katiebsblog-blog1 · 7 years
Hmmm, does Trump think only the wealthy should be able to afford to get sick?
Each day it seems we wake to another marvel of our Cheetoh in Chief! We knew the threat of Trump Care was there - that it was his mission to rid the US of Obama Care - but the small amount of hope I had left wanted to believe he would never get close... and here we are. Will it really pass? I certainly hope not - but let's be realistic. This magician has pulled off the largest con in history already - what's one more? Personally - I am not a sick person - but I have several "Pre-existing Conditions". About 10 years ago I was a consultant and had to purchase my own health insurance through one of the large companies - the same one that I'd been with through my previous employer. I was honest and mentioned that I had been on an anti-depressant for about six months two years before that for a situational depression. THAT tripled the rate I had originally been given. I can only imagine what my rate would be now. I also have a husband and three children - all with PECs. I am middle class. I can't pay thousands of dollars a month for healthcare so I just won't have insurance. When everyone in the US middle class and down has no healthcare - and over 2/3 of them don't qualify for medicaid (I know we wouldn't) what do you think is going to happen? People will be in debt, some bills just won't get paid. Rates will be jacked up by hospitals, insurance companies..it will be yet another Trumpdaster. No birth control? No access to abortions? Unwanted pregnancies and a flood of either foster children or unwanted children in the country. Diabetics that can't get their insulin, syringes, test strips? Cardiac patients with no access to their necessary expensive meds? Asthma patients that can't get their inhalers? Cancer patients with no access to treatment? What about our Veterans? Do we really trust Trump to take care of the men and women of our military?? I sure don't. They are treated badly enough today - he'll be warehousing them in area 51 before we know it - never to be seen again (meaning no visible problem). I was never a fan of Obama Care - I'm not one for creating new processes when you can improve what you have. Medicaid and Medicare need a serious overhaul and a good audit. They are NOT doing what they should and NOT serving the people they need to. If we properly cleaned them up - we could likely fund the programs Obama Care intended to fund with the existing budget. Eliminating the waste would do it. Any POTUS owes it to his or her constituents to see to it that they get the basics - and healthcare is one of them. This POTUS has failed miserably. The worst part is that it is on purpose, and out of not just ignorance and elitism - but because he simply doesn't seem to CARE about the people that he's putting in harm's way. Ignoring any and all warnings of the fact that it's a deadly program. I actually saw a note yesterday online that said Canada would welcome and provide healthcare to American Refugees. AMERICAN REFUGEES. Never did I imagine to see those two words together. WE take in the tired, the poor, the sick and the hungry. We aren't supposed to BE them. 45 will go down in history not only as the biggest failure, buffoon and embarrassment - but as the most dangerous and damaging POTUS in all time.
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katiebsblog-blog1 · 7 years
Will the US still be a “Super Power” after a Trump Presidency?
Every day I wake up and ponder this question. I’m not a Democrat, I’m not a Republican or even an Independent. I’m one of those Partiless voters that has the seemingly novel notion that you should simply vote for the best person for the job. Silly me!
I have voted for people in all of the parties above. This past election was the first time in my over 4 ½ decades of life that I have ever felt so strongly. In the beginning I thought “He could never win, he’s a blithering idiot!” As we got closer… well, you all know how it turned out and here we are.
Every day I see things happening that make me realize how lucky we have been in good times and bad in this country. We have suffered horrific losses at the hands of others. We have been led through wars and the depression and awful things - but never have we had a POTUS that was so amazingly disconnected from 98% of the people he serves.
He has filled his cabinet with billionaires that in many cases have absolutely no experience in the fields they are in charge of. These people are responsible for everything from the Education of our children to National Security.
How can people in Congress NOT be rallying against this?
How can people NOT be calling for his resignation or impeachment? Is it fear of him pulling his money out of his interests? Do they have money in his businesses? Are they beholden to him in some way?
As a mother, a wife and a business woman - I am unable to fathom all this. What will my children grow up into? What do they have to look forward to? Will the United States remain the so called Super Power we were in 2016? Every country on the map is laughing at us. I’ve even seen people saying that Trump is worse than North Korea’s certifiable leader. I’m not crazy enough to ask how much worse it could get. I know better.
Thank God for those who fight for resisting this - we need to be a country where you have the right to the basics - food, clothing, housing, health care… Obama had us heading in the right direction… now we’ve done a 180 with a silver bullet.
This is a Country for everyone - rich/poor, all races, religions, cultures, sexual orientations. ALL HUMAN beings.
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katiebsblog-blog1 · 7 years
Will the US still be a “Super Power” after a Trump Presidency?
Every day I wake up and ponder this question. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican or even an Independent. I'm one of those Partiless voters that has the seemingly novel notion that you should simply vote for the best person for the job. Silly me! I have voted for people in all of the parties above. This past election was the first time in my over 4 1/2 decades of life that I have ever felt so strongly. In the beginning I thought "He could never win, he's a blithering idiot!" As we got closer... well, you all know how it turned out and here we are. Every day I see things happening that make me realize how lucky we have been in good times and bad in this country. We have suffered horrific losses at the hands of others. We have been led through wars and the depression and awful things - but never have we had a POTUS that was so amazingly disconnected from 98% of the people he serves. He has filled his cabinet with billionaires that in many cases have absolutely no experience in the fields they are in charge of. These people are responsible for everything from the Education of our children to National Security. How can people in Congress NOT be rallying against this? How can people NOT be calling for his resignation or impeachment? Is it fear of him pulling his money out of his interests? Do they have money in his businesses? Are they beholden to him in some way? As a mother, a wife and a business woman - I am unable to fathom all this. What will my children grow up into? What do they have to look forward to? Will the United States remain the so called Super Power we were in 2016? Every country on the map is laughing at us. I've even seen people saying that Trump is worse than North Korea's certifiable leader. I'm not crazy enough to ask how much worse it could get. I know better. Thank God for those who fight for resisting this - we need to be a country where you have the right to the basics - food, clothing, housing, health care... Obama had us heading in the right direction... now we've done a 180 with a silver bullet. This is a Country for everyone - rich/poor, all races, religions, cultures, sexual orientations. ALL HUMAN beings.
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