katie-games 1 day
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I saw this really cool photo on pinterest, and the silhouette reminded me of Misuta.... So I redrew it all, just to make it misuta :)
Misuta - @venomous-qwille
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katie-games 1 day
Me everyday not just in June lol
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katie-games 1 day
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It's not that I don't want to visit, it just wasn't on the list I made in my head
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katie-games 2 days
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He didn't behave :I lol!
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katie-games 2 days
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omg! I love Cosmos! His design is so cool! I already want to get to know him! And awww I just love your Bloodmoon! I don鈥檛 even think I would mind if he didn鈥檛 let me leave!
Eeee thank you! I'm happy you like him :D I don't think I have too much down for Cosmos yet, but hopefully soon. Brain not good at coming up with backstories and such xD. Also yeah a lot of people seem to be fine with that when it comes to Bloodmoon. Where's everyone's self preservation instincts?! LOL /j
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katie-games 3 days
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My twitch chat was talking about waltzing/dancing with Bloodmoon. Me trying to rationalize why he knows how to dance. Also me laughing at the thought of them prioritizing that code over everything else.
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katie-games 3 days
vote roblox lol
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katie-games 3 days
I love all the details about your BloodMoon. At this point, he's become my absolute favorite (I still love your other Moon's and characters). Powerful and dangerous yet wants attention, maybe even love. It's like a lion raised by a person still wild and very capable of hurting and / or killing you, but just wants cuddles... even though you walk away with scratches
Aw thank you so much! ;v; And yeah he really is like a feral animal LMAO. Y/N gunna have a lot on their plate if they choose to involve themselves with Bloodmoon.
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katie-games 3 days
Would bloodmoon let his squishy get medical help if they needed it or would he let them bleed out if he nicked them the wrong way? If he would let them get help, what if they were incapacitated or otherwise unable to seek help themself? If he wouldn't let them get help, how'd he react if his squsihy just straight up died?
If y/n was still conscious, they would like reeaaallly have to explain to him that hey if I don't get help, there will be no more me~ Depending on the state of his obsession with them of course. If the obsession is light he would just straight up let them leave. It wouldn't be at the point of him refusing to let them go just yet.
If it's strong, he would refuse to let them go and he would watch y/n either perform medical on themselves, and he would help if asked (wouldn't be much help if there's blood). Or he would just straight up watch them bleed out.
There would be no rushing y/n to be saved or brought to anyone else. There would be no attempt to save y/n himself, he has zero knowledge or programming code for medical.
If anything he would cause more problems by picking y/n up and bringing them further away from help. In his mind it would be keeping y/n away from anyone else and away from "harm" but it would be removing the possibility of y/n being found by others/help.
If y/n died
Poor deranged boy would go even more insane. He would talk to them like they're still there. His memory of y/n would never leave and it would corrupt his coding even more so. He would become more dangerous both to himself and everyone else.
After a period of time if there were another person to appear in his life he would probably refer to them by y/n's name and possibly start the cycle over. (And I don't mean like just any random person it would be like another who is trying to get close to him or get to know him kind of deal).
nod nod
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katie-games 3 days
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:3 Orders orders orders
Orders orders orders or...
*chanting slowly fades into the distance*
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katie-games 3 days
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Yet another photo post heheheh
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katie-games 3 days
"Sun is smart" "Sun is dumb"
May I suggest: he's both. Think about like, someone with a PhD trying to microwave their tinfoil wrapped burrito after a long day in the lab. That's Sun to me.
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katie-games 4 days
If you had to describe Bloodmoons outfit how would you describe it?? It鈥檚 such an interesting design I love it(and Bloodmoon) sm btw ^_^!!!
I'd describe it as over convoluted and annoying to draw at times LMFAO The cloak he adorns is sometimes nice though as it covers a lot so it's less for me to draw.
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How ever, the cloak also makes it hard for me to draw him in specific positions, like it's hard to tell if his torso is bent on some angles.
It is basically just moon with added flare. Moon with sleeves, longer ribbons, a cloak, etc. But yeah! Thank you <3
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katie-games 4 days
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I found this in No Man's Sky, and I thought Blood Moon should have an actual Blood Moon. 馃槃
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him literally like
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katie-games 4 days
Such a cutie
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ohhh myyyy god, so the image was blurred for me, and I thought you were sending me a picture from my nsfw twitter account ROFL ADJIWAFDKJESFKHJ But yes....so cute..definitely not sus at all
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katie-games 4 days
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katie-games 4 days
Streaming rn feel free to join in https://www.twitch.tv/lord_shibi
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