katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Oh, dear lord. Elli was there. Well, like, she works there. She owns the place. But… like… didn’t anyone else work there? Like, was she always there?
“Ellliiiii!” Katie said, forcing a smile, “I’m just fantastic!! You… haven’t changed a bit since school!” She said, looking her up and down the best she could because, well, the counter. “Same old haircut, same…. old fashion choices,” She said, raising her eyebrows and widening her eyes. Did this girl own a mirror?
Realizing her voice sounded faker than the sweetener Elli surely used in her baked goods, Katie decided she couldn’t stand around all day being catty. Well, she could, but that was for lesser people.
“You look like you’ve been working hard,” She noted, leaning on the counter, “I wouldn’t want to make your job any more difficult…” She said, giving a small pout. “I could go! I’m sure it’s very hard to make your desserts look… appetizing in those display cases.”
You’re Too Sweet || Katie & Elli
Elli walked around the small bakery, putting things in order and wiping down the counters. There had been a rush earlier in the day and she finally had some time to straighten up the place. She didn’t mind working so much. In fact she was glad for the business. But a lull never hurt anyone, especially when it gave her time for a small break. However brief it may be.
Elli was in the middle of organizing the display cases when she heard the all-too-familiar chime of the bell, signalling a customer had entered.
“I’ll be right with you,” Elli said over her shoulder. After putting the last doughnut in place Elli closed the case and stood up. Brushing off her apron, she turned to the customer with a bright smile.
“How can I help you–” 
The brunette froze upon seeing who walked into her bakery. It’d been a while since Elli had seen Katie. Back at the academy, actually. Still, upon laying her eyes on the girl all her feelings rushed back to as if it were all yesterday. A sour taste filled her mouth, but she tried her best to swallow it.
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“Katie!” Elli said, hoping her enthusiasm doesn’t sound as forced as it feels, “How are you? It’s been too long!”
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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Chocolate-Raspberry Bavarian Torte
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Spot 9: Junk ore (10G) Spot 12: Rocks (1G) Spot 29: Copper ore (50G) Spot 31: Junk ore (10G) Spot 41: Rocks (1G) Added all together for a grand bank account total ooofff.... 2,072G... 😐
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Katie wrinkled her nose at the thought of having to dig down in a dirty, icky mine. Like, ugh, as if. She shuddered at the thought of that damp, dark cave… Why would anyone do this for fun? She could think of so many other things she could do with that time. She could probably binge watch five hours worth of Cupcake Wars. Such a waste. But… She DID just lose her job… so she REALLY needs the money… Ugh…
Katie chose [ 9, 12, 29, 31, 41 ]
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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Raspberry Chocolate Cupcakes
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Dearest Diary,
2. What hobby or side interest is most important to you? Baking, probably!! I’m quite the master baker, Diary. I’ve only given people food poisoning five times. How many people can say that?
3. Are you the kind of person to take a lot of selfies? What kind of question is this? Do people not take a lot of selfies? Diary, look at me. You don’t have eyes. But, if you did, you’d probably be all “Wow Katie you’re cute!” and I’d be all “I know.” Like, if you’re cute why not flaunt it?
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had all together? Are you trying to make me feel bad about not having a boyfriend, Magazine/Diary? So rude, honestly.
5. Is there an ex of yours that you hope to avoid? If so, why? And why did you break up? What did I JUST say? Again, rude. I don’t care if you were printed before I started answering these.
6. What’s something that you would love to do for a date? Hmmm… I’d like to think walking around together at dusk would be nice. We could look at all of the pretty store lights and hold hands… so totally romantic.
7. Have you had a memorable date that you’re very fond of? Are you still dating that person? SCREAMS
8. What style of furniture do you prefer? What style would you never purchase? I will never purchase wicker furniture or plastic folding chairs. Never. Never ever. They look so… icky. And, like, tacky. I don’t think tacky is the right word. Distasteful? Just gross. But enough about that. Furniture styles I love… I’m a fan of wooden victorian furniture. Is that a style? Most of it is too expensive for me, so I’ve never ACTUALLY owned a piece like that…
9. You move into a new home. What’s the first thing that you buy for it? A dining table! That way, even if the rest of my house isn’t fully furnished, I can still have a place to put my stuff and maybe some cute flowers!
10. What do you do for recreation? I dabble in sewing! I’m not very good by hand, so I prefer to use a sewing machine when possible.
11. What games did you play as a child? Hm. I never played outside all that much. I would’ve gotten dirty, and mother wouldn’t have been okay with that. I did play hide and seek with my sister inside sometimes, though! I always won. I’d stay in my hiding spot for over an hour. Guess I’m pretty good at hide and go seek, huh, Diary?
12. Have you ever played house with your friends? What was your role? Did you personally pick or like that role? Why didn’t I add that before!! I sure did! I would always pretend I was rich and famous with a handsome husband who would do anything for me. I’d play with my sister, who would play as an actress that was my best friend. When she would come over I would make her little desserts in my easy bake oven! She never ate them, though. Not after the one with glitter as a special ingredient.
13. It’s the first day of truly good weather that you’ve seen this year. What do you do? I’d go out for a walk! I’d probably go down and look at what some of the stores have! Aaaand after that, I might head to the beach! I read that some cute guys worked there~! ❤️
14. You’re enjoying an outdoor activity away from civilization when a particularly bad storm hits. There are others with you, including children, and there is no man-made shelter nearby. What do you do? Oh, dear. What would I be doing? Camping? I hate camping. I’d probably try and calm some of the children down while someone else looked for help!
15. What sort of diet do you eat? Are you a vegetarian? Do you like meat? Do you prefer fresh foods, restaurant meals or instant meals? Diet? I wish. My eating habits aren’t the healthiest. I don’t usually eat three meals a day, I scatter them out into smaller, more frequent eating times. I’m not a huge fan of most meat, but I’d have to say I like steak or lobster the best! While I do like baking, my cooking skills aren’t as… great. If I could afford it, I’d eat at a restaurant every single night! Sadly, I have to go for more instant meals.
16. Do you have a favorite restaurant?
17. How easily do you get bored? How do you respond to boredom? I get bored more often than I’d like to admit!! I don’t respond well, I usually just complain that I’m bored, haha.
18. What was your last nightmare? I’m pretty sure I was being chased down an alley. I’m not too into dreams though, it’s hard to remember all of them.
19. What was your last pleasant dream? Blah, Diary. I can’t usually remember my dreams. I think I won an award at a baking contest? Or something??
20. If you daydream, what would you dream about? Finding love, opening my café… the usual, I suppose.
21. Do you typically remember what you dream? Nope! I don’t know why!! :(
22. Think of someone who’s very close to you, write their name down and why you like them so much, then answer the following: What would you do if they walked out of your life tomorrow? I’m very close to my grandfather, Wallace! We used to spend so much time together when I was little. He taught me how to bake!
23. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Stretch! Reach for the sky, touch my toes, that sort of thing!
24. What is the last thing you do before going to bed at night? Drink a cup of raspberry tea in bed! I usually forget to clean up my cup until the next night…
25. What do you love most in all the world? When people are happy with something I’ve done!
26. What is something that one person does that you wish you didn’t have to put up with, but feel that you have to? I’ve never really liked my mother. Oh, gosh. That was a terrible thing to say. It’s just… she always put so much pressure on me to be like her or my sister. To be a proper lady, to know how to dress right, and… like… other stuff. I really don’t think I want to talk about this.
27. Is there something that someone has been doing lately that has been bothering you? What is it and why does it bother you so? It’s been a lot harder to start my restaurant than I thought. I thought I’d have it so soon! It feels like it’s going to take forever.
28. Is there something that someone has been doing lately that has been making you rather happy? What is it and why does it make you so happy? Hm… I really can’t think of anything like that since I’ve moved out… When that one guy gave me a flower for harmony day, it made me really happy! Does that count? It was such a nice gesture.
29. If you could kiss someone you know right now, who would it be and why? Uh… I don’t know if I have anyone that I know that I really want to kiss? I’m not romantically involved with anyone, sadly. Can I say John Stamos??
30. Does that person know that you want to kiss them? If not, why don’t they know? What’s stopping you from doing this if it would make you happy? 1) Diary, everyone wants the Stamos 2) I’ve never met him! 3) He’d probably call the police
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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by (Inger Helen Ludvigsen)
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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Brownie Trifles with Raspberry Sauce
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Oh, boy. Seeing the the apartment! Hopefully it's nice! "Uhm, we can probably talk about that after!" She smiled and stepped inside when he moved to the side. Hmm... It was nice!! But... the floor the apartment was on... Something seemed a little wrong. It felt really empty. How many people lived on this floor. That has its pros and its cons... terrible for a social life, but hopefully it'll inspire others to move to this floor! She looked around a little more. Cute towels in the bathroom. It looks like he just cleaned this place, how nice.
After doing another lap around the apartment, Katie had made up her mind. It was cute! "I really like it! I think that it'd be a great idea to live her," She gave Pierre a friendly grin. "Since I'm just a few floors down it won't take that long to move in. Arreeeee we doing this?" She said, rocking back on her heels excitedly.
A New Roommate || Pierre & Katie
Oh, gosh. They were actually home!! Well, of course they were home. They DID post a flyer involving their house, they wouldn’t want anyone showing up without them there. Probably. Oh, right. Talking. She’d just been staring at him for a while. “Uh, yes, actually! Yes, you can help me.” She returned his smile, though hers was tightlipped and nervous. “I saw that you posted this flyer,” Smooth. Of course he posted the flyer. He did it. “And, well, gosh! I was interested in moving in.” She finished, trying to maintain that weak smile.
Oh, god. She hadn’t even introduced herself. “Oh, duh. Where are my manners?” She stuck her hand out for a handshake. “I’m Katie, I live in Room A104!” She said, her voice more confident. Why was she so nervous? This guy’s not intimidating at all. He looked kinda familiar. He wasn’t in her grade, she knew that. Maybe they had just seen each other in passing! Yes, That’s probably it. They DO live in the same building.
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Oh, gosh. They were actually home!! Well, of course they were home. They DID post a flyer involving their house, they wouldn’t want anyone showing up without them there. Probably. Oh, right. Talking. She’d just been staring at him for a while. “Uh, yes, actually! Yes, you can help me.” She returned his smile, though hers was tightlipped and nervous. “I saw that you posted this flyer,” Smooth. Of course he posted the flyer. He did it. “And, well, gosh! I was interested in moving in.” She finished, trying to maintain that weak smile.
Oh, god. She hadn’t even introduced herself. “Oh, duh. Where are my manners?” She stuck her hand out for a handshake. “I’m Katie, I live in Room A104!” She said, her voice more confident. Why was she so nervous? This guy’s not intimidating at all. He looked kinda familiar. He wasn’t in her grade, she knew that. Maybe they had just seen each other in passing! Yes, That’s probably it. They DO live in the same building.
A New Roommate || Pierre & Katie
Katie reached up her fist to knock on the door for the third time. No, no. Bad idea. She hesitated before her knuckles hit the door. She shook her head and brought her hand down back to her side. Okay, okay. She checked the flyer in her hand for what seemed like the thousandth time. A roommate request, room C306. Threeeee ohhhh six. Three oh six. Not six oh three, that’s for sure. Right room. She was still right. The room number hadn’t suddenly changed within the last few minutes. She rubbed her face with her (useless) knocking hand. “It’s not even a big deal,” she told herself. “So what? It’s two floors above where you live now! You’re just living with someone you’ve only seen in passing. Oh, great. Was this even safe? What if he’s weird?” She shrugged that last thought off. It didn’t matter if the guy had a collection of vintage Mars bars candy wrappers. No, sir. It did not. She’d have to move in, she had no choice. She lost her job, so there’s no way she could afford to pay for her current apartment herself. Okay, knocking again. This is happening. Alright. Okay. She brought her tiny fist up to the door. It hovered in the air, less than an inch away from the door. She was holding her breath. Why was she holding her breath? It’s an apartment, not a… something… scarier than an apartment. She shook her head and pounded her knuckles against the door, finally knocking.
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
A New Roommate || Pierre & Katie
Katie reached up her fist to knock on the door for the third time. No, no. Bad idea. She hesitated before her knuckles hit the door. She shook her head and brought her hand down back to her side. Okay, okay. She checked the flyer in her hand for what seemed like the thousandth time. A roommate request, room C306. Threeeee ohhhh six. Three oh six. Not six oh three, that's for sure. Right room. She was still right. The room number hadn't suddenly changed within the last few minutes. She rubbed her face with her (useless) knocking hand. "It's not even a big deal," she told herself. "So what? It's two floors above where you live now! You're just living with someone you've only seen in passing. Oh, great. Was this even safe? What if he's weird?" She shrugged that last thought off. It didn't matter if the guy had a collection of vintage Mars bars candy wrappers. No, sir. It did not. She'd have to move in, she had no choice. She lost her job, so there's no way she could afford to pay for her current apartment herself. Okay, knocking again. This is happening. Alright. Okay. She brought her tiny fist up to the door. It hovered in the air, less than an inch away from the door. She was holding her breath. Why was she holding her breath? It's an apartment, not a... something... scarier than an apartment. She shook her head and pounded her knuckles against the door, finally knocking.
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
Dearest Diary,
This is most likely the absolute WORST possible thing that could happen right now. I lost my job. Unbelievable. I work there for all of two days, pouring my heart and SOUL into my work and only showing up a little late, and the place is ruined. Two days. The best two days that place has seen in years, probably. Absolutely T-R-A-G-I-C. Why did this even happen anyway? I was a waitress. You think waitressing pays well, Diary? Do you? Well, you don’t go to restaurants and you’ve never had a job. You know nothing, Diary. NOTHING. Nothing, similar to what I’m being paid right now. Where am I even going to work? I can’t work in a bar, so that rules out all the cool jobs. I mean, I could lie about my age but that’s not cool. I could work at the tea house! That doesn’t sound all that bad, actually. It’d only be for a little while. But still, ABSOLUTELY THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING. Well, not really. I could be that poor Moonlight Peak guy. But I’m not. So this is way worse in comparison, Diary. Obviously. I’m much too stressed out to continue writing. You’re so lucky you don’t have a job, Diary. Soooo lucky.
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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Katie wrinkled her nose at the thought of having to dig down in a dirty, icky mine. Like, ugh, as if. She shuddered at the thought of that damp, dark cave… Why would anyone do this for fun? She could think of so many other things she could do with that time. She could probably binge watch five hours worth of Cupcake Wars. Such a waste. But… She DID just lose her job… so she REALLY needs the money… Ugh…
Katie chose [ 9, 12, 29, 31, 41 ]
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katiekoffee-blog · 9 years
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Katie was so excited to hear that a masquerade ball was going to be taking place in town soon! She just adores ball gowns (even if they don’t quite look right because of her height) and parties, so this event was right up her alley.
She was, however, less sure of the idea of a blind date. While dancing with a stranger all night seems romantic, there are a lot of risks involved. Like, what if they fall in love and never know who the other is? That’s a Cinderella-esque fantasy, but, hey, a girl can dream.
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