karaloves12 · 8 years
Still one of the funniest scenes ever and I am still pissed off that my haiku I made about this scene at Philly Comicon Writing contest did not win over some girl’s “Groot” haiku where she repeated the word groot in 5,7,5.  It wasn’t even clever.
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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Sounds like you have a form of Phantom Limb Syndrome. It’s common in war.
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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Well I was thinking maybe we could go to the snow ball together. It’s this cheesy school dance where you go to the gym and dance to music and stuff. I’ve never been but I know you’re not supposed to go with your sister.  I mean, you can, but it’d be really weird. You go to school dances with someone that… someone that, you know… someone that you… like.
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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I came to school this morning and i was sure i was supposed to meet someone. 
But I couldn’t remember who. I was looking for him all day.
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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karaloves12 · 8 years
Only stydia can break ur heart and give u only the feels 😭😍😭😍😭😭
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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#some things never change (pt. 2)
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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karaloves12 · 8 years
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Tropes: Mike Wheeler [x]
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karaloves12 · 8 years
OMG I hope someone does this in Infinity Wars.  
when Bucky saw Peter in the Spiderman suit the first time he was like “what the hell is that” so can we please just take a moment to imagine him meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy crew. imagine him meeting Groot and Rocket. Rocket would start speaking and Bucky would be like “…T'Challa man, I need you to put me back under bc my head still ain’t right, I’m telling you that Racoon just asked me for my arm”
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karaloves12 · 8 years
Chris Evans Remembers Back to When He Got Dumped | W Magazine Interview
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karaloves12 · 8 years
I swear people don’t realize how hard it is for Nat and Clint as Avengers.  No superpowers, no supersuits.  They are just “humans” who have pretty much trained their skills to a fine art - both body and weapons.  In addition to that, they both come from shady pasts of making morally wrong choices that would be an “easier” path to choose than the one they have chosen.  And yet daily they fight to make the right decisions - where it comes naturally to others - Cap and Thor being first and foremost to mind. 
So I often get asked who my favorite Avenger is. Most people would assume I would only go with the looks of the Avengers and choose Thor or Captain America. And while Cap certainly is one of my favorites it’s both for looks AND heart. But the thing is I have another favorite that’s quite different.
Natasha Romanoff
You’re probably assuming it’s because she’s a woman and as a woman I would like her. Let me tell you this: there is so much more. I don’t just admire Nat JUST for her skill and wit.
I admire Nat because of her past. Her darkness. She was an assassin. Criminal. Killer. But then she turned and tries so hard to wipe the red out of her ledger. I get a lot of hate for liking Nat because of her past, but honestly the fact that she bears the consequences every day just proves that she is an amazing Avenger. The fact that now she has to live with that guilt for the rest of her life and that she does it every day just proves that she is one of the strongest Avengers there. And that my friends is why Natasha Romanoff will always be my favorite Avenger.
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karaloves12 · 8 years
if this happens in S6E1 on 11/15 then I will forgive Jeff for all his previous yanking my chain!  This would be the BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER from a tv show!  Yes, S6 premiers on my b-day and I am very excited!!!
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Don’t you just love when your ship is endgame?
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karaloves12 · 8 years
Yep yep and yep.  Your headcanon for MCU is exactly what I have though from the beginning.
Tony’s Feelings About Steve
No, I’m not about to write a long and heartfelt meta about St0ny, although I suppose the title I chose looks that way. :) I’m actually going to discuss a headcanon I had for a long time that was confirmed in Civil War.
There’s a line in that film where Tony says “Oh, really? You two knew each other? He never mentioned that – maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you.”
Naturally, Steve doesn’t really have a good reaction to that – as I put it in a fic a while ago “there was no good answer to Tony’s sentiments.” I think it’s fairly obvious that any hatred Tony had for Steve in Avengers wasn’t Steve’s fault. Sure, Steve seemed stiff, but at the most that should have made Tony grumpy and sassy, not confrontational and cruel like he was. I suppose we could technically blame Loki’s staff for a lot of that, but I think the staff could only riot the existing emotions, not create new ones.
Keep reading
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karaloves12 · 8 years
My favorite character from this show.  Millie did an awesome job of conveying Eleven with very little dialogue.
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eleven ▸ ep. 2
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