katcheerrof · 2 years
Begged and borrowed time. (An Eddie Munson fanfiction). Chapter 3.
Okay there’s some angst and some cute scenes on this chapter. It is kinda weird, though. But tbh I’ve been craving for some love at first sight trope with Eddie, so sorry, not sorry hahahaha. I hope you guys like it! 
“You said yes, I presume” Eddie asked, he couldn’t face you, so he was playing with his rings. You knew him too well to know that he does that when he’s feeling on edge.
“I… Why would you think that?”
“Princess, you’ve been in love with him since we’ve met! You talk about him pretty much on a daily basis to me.” Eddie shrugs. He still can’t look at you and that’s starting to bother.
“Well, I didn’t said yes. I wanted to talk to you first.”
“Why? So I could give you two my blessings?” he asks, sarcastically, letting out a sad laugh before turn his back on you.
“No! Because you’re my best friend and I wanted to know if…”
“If what, y/n?” he turns to you, his hands shaking. He’s in pain, you can see it in his face while he’s talking to you. “I don’t have time for that right now, for fucks sake! In case you’re too busy making out with Steve to notice anything, I am stuck in here for a month now. I don’t know if I will graduate. Hell, I don’t even know if someday I’ll be able to get out of this cabin. I miss my friends, I miss DnD, I miss my music, I miss everything. I miss what we had… So, I’m sorry if I don’t give a fuck about your love life or who’s getting in your pants.” he blurted out, his eyes wet. You’re in shock. He never talked to you like this. You never saw him angry. And knowing that all of this is being directed to you breaks you inside. You tried, but can’t help crying.
“Do you really think you’re the only one in pain here?” you reply, your vision getting blurry from all the tears. “I am dying out there, and I don’t think I have enough strengh to go on without you, but I am trying cause everyday I see that piece of shit laughing with his friends and I remember what he did to you. And it’s not fair!” you shout that last bit, then take a deep breath to steady your heart rate. “All I wanted was to come here and be with you, but I needed to get this thing off my chest.” you look up to Eddie, he’s crying too. You resist the urge to go to him. “I never thought that you could hurt me like this. You were the only man in my life that I was certain it wouldn’t disappoint me, or even talk to me the way you were a minute ago.” your voice is barely audible. Now you’re the one who can’t stand to look at him.
“Babe, I’m sor—” you cut him off.
“I need to go now, Eddie” you walk to the door. “I forgot your tapes, so I suggest you ask Dustin when he comes to see you.”
“Please, I’m so sorry…” his voice breaks.
“If there’s any updates on your case I’ll ask him to deliver the message” you say, and with that you step out of the cabin. You run to your car, and starts to cry again the second you close the door. You know you need to get drunk. Your next stop is Robin’s place.
“There you go” Eddie hands you yet another beer, taking a sip of his own and sitting next to you in his bed. You try and smile. He notices something’s up.
“What happened, sweetheart?” he asks, with worry in his eyes. You take a big gulp of your beer.
“It’s nothing.” you try to deflect. “I love your posters.”
“Thanks, but I’m serious. What happened?” he asks once again, getting closer to you. “I know we only just met, but I promise you you can trust me.” he gives you puppy eyes “Pretty please, tell me what’s troubling up this beautiful mind of yours” Eddie manage to steal a small laugh from you, and you turn red. He wanted to say you’re beautiful but couldn’t bring himself to say that. Not yet.
“Tell you what. I’ll tell you, if you bring me another beer” you promised, handing him your empty can. You had a very low alcohol tolerance back then, so you were already a little high and dizzy. You knew once you were drunk you could tell him all about it.
“Pinky promise that” you smile, giving in. You feel some kind of tingly feeling when your fingers touch, and then you see his smile grow bigger, til it reach his eyes. You’re not in your right mind to overthink things so you just let go for the moment, but you melt inside by this sight.
“You’re so cute” you let it out, laying on Eddie’s bed and closing your eyes, still feeling kind of dizzy.
“Okay that’s your last one” he warn you, and you sit on the bed as soon as you hear his voice.
“Why?” you pout, looking at him with puppy eyes.
“Because, babe, that’s your seventh can.” he said, playfully touching your pouting lips with his finger and smiling. His cold fingers sends shivers down your spine. “You’re so wasted you even told me you think I’m cute.” he laughs, sitting by your side, wrapping his arm around you. You rest your head on his shoulder for a moment. “Okay, deal’s a deal. Tell me what happened, love.”
That’s all it took for you to breakdown. “I don’t know where to start, I… Do you know Steve Harrington?” Eddie took a deep breath. It was too good to be true.
“I’m familiar with the name, why?” you turn to him, straightening your back.
“Well, we’re neighboors and best friends, you know? He… he helped me a lot when my dad left, he… I mean, I know what he did to Nancy and Jonathan and everything, and he knows he fucked things up. And I’m in love with him for years now, but he insists on pinning on Nancy even though she’s with Jonathan, I…” Eddie looks at you with hurt and then he pull you into his arms, giving you a kiss on your forehead.
“Babe, since I’m one hundred percent sure you won’t remember this in the morning, I need to tell you that he’s an idiot. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and you deserve to be with someone who will treat you like their whole world. Hope to God that someone is me, though. I don’t know what happened in your childhood, with your father but I… I promise you I won’t leave.” he looks at you with love and devotion in his eyes. Eddie already know he’s in love, and even though he’s probably going to suffer like a motherfucker, he also know it’ll be worth it.
“Okay. Good.” you manage to say, your eyes heavy, almost closing. “Cause if you ever leave me I’ll hunt you down and kick your ass.” With that, Eddie help you lie down and covers you with his blanket.
“Goodnight, babe.” he says, before turning off the light on his room, close the door and go to sleep on his couch.
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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Joseph Quinn as EDDIE MUNSON and Gaten Matarazzo as DUSTIN HENDERSON in STRANGER THINGS 4 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him. Because they would’ve loved him. They would’ve loved him. Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. He could’ve run. He could’ve saved himself. But he fought and died to protect this town. This town that… hated him. He isn’t just innocent… He’s a hero.
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him. Because they would’ve loved him, Mr. Munson. They would’ve loved him. Even in the end… he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. He could’ve run. He could’ve saved himself. But he fought. He fought and died to protect this town. This town that… hated him.
Eddie Munson & Dustin Henderson in STRANGER THINGS Season 4
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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 As promised, here it is.
Begged and Borrowed Time masterlist. 
Chapter 1. 
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
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katcheerrof · 2 years
Begged and borrowed time. (An Eddie Munson fanfiction). Chapter 2.
 Annnnnnnnnd I’m back. I should be sleeping but couldn’t help myself. Later today i’ll make a post with the chapters’ list. Promise.
Part 1.
You could swear you could see a sign of hurt in Eddie’s eyes for half a second, but it had to be your mind playing games. It wouldn’t be the first time. You forget all about it when Eddie starts to scoff, laughing out loud, clapping as he comes near you. “Oh my God, y/n! I am so happy for you” he says, a hint of sarcastic undertone in his voice. You narrow your eyes.
“Well, I mean, I know there’s some kind of bad blood between you two, ‘cause of Dustin and all, but I had no idea you’ve reacted like this in a million years!” you say, trowing your hands in the air, pissed.
“Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart. There’s no bad blood between us two, at least not on my part. I swear. I just…” he stops on his tracks, he can’t believe it. He was so close to confess his feelings for you before everything went to shit and the town paint him as a murderer. That was, like, a month ago? You stopped talking about Steve that often, the two of you became almost inseparable. Eddie couldn’t bear to be away from you. He finally thought he had a shot with you. Kind of. He had hoped. And prayed. “My apologies. It took me by surprise, that’s all. But I’m happy for you” no, he wasn’t. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, cause the very first night we ever talked you started to cry on my shoulder talking about him after we shared some cheap beers. You remember that?”
You shift your weight on your leg, uneasy. “Yeah”. Fair enough. You really thought you liked Steve for as long as you can recall. He was always rambling on about Nancy and you couldn’t take it. Then, one night, you were hanging out with her in her place, and the boys were playing DnD in the basement. You stayed for dinner. It was the last day in their most recent campaign, Jane said. She also said that, this time, Mike wasn’t the master. It was some guy named Eddie, from school. You thought his name sounded familiar, then you remembered you shared Ms. O’Donnell’s class. You thought he was cute.
By the time dinner was served, they’re done. Mrs. Wheeler, a little reluctant, you could tell, invited him as well, and he gracefully accepted. The boys were beyond excited, and told you all about the session at the table. They praised and talked about Eddie’s master skills in awe. You were facinated.
“Okay, I’m sold” you blurted. “Would you accept me, knowing you would have to teach me everything about it?” you asked Eddie, turning to him. He holds you stare, opening up a warm smile.
“I would love to” he replies. Then the boys start to talk about their characters, trying to get your attention. You laugh, turning to them. As Eddie listens to it, he thinks that that was the sweetest sound he’s ever heard in his life. He definetely wants to keep hearing it.
After that, you two stepped out of Mrs. Wheeler’s place and he wanted to ask you out on the spot. But, at the same time, he doubted you would accept it. Not at the moment, at least. He could take his time with you, he knew it would be  worth the wait. He felt it in his bones. But Eddie wanted to know you first. Nothing’s better than booze for that. Fearlessly, he took a deep breath…
“I should really get going”
“Oh. Okay.” he barely whisper, and you turn to him.
“What? What were you going to say?”
“Oh, I was…” he coughs, clearing his voice. “I was going to check if you were up to some beers at my trailer, since we don’t need to wake up early to go to school tomorrow. You know, no biggie.” then shrugs.
“I… I don’t know”
“Okay. Okay, cool. We can always recheck if you want to.” You offer him a small smile. Both of you don’t know what to do after that. You look at your feet, he starts to play with the rings in his fingers. You were about to walk home when a sound in the back of Nancy’s yard makes you two jump. You turn to Eddie with wide eyes. Then you start to circling the house, trying to get a glimpse of what caused this noise.
“What… what are you doing?” Eddie manage to whisper. “Are you nuts? You never run to the source of the sound! Everyone knows that”
“Shhh!” just a few more steps… and you see it. Clear as the day. Steve. Trying to climb the pipes. Drunk, for the looks of it. You can feel your eyes start to water up. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath and wiping that one tear away from your face with fury. That was the last straw. You come back to Eddie, recomposing yourself. “On a second thought, that beer would be perfect!” you see him smiling shyly, his face lighting up. He offers an arm to you.
 “Shall we?”
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katcheerrof · 2 years
Begged and borrowed time. (An Eddie Munson fanfiction) Eddie x fem!reader.
Oh, Hi. So, Stranger things s4 finale destroyed me, so I turn to the only thing that makes me feel safe — my writing. I was listening to Ivy by Taylor Swift and this idea came to my mind so I started writing. It’s been decades since i wrote something about a fictional character in english so i’m sorry for any mistakes or anything. Feedback is much appreciated. I don’t think there’s any triggers but don’t hesitate on send me a message in case there is, please! 
I hope you guys liked it.
Steve’s words echoes in your mind. “Be my girlfriend”, he asks, in front of your friends. If he asked you this, like, two years ago you would’ve said yes in a heartbeat. Hell, you would’ve been walking on air. But, truth is… you two grow apart after the whole Nancy/Jonathan/Steve situation. And, a year ago you’ve met Eddie. The adorable metalhead nerd who introduced you to D&D. The one you’re in love with for at least half a year, even though Dustin swears it’s been longer than that. You search for Nancy with your eyes. Then Robin. Dustin. Will. They know. Of course they know. But the rest of the party don’t. You hear Mike and Lucas shout:
You feel something heavy in your jacket pocket. Dustin gave you a note Eddie wrote for you early that day. He’s hiding in Hopper’s cabin until you manage to clean his name.
“Hello. Earth to y/n”  Steve waves his hand in front of you, breaking into a nervous laugh.
“I…” you seek comfort in your friends’ eyes but the only one you need at the moment’s not there. “I talk to you later” you jump from your seat, packing your things in a hurry. You need to see Eddie.
The road to the cabin is excruciating cause you can’t stop overthinking everything. I mean, Eddie would never look at you the same way. It hurts but it’s better to have him in your life just as a best friend than not having him at all. You've come to terms with this since you’ve discovered your crush. And you knew you couldn’t risk that by telling him how you felt. Being without him would’ve destroyed you. You think about Steve and you heart sinks. You don’t want to hurt him. You don’t know what to do.
You arrive at the cabin. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then reach for the note in your pocket and open up to read it.
“Hey, sweetheart. How’s my favorite girl doing? Listen, I know you came by like, just yesterday, but I’m going insane alone here. I need you here. For real, I think I’m losing my mind by the minute. Dustin said you guys were going to have breakfast together with the gang, so while you’re at it, would you be a doll and bring me my tapes? Is that too much to ask? I mean, I know it’s not exactly near your place. Or Will’s place. I don’t know. Anyway, I’m rambling now. I miss you. See you in a few.”
Your heart melt. You’re so in love with this dork. My God, he’s everything you’ve ever asked for.
“Fuck…” you say, realizing you forgot his tapes. Then you’re standing in front of the door, knocking, your hands sweating. It’s been only a couple of hours but you already miss him deeply. “It’s me…” you whisper and in a second you see the door opening up, an tattooed arm emerge from behind the door and pull you in into his arms.
“Thank God you’re here” you sense real relief in his voice, and can’t help but open up a tiny smile. Your safeplace. You struggle to let go of his embrace, but don’t want it to feel awkward so you start to back away and he reluctantly lets you go. “So, tell me everything about the breakfast. I miss hang out with you guys. I only see you, Will and Dustin these days”
“I know. It’s just that… we’re trying so hard to find this guys to finally let you go. Will said Hopper don’t leave the precinct for days now. Nancy’s been following a lead as well, I just hope it’s not another dead end” you let go a long, shaky breath, lips quivering. Close your eyes. “I’m sorry… it’s been a living hell without you by my side everyday”
“Hey, hey…” Eddie rush to you, pulls your face into his hands, kissing a tear you didn’t even realized had escaped your eye. “I know, princess. I feel the same way, but I know sooner than later I’ll be there beside you, teasing you in Ms. O’Donnell’s class while I should be studying just so I can have an excuse to have you as my private teacher”
You can’t help but laugh between your tears.
“I fucking hate you, Munson” you playfully poke his shoulders, feeling a lot better.
“Nahh, don’t try and deny it, princess. You love me. I know it.” his smile… you swear it can light up an entire town. “But c’mon, tell me what happened”
“Well…” you don’t even know how to tell him about Steve, so you decided to start from the basics. You lean in the back of the couch, your hands in your jacket pocket, touching Eddie’s note. “We just revised our plans for Monday morning and discussed what we know about the case so far.” Eddie smiled. You shrugs. “And… Steve asked me to be his girlfriend” you said, in a whisper. For a split second, you saw Eddie’s face drops.
“He what?”
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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eddie munson + signs of adhd (insp.)
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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#let the babysitter kiss the metalhead you COWARDS.
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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Come crawling faster, obey your master.
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katcheerrof · 2 years
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I’ll see you again. I promise.
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