kassandragreyson · 21 minutes
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La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Frank Cadogan Cowper, 1926)
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kassandragreyson · 19 hours
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Rio & Agatha in Agatha All Along (2024) - 1.01 Seekest Thou The Road
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kassandragreyson · 21 hours
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I saw this on TikTok, and then boooom! 💓💓💓💓
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kassandragreyson · 21 hours
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°☆. Ready for take-off?
Get ready for Worfriker Week 2024! The whole week from November 4th to 10th is dedicated to creating fanwork that includes Worf and Will Riker from the Star Trek franchise.
There are two prompts to choose from each day. They are as follows:
DAY ONE (November 4th): dress uniforms | poetry
DAY TWO (November 5th): sick bay | missing scene
DAY THREE (November 6th): Klingons | away team
DAY FOUR (November 7th): “I will go with you!” | poker
DAY FIVE (November 8th): sparring | hurt/comfort
DAY SIX (November 9th): music | “I need you by my side!”
DAY SEVEN (November 10th): free choice of your own ♡
Please tag @rikerxworf​ in your tumblr creations so that I can reblog them. There is also an AO3 collection available to post your work there.
What kind of fanwork can I create?
You can create anything, as long as it includes Worfriker and one or both prompts for the day you’re posting on. That includes fan fiction, fan art, edits, collages, photography, videos, playlists, recipes etc. There is no upper or lower limitation/ wordcount for your work.
Do I have to participate on all days?
No, but you can! This is a very casual event.
What if I can’t post on the day of the prompt I like?
As I said, this is a very casual event. The AO3 collection will stay open for a little longer after November 10th, and I will reblog your tumblr post even if it is late. Real life happens, that’s totally fine!
Must I follow the prompts?
Yes, that is a requirement for this event. You are free to skip a day if you don’t like the prompts. If you like both and can’t decide, no problem! You can just as well create fanwork that fits both prompts for the day you’re posting on or even create two fanworks, one for each prompt.
Must my creation be TNG-related?
No, your work can take place in the timeline of any Star Trek show, book or movie, or even completely outside of established canon/ in an AU. No requirements here, anything goes!
Can I create explicit fanwork for this event?
You can, as long as you are over the age of 18 and tag your post accordingly.
I have another question…
Don’t hesitate to send it to @rikerxworf​ here on tumblr!
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kassandragreyson · 23 hours
Alien Spotlight: Q
I still can't believe that they actually had a comic where the writers went 'Okay Picard has a huge trauma regarding having his mind invaded but you know who else can invade peoples mind and take over their bodies? Q. How about we make a story with that where Q makes a (consensual) game out of this where he takes over Picards body, pretends to be Picard all the while Picard watches and makes comment from the inside of his taken over body. And oh, by the end of it we show that Q was very much aware of the gravity of their game and offers to erase Locutus from Picards mind.'
I can't reblog the posts because the blog that originally posted it hasn't been there for years but since they are pages from an official comic I do not think that this counts as reposting?
Anyway, this comic is a ride and it may start with Picard being angry at Q for a comment but it actually becomes so much more near the end.
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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request i got on kofi from @glyphwright ! i might make more star trek pony stuff soon. i love ponies and also star trek
taking a quick break. from posting aliens for for this request. if you want to send a request i’d really appreciate it. i am donating anything i make there for the rest of the month. http://ko-fi.com/captainzigo
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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kassandragreyson · 2 days
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Happy star trek day, here's my fav captain :3 (and a couple of Q's)
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kassandragreyson · 3 days
Writing Prompt #2823
"He was your dad. Don't you feel anything? Not even just a little bit?"
"If I tell you exactly what I think, you're going to think I'm a monster."
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kassandragreyson · 3 days
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kassandragreyson · 3 days
How to Write a Confession of Love
Build the Emotional Tension Before the big confession, let the tension simmer between the characters. Maybe they share little glances across the room, or their hands brush accidentally but neither pulls away. Every shared laugh or lingering look should leave the reader wondering “Is this it?” When the confession finally happens, it’ll feel like the natural next step, as if both characters have been teetering on the edge of admitting their feelings for a while.
Inner Turmoil Leading Up to the Moment No one’s ever totally confident before saying, “I like you,” or “I love you.” Show the character’s inner freak-out. Maybe they’re wondering if they’re about to ruin everything, or if the other person feels the same. Let them overthink every detail, what if they mess it up? What if they say the wrong thing? This nervousness is super relatable and makes the confession way more intense and vulnerable.
Choose the Right Setting Where the confession happens can completely change the vibe. If it’s somewhere quiet and personal, like on the roof under the stars or sitting close on a couch, it adds a sense of intimacy. But maybe it’s in the middle of a party or a chaotic situation, where emotions are running high and everything’s on the line. The setting should fit the emotions—are they scared? Excited? Confused? Let the environment match their energy.
Don’t Make It Perfect Real life is messy, and confessions of love are no different. Maybe the character fumbles their words, says something awkward, or has to start over. Maybe they get interrupted, or they laugh nervously halfway through. These imperfections make the moment feel real. It’s not about saying the perfect words, it’s about what’s in their heart. Let the raw, unpolished feelings shine through.
Balance Between Show and Tell Obviously, they’re going to say something like “I love you” or “I can’t stop thinking about you,” but actions and body language speak just as loudly. Maybe their voice cracks, they shift closer without realizing it, or they can’t seem to meet the other person’s eyes. Maybe their hands are shaking, or their heart is pounding so loud they can’t hear anything else. Let those little details paint the full picture of how much this confession means.
The Other Person’s Reaction It’s not just about the person confessing, the other person’s reaction is a huge part of the scene. Are they completely shocked? Do they hesitate, or respond right away? Do they get teary-eyed or try to play it cool? The way they react adds layers to the moment. Even a pause before answering can make the scene ten times more intense. Their response shows how much they’ve been waiting for or dreading this confession too.
In short, make it messy, emotional, and real. Readers want to feel the build-up, the fear, the excitement, and the vulnerability of both characters. Don’t be afraid to make things a little awkward or imperfect, that’s what makes a confession unforgettable.
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kassandragreyson · 3 days
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welcome back my fav depressed babygirl
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kassandragreyson · 4 days
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*sighs* *opens giving sanctuary on ao3 for the 10203493828384 time*
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kassandragreyson · 4 days
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Fiddleford found one of his old shirts
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