katieandchyler · 2 years
okay but what if kara came out as supergirl but she had tony hawk syndrome so she’d show someone her passport, and the flight attendant or whatever is like “huh, kara zor-el. like supergirl. i wonder what she’s up to these days." and kara is just like "…. this."
some child, heckling her in the park: DO A BARREL ROLL
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katieandchyler · 2 years
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katieandchyler · 2 years
Can I interest you in a spur of the moment proposal prompt? Kara seems miffed after Lena introduces her as her girlfriend and once they're alone asks Lena "don't you think 'girlfriend' is kind if a simple term to describe what we are to each other?"
Lena: What would you have me call you? My partner? My *lover*? My -
Kara: You're wife?
It doesn’t take the long, silent car ride home, or even the woeful sighs Kara lets out every few minutes for Lena to know there’s something wrong. She could tell when Kara ate nothing the entire time they were out.
They change in silence too, Lena finding an old sweatshirt of Kara’s and pulling it on before slipping into bed, watching as Kara moved around the room. Finally, the silence becomes too much.
“Why are you so mad?”
Kara stops abruptly, looking at Lena with shock. “I’m not! I’m not mad,” she insists, sitting at the edge of the bed, shirt partially undone, hair a mess. “I just—you introduced me as your girlfriend at the gala.”
Lena chuckles, realizing too late that that’s the wrong thing to do. “But you are my girlfriend.”
Kara flops back onto the mattress, limbs splayed out. She sighs yet again. “I know. But it seems…wrong.”
Lena’s heart nearly stops. Wrong? Did Kara mean the relationship? Had Lena done something? Had she erred in some way? She can’t think of anything but maybe—
“I just think it should be more, you know?” Kara says, breaking Lena out of her thoughts. “I mean, girlfriend is nice. But we’re more than that to each other right?”
Some of the fear dissipates and Lena laughs softly, reaching out to brush Kara’s hair back. “Okay, love. What would you prefer? Partner? Lover?” she adds with an exaggerated accent, succeeding in making Kara snort. “What do you think?”
Kara is silent for a long moment, then sits up, looking at Lena with an uncharacteristic serious expression. “What about wife?” she asks, one hand going into her pocket and pulling out a small box. “Your wife? If you’ll have me?”
Lena barely gets in the nod before she launches herself forward for a kiss, the word on repeat in her mind: wife, wife, wife.
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katieandchyler · 2 years
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another Morgana :) - click for detail
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katieandchyler · 3 years
Why must all villains be so symmetrically perfect? Like, surely that means they can’t be too evil, right? I mean if bad, why hot?
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(these two are giving me euphoria vibes and ohmygod what if-)
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katieandchyler · 3 years
merlin reboot but it's just about morgana and is called morgana and she's just living her best gay witch life being gay and a witch and also katie is still playing her
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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“All in all, not a bad day on set.” -Victoria Smurfit VICTORIA SMURFIT TALKING ABOUT KISSING KATIE MCGRATH ON DRACULA
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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Younger Sibling (derogatory)
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
Esme: You’re really pretty
Lena: Thank you, so are you!
Esme: You can see me?
Lena: Um, what do you mean, sweetheart? Of course I can.
Esme: My new moms said you and Aunt Kara are blind, but you don’t look blind??
Lena: Uh…
Esme: They said you’re going to be my aunt one day, when you aren’t blind anymore.
Alex: Okay! Moving on!
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1450760137036210176?t=IVgLq5mrqn2lJWUSoM5bvg&s=19 hi this is VERY interesting. more people keep exposing the CW (Peter Roth legit there by name)
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i'm going to transcribe because that font is hard to read:
Dear CW
@ carolinedries @ sarahsowitty @ gberlanti et al.
Enough is enough. I'm going to tell the whole world what really happened on that set.
Peter Roth, you are first up. You are chapter one, not sure if you left after getting promoted to the highest position because you just couldn't stop making young women steam your pants around your crotch while you were still wearing said pants, or if you left after putting a private investigator on me who you fired as soon as the report didn't fit your narrative. Either way, when it comes to you, there's already an army waiting for u.
[i think maybe there are more story slides between the ones in the tweet]
Cut to 3 weeks later after this video, it's worse than abnormal. This was diagnosed years ago on set but if I got an XRay "we wouldn't make our day". I have documented this for years.
On top of that, I have enough documentation to make a 1 hour documentary pray tell what else would you like me to share, the broken neck or the broken rib split in two and the tumor?
To everyone who said I was too stiff on Batwoman, imagine going back to work 10 days after this. 10 DAYS!!!! (or the whole crew and cast would be fired and I'd let everyone down because Peter Roth said he wouldn't recast and I just lose the studio millions (by getting injured on his set) that is be the one who cost so many people their jobs. Instead of spending half a day to rewrite me out for a few weeks to heal).
Imagine taking a huge pay cut to play a passion project and being so excited about comic-con and then being told they would not adjust the schedule so I could attend. But then saying "we won't announce it, you have to." And me putting my foot down and saying why must I be the face of this??? Only to be told if I didn't do this video they would be silent and people would turn up to find out on the day I wasn't there.... I folded, I wanted to do what it took... but then being told "cover your scar, we don't want to see that scar on the video" and u wonder why I posted my surgery video.
So in closing, please to my dear, dear fans stop asking if I will return to that awful show, I wouldn't return for any amount of money nor if a gun were to my head.. NOR DID I QUIT. I DO NOT QUIT, they ruined Kate Kane and they destroyed Batwoman, not me. I followed orders, and if I wanted to stay I was going to have to sign my rights away. Any threats, any bullying tactics or blackmail will not make me stand down.. A crew member for 3rd degree burns over his whole body, and we were given no therapy after witnessing his skin fall off his face but I was the only one who sent him flowers and cards and then were told we had to do a sex scene without a minute to process, we lost 2 stunt doubles, I got cut in the face so close to my eye in a stunt I could have been blind. A woman was left quadriplegic and they tried to blame it on her being on her phone. So much so CW didn't even help her start with because they needed to "investigate" so she had to do a go fund me.... she's a PA, they work via phones. Her accident occurred because our show refused to shut down when everyone else did because of Covid.
@ carolinedries has no heart and wanted us to finish the season throughout the pandemic and I told her it was a bad idea... I told her everyone was too distracted, constantly checking Covid updates, checking on friends and seeing Riverdale, The Flash, and SUper Girl shut down already, I felt something bad would happen and @ carolinedries maybe visited the set 4 times in a year... UNHEARD OF... but in those 4-5 visits she decided she could tell me she knew my injury happened on set so I could comply with the PI, yet later denied it entirely and said it happened during yoga lol I don't do yoga. And now someone will never walk again.
We shut down the next day.. not because she almost killed someone but the government pulled it. Also, I fought people on set, yes, not because I wanted to but because I wanted safety. Ask anyone in hair and makeup what I did for them, after two were hospitalized, the only people who came out and spoke was Dougray who... talk about unprofessional.
Called my agent after my exit to find a way to leave which she replied.. "break your neck I guess" yet slammed me in the press..
I never raised my voice on a set, never have... Dougray hurt a female stunt double he yelled like a little bitch at women and was a nightmare. He left when he wanted and arrived when he wanted. he abused women and in turn as a lead of a show I sent an email out asking for a no yelling policy, they declined... I was late one time, because I was in a hospital. whoever does these stupid leaks, I'm finding out who but it's Camrus, who after I left hospital said "yeah well maybe if people were not late we would make our days"... a kid... an egomaniac kid who worked one day a week had the audacity.... or the stunt department who were furious even though I never blamed them. But I went on [Jimmy Fallen] and spoke of my injury, and didn't play the game. Aside from them, I was loved and loved my crew. Oh and they wouldn't drive me to work and knew I couldn't legally drive after surgery... so they said "get a taxi"
Woowwwwwwwww. I think maybe an investigation into this man needs to happen. I don't even know what to say. This man sounds like a nightmare — some CW people sound like a nightmare. I actually want to throw things this set sounds like THEEEE worst thing in the world to work on jesus christ. I'm happy she spoke up. We have gotten peeks I think at some not so great things on the SPN set though it did seem like most of the crew and cast got along. But — the thing about Peter Roth is making my skin crawl. I'm so sad she went through all that.
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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katieandchyler · 3 years
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