kassyyy22 · 10 months
They Say, I Say - Part 4 Exercise
Social science is the study of human behavior and interactions with organizations and institutions. Although studying people is complex, social scientists explore topics such as minimum wage laws, immigration policy, health care, aggressive behavior, and employment discrimination. Writing in social sciences requires examining one's opinions and testing them against evidence. For example, some researchers question if video game addiction is a legitimate disorder. The American Psychiatric Association has identified internet gaming disorder as a possible psychiatric illness and the World Health Organization may include it in its catalog of mental diseases.
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kassyyy22 · 10 months
Writing Sample - Blog Post
Some people believe online platform should prioritize freedom of speech and not interfere in online interactions, even if they are hurtful or harmful. These interventions impact their rights to protection, privacy, and freedom of expression, as afforded to them in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child (Milosevic et al,. 2023). By prioritizing online platforms, we can ensure that they are safe, inclusive, and supportive space for users. This includes implementation policies against cyber bullying, providing resources for mental health and well-being, and fostering a positive online culture. Prioritizing online platforms can lead to a healthier and more enjoyable online environment for our users. Everyone should have the right to express their opinions, even if they’re negative or offensive. However, it’s important to not take advantage of freedom of speech and should not be used as an excuse to preserve harm or target others.
            In conclusion, cyber bullying on social media has significant negative impacts on individual’s mental health and well-being. Cyber Bullying can have severe consequences, leading to increase anxiety, depression, and even suicide among young people. It’s undermines their self-esteem and creates a hostile online environment that can have long lasting effects. By raising awareness, implementing stricter policies, educating both teens and parents about online safety, responsible digital citizenship, we can work towards mitigating the detrimental impact of cyber bullying. Together we can create a more compassionate and supportive online community where teens can thrive and feel safe. As we all have a role to play and make a difference in supporting each other’s mental health and well-being. So, let’s stand up against cyber bullying and prioritize each other’s mental health.
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kassyyy22 · 11 months
They Say, I Say - Chapter 6 Exercise
1.) Read the following passage from “A People’s Democratic Platform” by the cultural critic Eric Schlosser. As you’ll see, he hasn’t planted any naysayers in this text. Do it for him. Insert a brief paragraph stating an objection to his argument and then responding to the objection as he might.
In much disagreement, anonymous, states that the war on drugs must continue to ensure the safety of all citizens. Without continuing this war, drugs will once again become a huge problem throughout society and affect especially youth in negative ways. By the government withholding its stance in the involvement of the war on drugs, they are proving it is indeed a problem worth fighting against. With a topic that affects so many of us in a serious way, whether in a good or bad way, decisions on the war on drugs must be carefully considered
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kassyyy22 · 11 months
Midterm Reflection - Blog Post 
Respond to the following questions in your blog for the remainder of class:
What has been difficult for you so far this semester (academic or otherwise)? Why?
What has been easy for you? Why?
What has surprised you? Why?
If you could start the semester over, what would you change? Why?
What are you looking forward to for the second half of the semester? Why?
What changes have you noticed about yourself so far? What have you learned about yourself?
Word Count: 95 words
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
A Few of Your Favorite Things - Blog Entry
A topic I would lecture the class about would be how social media is bad for younger children to use. One of the main points I would include would be how it can impact a child's learning development, and cause them to lose sleep at night from being distracted by social media.
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
They Say, I Say - Chapter 9 Exercise
Exercise 3:
In addition, there is enormous variation in the so-called return to education, ultimately depending on factors such as institution attended, field of study, whether a student graduates and post-graduation occupations.
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
They Say, I Say - Chapter 5 Exercise 
Exercise 3:
Read over a draft of your own writing—a paragraph or an essay—and then respond to the following questions. How do you distinguish your own voice from the argument(s) you are summarizing, quoting, and responding to? How could you use a template from this chapter to clarify the distinction between your argument and their argument(s)? Where could you use first-person voice markers or embedded references in your writing?
1.) In my writing, I make sure to make my voice separate from other points of view by using different voice tones to not confuse the readers, also voice markers to make it easy to identify who is saying what because the argument would be dead if it is not clear to the reader if the writer is arguing for or against. I also make it clear who is directly speaking so there isn't any confusion. I can use a template from this chapter to clarify my distinction by identifying my argument compared to theirs. I can use this when referencing something I've previously said.
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
Writing Process Reflection
1.) I picked music because I feel like it brings out more emotion, and could even change a persons mood. Music is important to me because it could also inspire change into people lives when hearing it. I've learned that music could help students focus in school. I would like to research how music can be a distraction, and how will it affect us? I find the different genres the most interesting.
2.) Something that has been difficult for me was gathering my information from a specific artist. The easiest part of my brainstorming was choosing a artist and genre. Something i've been doing differently from high school was creating brainstorm ideas. College Life is much different because I feel like the work flow moves much faster .
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
They Say, I Say - Chapter 4 Exercise
Excercise 1:
Below is a passage from Chris Nowinski’s 2019 Vox essay, “Youth Tackle Football Will Be Considered Unthinkable 50 Years from Now.” In this essay, Nowinski (director of the Concussion Legacy Foundation and former college football player) argues that tackle football should be banned for kids under fourteen years old.
a. Read the passage. Then respond to Nowinski’s argument using one of the templates from this chapter: one that responds by agreeing and one that responds by disagreeing.
-I agree that youth tackle football should be boycotted for kids under 14 years of age since it can develop an infection that is known to be perilous and deadly. Likewise, when the cells in our Focal Sensory system quit working or work and allegedly it has no fix along these lines, youthful ones will bite the dust early or will have this disease for the rest of their breath.
-I differ with restricting of youth tackle football to individuals who are under 14 years of age since it forestalls them from doing anything that they like to do particularly in sports and the life or decisions they made.
b. Work with a partner to compare your responses. Which response do you think is the strongest, and why?
I believe my response to where I'm agreeing to early tackle football is the strongest because it explains the side effects of what happens to children as they start early age sports in life.
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kassyyy22 · 1 year
They say, I say CH 2 Exercise
A student was asked to summarize an essay by writer Ben Adler, “Banning Plastic Bags Is Good for the World, Right? Not So Fast.” Here is the draft: “Ben Adler says that climate change is too big of a problem for any one person to solve.”
a. How does this summary fall prey to the “closest clichĂ© syndrome” (p.35)?
-This summary falls prey to the "closest cliche syndrome" by misunderstanding the author's point of view and switching up the outline of the author. b. What’s a better verb to use than “say”? Why do you think so?
-A better verb to use other than say would be "speak" because it expresses their actions and states the opposite of what the author says.
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