karamellos-blog · 6 years
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based on the popular game series, the mass effect movie trilogy follows shepherd twins jax and jayna as they take on the reapers in the year 2183 to 2186. the first movie mass effect: the attack of the geth released this summer to rousing reviews and an absolute massacre at the box office raking in a record breaking 300 billion dollars at the box office. the biggest opening for a video game movie. this made the stars of the first movie instant celebrities and opened doors for them. this is kind of this universe answer to star trek/star wars. details about each movie and the characters are listed under the cut if interested please message me here or on discord at amara #0987, if you want one of the smaller roles like council person hmu
MASS EFFECT: THE ATTACK OF THE GETH ( released july, 2018 )
mass effect: the attack of the geth follows the story of the shepherd twins jax (kelly) and jayna. the twins were separated at birth. jax grew up as an orphan in the rough and tumble streets of earth and enlisted in the military at eighteen and is known for being ruthless and domineering. meanwhile jayna grew up on the colony on the moon and the twin parents were captured and killed by batarian slavers. she enlisted in the military at eighteen to work to end human trafficking. she is known for being a true hero and an example for the human alliance military. both meet for the first time on board the normandy, a top tier warship, where their origins are revealed to them by mentor and family friend captain anderson. they also discover there are in competition for the lone human spectre spot and an elite turian spectre nihilus is there to observe them as they uncover valuable tech from an ancient race known as the protheans that could push galactic innovation forward another 500 years. a spectre is an elite government agent that don’t adhere by galactic law and only answer to the galatic council. when they land at their destination eden prime with fellow soliders kaidan alenko and corporal jenkins they discover that the colony has been ransacked by the geth a mysterious race of AI that were created by the quarians and later rebelled against them. the geth are being led by saren a rogue turian spectre. when this information is presented to the council by the twins, the council is reluctant to believe that saren is guilty. the twins then decide to join forces and expose saren. together with turian c sec officer garrus vakarian (richards), krogan bounty hunter wrex urdknot, quarian prodigy tali'zorah nar rayya, asari scientist liara t’soni, lieutenant kaidan alenko, pilot joker moreau and lieutenant ashley williams they hunt down saren. in their quest they discover that saren has been brainwashed by the reaper sovereign. the reapers were a race of sentient AI that wiped out all intelligent life in the galaxy 50,000 years ago and endeavour to the same now. sovereign’s plans are thwarted by the shepherd twins and peace is restored. however, heavy losses are incurred as the team loses one of their own ashley williams during a siege.
commander jackson “jax” shepherd - killian kelly commander jeyna shepherd ( must resemble killian kelly, early 30s ) -  lieutenant kaidan alenko ( must be of asian descent, late 20s- early 30s ) - lieutenant ashley williams ( love interest for jax in the first movie, late 20s- early 30s ) - joker moreau ( late 20s, early 30s ) - officer garrus vakarian (mo cap, love interest for jeyna in all three movies ) - cinna richards urdknot wrex ( mo cap, 50s+ ) - tali'zorah nar rayya ( mo cap, must be middle eastern descent, early 20s ) - liara t’soni ( mo cap, late 20s - early 30s ) - saren ( mo cap, late 40s early 50s ) - matriarch benezia ( mo cap, 50s+ ) - nihilus ( mo cap, late 40s early 50s ) - sovereign ( voice, must be commanding ) - captain anderson ( late 40s - early 50s, must be of african american descent ) -
MASS EFFECT: THE RISE OF THE COLLECTORS ( filming begins february 2019, release date july 2020 )
after the defeat of sovereign, jax and jeyna shepherd are on a routine run when the normandy is attacked by a mysterious alien ship. jax and jeyna perish saving the crew. their bodies are recovered by cerebus a rogue pro human organization led by the clandestine elusive man. they are brought by to life three years later by cereberus and put on a special task to investigate the disappearance of several human colonies the galactic council is ignoring. jax is amenable however jeyna is suspicious of the elusive man’s intentions. they recruit garrus vakarian who is now known as archangel a vigilante on a rogue colony known as omega, a krogan supersolider known as grunt, tali'zorah nar rayya who is now a member of the quarian’s elite circle of government operatives, miranda lawson a powerful biotic, jacob taylor an impressive solider, jack an experimentally superior biotic, samara an asari justicar, mordin an accomplished salarian scientist, kasumi goto a thief, legion a geth construct, thane krios an assasin and zaeer masani a mercenary to go on a suicide mission through the omega three relay to defeat the collectors. they discover that the collectors are repurposed husks of the protheans and the reapers were making a human reaper taking the remains of the colonists to construct it. the team manages to defeat the reapers general harbinger and destroy the collectors base much to the chagrin of the elusive man who vows to get revenge
commander jackson “jax” shepherd - killian kelly commander jeyna shepherd ( must resemble killian kelly, early 30s ) - lieutenant kaidan alenko ( must be of asian descent, late 20s- early 30s ) - garrus vakarian/archangel (mo cap, love interest for jeyna in all three movies ) - cinna richards mordin solus ( mo cap, 50+ ) - joker moreau ( late 20s, early 30s ) - urdknot grunt ( mo cap, late 20s ) - urdknot wrex ( mo cap, 50s+ ) - tali'zorah vas neema ( mo cap, must be middle eastern descent, early 20s ) - miranda lawson ( late twenties, early thirties, main love interest for jax in second movie ) - jack ( late twenties, early thirties ) - jacob taylor ( late twenties, early thirties, must be of african american descent ) - kasumi goto ( late twenties, early thirties, must be of japanese descent ) - samara ( mo cap, late 40s - early 50s ) - morinth ( mo cap, early twenties, must resemble samara ) - thane krios ( mo cap, late 30s - early 40s  ) - liara t’soni/the shadow broker ( mo cap, late 20s - early 30s ) - elusive man ( late 50s - early 60s ) - captain anderson ( late 40s - early 50s, must be of african american descent ) - harbinger ( voice, must be commanding ) -  legion ( voice ) -  EDIE ( voice ) - 
MASS EFFECT: THE CRUCIBLE ( filming starts late november 2019, release date july 2020 )
the final entry in the series sees the twins rallying the troops against the reapers for one final standoff. the galaxy is overwhelmed by reaper attacks and earth is under siege. the twins split up. jax travels to tuchanka to rally the krogan to join the fight meanwhile jeyna travels to the turian homeworld to appeal to the turians. the krograns will join the fight if the genophage ( a biological weapon that was deployed against them by the turians and salarians ) is eradicated. jax recruits the help of mordin solus to help come up with a cure but he must hold off the reapers and the rival krograns to see mordin succeed. mordin sacrifices himself to cure the genophage. the krograns and jax arrive on the turian moon paladin to find that jeyna and garrus are pinned down despite help from tali and the quarians. even with the krograns the fight is futile. the gang retreats when a distress call is released from the asari homeworld. however, they arrive too late. all is not lost however, the galaxy’s different species are working to build the crucible a weapon that the protheans left unfinished 50,000 years ago. they need the quarians help to finish. however the quarians will not give their aid until the geth are exterminated. jeyna and jax must make a choice between legion and tali. however, before they can act legion sacrifices himself to resolve the conflict. elsewhere, the council is under siege as cerberus invades the citadel.  jax infiltrates the citadel whilst jeyna travels back to eden prime to retrieve something for the citadel. thane dies buying jax time to save the council at the hands of cerberus assasin kai leng. jax vows revenge and meets up with jeyna to find that she’s discovered a prothean warrior to join their cause against the reapers. the gang head to earth for one final assault against the reapers and the elusive man. jax sacrifices himself to save earth and jeyna manages to outwit the elusive man. the movie ends in a flash forward where garrus and jeyna adopt a human boy and name him jax. 
commander jackson “jax” shepherd - killian kelly commander jeyna shepherd ( must resemble killian kelly, early 30s ) - lieutenant kaidan alenko ( must be of asian descent, late 20s- early 30s, jax’s love interest in the third movie ) - garrus vakarian (mo cap, love interest for jeyna in all three movies ) - cinna richards mordin solus ( mo cap, 50+ ) - urdknot grunt ( mo cap, late 20s ) - urdknot wrex ( mo cap, 50s+ ) - urdknot eve ( mo cap, female, 50s+ ) -  tali'zorah vas normandy ( mo cap, must be middle eastern descent, early 20s ) - thane krios ( mo cap, late 30s - early 40s  ) - liara t’soni/the shadow broker ( mo cap, late 20s - early 30s ) - joker moreau ( late 20s, early 30s ) - EDI ( mo cap, late 20s early 30s ) - lieutenant james vega ( late 20s, early 30s, must be of hispanic descent ) - captain anderson ( late 40s - early 50s, must be of african american descent ) - elusive man ( late 50s - early 60s ) - admiral hackett ( late 50s - early 60s ) - legion ( voice ) -  kai leng ( late 20s- early 30s, must be of asian descent ) - javik ( mo cap, late 20s- early 30s ) harbinger ( voice, must be commanding ) - 
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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“ you got me all wrong.                                  i heard about you and what you do.                                                                              don’t you know the rumors ? ”
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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Driven (2018)
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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Don’t worry about me, as long as you’re okay.
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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                                       rhett walker’s insta at a glance.
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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ok so I’m requesting an ex wife for my irish babe killian ( chris wood ). just so everyone’s clear this isn’t a finals request just one filled with lots of drama. for simplicity’s sake we’ll call her jane.  killian met jane in early 2013 when he was really struggling with his acting career and she was a lot more successful than him and tbh most of hollywood saw it as an odd coupling. on top of that killian had also just ended a long term publicity relationship with jaime jett whom he’s always had feelings for. fans really shipped jaime and killian together and were quite nasty towards jane. even though killian assured her he only had feelings for her, jane was deeply insecure about her relationship with killian. in a moment of weakness she cheated on him with one of killian’s friends ( the details of whom you can decide ) and when she discovered she was pregnant right afterwards she decided she finally had the means to lock killian down. as expected, when she told him she was pregnant with his baby even though she wasn’t sure, he immediately proposed and the two got married.  their marriage was far from blissful. jane wasn’t the best mother leaving connor, their newborn baby in killian’s care while her career flourished. however they kept up appearances. to make matters worse, in 2015 killian was cast opposite jaime in a romantic drama called lost at sea. jane became crazy jealous and she asked him to pick between her or the part and killian chose the part because there were too many people depending on him. they filed for divorce soon after and jane secretly got a paternity test done. now she had definitive proof that connor wasn’t actually killian’s son. but something stopped her from using this trump card in court, she liked the freedom of not having to deal with a child. she wasn’t really cut out for motherhood. so she let killian’s lawyer petition for joint custody and the two had a relatively clean break. things between jane and killian were cordial. she took connor during some of the year but he was raised primarily by killian. the thing is though she never got over killian and still wishes she could be with him. at the end of last year she was cast in the jfk biopic with him and jaime where jane is playing jackie kennedy, jaime is playing marilyn monroe, and killian is playing john f kennedy. so as you can imagine the press is having a field day especially as there’s buzz for best actress noms for both women. jane also sees this as an opportunity to win killian back, but eventually it’ll come out that she lied about connor being his son and it’ll be a mess.  face claim wise I’m not picky. since she’s playing jackie kennedy in the biopic I’d say she should resemble jackie kennedy in some way and she’d be 25-32 years of age. suggestions I have are emilia clarke, alicia vikander, samantha barks, katie mcgrath, lucy hale, or mary elizabeth winstead. if interested hmu here or on discord @ amara #0987
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
this probably won’t show up in the tags because tumblr hates me but I just wanted to say hi in the tags and do an informal blurby thing in the tags. here are my three babies!! killian kelly, twenty-nine, actor/musician, chris wood #hellairish, started off on a wholesome sitcom with his twin brother kian kelly ( beth’s matthew daddario ) and then levelled up to starring in a cw show called beautiful dirty rich ( a mixture of oc and gossip girl ). after the show was abruptly cancelled he quit acting for awhile to focus on music. his sound is a mixture of jaymes young, ed sheeran and troye sivan. recently got back into acting and starred in a series of critically acclaimed indies before being cast as commander shepherd in the mass effect series. a few years ago he started dating jaime jett for publicity and fell kind of head over heels in love with her but screwed it all up by being a huge coward. he even decided to date someone else and seemingly got her pregnant ( she lied and the kid isn’t actually his so yikes he doesn’t know yet ). out of obligation he married the other girl and they had a kid. but the marriage didn’t last, and now he’s doing a jfk biopic where jaime is playing marilyn, he’s jfk, and the ex wife is playing jackie kennedy. needs: ex wife, mass effect co-stars, a bratpack of uk actors maybe??? beth and I also need another kelly sibling who is probably nonfamous?? 
jamal washington, thirty, rapper, michael b jordan  came from humble beginnings from harlem and rose to fame with a mix of his rapping skills & art skills. he’s a mix between kanye west, drake, and jean michael basquiat. kind of like the black sheep of the rap world says and does whatever he wants. he’s been to a jail a few times for a wide array of misdemeanors which include drinking and driving, drug use, and assault against papparazzi. as he came into his late twenties he kind of started to clean his act up and focus on his music and art work. recently he’s become smitten with zola dixon and is high key heart eyes for her. needs: a group of rapper friends, a posse?, maybe a group of hipster artist friends, some exes?? details on daisy king ( madelaine petsch ) coming later !! if interested in any of these hit me up on discord at amara #0987
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
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☆・゚*   SENSATIONAL  *・゚☆
☆sensational is an upcoming celebrity/hollywood based roleplay, set in the bustling city of los angeles. we’re focused on creating a fun, laid back, ever-evolving community with original industry ideas.  follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more!
#sensationalrp ☆ follow us for more
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karamellos-blog · 6 years
alias: amara pronouns & timezone: she/her + est favourite plots: angst, slowburns, drama, friends to lovers, tragedy, idk I just like detailed plots? platonic soulmates, found families, & brat packs !!! faces you haven’t got to use yet: brenton thwaites im obsessed with titans ! favourite celebrity scandals: the sony hack ??? tbh american politics is a bit like a celeb scandal rn with trump being president.  what you’re most looking forward to: seeing all the energy/passion/excitement everyone brings on board what previews do you want to see: I’ve seen everything ;) I just wanna see everyone’s characters something completely random about you: I chopped up a huge chunk of a finger cutting illustration board two weeks and cried like a baby.  a gif/image that best represents you:  
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