kapsbrakclapsback · 5 years
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Flower child ~
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kapsbrakclapsback · 5 years
bill denbrough being clueless when it comes to flirting…. i love it
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kapsbrakclapsback · 5 years
🌱🌿🌻friendly reminder🌻🌿🌱
You do not have to apologise for your trauma
You do not have to “make up” for your trauma
You do not have to do anything but care for yourself, if thats all you can do
You owe your abuser nothing
You are still loved
Whoever judges you for your trauma is not worth the effort
Healing takes time
You are worth it
Your trauma has not made you dirty or wrong, gross or unlovable
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kapsbrakclapsback · 5 years
ooo i liked your unpopular eddie opinion. could you share one for bill or stan? or all of them!
(Nwskksks struggling to not just list out how I write their entire personalities but)
Stan is the best at small talk of the losers and widely considered by their peers to be the nicest of the losers. While it seems like Ben and Mike would get this based off of how they’re characterized most of the time, I genuinely think due to their isolated pasts if someone just walked up to them and started talking they’d be like this scene in sunny:
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Stan is good at navigating friendly casual conversation and also incredibly good at like mitigating things that tend to be awkward, like leaving conversations or parties or forgetting someone’s name. (Bill is nice but doesn’t know what to say so he just like… smiles and stares and gives off an aire that he doesn’t want to be talking.)
The rest of the club think it’s ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT that resident bitch Stan Uris is thought to be the nicest of them.
I don’t think this is necessarily unpopular: Bill is the worst driver of the losers club. No one will let him drive their car. Bill also has the most relationships of the losers, and it’s annoying.
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
you guys know damn straight richie would hurt himself like once a week doing something to impress eddie
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
when u say a really clever comeback without stuttering
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
The signs as reddie fic tropes
Aries: Richie loving having his hair pulled
Taurus: Richie being obsessed with Eddie’s Red Shorts™
Gemini: Eddie being so MEAN but it’s because he’s in love
Cancer: Richie making Eddie a mixtape to confess his feelings 
Leo: Eddie calling Richie “Chee” 
Virgo: Beverly giving Richie sage advice on how to get the boy 
Libra: Admitting their feelings/having a huge confrontation at a party 
Scorpio: Eddie being super jealous of all the boys n girls Richie hooks up with
Sagittarius: Richie is the flirty and mysterious New Kid in school
Capricorn: Sonia not trusting that Tozier boy around her sweet Eddie Bear
Aquarius: Richie climbing through Eddie’s window at night 
Pisces: Eddie wearing pastels/soft sweaters
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
richie: so what’s your type, anyways?
eddie: tall, dumb, dark and curly hair, good sense of humor
richie: that could almost be me. if i was a girl, i mean
eddie: the dumber the better
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
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he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
Headcanon that when Eddie really wants Richie to do something for him he’ll go “Please? For your little Eddie Spaghetti?” And Richie is automatically on the job
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
Hey y’all!! I love how this blog is thriving but at the same time, I would like to spread more positivity.
A few people and I have been talking about the blog and how - that although it is spreading positivity, it is mostly just focusing on popular blogs at the moment. Although, that’s not a problem and they deserve love!! everyone else with a smaller blog, or a new blog, and etc. deserve love as well.
So, I decided to add in fic recs, fanworks, art, one-shots and etc!
You can do a submission or send in an ask with a link (anonymously too of course) regarding those mentioned above that you think haven’t gotten the attention that they should receive!
By doing so, I will make a textpost about the fic, fanwork, and etc.
For example, if on anon, I sent in my fic, I would post a text post saying something like this:
Name and Link: Lies
Chapters: 11/18
Ship: Reddie
Summary: blah, blah, blah.
And you get the gist. If any of you have any more questions, please let me know!
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
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please read this story
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
Richie Tozier dances to everything. Good songs, shitty songs, the sound the printer makes, the smoke detector going off, you name it. Boy gets down.
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
TheSubtextMachine fanfiction update that no one needed but u are all getting
Ok fam, I know that I haven’t updated in a bit, mostly bc I’m taking a bit of a summer break. HOWEVER, i am working on projects, as well as continuing with the ones y’all know and love. So let’s go through, in vague order of most to least popular
Started Projects:
OGAAT: will b finished by the end of the summer, all good.
fluorescent glow: Will Be Updated!! Anon, please understand. I have not and will not abandon it, I love it, I’m just slow at it. I have it outlined to the 9th chapter 
My Sylena Prompt series: one prompt left currently… you can add more if u want
Dreammaker, You Heartbreaker: I won’t be working on this during the summer, unless I get hit with some serious inspiration or interest. It will start up again in the fall
Twisting Lemons Into Lemonade: not my top priority, but not abandoned. Chapter prompts still open. I’ll  see where this one takes me tbh.
SEQUELS???: the currently planned sequel to Why Pamper Life’s Complexity has been abandoned due to lack of interest, and I’m working on a sequel to Beecharmer. 
I hope this was helpful, and if u have any questions, my askbox is open!
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
Eddie: If you have 10 cookies, and I asked for 5, how many would you have?
Richie: None.
Eddie: Rich it’s basic math, it’s not that har-
Richie: I would give you all of them because I love you.
Eddie, holding back tears: gross. absolutely disgusting. get out of my house.
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kapsbrakclapsback · 6 years
@reddieforakiss this is u
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