katiebtslover · 2 years
Strange By AgustD and RM Analysis continued
He speaks of polarisation, and how the flower is already in full bloom, perhaps saying that the ugliness has come to a head, the fear and hate are boiling over. Singing of how it's a round nail hammered into a square hole, perhaps he's speaking of how polarisation can mean a forced restriction into an inauthentic direction, suppressing true expression. He says it's not strange that a healthy man in a sick world is treated as a "mutant", or that a man with his eyes open in a purposely blind world is blinded himself- he thinks it much motor perplexing that only one man opened his eyes. In this sense, RM's verse is a lot more optimistic than Suga's. He suggests that war and peace are two sides of the same coin, that flipping that coin is based as much upon providence as flipping a palm. Suga had said that in a world where we are told to have dreams, but the ones in power have none at all, there can be no answers. But RM rejoins that if having a dream is an option- the absence of an answer answers enough. A beautifully worded, poetic, lyrical song, which proves that after all art reflects society, and artists are philosophers at their finest. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed.
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katiebtslover · 2 years
Strange By AgustD and RM Analysis
The track begins with a simple piano melody, almost gentle as if to ease the listener into the rest of the track, and then drops into a trap beat, standing testament to how essentially hip-hop the beat is.
As the song begins, it's like an explosion of sound and music, the choices made in production adding incredibly to the overall texture of the song. Suga's voice is pushed to the back of the track, and the autotune is clearly a stylistic choice, but it works perfectly for the specific feel of the song. Suga begins, likening "dust" to "lust" and questioning what we see. It seems to be a play on words since dust can make vision difficult, and lust is said to blind us. He asks if life is pain or joy, questioning god himself- that age-old question that has plagued so many of our greatest thinkers. His words are cynical, he believes life is just a system, with survival caught in the space between conflict and war, like bated breath, like the moment of breathlessness before sleep, like an afterthought. He likens his life to his "capital"- as though he's stating that his life is all he has, and even that he would set as collateral for his dreams, as though he would give anything, pay any price for his ambitions. He sings that hope is like morphine for him, and though morphine is a drug, it is often used in medicine to soothe chronic or acute pain. It seems Suga is saying that his hope keeps him going, and at the same time sets him up for a higher fall- morphine can ruin just as much as it can save, and takes far too many lives. He speaks about how the rich just keep getting richer, how nothing satisfies their all-consuming greed, and how they covet even poverty. He says that life is a zero-sum game(this means that if one has more, another must automatically have less- the opposite of the concept of "creating wealth" which is so important to capitalism) He speaks of polarization- and that word has so many meanings and implications. It can mean a stark division of public opinion into two contrasting schools of thought, which BTS definitely achieved. People either love them for their raw honesty and the way they buck the status quo or hate them for it. There is little to no in-between for those who listen carefully to their music, especially not on the kpop scene. But the word "polarisation" also means the action of restricting light in one direction- wholly or partially. And this restriction is what BTS has never succumbed to. They've never picked a lane, and they've always spoken about the important things in life and society. He sings about how this polarization is the ugliest flower in the world- but the truth is that all flowers must come from somewhere, and this one might bloom the dirty soil of hate, racism, xenophobia, fear, war, or violence. He asks us who suffers and who benefits from such divides- the divides between rich and poor, the divides between war and peace, and the answers to such questions are never comforting. We all have heard that a one-eyed man rules the kingdom of the blind- but is that really true? As humans, we are so afraid of differences, we attack those who don't look, speak or opine exactly like us. He speaks of how a healthy man in a sick world would be the mutant- we prefer what we know, not what would be better. He contemplates that the one with his eyes open in a world that has closed its eyes is the victim- implying intentionality on the world's part, as though we have purposely refused to see the truth, and so even those who do see it are helpless to change anything, as good as blinded. He says that peace and war are both extremes- isn't it strange? But we, as a society, only call the latter group extremists. RM's verse begins, and it looks like a play off of Suga's verse. He speaks about how "choice" is an illusion, how all the choices we think we have, are given by the "capital" (perhaps calling back to Suga's statement about his life being his capital, but meaning an authority like a government in this case- a play on connotations, if you will). Suga had spoken of life being a system, and RM builds upon that, singing that no matter how wealthy we are, the only difference among us is the quality of the collar around our necks- the fact is that everyone is collared nonetheless. ++
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katiebtslover · 2 years
Autumn Leaves by BTS analysis
Autumn is that time of the year when leaves are either dead or dying- dry remnants of what was once blooming verdant life just floating in the air. As the song begins, Jin compares his love to those leaves, collapsing and weak. As he sings, the drumbeats in the instrumental almost resemble heartbeats, but they are slow, perhaps signifying that the love is dying. Even though we see some leaves holding on to life even during autumn, purely out of tenacity, all the leaves do eventually fall. Jungkook sings in a breathy but controlled and steady voice, that he cannot hold on anymore, that he cannot do this anymore, that his love was that tenacious autumn leaf that had to fall. As Suga's verse comes in, his lyrics strike me first. They are beautiful in the way they relate Autumn leaves and love so effortlessly, and as listeners, we wonder if we really looked, what other insights into life do the seemingly everyday things have to offer? He sings of leaves that seem to be at stake, perhaps like his love is. Something that is at stake is always in danger of falling, by nature of what it means to be at stake. There is a gamble, and the often high chance of losing is ever-present. During the autumn, leaves crumble as they dry, and Suga uses this to further bring home the destruction of his love. Even if he held his beloved's hands, it would not change the way the relationship is going to crumbs. During autumn, as the leaves wither, the world gets colder, and this onset can be both subtle and sudden. He feels like his lover is suddenly colder to him like the relationship can only wither, that like the dry autumn sky with no clouds in sight, their love has become empty and blank. It is entirely possible that this song references the story "The Last Leaf" as he sings "The last leaf attached to the branch". It shows the depth of their lyricism and the thought that goes into the music they create, that BTS can relate something as mundane as leaves in the autumn to love. Jungkook sings of desperation, of how he cannot hold on and cannot give up, the age-old dilemma of all those who have been in a love that must fade. When it is spring, autumn seems to be an eternity away. But when autumn comes, all that seemed sturdy and strong cannot withstand the test of time. RM sings of his love being his fifth season- but a fifth season doesn't exist, no matter how one tries, it cannot be seen. To him, his love looks green, but the end often surprises us with how close it is. Even autumn leaves were once young, but now that has passed into memory. V begins singing, and his deep, husky voice goes perfectly with the desperate confusion od the words he sings. The production here is beautiful- the instrumentals in the background of his verse are both softer and higher-pitched, allowing his voice to shine. There is just enough reverb and echo to let the track sound full, instead of his voice falling flat. Wishing that a lost season would return is fruitless and V acknowledges that, wondering if he is greedy to want back what has passed. J-Hope begins his verse and he sings of fire and of blaze. That is a part of love, but if love is all spark, it will all too easily burn itself out, doomed to fall. He speaks of leaves that fall like his tears, and the rain that shatters everything until the last leaf is all that remains. Perhaps he means that the rain put out the fire of their love? This might also be another reference to the story "The Last Leaf", in which the last leaf dies in the rain, with only a facsimile, a trick left, that makes it seem alive. A beautiful song with many inferences and insights to pull, a mature and poetic take on the world and love, BTS has another masterpiece to their credit in the form of this song.
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katiebtslover · 2 years
Hello ARMY
Hey everyone, I write appreciation threads for the lyrical masterpieces that BTS consistently releases, and I write occasional poetry. I will post my work here, please feel free to suggest any songs you want me to go over, or give feedback. I'm @jaceher98685702 on twitter, in case y'all wanna give me a follow!
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katiebtslover · 2 years
hey so quick question how do I chat with people like can ppl reply to my posts or are these just one hit wonders
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katiebtslover · 2 years
hey guys I'm new to tumblr and I'm ARMY where are my people? moving here from twt
wow this format is gonna take some getting used to what am I doing omg
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