with you though and avoid all the Christmas crowds
Kane: Whenever you feel up to talking I’ll listen.
Kane: So am I - and I definitely hope you enjoy your presents!
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Text || Hummels
Kurt: There you go!
Kurt: No, I don't think he changed. I just think he came out. Those aren't the same thing.
Kane: Definitely told Dad I lied by the way.
Kane: They aren’t. Coming out for him wasn’t worth anything when nothing had changed.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
TEXTS || Bay + Kane
Kane: All day??? That’s such BS. Do you actually pay attention to what they say at all?
Bay: No, but I don't think anyone does really. Except for the people in the front. That's how i know if we are supposed to stand or kneel or whatever
Kane: Lol those people are weird. What do you usually think about during the sermons?
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
TEXTS || Bay + Kane
Bay: Being catholic sucks. I have to spend like all day on Sunday in church.
Kane: All day??? That’s such BS. Do you actually pay attention to what they say at all?
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Texts || Klaine 2.0
Blaine: But I'm afraid to see him. I don't want to see him. If he can just drop me right after I gave myself to him, right after I said I loved him... I won't be able to stop myself if he says he wants to date again, even if it's secret. I need to figure out how to stop loving him
Kane: Time and a lot of drinking probably? And being around your friends as much as possible so you stay busy until you get to that point.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Kane: How are things supposed to be?
Rachel: It doesn’t really matter.
Rachel: I’m lucky. So I just need to stay grateful and stop crying over things I can’t change or have. Especially when I’m happy with most of the things I have.
Kane: Sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t talk about the things that aren’t the way you want them to be.
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Rachel: Nothing is how it is supposed to be.
Rachel: Why would this be different
Kane: How are things supposed to be?
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kanexhummel-blog · 6 years
Rachel: I don't want him to feel bad
Rachel: But I just wanted to sing with him really bad, no one keeps up with me like he does
Rachel: And singing party isn't a singing party without him singing too
Kane: That might be when you need to postpone it because I get where you’re coming from but I don’t even really see him smiling anytime soon much less singing passionately:
Kane: But it does suck, and I’m sorry your birthday wasn’t what you thought it would be. :(
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