karlbruce-blog · 7 years
Dream Job
3D modelling/Level Design to get there i will need further education and learn more skills in 3D modelling as well as industry experience and a portfolio of my best work.
my long term goals would be
create a portfolio of my best work
graduate university
mod games using dev kits
short term goals
practice drawing
practice modelling 
look into modding games 
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karlbruce-blog · 7 years
Case Study and Job Roles
I’m interested in two jobs in the games industry, which are 3D modelling and Level design. I will look at a case study for both and also find out information for what you need to get into those jobs.
 3D modelling case study- Jonathan Williamson is a professional modeller. In an interview he said that keeping a broad perspective on modelling and not specialising into making particular types of models can give you more opportunities in the industry. He also said that a portfolio to showcase your work is good for an employer.
 Level Design case study- Pete Ellis is a level designer in the games industry who has worked on games like Killzone. Pete went to university to study games design, and created a portfolio of his best work and modding unreal tournament. He stated that its mostly going through higher education, having knowledge of 3D software and being able to draw levels can be the best way to get into level design. Another way to get into level design is to be a QA tester or go into modding games using dev kits.
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karlbruce-blog · 7 years
Teamwork challenge
We did a personality test and I got team player someone that does the work that there told to do then we were split into teams and given roles our goal was to make a marshmallow and spaghetti tower even though I wasn't that confident I wanted to try being the team leader. I assigned everyone in my group something to do to help with the main goal and even though we lost I still enjoyed being the team leader we did another personality test after the challenge and I got team supporter but I still enjoyed being the leader and I would try it again in the future.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
Final evaluation
How has the project gone so far state why? I think the project went well because I completed most tasks with ease I had a few difficulties like with my essay the sound recording because the sound quality was bad because I was using my phone i also didn't manage to get my car to be drive able because there was something wrong with the collision .
 What areas did you find difficult? I found writing the essay to be the hardest even though I had research and I knew a few things about formula one I still struggled to actually write it out I also found learning the technical media language difficult for example the meanings of diegetic and non diegetic.
 How could you address these issues? Go into more detail on the topics and plan the essay out do further research skim through and find facts that might be useful to me use professional recording equipment like a boom mic or dead cat to get rid of the wind and do more research on the meanings of the words i can address the unreal issue by managing my time better.
 What aspects did you enjoy and why? I enjoyed modelling the landscape because I could see my progress as I did each layer.
 How did your skill set develop through this project? I did get better at texturing and lighting because I used shadow maps and multiple cameras.
 What skills could be carried over to the fmp? My new found skills in lighting my models and scenery also my research and planning skills.
 How effective was your planning / research?  I think my research on my landscape tile was good I got lots of reference material of potential assets that I could implement into my tile even though I didn’t get them all in as well as good photos of st.ives my low poly research was also good I had lots of images on my mood boards which helped me decide my final vehicle.  
 How effective was your organisation and planning? I feel like my planning was effective as I planned out multiple routes that the player could take I also planned that each route would give advantages and disadvantages for example the streets would be harder to manoeuvre around but would reward the player with coins or any other pickups or one route would be super easy to take but it could cut off halfway and slow the player down.
 Should anything be adapted for your fmp?  I could do better at evaluating and typing out descriptions on my tumblr blog i can also get better at time management. 
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
we went out and recorded some sounds but the quality was very bad as i was using my phone i managed to get a okay sound and put it into audacity and removed most of the background sound and shortened the sound next time i would get better equipment like a boom mic, microphone, video camera to get a higher quality sound i would also prepare to make sure the camera has power and an SD card.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
Forza Horizon 3 Gameplay - 30 Minutes of BEAUTY & MADNESS (no commentary)
Racing Game Deconstruction
character voice
co driver voice
different terrain sound 
skidding on dirt 
water splash
radio voice
crowd cheer
GPS voice
menu selection
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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screenshots of my landscape tile and car models in unreal as well as the blueprints.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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Race Track Ideas
started planning the layout of the track of the racing game here i have six different designs i like the M and the triangle design the most because there different and don’t look like a normal track you'd see in any other racing game however i think the U shaped track would work the best as it allows for the coast tiles to be on the outside and the inland tiles to be in the middle.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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Main Menu Screen
this is as far as i got with making a Henry rivers inspired menu screen for my tile st.ives. Henry rivers uses solid block colours and low detail as well as a lot of blues and uses red to make certain ares stand out more. he uses blue because its easy on the eyes and he uses red because its the opposite of blue.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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Final Landscape Renders
final renders of my tile and props on the tile used direct lights and direct cameras to get the lighting and view i used object paint to place copy's of the different props used such as variations of trees and rocks i originally had three variations but the third variation couldn't import i also planned to have a few buildings scattered across the tile but i ran out of time and couldn't finish them. i found making the landscape to be tedious as i tried making new layers and creating clean geometry without any overlapping.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
Formula 1 racing vs formula E racing. Formula 1 racing is a popular sport that brings in a lot of money Lewis Hamilton gets paid $31 million plus bonuses and going to watch a race could cost up to £1000 for food, parking and tickets formula 1 also gets a lot of money from advertisements last year F1 made $1.6Billion and $700 million was distributed to the drivers also making a race track for F1 opens up jobs for the public. Formula 1 also creates new advancements in technology like carbon fiber, single lug nut wheels and Aerodynamics channeling wind flow to generate downforce and KERS kinetic energy recovery systems which converts kinetic energy into electrical energy which gets stored into the vehicles battery formula one also reuses the tires they use to create fuel for factory and material for roads they also reuse destroyed cars that have crashed however F1 did destroy farmland to create a race track in India a lot of viewers of formula 1 just watch it for the sound or the crashes. Formula E is completely electric but are slightly slower Formula E also has a system where the viewers can vote on their favorite driver to get a speed boost the races are also based inside the cities instead just outside. Formula E is aimed towards a younger generation that are more active on social media the drivers are also younger and are active on social media formula E also has some female drivers which formula 1 doesn’t.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
What is 'Sound Design'?   Sound design is the process of specifying, acquiring, manipulating or generating audio elements.
Describe the role of a Sound Designer.   The Sound Designer is responsible for obtaining all sound effects  
What is Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sound?    Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world.  non-diegetic sound is Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:
What is 'Foley'?   foley is relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film.
Describe the role of a Foley Artist   A foley artist creates audio effects for a film by using physical props.
What is ADR?   ADR stand for "Automated" or "Automatic" Dialog Replacement. Dialog that cannot be salvaged from production tracks must be. re-recorded in a process called looping or ADR. Looping originally involved recording an actor who spoke lines in.
Provide examples of why ADR might be used.   when an actor has to re-peform a part of a track.
What does the term 'clean sound' mean when recording?   to record a clear sound without background sound.
Why is 'clean sound' important? its important to get a good quality sound
What is a 'buzz track' or 'wild track'?   The term buzz track usually means general ambient sound. Wild track, also known as wild sound and wild lines, is an audio recording intended to be synchronized with film or video but recorded separately.
Why would a sound editor need a 'buzz track' or 'wild track'?   buzz track to create an ambient sound like people talking and the wild track would be used to sync sound effects with the video.
What impact can music have on an audience? - Consider how using both a score and/or existing songs can help with conveying meaning.   it can set the mood and feeling and create suspense and tension for the audience.
Describe the role of the sound recordist? a person who uses recording equipment  to record sound in a studio or outside
Provide a list of equipment a sound recordist might use
recording studio
recording software
cd player radio
sliding table
What is a boom? a boom is a a directional microphone that is mounted on a boom arm just outside the view of the camera 
What is a 'Dead Cat' or 'High Wind Gag/Shield'? a windshield to minimize wind noise
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
The controversy behind rally car racing
Rally driving is a sport where the driver and there navigator race as fast as they can through tough terrain. rally car driving also has some controversy behind it  like the Colin McRae story he was one of the best rally drivers and even had a video game franchise named after him in the form of the dirt series tragically Colin Mcrae  died in an helicopter crash with his son Johnny  and his sons friend Ben and Graeme Duncan. Colin flew the helicopter dangerously low in difficult terrain Ben's parents didn't even give Colin permission to take him onto the helicopter  another controversial story is about a British rally racer  Mark Fischer who admitted to not being able to understand his navigator this is so bad because the navigator tells the driver that theres a hard turn coming up not knowing or being aware of whats coming up is dangerous.
Rally car racing is bad for the environment because they can crash into trees and destroy habbitats another example is making the track to drive on alot of the tracks for rally racing goes through forests which destroys trees and habbitats 
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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Henry Rivers Research
started making a menu background of st.ives in the art style of Henry Rivers who uses simple low detail block colours. for my background menu piece i did st.ives as my tile of the landscape is in st.ives 
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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Landscape GIF
I rendered each individual layer and saved them as a png and put them into a gif maker.
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
10 Minutes - Dirt 3 PC Gameplay MAX Settings on Radeon HD 7950 1080p
menu music
selection sound
loading music
car revving
crowd cheering
driving on snow
hitting the ground
crashing into other cars
co driver 
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karlbruce-blog · 8 years
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