kaslow22-blog · 5 years
Life’s never as it seems
Do you guys ever wake up and think today is gonna be a good day and then all of a sudden your mind just keeps over thinking shit and it changes your whole mood even when your around people or is that just me coz the past few days it’s been nothing but my mind over thing shit and replaying shit and making it harder to wanna talk to to people or even just be around people. Ive become that person who just wants nothing to do with people but at the same time wants to be around people but it just doesn’t seem right. I’m lost here and I don’t know what to do about it coz it feels like it taken control over me and I don’t know how to stop it or get past it and I fucking hate it so much. My MIND never stops going over the same shit all the time coz I can be perfectly fine and then all of a sudden I’m over like damn I am ever good enough for anyone or am I even worth being here or should I just say fuck it and just give up and stop.
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
Mind over everything
Do you guys ever have this moment where you just feel like everything is going wrong and you can’t stop over thinking every lil thing or is that just me cause today has been one of them days and it all started when I woke up around 4ish this morning and it just felt like I did something wrong or things just aren’t right and you can’t figure out why well welcome to my CAZY MONDAY where my mind decided to over think shit and it makes me wanna just brake out in tears and just cry and you just don’t know why and it fucking sucks . You can tell I just put a smile on my face just so no one knows the pain I’ve been through or going through .
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
I’m just done trying like there is no point if they just gonna make me feel like shit or just drop me without even trying
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
What did I do wrong
Do u guess have that friend that try’s and help you find someone and then that one person they try and get u with turn you down through them like that shit really fucking hurt. Really tell me this. Am I just not good for anyone anymore like wtf is wrong for me like maybe I should just give up and cry my life away or more like just kill myself coz what’s the point of even trying anymore if ur just gonna get heart broken or turned down before even getting there. I just don’t know what to do anymore like does anyone ever feel like this or is it me or does everyone get happiness and I get shit on like imfucking nothing , like plz tell me what’s wrong with me.
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
Life never gets better !
You know u have feelings for someone when they don’t talk to u for 2 days and then u realize u fucked around and fell in love and the sad part I didn’t even know how he really fells and it sucks coz now I feel like an ass for going for someone who would rather fuck with his friends and then get locked up and not even have the balls to tell me or let me know . I hate how I had to find out from one of my friends about this fucking bullshit and it really hurts
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kaslow22-blog · 5 years
My life!
Ok please tell me this is it wrong to feel like your nothing and no one wants anything to do with you well welcome to my world coz there is nothing I can do to make anyone wanna be with me or even the guy that I like even have the balls to say we can be together knowing he loves me back . No. My life just feels like a shit show even tho I act like it’s ok and everything but it’s really not and I’m at this point where I just wanna give up and say fuck and just do me and worry about no one.
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