kartrxcers · 5 years
God yall have no idea how fuckin happy i am
Von clutch...he's... Hes h o m e
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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yall imn actually going to cry over here i’m stimming like crazy i’ve never been this happy.
pasadena AND von clutch’s kart on November? THE SAME MONTH MY BDAYS ON?! ach i’m in HEAVEN! 
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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aw shit does mun finally have more energy for this blog?
.. y e.
gon add some new muses real soon and try t’ be active again lets get bread.
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Aa sorry for the lack of activity been way too busy with other things to focus on this X/\X
I'll try and make some ic posts soon but h tbh im more active on discord servers and what not
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Agsgshdd so sorry for my inactivity. CTR is ruling my life rn and when it's not I'm busy with school.
I'll try and wrote some more soon dw but dhbdb
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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“ im at my limit “
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Now that clutch n gang have moved elsewhere I'll just respond to some interactions he's involved in and then anymore responses will be from their new blog UwU
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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“ Thas right VC. There’s been a trail of wumpa whip near the scene o’ every stolen power gem at the park! “
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“ THAT’S RIDICKALICKALICKALOUS! i mean who drinks wumpa whip anyway? “
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Mun is 16
+6 years of RP experience
OC/Crossover Friendly
N.SFW free
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kartrxcers · 5 years
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laptop is working so i can finally move around my muses eyyy
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Aaa my computer has a virus and i cant even function on it legit now :(
I'll try and do some writing whilst i wait to see if i can get it fixed but yea
No formatting or images till it's fixed yo
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Sorry for low activity the new prix has me on it atleast until i beat gold tier
I'll try and be active soon but with the changes i plan on makin that may also be a wjile
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Me still waiting for CTTR rep in Nitro Fueled:
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Sorry for lack of activity cpmputer keeps going kapootsky and i cannot do anyging until i find a fix :pensive:
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Have lost a bit of musing for some chars and got some for different ones so expect some muse changes yall
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Ok so yea
Gon move von clutch and his suggestion blog onto another and have the suggest be a side
To replace him here will be.. P.. Pas a den a
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kartrxcers · 5 years
Quotes from Retail Starters
“Collectively, between all of us, we make one fully functioning person.”
“You are just fueled by spite and chai tea lattes.”
“Listen, I could get you in trouble for not taking a break, but I won’t.”
“Alright, I’m leaving to go get a bagel.”
“I volunteer as tribute for the coffee run.”
“I just… I just made that look pretty…”
“I’m surrounded by chocolate and I can’t eat any of it.”
“Oh no look at that, the playlist went and skipped that song oh no…”
“Excuse me while I stand next to the door and look creepy so no one comes in.”
“I was going to say that I had my key, because I know I do, but now that you’ve asked I am filled with needless doubt-yes I have it.”
“Why is the majority of the staff here suffering from some issue that also happens to be related to almost dying?!”
“Yes, I did the stupid thing and went after him, but the power of NO is strong in me today.”
“Morale doughnuts? I think it’s a day for morale doughnuts.”
“Yes I’m one minute late, she knows why!”
“What are they gonna do, get pissed off you’re doing your job with a smile?”
“You would not have been able to get into the place if we were closed.”
“Meh, it’s a good word. How you feeling? Meh. Nice and universal.”
“Don’t worry, I speak tired and incoherent.”
“We all want to parkour over the counter, but no.”
“I mean really no one wants to piss off a room full of women with access to over a thousand knives.”
“Just hide things in the ceiling! We’re getting to that point!”
“The sharp thing has been promoted to the sacrificial knife.”
“I am nose blind to humanities greatest food loves.”
“We’re renaming the dumpster ‘emergency storage’.”
“Now all it smells like is fries back here and I’m hungry all over again. This is your fault.”
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