kankricourse · 4 years
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kankricourse · 4 years
bi people with a preference for men: 💞✨💗🌈💕❤️💖
bi people with a preference for women: 💞✨💗🌈💕❤️💖
bi people with a preference for nb people: 💞✨💗🌈💕❤️💖
bi people with no preference: 💞✨💗🌈💕❤️💖
anyone who tries to invalidate bi people’s identities because of their preference: 🐀🤬🌪🚨💣⚔️
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kankricourse · 4 years
honesty hour 👀 anon or not I have to answer
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kankricourse · 4 years
“Oh you’re just misrepresenting the official meaning of transgender uwu no one actually thinks it means every GNC person”
Here’s a book written by a transgender medical professional. He’s a doctor. With a PhD.
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And here’s what he said:
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I’ll transcribe it in case you can’t read the text:
“The term transgender is often used as an umbrella that includes all gender-nonconforming people. It is also used more narrowly for those transgender people who transition from their assigned sex at birth to their identified gender.”
Did you miss it? It was subtle.
The term transgender is often used as an umbrella term that includes ALL GENDER-NONCONFORMING PEOPLE.
Before you ask, no. There was no further clarification made in the following paragraphs, or following chapters. That is literally what transgender means these days.
Stop defending this bullshit. Stop listening to the APA. Stop citing the DSM-V. They are transphobic to the point where all GNC people are considered by definition transgender.
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kankricourse · 4 years
Bisexuals aren’t…. a fandom. Or a football team. Or a tv show. You can’t boycott a sexual orientation just because some people of that orientation are problematic. You can’t create a sexual orientation which is inherently non-problematic. That’s the responsibility of the individual. You saying “I’m an ally” does not equate to you being a good ally. 
There are gay republicans. There are racist lesbians. There are ableist bisexuals. There are biphobic trans people. Caitlin Jenner is a total anus. And believe it or not there are some good, decent, kind cis straight people. There’s no good team to join, just good individuals doing their best without asking for a reward for it. 
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kankricourse · 4 years
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About a week ago I posted this.
I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:
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and my personal favorite
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After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.
About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like
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I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like
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This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”
But I guess the lesson goes like this:
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kankricourse · 4 years
Ok im fucking tired of being called "q/eer" so I'll make a post WHY its so fucking horrible.
let's start with its roots: it was used to fucking oppress the LGBT community, we all fucking know that right? And just like with any other slur, it can be reclaimed, but NOT EVERYONE RECLAIMED IT.
Let me say it again:
So if we didn't reclaim it- why must it be fucking forced on us? Its cool if you wanna call yourself it, but if someone asks you to stop calling them it/tag the word/ect, FUCKING DO IT!
now, the actual definition:
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hm, yeah, not a fucking good look for us huh?
and its not even just "oh be odd then uwu fuck normality" or whatever (actual thing i heard from my friend about the word), its about the years of oppression and hate crimes that happened against us for being "unnatural" or "weird" or whatever.
and reclaiming it as a gender/sexuality? fucking....WHAT?! Thats like saying my gender is "genderet@rd" (in the sense that both words are commonly used slurs and used to oppress the community they are referring to)
just...goddamn. yall need a history lesson. Feel free to RB with more points.
Also, im not saying people can't reclaim it for themselves, im saying that these q//er identities are belittling what the word means, and are ignoring how its been used for oppression
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kankricourse · 4 years
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ALL trans lesbians are LESBIANS
TERFS, DO NOT, and I mean this, INTERACT
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kankricourse · 4 years
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kankricourse · 4 years
don’t misgender transmeds. don’t misgender tucutes. don’t misgender anyone because you don’t agree with them. that’s fucked up.
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kankricourse · 4 years
everybody come and get your juice!!
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kankricourse · 4 years
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kankricourse · 4 years
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This is graphic but VERY important. I’m MF TIED of pro lifers who cannot see further than the end of their nose
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kankricourse · 4 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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kankricourse · 4 years
none of those kids in Polar Express had names huh.
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kankricourse · 4 years
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kankricourse · 4 years
The tea is straight men see the female body as an object to be used whereas wlw see the female body as a goddess to be worshipped
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