kati-kris · 6 months
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Yeah, my favorite Rambo-boy
upd: That's it, I drank too much energon at night, now I'm feeling nauseous, the result of the fable - don't drink too much energy drink
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kati-kris · 6 months
Same energy :D They are worth each other
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Upd: uwuwuwuwuwuw you are mygoodones
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kati-kris · 6 months
Ahem, the inspiration appeared to rivet the clip :D 💧
Yes, until the freaking 3 o'clock in the morning
But I tried, not bad for the first time
(also, dedicated to my sunshine)
and here are our favorite authors (I never assign authorship, I just always dreamed of riveting a clip):
- appelsiini : 1
- The Transformers: Drift - Empire of Stone : 2
- khamar : 3
- dataglitch : 18
- Alex Milne (markerguru) : 4, 19
- Jack Lawrence: 16
- Coralus : 11
- pretentiousfork : 9
- breakdownsbuttlights : 5, 13
- ghangajii : 6
-Ricken_art : 7
- kawaii : 20
(if you did not specify the authors correctly, then please excuse me, I didn't find some of them, but I tried my best)
Music 🎵: Call Me Carizma - Rain
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kati-kris · 11 months
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kati-kris · 11 months
IT'S A SPOOKY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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-а это мой коротковолосый дружочек, у него много имен как у демона : сударь, редиска/Родимус (потому что Хот( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Род), Р��нди/Редименто и тд
-and this is my short-haired friend, he has many names like a demon: sir, Rodimus (because Hot( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Rod), Randy/Redimento etc
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kati-kris · 11 months
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-это я иду в 12 часов ночи читать фанфики про трансформеров, вместо того чтобы рисовать -this is me going at 12 o'clock at night read fanfiction about transformers, instead of drawing
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kati-kris · 11 months
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-вновь порисульки, и решил продолжить тему прошлого поста :D
-doodles again, and decided continue the topic of the last post :D
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kati-kris · 11 months
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-решил зарисовать одно из фото и чем то мне напомнило Дока и Дрифта. О, ну и также просто теплое воспоминание о сплаве и об этом славном гамаке за кружкой чая. Всем хорошего уютного вечера
-i decided to sketch one of the photo and it reminded me of Doc and Drift. Oh, and also just a warm memory of the rafting on the river and glorious hammock with a mug tea. Everyone have a nice cozy evening
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kati-kris · 11 months
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-ура я жив, и этот клоун вернулся с мемами >:D -hooray I'm alive and this clown is back with memes >:D
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kati-kris · 1 year
I just want to share. My friend is just like Ratchet and why? Because this infection, as always, does not sleep at night and I try to scrape from the workplace for a break in order to finally feed and put to bed. Or, if i just leave for a second, that she will stick to the workplace again.
And then I stand and look at this phenomenon (I just took you out of there)
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And if, God forbid, she is still in a bad mood, then I will be ready to reassure and say the opposite, to defend myself with arguments, in the meantime, when she has a bunch of others. I remember when I watched TFP where the doc is sitting in a landfill, deciding to be sad and rusty, then I already automatically wanted to console him and say that eVerYThing Will bE fiNe, dAMn iT. I'm wondering if anyone else has their own doc?
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kati-kris · 2 years
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-Капец, рисунок столетней давности (ну как, два года назад), откопал внезапно :D -Damn, a drawing from a hundred years ago (well, two years ago), i suddenly dug up :D
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kati-kris · 2 years
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-Простите, скинул две одинаковые картинки -Sorry, I threw off two identical pictures
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kati-kris · 2 years
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kati-kris · 2 years
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kati-kris · 2 years
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(Родимус, когда хочет опередить Мегатрона)
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kati-kris · 2 years
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kati-kris · 2 years
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-Решил перелезть через забор, ибо долго обратно идти через весь школьный двор (чтоб вас побрали заваренные двери) и после я завис словно шкет которого повесили на крючок -I decided to climb over the fence, because it would be a long walk back across the school yard (damn the welded doors) and then I hung like a kid who was hung on a hook :D
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