karolina-lannister · 7 years
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♛ A Song of Ice and Fire | House Lannister
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karolina-lannister · 7 years
Events were Karolina’s strong suit, it was only a matter of time until she put names to faces her tutors had drilled into her mind. It must be important for the Lannisters to be here, especially how far away Casterly Rock was to this tundra. She hadn’t seen any of the wolves or dragons up close, and she was beginning to wonder whether or not her siblings had the same fortune. Taking her seat at the tourney, Karolina was shocked that houses actually obeyed the seize fire. As a princess, there was no way she could have participated- even if she was rather good at horseback riding. She could only imagine the heart attack her mother would have if she tried to participate. “I haven’t even met this new Wolf King,” Karolina noted to herself quietly as she looked around curiously. Looking at the person next to her, she gave a small smile. “Who are you rooting for?” Hopefully, she could have some company for the event. 
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karolina-lannister · 7 years
It always fascinated Astrid to get to see all of the other nobles and people from all over Westeros. This was truly the biggest event, peaceful anyways, in which she got to see so many different people from many different houses. She wasn’t the most social, or charming, and didn’t really care to be, but she thought she might have her fun while she could.
Astrid looked her best for the event, a rarity for her as a woman who prefered to dress as she pleased and more often in armor or clothing in which she could easily move and hunt in. Today was an exception and she waltzed around like the true lady she never really cared to be, turning go grab a cup of ale from a servant, accidentally bumping someone in the process. “Oh, sorry.” She said, in the nicest voice she could muster, a smile coming about her face. “Would you like some ale, too?”
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This place was cold, no wonder people wore animals around their necks. Karolina didn’t want to be here, but she knew she had to be so everyone was aware the Lannisters were a relevant threat. King of the North? Pft, there was only one true King and it was her brother. It was nice at least to see all the beautifully dressed people visiting to celebrate the wolf pup king. A hand reached out in front of her, bringing the princess to a sharp halt. “Ah-,” Karolina eyed the woman who had reached out in front of her. “I don’t drink.” She said, moving out of the way to avoid being splashed- she made this dress herself. “Is that what women in the North do normally?” Karolina said. She had never been this far North before, but she knew that it was normal for women to be more... masculine in their actions. “It must be dangerous to drink around here.”
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karolina-lannister · 7 years
the north felt more like home than her current abode in greenstone. There, she felt closer to who she really was. alysana was very much part northerner as she was a stormlander; lady estermont was as cold as the winds in the north and temperamental as the storms in the stormlands. when she heard of her cousin’s coronation, she knew she just had to travel to see this momentous occasion— and it was the perfect reason to visit since it has been years since. if she had a choice, she would have visited more often but she had other duties and being a mother was one of them. bringing her children was not at all very easy as the long travel took a toll on them still, alysana wanted to show them the north. mingling at the party was also hard as she had to keep her eyes on her children. “Edric, please do not run!” lady estermont, fixing the ribbons on her younger daughters hair “i swear, he bolts off like a horse.  i fear that i might lose him in the crowd.” 
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Karolina had been observing, looking mostly around at the cold heartless surroundings. How could anyone live in such a heartless place? There was no doubt there would be enemies here, she had to make sure to find Tytos and Cerena before anyone made a scene. It wasn’t long before Karolina felt a small child bump into her. Knocking the gentle Princess back, Karolina looked down at the child- hearing his mother call out to him. “I think you’re going to be in trouble if you run around like that. You don’t know who might bump into.” Karolina said, bending down to him a little. Locating the mother’s voice, she gently lead the boy back to his mother. “I have him,” Karonlina said with a smile, approaching the young woman. “I was telling him that he needed to be more careful... There’s a lot of unfamiliar faces around here.” Even Karolina had felt a little out of comfort without her siblings and guards at her side. “Dragons, lions, direwolves... don’t want to get eaten.” She joked patting the boys head. Her blonde hair should have given her away but she still introduced herself, “I’m Karolina Lannister.”
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