katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Hello hello hello
Had a random urge to read through some old paras last night and thought I’d pop in and say hi, I’m still alive, I love and miss you all and I may be back at some point, but I barely have time to sleep these days 
xxxxxxxxx Becks
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Katherine & Elijah | No one ever said it would be so hard - my edit
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
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And I’d sing a song, that’d be just ours, but I sang ‘em all to  a n o t h e r  heart…
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Kalijah — feeling, caring, and loving. 
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
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Katherine & Elijah + Looking at eachother.
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
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i fixed it
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
sorry you were saying? 
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woah bitch, I should be on your owed list
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I gotta actually owe you in order for you to be on that list, dumbass 
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
katerina-bitchpetrova I see you
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
(ignore the glad, the glad has just really pissed me off -_-)  Aw I'm sorry hun, college break sounds goood though! Really sorry, but I'm gonna have to love you and leave you and I'll be back soon! BYEEEEEE xxxx
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…sweet lord. I’m sorry about the bad but really happy about the glad, honey!! Um.. had a girlfriend, we broke up, going on break from college after this semester, am looking for a full-time job to start after finals, learned how to make gifs, started a new group, blah blah blah.
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Hahahah a lot of things have happened really, I tried to condense it all for Thalia a couple of weeks ago and there was too much! A few key areas are that I started uni & I got a job (though that was like 3 months ago), me and my boyfriend split up (that's a good thing though, believe me) and I started seeing someone else, but he goes to a uni in another city which is an hour and a half away - which also happens to be the uni that my two best friends have just gone to, so I have multiple incentives to go up whenever I can.. Think that's about it really! HOW'VE YOU BEEN?!!
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Is everything okay? Are you okay? Did something happen? What have you been up to? I MISSED YOU I GET TO PELT YOU WITH QUESTIONS!
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
I MISSED YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm sorry I suck so much, life's just got in the way of rp'ing
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Strange, she contemplated, that in every shared glance and passed word, there seemed to be some underlying meaning; something lying just beneath the surface that the other seemed to comprehend without further explanation. Her fleeting express of emotion, and the look it was returned with seemed to show a complete and thorough understanding without further explanation. Mentally, she shook her head, pushing the thought to the back of her mind to be considered when she was in a less public place.. and in far less pain than in the current situation. 
"Very." She counteracted; and she was known for it, her raging temper that was virtually unparalleled, and she was not ashamed to admit that she was proud of her trait. It was what made her unique in her profession and made her as skilled as she was. "Oh, and of all people I'm not looking forward to a complete recovery." She huffed and rolled her eyes, "I'm stubborn\, Doctor, but I'm not stupid." She lifted her right hand to rest gently over her bandaged heart as the car started, somewhat of a protective movement probably, though she barely gave the nervous gesture as a thought. Her entire mind seemed to be clouded being trapped in such close proximity with the man beside her. 
"Hmm." She narrowed her eyes as looked across at him, "As I'm sure you've gathered, Elijah,-" god, his name felt so good to say, brief images of screaming out that name flitted across her hazed mind, which was almost instantly regrettable as her battered heart attempted to beat at a faster rate, instead she flinched and turned her thoughts to less excitable things "-I tend to not wait around for men. No matter my condition." 
Counting Stars || A Kalijah AU
It was odd, how certain he was that he had managed to somehow break through to her. She was quick to mask the brief moment in which emotion of any sort was displayed, but Elijah had shared a broken home with a handful of siblings. He was well educated in the art of masking and burying feelings; a master at it even. Perhaps that was what gave him the advantage in this particular case. Perhaps he had simply spent too many nights at Katherine’s side to not know how her facial muscles shifted now and then, when he said something more intimate.
Still somewhat unsure regarding her discharge and as to whether or not the brunette would truly restrain from pushing herself too much, Elijah hesitated, observed her closely, realized he couldn’t truly fight her on this particular matter. While he had the authority to keep her at the hospital a few more days, she seemed resourceful enough that she might actually make a run for it.
Amusement filled his gaze as she attempted to threaten him. Cute. But best not comment that just yet. In her foul mood she might just attack him. “Short fuse,” he observed, attending to his seat belt. “And I was not aiming to dictate to you, Katerina. I was merely requiring that you not injure yourself any further. It took a large amount of time, work and resources to ensure your heart return to it’s original condition. But as of now, it is your responsibility whether or not you have a full recovery. And I am hoping for such.” He had lost many hours, but something about her since the moment she had been brought into his ER compelled him to save her, do the best job on a heart of her condition anyone had ever seen. He had been restless and why he still could not explain.
A smirk - or a glimpse of such - was the first response to her question, followed by a pause as he started his engine. “Perhaps once you’re somewhat… healed, I will provide you a proper answer. Until then,” his eyebrows lifted slightly as he glanced at her “take it as you wish.”
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Believe me when I say you're gonna regret leaving now
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Eh, I made a commitment; can’t ditch you now.  Gotta go grocery shopping so I’ll leave you with this. 
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
Bitch, you love me.
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… I don’t like you, you know this, right? 
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katerina-bitchpetrova · 10 years
HAHAHAHAHAH I come on and scroll occasionally
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 katerina-bitchpetrova liked your photoset
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