karmawriter-blog · 8 years
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:P ;) xD :( 
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karmawriter-blog · 8 years
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Does this bring back anything from R6S
The old ``beta`` days... 
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karmawriter-blog · 8 years
Guy 1: Knock knock!
Guy 2: Who`s there
Guy 1: Ya
Guy 2: Ya who
Guy 1: Yahoooo
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karmawriter-blog · 8 years
You`ll obviously LOVE this song!!!!
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karmawriter-blog · 8 years
“Louis, please drive faster! I won’t be able to suffer any longer…” shrieked Rosalie.
“ I’m losing control… What if I lose him… or her aga--”
“Do not utter those words! I’m driving faster than the speed limit allowed. Take deep breaths Rosy,’ said Louis.
‘Deep breaths…” repeated Louis, in a calm and soothing voice.
Rosalie heeded Louis’ advice and took deep breaths, a little too deep, but making out her condition, it made sense. Her heart pounded, sweat trickled off her burning red cheeks and to top it off, she stated her last wishes in case she were to expire during the delivery. A bumpy crack on the road jerked Rosalie off her seat, leaving her silent with despair.
Once they reached the hospital, Louis got a hold of Rosalie and heaved her inside the hospital, rushing to the Labour and Birth section, meeting his friend, Doctor Clasbey on the way.
“Mr.Wilson… oh my! What happened to Rosalie? Are you starting the delivery?” she questioned, looking seriously alarmed.
“Of course! I can’t just leave my wife on the edge of a precipice and watch her and the child suffer!” Louis sobbed.  Doctor Clasbey, tight-lipped decided to scoot from the area.
Louis had started Rosalie’s delivery. It was a hassle focusing due to all the tension and stress he had dealt with.  He had performed hundreds of deliveries at this point, but seemed to be struggling with this one the most. After all, the patient whom he conducted the operation on was his sweet and caring wife.  After the laborious delivery, Louis could officially call himself a father, blessed with twins. Later after examining one of the twins, Louis froze on the spot, paralyzed at what he’d seen. He carelessly seized one of his children, placed him in the car, and drove to the orphanage. He fulfilled all the requirements, signed the forms and left him in care of the orphanage. On the drive back to the hospital, Louis wailed and wailed, feeling that a tremendous piece of his happiness had already been engulfed in the flames. On the bright side, Louis embarked on a new life as a father of his other child, who he named Ophelia.
What had happened to Louis and Rosalie’s other child? Was he a lonely orphan, sitting on the grounds of the orphanage, wailing and wondering why his parents left him there? No. Miraculously, 3 years after being held captive in an orphanage, (the government's arrival) Louis and Rosalie’s child was going to be adopted by a couple, surprisingly with a child beforehand since the wife couldn’t bear anymore.
The government’s arrival didn’t provide happiness as everyone would have thought, it only gave despair and disappointment. Taxes were the Government’s weapon, as they increased every single day. Services like the Orphanage were special targets of receiving tax. The orphanage decided to invite a few couples to adopt a child so they didn’t always have to buy heaps of supplies.
Mr and Mrs Fallon, the couple with the only child, brought him to their home to start a new future. Their 5 year old son, Dwayne had been so excited that he teemed with joy! He insisted upon naming his brother Kenneth, his best friend at school. Every single day, he would watch his mother change, feed, or even sing a lullaby at night, so soft and delicate that Kenneth would fall asleep in seconds. Dwayne had been so eager to entertain his little brother, that he just joyfully stormed into his parents’ room and started to make silly faces or fly him up to the ceiling even after his parents told him countless times not to.
Once again, years had passed to find the government developing more hideous schemes to find a way to get their filthy hands on people’s money. In these years, the most special thing that changed was Dwayne and Kenneth. They had grown older and so did their bond of brotherhood. Even though Dwayne and Kenneth couldn’t hang out as much as they used to due to an immense amount of studies, they still tried to when they got a chance.  
The 15th annual conference had been held for the government to celebrate 15 years and to share and explain their new tactics of dishonesty. “Welcome to the 15th annual conference of  “Achieving for Benefit” at Hollow-Hills my dear fellow colleagues! Hope you all had a marvelous summer filled with contentment and relaxation!’exclaimed the governor gleefully.
‘with work of course!” he added in a half-hearted smile. “Now, let’s not waste time and get this meeting over with, OK?” Everyone at the conference nodded, hoping to get an increase in their salary this year, as it was less than a janitor’s pay working at a school.
The governor wrenched his elbow causing two bourbon whiskeys to thrust out of his lap. “My bad, always dropping something every day…. well you already know that it’s my thing.” chirped the governor, adding a laugh, so dull and tedious which no one decided to reciprocate. “So… where did we leave off again?”
“Your habit of dropping things everyday, Mr. McClain, uh-I mean governor.”
A couple of others exchanged grins and smiles and were starting to enjoying themselves.  Mr. McClain, looked at him sharply, “everyone shall get only half of their deserved payment for this month, no exceptions and comments will be taken. Hopefully we can now finish the meeting without interruptions.
“But sir… this isn’t fair! I mean, how much salary do we get anyways? 10 dollars an hour? If you deduct half of that, it will be reduced to only 5 dollars an hour. We have to provide our family with bread and butter as well!” squealed a colleague. “Guess I didn’t make myself clear enough, whoever doesn’t agree with this, is highly welcomed to get the hell out of here!” spat the governor. Everyone started to mutter words under their breath like: Stupid, greedy, jerk, dipstick.
There was a special nickname sweetly named by the public kept for the government, especially the governor which was “corrupt.” The chance of the public ever siding with the government was as slim as an eclipse scheduled today (even though one could happen…)
Meanwhile, Louis, hadn’t been doing too well. Sadly, he had 4th stage brain cancer. Rosalie was a mess. She stayed up late at nights to serve her husband by giving him medicine, sneaking late at night from their daughter Ophelia to take walks at the park. Every other moment, he muttered words like:
I have done you wrong, I’m unfaithful, wish I hadn’t abandoned my son…
To top it off, the government had been highly charging them with taxes since Louis retired. The chemotherapy was really expensive to afford and showed no improvement to his health, he just kept deteriorating.
Eventually, Louis expired from brain cancer, leaving Rosalie and Ophelia to shed tears and to continue tackling and facing conflicts from the government. The atmosphere had totally changed and was silent as a grave (not always).
“Mom, why did daddy have to die? I mean, how could he just leave us all alone?! I want him BACK! I want to shout to his face that I LOVE HIM!” cried Ophelia.
Rosalie, left with despair was about to reply when she saw a golden stamp shining beside the bedside table. It caught her eye and she walked towards it at a slow pace. It was a letter, for both mother and daughter from Louis.
Dear Rosalie and Ophelia,
When you find this letter, I may not be alive. I have lots of things to say to both of you, especially Rosalie. Secrets, to be specific. First of all, be ready to hear this, both of you.
“Ophelia, come here dear! Daddy has left a letter for us.” Ophelia rushed to Rosalie, viewing the letter with great interest.  We had twins. I know you must be feeling confused as to how this could have happened. On the day of your delivery, I found out that one of our children had a problem. Why? He wasn’t responding well as a new-born baby. However, Ophelia was, even for being born two months earlier than schedule. After, I took him to the orphanage and left him there. Rosalie shook her head vigorously in disapproval and started to wail. I’m sorry Rosalie. I know that you were quite depressed after your miscarriage before we had twins and if this child died, you would have broken down to bits. Rosalie hurled the soggy letter to the floor and kept on lurching around. Ophelia lunged forward to retrieve the letter.  Apparently, our child DIDN’T have a problem. He was adopted by a couple years ago, when Ophelia and him were just three. I’m sorry. If possible, please forgive me.
PS:: Address of Mr. and Mrs. Fallon (our child’s new parents) →  114 Maple St.
A couple of days later, Rosalie and Ophelia went to this address to request Kenneth back. “You want him back? How do we even know he’s your son?” questioned Mrs. Fallon.
Rosalie showed her the birth certificate.
“Why would you just dump him in the orphanage if he had a problem or illness. You should have stayed with him!” hissed Mr. Fallon.
Kenneth and Dwayne rushed downstairs, wondering what all the ruckus was about.
“Mom and dad, what happene-”
“Which one’s my son?!”asked Rosalie.
Mr. and Mrs. Fallon motioned their head towards Kenneth.   Rosalie embraced him but Kenneth let go. “Who are you?”
“I’m, ya-yo-you’re mother Kenneth dear,’ stuttered Rosalie. ‘I’ve come to bring you back,” said Rosalie clearly.
“Look, Ophelia, your sister has come to see you too.”
Kenneth’s eyes popped wide in disbelief, unable to believe what he’d just witness.
“You two are twins, did you know that Kenneth dear?” added Rosalie.
After that, he almost blacked out to the floor, but Dwayne shoved him back up to his feet, also unable to accept the reality.
“It would be the biggest gift in my life, if you could return my son, it’s a mother's request…’
Mr. and Mrs. Fallon exchanged fierce looks. “Wha-wha-what do you mean?! We can’t just let you take him away from our sights!” Kenneth and Dwayne’s parents barked.
“Also, what about Dwayne? Just because he’s intensely focused in his studies, doesn’t mean that he’ll just abandon Kenneth,”preached Mr. Fallon.
Dwayne stepped into the prolonged quarrel. “I’ll leave my education to a halt, don’t snatch away my brother, he’s the only one I have except for my parents…’ whimpered Dwayne calmly.
‘only one…” repeated Dwayne.
Ophelia began to speak, “please Kenneth, come with us! We all love you so much!” Kenneth didn’t reply, he just stared at the floor.
Rosalie continued the conversation, “let Kenneth make a decision then… whatever he wants will happen, agree?” Kenneth felt like his head was going to blow up in pressure. There was absolutely no way he could make a decision. A right one, especially. His heart pounded, he got severe cramps in the stomach and observed everyone blankly, feeling dazed, hoping that this was just a horrific dream and praying that he didn’t need to choose. Oh God, please kill me, Kenneth thought.  Dwayne had seen Kenneth turning white. “Kenneth, let’s go back upstairs, you need some rest.” Without waiting for his reply, he captured Kenneth’s wrist and dragged it upstairs while Kenneth took one last look at his mother and sister and was curious of where his father was?
‘He’s not only yours, he’s Ophelia’s as well... “ Rosalie broke down to the floor in despair, sobbing and bellowing as loud as an erupting volcano. As Kenneth reached to his room, the only sounds he last heard were the threats of entailing the government into this case. Kenneth trudged to Dwayne’s room. To cheer Kenneth up, out of nowhere, Dwayne started a pillow fight and soon hugged Kenneth. Both brothers embraced heartedly, hoping that it could stay this way forever. Indeed, what if Kenneth has to leave? Dwayne thought.
Was it the end? Nope, not yet. Rosalie, however, still didn’t register her mind to all this. Next day, she went to the government office to bribe them to separate Kenneth from his adopted parents. Was this a smart plan? To give money to the CORRUPT government, expecting them to do a task, when they’ve never done anything else? Guess not.
After giving the money, she vacated from the brick-walled office, attached with glass windows all over the roof to get sunlight during the day. There were dozens of maple trees scattered all around the office, slightly giving it the appearance of a forest, with squirrels chittering and bees buzzing. Rosalie waited days for the government's response but it didn’t come. She hurtled to her son, Kenneth’s house, deciding to make everything crystal-clear.
“I understand Rosalie but, it’s just that we can’t give him back to you. He ate, played and slept in this house for his entire childhood and I don’t think the separation will be easy for us or Kenneth.” Rosalie didn’t listen to a single word Mrs. Fallon said and just darted upstairs.
“His heart was pounding, he was sure he had seen the doorknob turn-”
THUD! Dwayne tossed his book on the floor and went to see the ruckus.
“You’re coming with me Kenneth, this INSTANT!”
Kenneth scuttled down the stairs, past the living room, through the door and outside. Everyone hurried after him, wondering what had happened? Kenneth had been unable to decide whom he wanted to go with. Was it his original mom and sister whose blood he had, or was it his other parents who retrieved him from the torturous orphanage and took care of him?
Kenneth couldn’t decide. He went further outside, looking at the mist. Kenneth didn’t go back inside, he just sunk into the mist, letting it consume him second by second, making him disappear from everyone, especially himself.
A story brought to you by:
Shaan Soomro productions
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