kappa-nitori · 5 years
Find your REAL Angel name
• First two letters of your last name • First vowel of your first name • Third letter of your middle name (or parent’s first name if you don’t have a middle name • Last consonant of your last name • Add IEL or EL to the end!
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Freeza looks like he’s about to cringe to high heaven.
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A rough sketch of this triplet of icejins: An embarassed Frieza-Senpai ™ surrounded by cheerfull Frost and Yuki (my Xenoverse OC)!
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Reblog if you're a woman and you like Dragonball Z
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Chapter 1 :’))))
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Kuriza is a precious cinnamon roll. I don't understand why people write him as some kind of evil space tyrant/Freeza 2.0 when he really really likes fighting...
If ever you're out of idea of what to draw, just a friendly reminder that you draw some of the best Kuriza/Freeza fanart! *wink wink* :D
Aww thank you!!
I do really enjoy drawing them cause I love Kuriza so much cx I may be empty on ideas there too but I sometimes I get these cute moments I would really want to draw
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Yeah I think I'll do this as well.
Frost Memorial Service Invitation
Alright lets make this official. Seems like enough people are on board, so it’s happening.
On Saturday, September 30th, 2017, at 7:00pm, PDT time zone, yours truly will hold the one and only “Frost Memorial Service”, a social meeting for fans of Frost who were individually but equally as affected by our beloved Icejin’s… departure.
This memorial does not have a time limit (for those with different time zones and/or busy schedules that still want to participate), but will have an order. This was debated for a while, but ultimately was decided that it will go as a chain.
Instructions: Yours truly will start the first opening words, and whoever will want to participate will continue off of that post. This is where the participant will be able to say their eulogies, pay their tributes, and if the participant would like, offer a gift for our departed, whether it be a flower/rose, a drawing, small doodle, a song, a headcanon, a poem, photo, revenge in Toei to avenge him, anything goes.
The person that continues will have the chance to say their eulogies, in which they can offer words of appreciation, admiration, what they liked about the departed in question, what they didn’t, their best experiences, how they came to know them, their favorite thing about them, their least favorite thing about them, how they’ve made an impact on, etc, etc. This is a memorial, after all, where we remember what made them great and why we will always remember them. Gifts are brought forward.
After one person is done, the next participant will follow under that same person (reblog). Then the third person will continue below the second, and so forth. There’s no limit to the length of the eulogy, but if it does become too long, there’s always ‘under the cut’, don’t want to bother the other bypassers with a novel worth of scrolling. There’s no list of line in waiting to write your tribute, just make sure it follows suit with the previous. (This is not mandatory, but it makes the memorial post that much complete and neat; however, if you arrived late or don’t want to carry the other eulogies, you’re more than welcome to continue at the first opening, no worries. What matters is that you showed you care by attending.)
Anyone is welcomed. The more people, the merrier. We will stand together as a community, as small as others might see it, and show our love for our pirate Icejin/Frost Demon/space lizard and how the justice we wish for his unfair and sudden death.
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
My wish is secret, but now I know it will come true.
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
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THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE! Don’t ignore this in your writing!
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
To follow up on my previous reblog:
Like @alewyren said, the victim is most likely going to be Shin. Freeza has clearly been foreshadowed as Hakaishin, and the foreshadowing pointed only towards U9 or U7.
With U9 out, it’s going to be Shin, with the Old Kai (temporarily) appointed as Freeza’s life-link.
1. Beerus played himself.
Back in ep96, the U7 Team discussed unfair team strategies, to which Beerus remarked “Unfair or not, winning is winning!” It further hammered down the point that teamwork will be necessary to win, but it also revealed one other underlying revelation: Anything goes, as far as winning is concerned. Any loophole is fair game as well, and thus, Beerus sealed his fate, because he will be the one to die. Freeza will take this very literally.
2. Freeza’s scheme - The Kaioshin-Hakaishin link
Everyone is wondering what Freeza’s crazy scheme is, and while that is shrouded in mystery right now, we can easily deduce this scheme based on the goals we know so far:
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Freeza wants to survive and get resurrected. I think that one is obvious, seeing from the fact that he was willing to defect to U9 after Goku couldn’t handle the Hakai ball by himself. Also, upon meeting Frost, Freeza remarked how similar they are in their traits, most particularly their survival instinct. Hit recruited Frost because of precisely that. 
He’s after the Super Dragonballs. Freeza’s scheme with Frost likely has something to do with winning MVP status; the winning Universe’s MVP gets the Super Dragonballs, which would guarantee Freeza’s resurrection. However, Frost will betray Freeza at some point, especially after the reality of universal erasure sets in - only one of them can survive, so they will betray one another.
He wants to manipulate the gods, and get back at Beerus. We know Freeza has a grudge against Beerus. Beerus obviously picked up on that as he warned Freeza not to try anything. But how will he manipulate the gods? To manipulate someone, one needs to have a bit of leverage. 
The only leverage Freeza can possibly have over the gods, is the Kaioshin-Hakaishin link. 
Though Freeza doesn’t know this yet, he is already conspiring to topple Beerus, and the easiest way to accomplish that is by, you guessed it, killing Shin. 
The Kaioshin-Hakaishin-link, as explained by Whis, states that a Kaioshin is life-linked to his/her Hakaishin. In other words, if the Kaioshin dies, so does the Hakaishin, and vice-versa.
Beerus already sanctioned anything, anything as long as it doesn’t result in disqualification. And this is where the loophole comes in: There is a rule against killing contestants, but not against killing gods. Granted, no one sane enough would seriously do that. However, it does count as a loophole.
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Freeza’s gonna kill someone in this tournament, that much is guaranteed. The only bystanders in this tournament are the Hakaishins with their Kaioshins. 
Of course, this won’t sit right with anyone. Goku as well as the rest of the U7 team will be mad as fuck. The Gods? They already dislike Goku for his “rudeness” towards the Gods, they would outright demand Freeza to be erased for actually killing his own Hakaishin, if not Universe 7 as a whole.
“For the sake of justice, destroy all evil right now.” — DBS Ending 7
Universe 7 and Freeza will be allowed to continue competing which will massively anger Universe 11, vowing that they will destroy U7 and not resurrect them.
But why will Freeza decide to kill Beerus and Shin and gain Hakaishin status?
3. Jiren
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This guy, that’s why. 
We have already established that Freeza needs U7 to win in order to gain MVP status, and in order to win, he needs to defeat Jiren. There will be no way around that.
And on top of that, there’s also this tidbit:
Vegeta: We can win without [Freeza]! Right? Goku: Whis-san! Whis: Yes? Goku: Do you think that our Universe 7 is easy to win? Whis: Who knows? I don’t know much about the other universes. However... ....there is a Universe where lives a mortal even a Hakaishin can’t defeat. And that Hakaishin happens to be stronger than Beerus-sama [in arm wrestling]. Krillin: .....we might want Freeza.
—DBS episode 93
This scene makes it abundantly clear that Universe 7 will not win without Freeza. Goku established that Freeza does not want the Universe to be erased, and thus will be forced to work with him, no matter how much he hates it.
And that is why Freeza will not betray the Universe 7 Team, at least not in a way that we think he would. 
The instant Whis mentions this ominous mortal, everyone on the U7 Team reluctantly agrees to recruit Freeza. 
There’s no mistake about it: That mortal is Jiren.
The context of that scene makes it clear enough, as it is about recruiting Freeza. 
Jiren is a pun on the Japanese word for “renji”, meaning range or stove. 
Stove vs Freezer.
The new SDBH trailer hammers this point even further. Goku and Freeza are seen teaming up against Jiren.
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If Jiren’s power surpasses that of a Hakaishin, Freeza will need to be at least Hakaishin level to stand against Jiren. 
His mastered Golden form is on par with SSB Goku, who’s already using God Ki, yet Freeza doesn’t have it.
It might even be Whis himself who tips off Freeza about the GoD/Kai link, seeing that Beerus sanctioned any, ANY unfair action within the rules. 
“Destroy myself, or destroy everything else” — DBS Ending 7
Everything Freeza has done up to this point has put everyone on the U7 Team in a weird position because they don’t want him to win.
Destroy myself = stop Freeza from winning and accept that U7 will be erased Destroy everything else = help Freeza win which means he wins the Super Dragonballs, thus not wishing to resurrect the erased universes.
However, Freeza will lose against Jiren, and give Goku his Ki before he is rung out, resulting in this form:
4. Limit Break x Survivor
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“The technique of the Gods is perfected here”
This is Goku’s Limit Breaker form, the key visual for this tournament. 
Once Freeza gains Hakaishin status, Jiren will step in to challenge him, and Freeza will lose. So he will give Goku his God Energy, allowing him to attain this new form.
It has been hammered down again and again that teamwork is key to win this tournament, not raw power. And we have also established that Goku will not win without Freeza.
This is how.
Limit Break (Goku) x Survivor (Freeza)
Based upon this scene from the new Ending “Haruka” by Lacco Tower
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people have speculated that the Survivor might be Gohan, but Gohan has no “survivor” theme around him like Freeza.
— Freeza’s desire to survive has been hinted at during that scene in ep93, and again in ep95 when he wanted to defect to U9.
— The guy is a literal survivor, in the sense that he has refused to repent and be reincarnated, thus not existing anymore. He always held out hope that he would return one day.
— He is a survivor in that he came back from Hell. Twice.
Genkai Toppa has been teased since the Zen Exhibition match, so that theme is undoubtedly Goku’s. But it is also Goku’s theme in that he wants to fight stronger and stronger opponents, breaking his limits anew every time.
5. Freeza’s fate after this arc
Compared to the U9 route, this is a lot more complicated. One thing we can deduce for sure, though:
Freeza will be resurrected.
That one is set in stone. Whether it is by the Dragonballs or by the simple fact that the Zenos will be so impressed with Freeza that they grant him a full resurrection.
Beerus, upon resurrection, however will want his job back and Hakai Freeza for his actions during the ToP. However, Whis will stop that from happening since it will be thanks to Freeza that U7 survives. 
Thus, Whis will propose to either:
1. make Freeza the U7 Hakaishin along with Beerus and tie his life to the Old Kai in case Freeza tries anything funny, or
2. name Freeza the official successor to Beerus, a Hakaishin candidate that puts him in the same position as Toppo (who is a pun on pot - pot, freezer...). In that case he would be an apprentice who is sent away for a long time to train and hone his powers. 
In both cases, Freeza returns to Earth with everyone, just in time to celebrate Bra’s birthday party. 
After that, we get a break from Freeza, just like how Piccolo disappeared after the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, or Vegeta after the Saiyan Saga. 
Until the next big threat strikes again...
LIMIT BREAK X SURVIVOR--aka, how the Universe Survival Arc will end
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(much credit to @reiujii​, who spent a LITERAL WEEK brainstorming possible outcomes with me on discord until we cracked this shit. could not have done this alone)
As of right now, we’re up to Episode 95 of Dragon Ball Super, and I’d wager near the midway point of the Universe Survival Arc. Since the U7 team roster is pretty much finalized and a lot of the groundwork has been laid for future events, I figured I’d take a stab at trying to figure out where this crazy trainwreck is going.
And you know what? I think we did it. I think we actually fucking did it. While obviously nothing is for certain, there is very strong and extensive evidence supporting a very specific ending for this arc that will, in no short words, make franchise history. And oh boy, it’s… something. Like, the writing has been on the wall for this since day one. How the hell will Universe 7 survive the tournament? How will Jiren be overpowered? What’s the deal with that weird evil Goku transformation seen in the opening? And how will you-know-who factor into this arc’s resolution?
I’m going to attempt to answer all these questions and more. Should go without saying, but there be spoilers beyond the cut, especially if any of this turns out to be true.
Keep reading
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Well, thank you for posting our analysis! And likewise, I couldn’t have come up with this without you.
Anyway, while I agree that becoming U9 Hakaishin is an option for Freeza, I would propose that Freeza becomes U7′s Hakaishin instead.
Why do I say this?
The key lies in each universe having a counterpart.
— 1+12 (Iwen + Gin) = Those Universes have the highest mortal level, and while Gin’s characterization so far portrays him as an asshole, Iwen seems... surprisingly benevolent. 
— 2+11 (Helles + Vermoud) = Their Universes are counterparts through their respective themes - Magical Girls and Super Sentai, respectively. Also U11 being the Universe of Justice, and what is the counterpart of Justice? Mercy. U2 is the Universe of kindness.
— 3+10 (Mosco + Rumusshi) = Mosco’s Universe consists (as far as we know) of organic robots, whereas U10 is solely muscle. Man vs Machine.
— 4+9 (Quitela + Sidra) = Quitela’s is obviously the scheming, trickster Universe. We know Sidra’s Universe is the shittiest, and that’s the problem. Sidra is so out of place here. It doesn’t make sense for either him or his Universe to be considered a counterpart to Quitela. His Universe doesn’t even have a prevalent “theme”, just... furries. Quitela has a rivalry/grudge with someone else.
— 5+8 (Arak + Liquir) = Same theme as U1 and U12. Arak seems like a merciful Hakaishin, destroying as little as possible whereas Liquir just outright destroys anything that lowers his Universe’s mortal level. Again, very different ideologies.
— 6+7 (Champa + Beerus) = Beerus and Champa are literally the same. There’s very little difference between the two, they rule over the same Universes with the same races and same planets. They cannot be considered counterparts to one another since their Universes are literally the same. 
What I’m saying is, considering the prevalent pattern of mirror Universes being somewhat different, Beerus doesn’t belong in U7, but rather, U9.
1. U4 and U9 are counterparts.
Beerus is a cat, Quitela is a mouse. Those two have been established to have a bitter rivalry; Quitela even hates Beerus so much that he would take out U7 before the tournament even begins. It makes much, much more sense for Beerus to be Quitela’s counterpart than Sidra.
Now, you could argue that Champa would fit the bill likewise, but Quitela has no beef with Champa.
2. Freeza’s grudge against Beerus
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We know from ep95 that Freeza’s crazy scheme involves manipulating the Hakaishins against Beerus. His words “I will have the last laugh” almost suggest that he will attempt to usurp a Hakaishin’s power, but it won’t be Beerus, but Sidra’s since he is the weakest link. 
For some reason, Freeza holds a grudge against Beerus and his words in pic related suggest he is planning to overthrow him. 
And what better way would that be than to usurp Beerus’ title for himself while Beerus himself gets demoted to ruling the shittiest Universe in existence?
3. Freeza’s foreshadowing as U7 Hakaishin
While you may argue that Rou’s words may suggest Freeza will become U9′s Hakaishin, they are, in fact, a red-herring. There’s far more build-up to Freeza becoming U7 Hakaishin.
— We know that Whis, for some reason, is looking to train Beerus’ successor. For a long time we thought it would come down to either Goku or Vegeta, when in fact both of them outright refused. Both would be outright bad Hakaishins, since Goku doesn’t have the heart to destroy planets and Vegeta is too domesticated now.
Enter Freeza.
— Freeza has been doing Beerus’ job since forever, destroying planets and, as you said, keeping the Universe in such a manner that cannot be considered anything but ruthlessly efficient. He was U7 Hakaishin in all but the title. 
— By the same token Freeza was partially responsible for U7′s mortal level, but then again no one even knew such a level existed until recently. Because Freeza is partially responsible for screwing U7′s mortal level so badly, it only makes sense that he’s put in charge to fix it. 
— In ep92, Beerus almost lamented the fact that Goku destroyed the Freeza Force, eerily suggesting that they were doing a good job managing the Universe. 
— While Whis outright stated Freeza cannot be trusted in ep95, he also lauded Freeza’s battle prowess as being equal to current Goku and even defended him. 
— While this is just conjecture, it ties in well with End of Z, Neko Majin Z especially. Freeza’s alive and back to his old duties, but this time his evil is put to good use. And while you may argue that Neko Majin Z is non-canon, well, so isn’t Jaco’s manga, but Jaco is a supporting character in Super. 
— It sort-of “redeems” Freeza without destroying the essence of his character. Hakaishins have to be evil to some degree, and some are colossal assholes. Freeza being U7 Hakaishin actually puts his evil into good use and is Token Evil Teammate to a T. 
— Freeza being U7 Hakaishin wouldn’t be a problem any more than Beerus currently is. It’s no coincidence that the Zeno button was brought up again in ep94. He’d have Whis breathing down his neck 24/7 to make sure he doesn’t attempt anything stupid, like fighting Zeno or Daishinkan. Whis would easily stop him, and on top of that Goku can call Zeno anytime to have Freeza erased if he attempts something stupid. 
— Consider the fact that Toppo is a Hakaishin candidate. His very name is, like all the others, a pun - Toppo = Potto = Pot. A pot is a kitchen appliance, as is... a freezer. And since Freeza is heavily, HEAVILY foreshadowed as Hakaishin, you can figure out the rest. 
— Sidra was designed by Toriyama, and looks obnoxiously ugly in his Hakaishin outfit, almost as if that outfit was made with someone else in mind.
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3. The relationship between the numbers 6 and 9
In Taoism (which Dragonball is heavily influenced by, along with Buddhism), the numbers 6 and 9 hold a special meaning, namely Yin and Yang, twin flames, duality, seeming opposites but two sides of the same coin.
6 and 9 are generally understood to be twin numbers, and there’s heavy evidence that the themes of universes are inspired by Buddhist/Taoist numerology, just to name a few:
— 1: the master number, designating the supreme. U1 is the Supreme Universe. — 3: generally understood to be the number of spirituality; U3 is the Spiritual Universe. — 5: number of balance. U5 is the Balance Universe. — 8: a number symbolizing infinity and diligence, creating just as much as destroying. U8 is the Diligent Universe.
Beerus and Champa, imo, illustrate the concept of Yin-Yang, or 6-9, because they are seemingly opposite, but as twins, basically the same. 
So, how will this all play out?
Just like you said, except with a twist.
Beerus will no longer be U7 Hakaishin after this tournament.
While Freeza may have been switched over to U9 after the incident with Rou and Sidra, Daishinkan will not allow this to go unpunished. Instead of punishing Freeza, however, he punishes Beerus by stripping him of his rank as U7 Hakaishin. 
Zeno did allude in the past that he would consider replacing Beerus (and Champa) in the future because he is just colossally incompetent. 
We shouldn’t forget that Freeza’s ulterior motive involves screwing over Beerus, and killing Rou and Sidra basically achieves that. 
However, instead of erasing Beerus, Goku steps in and suggests that Beerus fill the vacancy created by Sidra and Rou, effectively becoming U9 Hakaishin. Zeno would without a doubt listen to anything Goku suggests, and agree with this idea.
However, since Freeza has been allowed to keep his Hakaishin powers mid-tournament, he must become Hakaishin, so Daishinkan “awards” him with the U7 Hakaishin position and orders Whis to keep a very close eye on him. 
This achieves multiple things:
— Freeza is punished for his antics by being tied to an obnoxious Angel and his mortal enemy for the remainder of his existence. It’s basically a worse fate than those fairies in Hell. 
— Freeza’s back in the story without either being redeemed or a villain anymore. Since Whis likes Earth so much, Freeza would absolutely be forced to live on Earth, making him able to attend Bra’s birthday party. This is comedy gold waiting to happen.
— Just like their fight in ep95 and this particular scene suggested,
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Freeza would act as Goku’s foil. Vegeta obviously isn’t a rival anymore since he has a family and is basically domesticated now. Goku also said this in the RoF manga:
“If you weren’t so rotten to the core, we could’ve been great rivals for one another.”
Bam, Goku has an actual rival now and would be forced to keep reaching higher so he can keep up with Freeza if the latter decides to go rogue after all. 
— Goku, Vegeta and now Freeza would all be trained under Whis, adding great character dynamics into the story and future plot arcs. 
— It cucks Vegeta yet again. Seriously, that’s the best part.
Anyway, these are just my two cents. I know U9 is just as valid of an option as U7, but I just wanted you to keep this in mind.
LIMIT BREAK X SURVIVOR--aka, how the Universe Survival Arc will end
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(much credit to @reiujii​, who spent a LITERAL WEEK brainstorming possible outcomes with me on discord until we cracked this shit. could not have done this alone)
As of right now, we’re up to Episode 95 of Dragon Ball Super, and I’d wager near the midway point of the Universe Survival Arc. Since the U7 team roster is pretty much finalized and a lot of the groundwork has been laid for future events, I figured I’d take a stab at trying to figure out where this crazy trainwreck is going.
And you know what? I think we did it. I think we actually fucking did it. While obviously nothing is for certain, there is very strong and extensive evidence supporting a very specific ending for this arc that will, in no short words, make franchise history. And oh boy, it’s… something. Like, the writing has been on the wall for this since day one. How the hell will Universe 7 survive the tournament? How will Jiren be overpowered? What’s the deal with that weird evil Goku transformation seen in the opening? And how will you-know-who factor into this arc’s resolution?
I’m going to attempt to answer all these questions and more. Should go without saying, but there be spoilers beyond the cut, especially if any of this turns out to be true.
Keep reading
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
to other mentally ill artists who are obsessed with getting better
- Finished Pieces TM are NOT the only works that matter. That half-lined sketch is good. That page of nothing but shapes and doodles is progress. If you’re doing whatever it is that you CAN do that day, you’re doing well
- take. BREAKS. as often as you need to. stop when you gotta. if you try to dig into tomorrow’s spoons to finish something, trust me, you’re going to hate yourself and whatever you’re working on later
- if you really want to, you CAN draw (or paint, or sculpt, or craft etc.) every day
- everything counts. everything. can’t draw for more than 20 minutes today? you drew. less than 5? you drew. take a pencil and draw three different circles on a sticky note. you drew. lay out your arm and trace whatever comes to mind with you finger. everything counts.
- if you drew SOMETHING today, you gained more experience than someone who did not
- draw whatever you want
- reward yourself for it
- don’t get so wrapped up in something that you forget to eat, drink water or sleep please. if you can’t make yourself care about what it does to your body, remember it WILL affect your productivity, which will lead to Bad Times, again, trust me
- you are SOMEONE’S art goals
- your art is good
- “this person doesn’t know me or my art, how do they know it’s good-” shh. doesn’t matter. its good
70K notes · View notes
kappa-nitori · 7 years
Tfw you're arguing with your brain over starting another fanfic
me: i’ve got another idea for a fic
them: you literally have seven unfinished works
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62K notes · View notes
kappa-nitori · 7 years
So most of mine are continuation types of fics ._.
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I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 
I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Vivi once again tempting me with that ramen goodness @dorklord-maouvioletta
nearly the end of april.. you know what that means 
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
MaouEmi for life tho. :3
hataraku maou sama 17 volume summary from cover
1. Maou failed his full-time employee test
2. More problems cropped up in regards to attaining the last Astral Gem, Maou and Amane arrived just in time at Chiho’s place where Kameo was attacked and landed at. 
3. Apparently there is a huge order in MgRonalds given by Kisaki-tenchou, changes of crew’s location of some sort. She discussed the future of the store with Maou, both Emi and Chiho started to worry that there are no reasons for Maou to stay in Japan any longer
4. Maou has to make a choice either return to Ente Isla or continue with his career in MgRonalds
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kappa-nitori · 7 years
Me every time i play league of legends
i just saw a picture saying “dø or die” and it literally translates to die or die
491K notes · View notes
kappa-nitori · 7 years
sex ads in 2k17 LUL
it looks like you’re using ad block
yeah I fucking am bitch! If I turn it off i’ll instantly be hounded by like 2 sex ads and 50 virsues 
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