katiemccabeswife · 1 day
antisocial // a.putellas x reader
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summary: your social battery runs out during a team bonding night
we back baby
after a long media day, you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day cuddled up in alexia’s arms once you got home. but just as you prepared yourself to face plant the sofa, the spaniard caught you effortlessly and the whine you let out was pitiful.
“lo siento amor but we have team bonding.” alexia whispered, laughing quietly when your body grew limp.
“do we really?”
“si,” alexia said, running her hand through your hair as you groaned. “it is not the end of the world you know?”
“sure feels like it.” you mumbled, forcing yourself out of her arms and into your bedroom to change into something comfier that just so happened to belong to your girlfriend.
you didn’t look any happier when you returned and alexia found the slight jut of your lip adorable. “a few hours cariño then we will leave.”
you relaxed a little at her words. you could survive a few hours. the drive to mapi and ingrid’s place seemed to take forever and you had a feeling that that was going to be the precedent for how the rest of the night was going to go. the moment ingrid swung open the front door, you winced at the noise. alexia gently tugged you in upon sensing your hesitation.
your feet dragged behind you and it was clear to alexia that your body was reacting to each little stimuli with the way it tensed and relaxed interchangeably.
when alexia made her way over to where mapi and frido sat with marta and caro, you forced yourself to head over to esmee, bruna, and jana.
you weren’t sure how they’d managed to convince ingrid to let them open up a mini nail salon in her living room but the question fell dry on your lips when esmee gently took your hands in hers.
“i think you should have this one.” jana said, handing esmee a powder blue coloured nail varnish and your face flushed when you realised that the dutch girl had asked you a question.
“uh yeah, that’s pretty, thanks jana.” you nodded slightly, offering both girls a smile.
alexia watched with a smile of her own as your shoulders sagged and you laughed softly at something jana had said. her shoulders relaxed too when you eased your way into whatever debate keira and lucy were having, something about the last england camp and whether keira had spent a little too much time with leah and not enough with georgia.
it was clear to your girlfriend that whatever negative feelings you had earlier had fizzled out and thankfully, you were starting to enjoy yourself. and your face lit up when mapi turned on the xbox, ona handing you a controller.
after a few games of fifa, you were forced to hand it over to frido and grumbled under your breath as you sank back into the sofa.
more of the girls joined in and with every one, you could feel yourself slipping into a more irritable state and you forced yourself to smile and laugh when you felt like you needed to.
alexia eventually found her seat next to you and was taken back at how quickly you moved onto her lap, curling into her.
your hands played with the strings on her hoodie, nose lightly nudging at the column of her throat. and since alexia was expecting this, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small fidget toy, one of the many you left scattered around your house.
you hummed in appreciation, taking it from her. she pressed a kiss to your head, also having both of your phones at hand in case you changed your mind about the toy.
at some point, the repetitive motion and the social exhaustion had you dozing off and when you woke up, ingrid was saying goodbye to the last of the girls. and as you lifted your head, you caught mapi’s eye and she smiled at you. you huffed in response, quickly hiding your face in alexia’s neck.
“gruñona.” mapi teased, digging her fingers into your side.
you squirmed, whining as you pushed her hand away, peeking out to glare at her.
“go wait with ingrid,” alexia whispered and your grip on her hoodie tightened. “i will be two minutes, i promise.”
your body felt heavy as you slowly lifted yourself off your girlfriend and it took everything in you to not fall straight back onto her.
with a soft sigh, you headed towards the front of the apartment where you knew the norwegian was, giving her the smallest of smiles.
“tired?” she asked and you nodded. “i can tell, you look it.”
if anyone else had said it, you would’ve lost your mind. but it was ingrid and you knew she meant no harm. that still didn’t stop you from going back to alexia and throwing your arms around her neck from behind.
“casa ara,” you whispered, whining when you got no response. “ale, please.”
“vale, vale.” alexia rolled her eyes fondly, quickly saying goodbye to mapi and ingrid before practically carrying you to the car.
the ride home seemed a lot quicker than before and the relaxation that flowed through your body once you’d gotten through the front door was magical.
you went straight to the bedroom, falling onto the bed without a care in the world and cuddling into the sheets.
it didn’t take long for alexia to join you but you were long gone by then, murmuring softly in your sleep as the blonde gently moved your body into a more comfortable position. your eyes fluttered open momentarily, a dreamy smile on your lips.
“te quiero mucho.”
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katiemccabeswife · 7 days
killing myself!
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katiemccabeswife · 9 days
there are very few reasons that i am not a lesbian and doctor spencer walter reid is 90% of those reasons.
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katiemccabeswife · 10 days
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katiemccabeswife · 11 days
Play, Sleep, Repeat
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You're Katie's cousin
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Katie has never quite understood you.
You'd always been on the fringes of her awareness.
She has all her siblings. Her close family is big. Her extended family is even bigger.
You're her cousin, on her mother's side.
She'd never really kept up with your life. She'd see you at family reunions maybe once, twice a year and it would all be a quick conversation before she moved on.
She'd never been close enough to her uncle, your dad, to really know what was going on the two of your lives. All she really remembers was that his wife (your mother) had left him and he was a single dad.
It was surprising to see the Arsenal announcement photo with you smiling at the camera, a big Ireland flag draped over your shoulders.
It should have made her feel bad that you didn't drop a text to say you were signing but Katie didn't even know you played football until the announcement so she decided that she didn't really have room to have her feelings hurt over it.
She had hoped this would be the opportunity for you both to grow closer but, as she looks at you now, horsing down your lunch, she kind of thought that was a pipe dream.
You get up immediately after finishing, avoiding the table with the other younger players and heading back out onto the pitch.
It was like clockwork with you. You were either crashed out asleep in the break room, eating like you'd been starved or practicing for hours before or after training.
"What's up with your cousin, McCabe?" Leah asks, watching you leave as well," She never hangs around."
Katie shrugs. "I dunno. She's always been like that, I think."
"You think?"
"She's being raised by her Da. I guess she's never been around this many girls in her life."
"Surely she played on a girl's team before coming here."
Katie shrugs again.
"You don't know?"
"I've got a big family, Williamson. I hardly see her back home. Sue me for not stalking her every move."
Kim slides into the seat next to her. "I'm worried about her," She says," She's always here early and she stays late too. I've never seen her Dad pick her up."
"So what? She's a big girl."
Kim raises a brow. "I wasn't worried because she promised me that you've been dropping her off."
"What? She told me Kyra was doing that."
Kim sighs. "I got her address off Jonas. Do you and Caitlin mind popping by tonight? I'd do it myself but she might respond better to you."
Katie stands at your door a few hours after training has finished. She'd been waiting in her car for a while now, unable to believe her eyes when you'd stepped off the bus barely ten minutes ago still in your training kit.
Her hand hovers over the door, unmoving.
Caitlin nudges her to the side, pressing the doorbell.
"Hey," She says when you open it," Can we come in?"
Your eyes dart to the side. "Er..."
"Is your Da in? I need to talk to him."
"Da's busy," You say.
"That's okay. We can wait." Katie barges in and Caitlin follows her before you can stop them.
"How long will he be?" Caitlin asks and your eyes dart to the door.
"Have you had dinner yet?" Katie asks," 'Cause your fridge is bare."
"Stop it!" You say, pushing her out of your kitchen," Stop snooping!"
"Are these takeout boxes?"
"Katie, I mean it! Out!"
"Nah, where's your Da? Surely, he can't be letting you eat all this crap."
You mumble a response that Katie forces you to repeat. A response that gets regurgitated to every responsible adult on the team.
Your Da didn't come with you to England. In fact, your Da hadn't even be to one of your Arsenal matches.
"He'll come when I make it into the Ireland squad," You'd told Katie and Caitlin," He promised."
The team keeps a close eye on you. Your back prickles with awareness and every time you look behind you, someone is watching.
Things change as well, slowly but surely. It's enough to put you on edge.
It starts with Caitlin and Katie driving you to practice. You usually leave hours ahead of when training starts so you can get the bus and still have time to practice before it begins.
(Maybe if you have a bit extra training then Gleeson will have no choice but to call you up for the next international break).
You have no idea how long they've been camping in their car because you get up stupidly early.
They bundle you in with them. They grab breakfast at a quaint place in town before getting you to training on time.
Next comes Kim. She sits with you at lunch and talks to you enough that you finish the same time as everyone else.
Leah helps you with your kit.
Lia sits with you on the bus.
Lessi, Vic and Kyra splash you with water during the changeover at training.
Beth lets you nap against her and Viv makes sure you have a protein shake ready for you when you wake up.
Slowly but surely, you're folded into the team that is Arsenal. You existed on the fringes of life in London, focused on nothing but finally having your father support you in football.
Now though, you have the team to celebrate your goals with. You have Katie shaking you with joy when you score the last minute winner against Everton.
You also have the text from your Da nitpicking your every move in the match.
You feel lucky that he even kept the match on with how shit you were apparently making. A few months ago, you would have gone back to your own habits. A few months ago, you would have ran until your legs gave out.
But it's no longer a few months ago.
So, you just put your phone away and let Steph ruffle your hair on the way back to her seat.
You're actually part of the team now. A key part of the team if you go off how many times you've started a match.
A key part of the time if you go by how you seamlessly tackle Cuthbert and send the ball rolling straight to Caitlin to collect. You're about to stand up but Cuthbert can't stay on her feet and she stumbles, falling with a sickening crunch onto your ankle.
The scream you let out is guttural and you push her off you to grab at your ankle, as if touching it would suddenly make it feel better.
You slap the ground with your fist and scream again. Leah comes sliding in next to you, pinning your ankle to the ground with a firm hand.
"I know," She says," I know but we need to keep it still. Just stay still."
"Leah," You sob," It hurts!"
"I know," She repeats," The physios are coming straight on. Just keep it still."
Katie comes running to you next, tucking your face into her chest as you sob, shielding you from the fans.
Caitlin has taken her job at yelling at the ref, desperate to get some kind of compensation even if it was all a complete reaction.
"I...I..." You manage to get out through your tears," I don't think Gleeson's going to call me up for the break."
Lia, who had gently removed your cleat, laughs. "You don't need to focus on that right now." She peals your sock down. "But it's nice that you've still got your sense of humour."
You hiss as someone else touches your ankle.
"Hey!" Katie snaps," Careful with her!" She turns back to you. "Can you walk?"
"I don't even think I can stand up."
"You're going to be okay," She says as the stretcher is brought on," They'll fit you with a boot and you'll come back to mine."
You groan. "God, not your place."
"What's wrong with my mine?!"
"You can't cook! Can I go to Kim's instead?"
"I think I preferred it when we didn't talk."
You grin. "Didn't your Ma ever tell you lying's bad?"
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katiemccabeswife · 12 days
Soft Touches
Soft Touches is for 18+ only.
Smut, Fluff
Note: I feel like we all witnessed soft Alexia after the match yesterday, so here's some tender smut for you all.
You lay half atop your girlfriend’s body, her back pressed against the bed, looking so beautifully serene. Your clothes were abandoned on the cold floor of her bedroom. With gentle fingers, you traced patterns over her soft skin, lingering on the curves of her full breasts. You loved the way her body felt under your touch, and you let your fingers explore leisurely.
Both of you are recovering from the first round of lovemaking, especially her, as you had dedicated yourself to showing her how much you love her. You both know a second round is inevitable, but for now, you're content to take it slow, savoring each moment. You love the intimacy of moving slowly, of taking your time to enjoy each other fully.
You place lazy kisses on her soft, full breasts, eliciting a gentle sigh from Alexia. You glance up at her face and see an expression of pure serenity, her features free from any worry. You cherish this version of your girlfriend. While you love every aspect of her, this tranquil state is undoubtedly one of your favorites.
As you continue to kiss her tenderly, one of her hands weaves through your hair, her fingers gently scratching your scalp.
“T'estimo, ets tan perfecte per a mi,” she whispers quietly, another content sigh escaping her lips. You look up at her with a soft smile, leaning in to kiss her tenderly.
“Did you like it?” you ask, referring to the moments just before when you made love to her. Despite the love and reassurance Alexia provides, you sometimes still feel a little insecure. A past relationship had shattered your confidence, leaving deep scars. Alexia has been incredibly patient, helping you rebuild your self-esteem bit by bit.
Yet, the lingering insecurity occasionally resurfaces. You want everything to be perfect for her because you believe she deserves nothing less. Her constant reassurance and unwavering support make you feel deeply grateful for her patience.
Alexia's eyes soften as she looks at you. "SĂ­, every moment with you is perfect per a mi," she murmurs, her hand gently caressing your cheek. "You make me so happy." Her words and the sincerity in her gaze calm your anxieties, making you feel cherished and understood.
Your fingers trace the lines of her abs, admiring the definition earned from years of training. You love her abs, marveling at their perfection. A fleeting thought crosses your mind, wondering why you don’t have abs like hers. Your body is beautiful, but it’s not as toned as your girlfriend’s.
“I don’t have abs,” you say quietly, the insecurity slipping into your voice. “Do you mind?” you whisper, feeling a pang of self-doubt. You mentally scold yourself, knowing you shouldn't feel insecure with Alexia. She loves you exactly as you are.
“You don’t need abs, bebita. I love your belly just the way it is,” she reassures you, her voice filled with genuine affection. She moves, gently shifting so that you're now on your back, and she’s hovering above you. Alexia places her large hand on your stomach, emphasizing her words with a loving touch.
You always loved it when she did this, her hand on your belly, a gesture of comfort and acceptance. Her warmth and reassurance make you feel cherished, melting away any lingering doubts. Alexia's eyes meet yours, and she smiles softly. “You’re perfect to me,” she whispers, leaning in to kiss you tenderly, sealing her words with the sincerity of her love.
Her hand remains gently on your stomach as she leans in, her lips meeting yours in a tender kiss that swiftly deepens. The heat between you builds, Alexia’s touch grows more intense. Her fingers softly pressing into your skin, sending a shiver of goosebumps across your body.
The sensation kindles a warmth within you, stirring desires anew. Yet, this time feels different, you are fully present, lost in the moment with her, allowing yourself to savor every touch, every breath, completely immersed in the connection you share.
Her words are a soft murmur, a breathy declaration that fills the space between your nearly touching lips. "I love you, every single part of you, your beautiful body. I will cherish you for as long as I can," she whispers, her eyes reflecting the profound love you share. You respond by pulling her closer for another kiss, deep and impassioned.
Alexia's hands roam freely, her touch gentle yet filled with intent. She caresses your breasts, her soft massaging sending waves of pleasure through you, eliciting a moan that blends seamlessly into the kiss. Breaking away slightly, she promises, "I'll make sure you feel how much I adore you and your body." She seals her vow with a tender peck on your lips before trailing kisses down your neck to your breasts. There, she playfully nips, leaving faint marks as tender souvenirs of affection.
Her journey continues with kisses scattered across your stomach, each one a soft testament to her adoration. Arriving at your core, she pauses to shower affection on the insides of your thighs, paying special attention to the right one, marked by a scar—a silent acknowledgment of your shared histories and vulnerabilities. Each kiss is a celebration, a recognition of all that you are, and a reaffirmation of her unwavering love.
Alexia's attentions return to your core, her touch deliberate and tender as she begins with soft, slow licks, mindful of your sensitivity. She gradually introduces her finger, gauging your response as you moan softly, your back arching in pleasure. "I love how responsive you are, mi vida," she murmurs, her voice low and filled with affection.
She gently circles your clit with her tongue while moving her finger inside you at a soft, steady pace. Small puffs of air and gentle moans escape your lips, and Alexia smiles through her tender licks. You're incredibly sensitive, more so than ever before. If you let it, you could come from just the touch of Alexia's tongue, but you hold back, not wanting this moment to end too quickly. You know Alexia has so much more in store for you, and you want to savor every second.
When a second finger slips inside you, you can't help but rock your hips into her touch. The blend of your girlfriend’s tongue and fingers is driving you wild. "You feel so good," you whisper, gently gripping Alexia's hair. She chuckles softly, the vibrations from her laugh sending shivers through your sensitive clit, pushing you closer to the edge. You let out a loud moan, trying to hold back as a new and intense sensation builds within you. You try not to think about it.
With every new lick and thrust, you feel yourself getting wetter. Your brain turns to mush, and your grip on Alexia's hair tightens. She knows exactly what’s happening and slowly pulls back, straddling your hips as she slips her two fingers into her mouth, cleaning them softly. "I love your taste, amor," she murmurs, finishing with a satisfied smile. She leans in to kiss your tender breasts, eliciting a soft moan from you as her lips travel across your body once more.
"I love your body so much," she says, her eyes filled with hunger. "I love you so much, mi vida," she adds, gazing into your eyes. A soft smile spreads across both your faces as you bask in the intimate moment, feeling the depth of your connection.
Your girlfriend plants a tender kiss on your lips before gracefully slipping off the bed to fetch something from the drawer. You're fully aware of her intentions, and the anticipation sends a thrilling pulse through you, heightening your arousal. Casually, you begin to caress your breasts, knowing full well the desire it stirs in Alexia.
As she straps on her favorite toy, her gaze locks onto you with an exhilarated grin. There you lie, sprawled and bare, legs invitingly open, gently massaging your breasts, lost in the wave of sensations. With her eyes shimmering with adoration and awe, Alexia is overwhelmed by the view before her, feeling profoundly fortunate to call you her girlfriend. The sight of you, so open and uninhibited, deepens her love and desire, drawing her irresistibly back to the bed.
Your eyes flicker open at the sound of the bottle cap being unscrewed, and a mischievous grin spreads across your face. "Do you really think we need that, bebita?" you tease playfully, your voice laced with anticipation. However, before you can protest further, Alexia interrupts with a gentle reminder of caution. "We shouldn't take risks. I don't want to hurt you," she says, her tone soft and caring.
As you watch her meticulously lube up the toy, a surge of affection washes over you. Alexia's thoughtfulness and consideration never cease to amaze you. Even in moments where it might seem unnecessary, she prioritizes your comfort and well-being above all else, ensuring that every experience with her is filled with tenderness and care.
As she lays back on the bed, you understand her desire. Though you've been hesitant about this position in the past due to its vulnerability, Alexia's reassurance today fills you with confidence. "Are you ready, mi vida?" she asks softly, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. With a nod of your head, you straddle her hips, feeling her hand intertwine with yours for support.
Alexia lines up the strap with your core, and as you sink onto the toy, a chorus of moans fills the room. You pause at the end of the toy, taking a moment to adjust to its size. With both of Alexia's hands gently holding your hips, you lock eyes with her, finding nothing but love and adoration reflected back at you.
"Just start slowly," she reassures you, her voice soft and encouraging. Taking a deep breath, you begin to move, your body rising and falling in a rhythm that feels natural and intimate. With each thrust, you feel a sense of connection and trust deepen between you and Alexia, making this moment one of pure love and passion.
Unlike your girlfriend, you're not a professional athlete, so you find yourself out of breath sooner than you'd like, and your legs begin to shake before long. But despite the physical strain, you're determined to push through for her sake. It's not that you don't enjoy it—because you really do—it's just that it requires a lot of effort, and sometimes your mind gets the best of you.
Alexia notices your body tensing up a bit, and she sits up, her abs flexing, a sight that doesn't go unnoticed by you. She leans in to kiss your breasts softly. "You're doing absolutely amazing, bebita. I adore watching you like this," she says softly between kisses. Your mind turns to mush once again, and for a moment, you're completely lost in the sensation. Sensing your need, Alexia lays her head on your breasts and pulls you into a tight hug.
Your head rests on her shoulder, giving you a perfect view of her back adorned with tattoos. You trace a finger over the intricate designs around her neck and then plant a soft kiss on her neck before resuming your movements back and forth.
In this new position, the closeness between you was palpable, each trust sending vibrations of pleasure through both of you. Alexia held onto you tighter, feeling the strain in her abs but relishing in the sensation.
You were making her feel so good once again, and she couldn't help but be drawn closer to the edge herself. She hadn't expected to reach that pinnacle again so soon, intending this to be all about you. But as you moved together, she felt herself teetering on the brink once more, drawn in by the sounds of your breath hitching and the sweet moans escaping your lips.
"Can you go a little faster, amor?" Alexia's voice is laced with urgency, her desire evident as she yearns for a faster pace. She knows this rhythm won't send you both over the edge, but she can't hold back any longer, not with you straddling her and riding her toy in this intoxicating new position.
"I'll try," your words catch in your throat as you shift slightly, positioning yourself backwards to thrust into her more fully and faster.
Alexia's hand tightens around one of your breasts, her grip firm, her other hand steadying herself to prevent from falling backward. Her touch sends shivers down your spine, bringing you closer to the brink. But something feels different for you, the sensation unfamiliar and intense, igniting a spark of anxiety within you.
"Ale, something feels different," you manage to pant out, your heart racing with anticipation and a hint of fear. Despite your unease, your body refuses to stop, craving the pleasure that threatens to consume you.
Alexia's eyes widen in realization, knowing exactly what's about to happen. It's a moment you've never experienced together, but now, it's on the brink of unfolding, and she can't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect.
"It's okay, mi vida, just let it come. You're here with me, safe. We're here together. It's okay," Alexia's reassurance washes over you, soothing your anxieties with her words. Despite the intensity of the moment, her presence grounds you, offering a sense of security that allows you to surrender to the sensations coursing through your body.
As she leans in for a sloppy but soft kiss, you feel a wave of comfort wash over you, melting away any lingering worries. When you part, she settles back again, her gaze fixated on your dripping core and the toy buried deep inside you. The sight fuels her own arousal, her desire building with each rhythmic movement and every moan that escapes your lips.
You teetered on the edge, your soft pants and moans growing louder with each thrust. With newfound determination, you picked up the pace, surprising even Alexia with the rapidity of your movements. The toy glided in and out of you effortlessly, your body bathed in a soft glow, beads of sweat glistening on your skin.
Alexia, unable to resist any longer, surrendered to her own climax, her moans mingling with yours as she whispered praises of your beauty. Your grin faltered slightly, a hint of worry creeping into your expression. "Should I stop?" you asked softly, mindful of her sensitivity after such an intense experience.
"No, please, don't stop," Alexia pleaded, eager to witness your unraveling. "Does it still feel different?" she inquired softly. "SĂ­," you panted out, feeling the intensity building within you. Alexia's thumb found its way to your clit, applying gentle pressure and circling it with expert precision. A moan of pleasure escaped your lips as you felt the knot in your stomach drawing closer to release. You reassured yourself in your mind that everything would be okay; after all, your girlfriend was here with you.
For a moment, your mind went blank, overwhelmed by waves of pleasure that left you unable to think or hear anything but the ringing in your ears. Alexia's voice reached you softly, but it was distant, muffled by the intensity of the moment. Then, suddenly, clarity returned, and you felt an incredible release of pleasure wash over you from deep within your stomach.
With a reflexive movement, you scooted backward, your back arching as your breasts were fully on display. Alexia's hand found one of them, her touch sending shivers of delight through your body, while her other hand continued its skillful ministrations on your clit.
Her eyes widened in amazement as she noticed the liquid dripping down your core and onto the sheets, evidence of your overwhelming arousal. Amidst your moans of ecstasy, you managed to articulate, "Gosh, this feels good. You feel so good." With gentle precision, Alexia withdrew the toy from within you, replacing it with two of her fingers, which elicited even more liquid from your trembling body.
As you lay back on the bed, your eyes fluttered open to meet Alexia's gaze, her smile radiating love and adoration. In that moment, you felt an overwhelming sense of connection and intimacy, knowing that you were completely and utterly cherished by the woman before you.
"That was so hot, mi amor. I love you so much," she whispers, leaning in for another soft kiss. You can't help but smile into the kiss, feeling a warmth spread through you at her words. As she caresses your body tenderly, she notices your heightened state of arousal and withdraws her hand, her concern evident in her gaze.
"Are you feeling okay, amor?" you ask, always attentive to her well-being. She appreciates your care, her smile softening as she looks up at you. "SĂ­, mi vida. More than okay," she assures you, her eyes reflecting contentment and love.
"And are you feeling okay?" she inquires, gently brushing her fingers against your cheek. "I'm more than okay too," you reply, returning her smile with equal affection.
You shift slightly and notice a wet patch on the bedsheets, your cheeks flushing bright red. "I'm sorry, the bedsheets," you manage to stammer out, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Don't be, it was hot and I want to see that again," she says with a playful wiggle of her eyebrows, making you laugh. "Seriously, I want to see that again." With that, she leans in for another soft kiss, and you sigh contentedly.
"T'estimo tant," she whispers against your lips before lifting you up in her arms bridal style to carry you to the bathroom for cleanup.
As you shower, she takes care of the bedsheets, her thoughts wandering to when she might get to experience that again with you, hoping it will be soon.
The love she feels for you fills her chest, and she can't wait for the day when she gets to marry you.
Soft and slow, I hoped you liked it. Maybe I'll be writing more smut.
Angst is coming tonight so be prepared.
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
Is your blog 18+
while i don’t write smut (if i did i would put out a fair warning), i am 19 so i do read 18+ content and reblog it so i’d say more or less it’s 16+
you are responsible for your own social media consumption, i am not your mother
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
rora's masterlist
*for teen!reader
*for platonic!reader
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Matildas x Reader
It's Not Your Fault **
Babysitting *
12 Weeks **
Sam Kerr x Reader
Awesome Parenting
Arsenal x Reader
Training Wheels *
Fan Girl Part 2 *
Katie McCabe x Reader
It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas
Leah Williamson x Reader
Selflessness Part 2
Meadema x Reader
Baby Meadema **
Transferring to Lesbianism **
Daddy Issues **
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Illicit Affairs
Awkward Conversations Outfits **
i swear if this shits itself one more time im ending it all
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
12 Weeks
Matildas x Aussie!Reader || 12 weeks of recovery and you're back on the pitch in your hometown.
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12 weeks. After 3 months of recovery, you were back on the pitch and playing for your country. A knee dislocation may not be the worst injury ever, but the torn ligaments that come with it sure do make the recovery longer than it could be.
Whilst recovery is always more a mental game than physical, it's always worth it when you get to be back on the pitch with your national team in front of a sold-out, record-breaking crowd, in your hometown. You originally weren't sure if you were even going to be selected for the squad after missing the Conti Cup Final with Arsenal and the remaining games of the season, but Tony was assured by the physios over in England that you would be fit for the final games in front of an Aussie crowd before the Olympics, so here you were.
Tony was still cautious with your knee, and left you to warm the bench for the Adelaide game but substituted you on for the second half of the game. There was yet to be a goal when you came on, but the atmosphere surrounding the stadium only begged for one to come soon.
China was full of tough competitors and made for a lot of back and forth, sprinkled with some promising chances which only made Clare's goal in the 48th minute all the more sweeter.
The second goal came from a combination of an easy interception from Viney and Raso's speed making for another celebration when the ball hit the back of the net.
Sitting comfortably ahead relaxed the crowd but the team's constant want for more goals never did. After a close call near China's goal, Macca booted the ball up the pitch and met Steph's head who then controlled the touch and dribbled past the loose defenders. A moment of distraction left you unattended and gave you room to bolt for the incoming cross from your captain.
The ever-so-perfect timing of Steph met your foot perfectly leaving you one-on-one with the goalkeeper. A quick fake to one side had her falling the wrong way, leaving the goal wide open for you.
The sound of the crowd was deafening when the net rippled from the force of the ball and you were quick to run with your arms spread wide, cutting through the harsh cold air of the Aussie winter night.
A quick pivot is all it took for your back to meet the ground. A groan left not only your lips but those watching the big screen which was currently zoomed in on your celebration that was ruined by your knee slipping out of place.
"No, no, no" You cried out and were quick to stand back up and shake your leg around.
"Oi, no sit back down, babe," Ellie was the first one to you and forced you back to the ground.
"I'm fine Els, I swear, I promise," The tears that were flowing from your eyes spoke differently, "Just let me get up, I can walk, I swear!" When the medics made their way to you, you tried to push them away and convince them that you were alright. "It doesn't even hurt!" You shouted at them. Embarrassment filled you as your teammates and 76,998 other people watched you cry on the pitch.
Steph was there right next to you in seconds, soothing your hair and whispering gentle words, "It's alright, y/n/n, if nothing really is wrong, you can get back up and play, if not you'll also be ok, yeah? We're all here for you, you'll be alright," She kissed your sweaty head but her comfort was doing little to help. The Olympics were right around the corner, you didn't have another 12 weeks to heal and even if you did, there was no way Tony would choose you over a completely healthy player like Hayley or Caitlin.
You looked up at Steph with dread written all over your face, you knew you had re-dislocated your knee and that you wouldn't be fit for the Olympics but admitting that was going to be a hard pill to swallow. By looking at Steph's face, you knew she knew as well that you weren't going to be able to get up and play the remaining 20 minutes of the game. She took your face between her hands and looked you dead in the eye, "It's ok, chook, you being ok is the main priority right now, try not to worry about anything else, ok?" You nodded solemnly and looked towards the medics who were pushing painfully around your knee.
"I dislocated it again," You spoke softly to the woman looking at your face, gauging your reaction to her prodding. She nodded in agreement before asking if you could walk and with the help of her and Steph you were up on your feet, thanking the crowd surrounding you as they clapped you off.
While you weren't going to be playing the rest of the game, there was no way you were going to miss watching it so you sat down next to Lydia and rested your head on her shoulder as the medic strapped an ice pack around you knee. The tightening of the strap brought another round of tears to your eyes and Lydia rubbed your arm comfortingly with her hand that was slung around your shoulders, "It'll be ok, chick," She spoke, so similarly to Steph.
"Thanks, Lyds," The phrase had been thrown around a lot the past few days but her actions proved just how much she deserved all the thanks she was receiving, not only for being an exceptional footballer but also an exceptional person and friend.
The ball was being passed around aimlessly in the centre of the pitch, giving Tony a moment to step away from the sideline to find you and squat down in front you you, his hand resting on your good knee, "How does it feel?" He asked with a cringe.
You shrugged miserably, "It doesn't hurt as much as the first time, it kind of just aches," You looked down at it and frowned at the apparent swelling already rising.
Tony ruffled your hair lightly as he rose, "You're strong kid, remember we're all here for you, even me," He winked jokingly, "If you ever need someone to call, any one of us will be happy to answer, isn't that right?" He shouted down the bench to Caitlin who nodded obliviously making you and Tony laugh. He pointed at you sternly, "If you ever, ever, need anything, I'm just a phone call away, kid," He patted your shoulder once you had nodded in understanding before walking back to the sideline.
"I'm proud of you chicky," Lydia mumbled to you.
"Thanks, Lyds"
It's been a while!! Sorry for not writing, just haven't really felt like it, and guess what... dislocated my knee for the second time in three months just before the tillies game on monday!! you best believe i still went and hobbled in on my crutches though.
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
Auntie Duties | Lotte Wubben-Moy
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Summary: you and Lotte look after your nephew and niece for the evening.
Being an auntie was the proudest thing you’d ever done. You loved your four-year-old nephew and ten-month-old niece, Noah and Evie, so when your sister asked if you could look after them for the weekend, you immediately said yes.
You’d recently moved in with your girlfriend, Lotte, after being together for a year so it was the first time that you were looking after them together. Your sister had dropped Evie off around lunchtime and you and Lotte were going to pick Noah up from school.
It was October, the air was cold and crisp so Evie was bundled up in a one piece coat as she rested on Lotte’s hip. She played with Lotte’s hair, her tiny hands pulling it apart, you could tell it was painful but Lotte wasn’t saying a word.
“You’re such a gorgeous girl!” Lotte cooed, bouncing Evie up and down as you pushed the stroller.
Evie let out a contagious laugh before babbling away in Lotte’s arms, Lotte went along and acted like she knew what Evie was saying. Noah’s school wasn’t far from your house so you and Lotte agreed to take the short stroll.
As you reached the school gates, children spilled out, their laughter echoing. Noah emerged, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders as he ran toward you both. His blonde hair stuck out in all directions, and his eyes widened when he spotted you and Lotte waiting for him.
“Auntie Lotts!” he shouted, running towards you. Lotte handed Evie to before she knelt down to greet him, his laughter filling the air as Lotte picked him up and threw him in the air.
“Hi little man!” Lotte smiled, tickling the blonde boy's stomach, “How was your day?”
“It was so good!” Noah grinned, “I got to learn all about dinosaurs, I played with my friends and I had chicken nuggets for lunch!”
You gasped, matching Noah’s enthusiasm, “Oh my god, bud! That sounds amazing! Me and Auntie Lotts were wondering, do you want to go to the park with us and Eve’s?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” He said, jumping up and down and Lotte placed him on the floor.
The crisp October air nipped at your cheeks as you walked toward the nearby park, Noah's hand securely clasped in Lotte’s. Evie, bundled up in her cosy one-piece coat, nestled against your chest.
"Look at you, little adventurer," Lotte murmured to Evie. "Ready for the park, huh?" Evie babbled in response, her eyes wide with curiosity. Lotte pretended to understand every word once again, nodding and making exaggerated expressions.
Noah skipped ahead, his excitement palpable. "Auntie Lotts, can we go on the swings?" he asked, his blue eyes dancing with anticipation.
"Absolutely!" Lotte replied, "Maybe we could play some football afterwards too?"
Noah's face lit up. "Really? I’d love that!"
As you entered the park, Noah raced toward the swings, and Lotte followed. You slowly made your way over with the stroller and Evie, who was peacefully babbling away in your arms.
Lotte pushed Noah on the swing, the wind ruffling his hair. "Higher, Lotts!" he shouted, pumping his legs. You sat on a nearby bench, watching the bond that your girlfriend had created with your nephew. Evie's eyes widened as she watched Noah, and you wondered what thoughts were swirling in her little mind.
Lotte soon walked over to you once Noah had gotten bored of the swings and raced over to the slide, "I think Evie's fascinated by her big brother," she whispered.
You grinned. "She's taking mental notes for when she's old enough to annoy him.”
Noah slid down the slide, his cheeks flushed as he rushed over to you. "Can we go over to the sand pit before playing football?"
"Absolutely," you said, "Let's explore."
Lotte and Noah, Hand in hand, wandered toward the sandbox. Noah knelt down, digging his fingers into the sand. "Look!" he exclaimed, pointing at a shallow indentation. "Dinosaur toes!"
Lotte crouched beside him. "Wow bud!," she said, drawing a wiggly line in the sand. "Maybe a tail here?"
Evie gurgled happily, her tiny fingers reaching for the sand. You lowered her closer, letting her feel the texture. "What do you think, Evie?" you asked. "Dinosaur or dragon?"
She babbled in response, her eyes wide with wonder. As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows, you all sat on the grass. Noah recounted his adventures at school, and you both listened intently, soaking up every word. Lotte leaned against you, her warmth seeping through your jacket.
You watched on as Lotte and Noah passed the ball back and forth, each time Lotte gave him tips on what to do and Noah listened closely.
You and Lotte gathered Noah and Evie, their laughter still echoing in the park. The walk home was filled with chatter, Noah excitedly recounting his day at school once again, telling you small parts that he’d missed out. The air turned colder, and you pulled their coats tighter around them.
Lotte carried Evie on her hip, her cheeks flushed from the brisk walk. Evie's tiny hands tugged at Lotte's hair, and you chuckled. "She's got a strong grip," you said.
Lotte grinned. "She's practising for when she becomes a hair stylist."
Noah skipped ahead, pretending to be a dinosaur. "Roar!" he shouted, stomping his feet. You joined in, your own dinosaur impression earning giggles from both kids.
Back home, the cosy warmth welcomed you. The scent of dinner soon lingered in the air as Lotte began cooking whilst you entertained Noah and Evie. You settled Evie in her high chair, and Lotte began chopping dishing dinner up. Noah sat at the kitchen table, colouring a picture of a dinosaur.
"Can I help?" Noah asked Lotte.
"Absolutely," Lotte said. "You can be my official taste tester."
Evie banged her spoon on the tray, her eyes wide with curiosity. Noah set the table, arranging mismatched plates and cups. Evie's eyes followed his every move, as if memorising the layout for future reference.
"Dinner's ready!" Lotte announced, placing the steaming food down. You all gathered around the table, it was filled with laughter and non stop conversations. You and Lotte told Noah about your days, Lotte shared stories about training.
Lotte and you exchanged knowing glances, this chaotic, messy mealtime was exactly what you'd signed up for.
Afterwards, it was bath time. Noah splashed in the tub, pretending he was a deep-sea explorer. Evie sat in her baby tub, her eyes wide as she watched her big brother. Lotte sang silly songs, and you joined in, creating a cacophony of off-key tunes.
Wrapped in fluffy towels, the kids yawned and Lotte read them bedtime stories. Evie snuggled into her crib, her thumb in her mouth. Noah clutched his stuffed dinosaur, eyelids drooping.
"Goodnight, buddy," you whispered, brushing Noah’s hair out of his face.
Lotte kissed Noah’s forehead. "Sleep tight, bud."
As you closed your spare bedroom door, you and Lotte collapsed on the couch. The house was quiet now, the only sounds were the ticking clock and the wind outside. Lotte rested her head on your shoulder, and you sighed contentedly.
"Being an auntie is the best," you said. “You get to hand them back whenever you want.”
Lotte nodded, leaning up and pecking your lips. "Can’t wait to have a life like this with you.
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
New || Leah Williamson
Warning smut 18+, strap use, fingering, face sitting, orgasm denial, handcuffs, blindfold, overstimulation, squirting.
Based on this request here.
It had been a bad match.
The worst of the season.
Arsenal had lost 3-1 to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
Chelsea had scored 3 goals in half an hour, whereas Arsenal had only scored their first goal four minutes from full time, and it was an own goal.
Leah was devastated to say the least.
She was angry.
You could tell from her face walking round the pitch.
Angry tears escaped her eyes as she thanked the fans.
At that moment, you knew you’d be in for a rollercoaster of a night.
“Le, think of the positives, they didn’t get a clean sheet.” You said, trying to calm Leah down.
She was still fuming.
Fuming at herself. Fuming at the way they played. Fuming in general and nothing could stop that, apart from one thing.
It had happened before, her getting angry and you letting her get her anger out on you, and it had worked.
Maybe you’d have to do the same thing tonight.
The night was going to end in that way anyway.
Whether it would be Leah celebrating the win, or Leah losing.
“We played shit, Y/N. The worst we’ve played in a long time. We could have stopped those goals. We could have—” You cut Leah off by kissing her.
You placed your lips on hers and that’s when she got the memo about what was going to happen.
“You’re gonna be my good girl tonight.” Leah mumbled against your ear and you nodded in agreement. “Say it. Say you’re gonna be my good girl.”
“I’ll be your good girl, Leah. You can do whatever you want to me.”
This was a new side to Leah. You’d seen her dominating side, but this was different, this was new.
“Good girl.” Leah praised, taking your shirt off before placing her lips on your collarbone. “You’re gonna do exactly what I tell you, okay? You’re gonna go to the bedroom, take all your clothes off and wait on the bed for me.”
“Yes, Leah.”
You practically ran upstairs, doing exactly what she told you to do.
When Leah walked in the room, her eyes focused on your body.
Her eyes had turned black, you couldn’t even tell what emotion she was feeling.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Leah asked, it was as if her whole persona had changed in them few moments.
“Yes, Le. I’m one hundred percent sure.” You replied and you watched her personality change.
“Good.” Leah stated, as she started taking her clothes off.
She walked to the bed side table, grabbing three things.
The biggest strap you owned.
The handcuffs.
The blindfold.
Leah walked over to you with the handcuffs and blindfold, her eyes asking for confirmation to which you nodded.
Leah placed your hand in the handcuffs behind your head attached to the headboard.
After blindfolding your eyes, you heard her put the strap on.
After what felt like an eternity, you felt Leah’s warm breath on your nipple, taking it in her mouth, sucking harshly at it.
You attempted to put your hands in her hair but the handcuffs restrained your actions.
Small whines escaped your mouth as Leah’s tongue swirled around your nipples.
Leah lips travelled down your chest, leaving marks here and there, until eventually she got to your thighs.
Pressing kisses to your inner thighs, she moved inwards and left a kiss on your clit.
“Fuck, Leah.” You moaned as she sucked roughly at the sensitive bud.
Leah continued to suck, causing you to moan at the sensation.
She moaned shamelessly into your pussy, the vibrations bringing you closer and closer to your first orgasm of the night.
Leah’s tongue lapped over your clit whilst her fingers began to move in and out of you.
“Fuck, right there, Le. God, I’m close.” You told Leah as she used her tongue and fingers to fuck you.
Just as you felt yourself beginning to fall, Leah pulled away.
You whined at the loss of contact, begging Leah to carry on, but she didn’t care.
“On your knees.” Leah commanded and you obeyed, moving positions so you were on your knees.
Without any warning, Leah pushed the strap into you.
You cried out at the action, not expecting it, but your cries turned to moans of pleasure.
Leah slapped your ass as she thrusted into you, grabbing and groping it.
“You look so sexy like this. Taking my cock like the little slut you are.” Leah said through gritted teeth
You almost screamed when Leah started pounding into you harder and faster than before.
Her hand also coming up to touch your clit.
“Le, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop, please.”
Your forearms collapsed onto the bed, you head burying itself in the pillows, as your body started to spasm.
You let out the most pornographic moan as you came, which was music to Leah’s ears.
Even after you came, Leah didn’t give up her speed though, she continued to thrust in and out, driving you into overstimulation.
Tears started rolling down your face at the sensation.
“Too sensitive.” You managed to get out but even at that, Leah didn’t stop.
“One more, pretty girl. Come on? You can do it.” Leah told you and you nodded.
You were doing this for Leah.
“Good girl.” Leah rested her hands on your ass, gently rubbing her thumbs over it before slapping it once again.
The strap hit every place you’d want it to, driving you to your next orgasm really quickly.
Your jaw fell open, but nothing came out.
Your orgasm came crashing down, transparent liquid squirting out of your pussy.
“Good girl. Squirting all over my dick.” Leah praised and changed your position so you were on your back again. “Gonna sit on my face now so I can taste you.”
Leah helped you sit on her face due to the fact that you dousing feel your legs, let alone move them.
You felt Leah’s tongue lap through your folds, taking in all of your juices.
You rocked yourself against Leah’s face just as if you were dancing on her tongue.
“You taste so good.” Leah mumbled into you and you bucked your hips.
Leah tongue entered your core, finding the sweet spots she knew you loved.
“Oh god.” You muttered, your third orgasm getting nearer.
Leah grabbed your ass, rolling your body against her tongue quicker than you were doing it.
Before you could even warn her, your legs tightened around her head and a mix of curse words and Leah’s name flew out of your mouth.
“Fuck.” Leah swore, out of breath, as you fell off her head and onto the bed.
She took off the blindfold of you and undid the handcuffs from the headboard.
“You were incredible. I’m so sorry, baby. I took my anger out of you.” Leah said, her face saddened at the thought.
“Leah, look at me. I said for you to do it. And I’m glad you did. I like it when you’re rough.” You assured her, resting your thumbs on her cheeks, rubbing them gently.
“Would you like a shower?” Leah offered, rubbing your back.
“If you carry me, yes please.”
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
Tulips and Two Embarrassing Mothers
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Elena brings Kaia home to meet Ingrid and Mapi. Which of course leaves them to reminisce on the last time she brought home a partner to meet her parents.
(a/n: Once every blue moon Copper-16 attempts to be funny, despite the fact that she is inherently not a funny person! This is said attempt! Read at your own risk :)
Elena stared at her mother, sitting across the table from her. 
Mapi stared right back at her daughter, the two of them seemingly lost in a battle of wills that neither seemed inclined to give up. 
Ingrid stared at them from her position leaning back against the kitchen counter, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. 
“Here is the deal,” Elena said finally, her gaze pointed. “You are going to be nice, you are going to be kind, and most of all? You are going to be normal,” the dark haired girl stressed, her words harsh. 
“I will be normal!” Mapi cried out indignantly, and Ingrid finally allowed herself to shake her head slightly, giving in to the urge to roll her eyes. 
“Your track record is not exactly the best for this thing, and we both know that,” Elena sassed quickly, and Mapi slapped her hand over her heart, feigning that she was quite hurt by the statement. 
“Oh for Christ’s sake Mami, really? Do you need a reminder of what exactly happened last time?!” Elena fought easily, and Mapi stuck her nose up in the air, shaking her head. 
“I have no clue what you are talking about,” she shook her head stubbornly, and her daughter allowed her head to drop into her hands with frustration. 
Elena was seventeen, and it was the first time she was bringing a partner home to meet her parents. 
Which would have been fine, if not for the conversation that had happened the week prior at the dinner table. 
“Mami, Mama? I need to tell you something,” she explained as she set down her fork, both of her mothers looking up at her with concern. 
“What is it baby?” Ingrid asked softly, leaning forward with worry. The teenager seemed stressed about something, but neither of them knew what it was about. 
“Well, I
I’m seeing someone. We are dating, in fact,” she explained, and her mother’s faces relaxed from concern to excitement. 
“Oh honey that is wonderful!” Mapi exclaimed, feeling a little better now that she knew it was not something bad. Elena seemed to perk up at her mother’s reaction, some of her nerves dissipating at their clear ease. She had been worried that they would be upset with her, but that didn’t seem to be the case. 
“And well
I was wondering if he could come for dinner so that you could meet him,” she continued, and Ingrid nodded her head with an easy smile on her face, very open to the idea. 
Mapi was also nodding her head, before she paused. It was a slight misstep, just a brief pause, before the smile was back on her face, just in a slightly more forced fashion. 
Elena had scampered off to her room after dinner, leaving the two wives alone to clean up the kitchen for the night. 
“Boyfriend?! She has a boyfriend?!” Mapi whisper screamed as she rushed after Ingrid into the kitchen. The Norwegian jumped at the sudden intrusion of her wife in her personal space, and she looked back at the Spaniard as though she had grown another head. 
“What? What is wrong? We always said we were okay with her dating, we just wanted her to be honest with us,” Ingrid remembered simply, not entirely understanding her wife’s outburst. 
“But a boyfriend?!” Mapi hissed, and Ingrid’s expression dropped as she began to understand. 
“María, just because we are gay doesn’t mean that our daughter is,” the green eyed woman explained slowly, keeping her voice level. 
“But you gave birth to her! You are the gayest person I know, look at your outfit! Look at your hands!” Mapi cried, as though this was a logical argument. Ingrid looked down first at the clothes that she was wearing, and then at her hands for a moment with complete confusion before she shook her head, refocusing on the conversation. 
“The fact that she came out of me, who is gay, has nothing to do with whether or not she will be gay,” Ingrid reasoned, and the Spaniard threw her head back dramatically, sighing heavily. 
“But now we have to follow the boyfriend protocol! I need to scare him! Show him that he will never be good enough for my little girl!” Mapi claimed, as the dark haired woman’s expression shifted to one of thinly veiled horror. 
“María min, you will do no such thing. I promise you, that is not what Elena needs from us,” Ingrid pleaded, knowing that her wife’s mind was already running with possibilities, none of which could be any good. 
“No, no, I need to prepare,” Mapi declared, pressing a kiss to her wife’s cheek before she left Ingrid in the kitchen, marching off to her office to get up to nothing good, that the Norwegian was sure of. The dark haired woman looked down at her hands once more, turning them over and back again before she shook her head, calling after her wife. 
“What do you mean, my hands are gay? What does that mean?!” 
Elena and Ingrid were preparing dinner when Mapi sauntered down the stairs, and both her daughter and wife turned at the sound of her entrance. 
For Ingrid, she had to attempt to hold back her laughter. For Elena, her jaw dropped open in shock, and not in a good way. 
“Mami, no!” Elena called out in despair, taking in the Spaniard’s outfit. 
Mapi was dressed in head to toe black formal wear. She had on a black button up, with black slacks and a black belt. Sunglasses sat over her eyes, never mind the fact that they were indoors. 
“You look like you are in the Secret Service!” Elena cried despondently, and Mapi smiled victoriously. 
“You said he is from America, no? He will be scared of me then, if I am dressed like the Secret Service,” she reasoned, as Elena dropped her head into her hands, her face flushing with embarrassment. It was true that the boyfriend, Grayson, was American. His mother worked in diplomacy and was settled here in Spain with her family, where Grayson attended the same private school that Elena did. 
“We met in my statistics class, it’s not like he stalked me!” Elena cried, her eyes roving over the outfit. “Mami, you cannot wear this. Tell her Mama!” The teenager tried, looking back at her other mother hopefully. 
“I already tried to talk her out of it! She was
insistent,” Ingrid replied diplomatically, trying to seem like she wasn’t about to burst out laughing. She was dressed in a simple sundress, far more normal than whatever getup Mapi was wearing. The Spaniard had by now taken off her sunglasses, making the whole getup slightly more palatable, but the teenager still had many complaints to be heard. 
But before Elena could even start to beg her mother to change, there was a knock at the door. 
Mapi turned toward the door, as did Elena at the same time, but her daughter was entirely unprepared for the mad rush that the Spaniard would make for the door, making it there before Elena and wrenching it open. 
On the opposite side stood a teenage boy, exactly as one would expect to find him. He looked a little squirrely already, holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand. He shifted from side to side, looking a little more perplexed than truly scared at Mapi standing in the doorframe. 
The former center back looked the boy up and down, clearly surveying him with a frown plastered onto her face. 
hola?” The boy asked hesitantly, his face filling just slightly with relief when Elena’s face popped over her mother’s right shoulder. 
“Elena!” He smiled, but it dropped slightly when Mapi shifted to the side, suddenly blocking Elena from view. She still hadn’t moved from the doorframe, not allowing the boy any further into their home. 
“Mami, let him in!” Elena hissed, tugging at her mother’s arm. Mapi gave it another thirty seconds before she finally moved, grumbling under her breath. The teenager shot her boyfriend an apologetic look as she ushered him inside, allowing him to hand the flowers to Ingrid, who took them with a gentle nod of her head. 
As much as Mapi was putting a show on about it, Ingrid was still a little skeptical about the boyfriend as well. She was being perfectly friendly, which was more than her wife could say, but she was still on alert. 
“Come on, we are going to have dinner,” Elena stepped forward to grab the boy's hand, leading him insistently toward the set table that was out on their patio. 
“Hey, hey, everyone hands to themselves!” Mapi called out, and her daughter obeyed but not without shooting a death glare back at her. Ingrid looked equally unimpressed, wiping her hands on a towel as she shot her wife a look. 
“We might be instigating a bit of a double standard here,” 
“Hey, you and I are married! She is a baby!” Mapi argued heavily, but Ingrid wasn’t impressed. 
“We both know that we would have been horribly insufferable if we had met when we were younger. You were a horny mess when I met you at twenty five, I could not imagine you at seventeen,” Ingrid remarked with a hint of sarcasm, as Mapi shoved her respective pointer fingers into her ears, screwing her eyes shut as well. 
“Oh gross! La la la la la—I can’t hear you!” She called out as she moved toward the sliding glass door, joining the two students at the table as Ingrid brought out the last of the food. 
Things didn’t get much better once they had sat down, all of them beginning to make some small talk. Ingrid asked Grayson about his family and his time in Spain, curious as to what the life of a diplomat's son would be like. He answered kindly, speaking animatedly but with a good intelligence. 
He overall seemed like a good young man, but despite that, Mapi still glared at him as she ate, her chest puffed out more than necessary. 
“You two met in school, yes?” Ingrid inquired politely, and Elena nodded as she took a bite of chicken, unprepared for her mother’s next question.
“So, Grayson, do you make it a habit to always approach girls in these classes to ask them out?” Mapi accused, her words taut with a clear insinuation. Elena choked on the bite of food she was eating, swallowing roughly as she clawed for her glass of water, her face flushing red. 
“Mami!” She snapped under her breath. 
no? Elena was the one who asked me out, actually,” he admitted, and like a balloon, Mapi seemed to deflate. 
“Oh. That is very
female forward of you,” she conceded, murmuring it more to herself than anything else. Ingrid rolled her eyes, turning the conversation away from the awkward question. 
“You both used to play football, right?” Grayson asked, and Ingrid nodded, as did Mapi. 
“Did you play at Barcelona?” He asked, seeming to grow more excited. The Norwegian nodded once more, a smile slipping onto her face as she looked over at her wife. 
“We played together, as center backs,” Ingrid explained, and the teenager lit up with excitement. 
“Wow, that is so cool! My family are big Barcelona fans, I grew up watching them. That is so cool that you both played there so long,” he replied, trying to be friendly. 
“See Mami, he is a Barcelona fan! Isn’t that nice?” Elena probed, looking at Mapi hopefully. The brunette grumbled in agreement, spearing another piece of asparagus on her fork and shoving it in her mouth to avoid speaking more. 
In the end, it was Ingrid who scared the poor boy more than Mapi ever did. The Spaniard was too big making an accidental fool of herself entirely to really be all that effective in ‘scaring’ anyone, and the Norwegian’s quiet demeanor and piercing gaze turned out to be much better tactics for inciting fear, had that been the goal. 
It was only when the door shut on Grayson that Mapi turned to her wife and daughter, a big smile on her face. 
“I thought that went very well!” She declared, watching as both her wife and daughter’s heads dropped into their respective hands in unison. 
“Well, at least nobody will claim you two aren’t related,” the brunette sighed as she moved away from them, feeling quite content with her (slightly ridiculous) actions. 
“I am never speaking to you again!” Elena yelled down at her as she walked up the stairs, rolling her eyes at how horrible the whole dinner had gone. 
“I don’t see why you aren’t getting mad at her, she was the one who actually scared him!” Mapi reminded her daughter helpfully, pointing to Ingrid and entirely throwing her under the bus. 
“On accident! She scared him on accident!” Elena interjected, and Mapi threw a look at the dark haired woman, narrowing her eyes. 
“By accident! Have you seen her - she doesn’t do things by accident!” 
“I sure don’t,” she replied to her wife with an almost sultry undertone, and Elena gagged. 
“Gross, both of you! Keep it in your pants and together, please. You are going to be normal,” she pointed to Mapi first. 
“And you are going to be nice!” She turned to Ingrid, one eyebrow raised. Both of her mothers raised their hands in surrender, before promising their daughter that they would do their best to keep things kind. 
It was the first time her mothers were meeting Kaia. They had been dating for nearly a year at this point, but with the busy schedule of Kaia’s playing and Elena’s schooling, they hadn’t been able to coordinate for the striker to meet Mapi and Ingrid. 
They had technically met when the English girl was much younger, but it was the first time she was meeting them as Elena’s girlfriend. It was also the first time that she was introducing a partner to her parents since Grayson, and she was hinging on it going well. 
She really liked Kaia. The green eyed girl hadn’t dated a whole lot of people, but there was something about the footballer that felt
different. In the best way possible. 
Mapi is dressed in a nice white polo and some khaki slacks, a far cry from the Dracula inspired outfit she was wearing the last time. Ingrid has a t-shirt and a flowing skirt on, and it is she who offers to get the door when it rings, saving the student and Spaniard as Elena hurriedly reminds her mother of about ten more things to remember when meeting her girlfriend. 
“Kaia, hello!” Ingrid cries happily as she opens the door, immediately pulling the striker into a hug. She ushers the girl inside with a smile, and Elena does a double take when she realizes that her girlfriend is holding a bouquet of tulips, much like Grayson had. 
She hops up from the table, all but floating over to her girlfriend happily as she presses a kiss to her cheek, before she wraps her arms around the English girl, holding her tightly in her arms for a second. 
Perhaps, to protect her from the onslaught she is sure to receive from her mothers when she lets her go. 
But the daughter of the two former Barcelona center backs has absolutely nothing to worry about, it turns out. 
Because as though they have been magically cured of their skepticism, Mapi and Ingrid couldn’t be nicer. 
“You are so much bigger now, but I still remember when you were so little! Maren would visit and bring you to camp and we would always coo over how adorable you were,” Ingrid reminisces, as Kaia blushes slightly. 
“I hardly remember it, but I’m sure I loved going,” she gushed, placing the salad on the table as all of the women sat down together. 
“And you are playing at Chelsea now, is that correct?” Mapi asks, her voice friendly and open, as her daughter sitting next to her stares at her in shock. 
“Yes! They called me back from my loan from Hammarby last season and I’ve been playing with them for the year, it’s been a wonderful experience,” Kaia explained, and the Spaniard nodded slowly, considering her words. 
“Any interest in the Spanish league?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Kaia was quick to affirm her question. 
“Yes, absolutely! That is the goal, especially with Kaia being here for the next few years with school,” she explained, and approval shined in the Spaniard’s eyes as she nodded, before Ingrid moved the conversation along. 
It was only when Kaia got up to use the restroom that Elena whirled around to her mother, looking full of skepticism. 
“What is this!” She exclaimed, and Mapi’s eyebrows furrowed in instant confusion. 
“What do you mean!” She huffed, confused by the doubt present in her daughter's expression. 
“You are acting so
so normal!” Elena observed as Mapi’s expression shifted to one of indignancy. 
“I am normal! Tell her amor, I am so normal!” The brunette stressed, but Ingrid took one look at the pair and threw her hands up, standing up to clear the table to bring out dessert. 
“Oh no, there’s no way I’m getting involved in this discussion,” she clarified, leaving the two alone at the table. 
“When I brought Grayson home, you were the opposite of normal! You were absolutely deranged!” 
“Deranged might be a bit strong. I prefer overprotective,” Mapi denied helpfully, standing up from the table to go help Ingrid. “Besides, that boy was not good for you. Kaia is much better for you, much better to you.” 
Elena’s eyes narrowed as her mother spoke, her brain working overtime to discern the true meaning behind her words. 
“Is this because Kaia is a girl and Grayson was not?!” She realized, and while Mapi didn’t reply, her expression told the Spanish student everything she needed to know. 
“This is reverse discrimination!” Elena hissed, as Mapi looked back at her with an overly innocent face whilst she moved toward the kitchen. 
“What was that hon?” She called out, a rather devious grin on her face as her daughter sent her what must be her fifth death glare of the night. 
Mapi had just disappeared into the kitchen when Kaia walked around the corner, finding her girlfriend looking rather annoyed, a classic Elena expression. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked instantly, one of her eyebrows raising as she looked around, expecting to find something amiss. Instead, all she saw was Mapi and Ingrid headed back to the table with dessert, smiling at one another. 
Elena caught one glimpse of them and groaned, running her hand over her face in slight frustration. She looked up at the English girl with an exasperated face as she shook her head. 
“Don’t even ask!"
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
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nearly fell to my knees actually
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
Lip Plumper | Leah Williamson x Reader
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synopsis: Leah doesn't like your new (expensive) lip plumper
warnings: gets a liiiitle bit suggestive towards the end, language
wc: 3.9 K
“Hiya!” You flash a grin at the camera. Your eyes scan the influx of viewers and comments from fans greeting you back. “Hi, Grace! Hello, Liz!” You give the camera a quick wave, trying to say hello to a few names that you pick out from the flood of comments. 
“Right then” You bring your hands together, and then pause for dramatic effect. “Since many of you enjoyed my last live, I thought it would be fun to do another one” 
As an avid tiktok user, it was no surprise to everyone when you discovered the existence of tiktok live. You found a lot more enjoyment in sitting and chatting to people than learning choreography for a fifteen second dance video. Since then, you’ve become synonymous amongst the team as being the “live-streamer”, and they would often ask you when your next livestream session will be just so they can annoy you in the comments. Lately, you’ve started inviting some of your teammates to the livestreams as guests or as background entertainment, much to the enjoyment of the fans. 
but without a doubt your favourite livestream partner was your girlfriend– Leah. 
Leah didn’t really understand why you enjoyed live-streaming so much. Talking to strangers and answering the most random questions for almost an hour straight did not appeal to the blonde, but she didn’t mind sitting with you through it. You would usually ask her if she was up for it beforehand, but other times your girlfriend will surprise you (and the viewers) just by plopping down on the sofa right next to you and smiling at the camera. Comments would be flooded with “ask Leah to join!” “Leah!! Omg!!!” “Nooo come back Leah” but you would just laugh them off and say she’s busy.
You knew the Arsenal fans adored you but the fans’ love and adoration for their lifelong Gooner is like no other, and you really didn’t mind it. You were more than happy to comply with their demands of seeing your girlfriend from time to time, giving the fans updates on what Leah was up to when they asked.
Today, it was one of your solo livestreams. The whole team had been given the day off and you didn’t feel like making any plans to go out so you and your girlfriend decided to spend the rest of the day at home. Leah initially suggested going out for lunch and visiting a new restaurant that had just opened, but then said she was too lazy to go out so you ended up cooking lunch at home instead. 
lauren.g: heyyyyyy 
meadoooo: no practice today?
nelly: hatty on sunday incoming 
macabeonsnap: invite katie to join you on live!
You giggle at some of the comments. One of your favourite parts of live streaming was the comments from fans and you always try to interact with them when you can. You glance at the top corner of the screen and grin at the numbers popping up. 3.1k.
“Wow. Three thousand of yous already?! I’ve only just started!”
“Anyways– as I was saying” You pull your makeup bag towards you, revealing it the camera. “I thought I would answer some of your questions while I do my makeup– yeah, yes I do have plans later– me and Leah are going out tonight!”
You smile when the comments come through faster now that you’ve mentioned Leah. You can just about read a few comments asking you to invite her as they speedily fly through the screen to make room for the new comments. 
“Leah can’t join us at the minute, guys. She’s busy doing sudoku in the living room” You snicker; thinking of your girlfriend who was currently in the living room, laying comfortably on the sofa, a new sudoku booklet on her lap, and a footy match playing on the tv. You unzip your makeup bag and slowly pull out all the products you are going to use. You turn back to the camera. “You can start sending in some questions and I’ll try to answer them if I can” 
You grab your bottle of tinted moisturizer, shaking the bottle before uncapping it. You pump out an appropriate amount and then dab the product all over your face, smoothing it out with a beauty blender. In the middle of blending the moisturizer, you glance at the comments. 
genevieve382773: yeahhh the beauty influencer !!!!!!
redwhitefc: babe it might be time to clean that beauty blender 
stargirl23: y/n are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten-I-see  
gooners(taylor’s version): blend blend blend 
You practically cackle at the pick up line, head thrown back and everything. It was such a perfect pick-up line for you considering you wear the number 10 for Arsenal. You didn’t even hear the sound of Leah opening your shards bedroom door until she speaks up. “Right what’s going on here then? You’re having too much fun without me”
“Love! I–“ You start but you burst into laughing again when you think back to the pick-up line. You wave her over to you, tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard. Your girlfriend walks the short distance and stands by you. When she spots your phone on titkok live on the dresser, she leans down slightly so she is in frame and gives the camera a quick wave. 
The comments go crazy. 
“What’s got my missus laughing like that, eh?” Leah playfully furrows her eyebrows at the camera, trying to look intimidating, but her messy bun and lion king pyjama top is doing her no favours. 
Eventually you calm yourself enough to explain the comment and the pick up line, somehow managing to be coherent enough for Leah to understand the gist of it. 
“Right that’s actually quite funny“ Leah shakes her head in amusement and grins at the camera. “But quit flirting with my girl. That’s enough, yeah” 
olly:  okay jelly shelly omg
milodino: MY GIRL??? chat is this true???
stargirl21: leave her for me y/n. I can ride a bike !!!!
emiiiily: that's literally my wife. come home y/n the kids miss you
â†Ș starry replies to milodino: they're lesbians, milodino. 
just.woso: the comments ijbol 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“What did you need, love?” You dab the corner of your eyes, finally calming down. You watch with fond eyes as Leah shakes her head lightly, looking down at you from her standing position beside you. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear sweetly. “Nothing, just wanted to see you.” 
Then she turns to the camera. “But you’re clearly busy, so I’ll come back later.”
Leah drops a quick kiss to the side of your head, gives the camera a mock two-finger salut and leaves the room, closing the door gently behind her. 
You press your lips together, trying to smother the grin that was threatening to escape your lips. Even after months of being together and spending most of your time with each other, your girlfriend still gave you butterflies. 
Taking the tube of concealer, you lightly dabbed it under your eyes and over any blemishes, blending it seamlessly with the beauty blender. Then, you grab your favourite tube of liquid blush, a shade of rosy red, to add a hint of colour to your cheeks. Finally, you brush on a coat of black mascara to enhance your lashes, framing your eyes with subtle definition. You would periodically turn to the comments, answering a few questions when you can, before turning back to your mirror to focus on your makeup. As you lean back slightly to scrutinise your finish look, you suddenly remember something. 
“Oh right!” You scramble off your chair and run into your closet, grabbing the item that you were looking for from inside your bag. You race back to the room, your hair slightly frizzy from your sudden rush, and proudly show off the item to your livestream of nearly 5 thousand viewers. “I bought this lip plumper thing the other day and I’ve been wanting to try it out”
You settle back into your chair, releasing the lip plumper from the confines of it’s box. When you read a comment asking you about the name of the lip plumper, you roll the tube in your hands, trying to find the name of the brand.
“Do you know what guys– this thing was expensive! But I saw a tiktok video and just had to was influenced alright!” 
You pick up the box, inspecting the text at the back. “La Mer’s Lip Volumiser utilises its exclusive lip-plumping Renewal Complex blah blah blah
.this serum-strength lip treatment is powered by La Mer’s cell-renewing Miracle Broth, a marine-powered fermented patent powered by sustainably-grown Pacific Sea Kelp hand-harvested from Vancouver Island’s surrounding waters
You glance at the camera, confusion written all over your face. “What the hell am I reading”
emmylemony: girl we don’t know you’re the one reading 
michaylaaaaaaaa: ÂŁ72?!?!?
wosoforthegirlies: I understood nothing
russoairways: bro why are you putting sea kelp on your lips 
â†Ș bellasbaee replies to michaylaaaaaaaa: SEVENTY TWO GREAT BRITISH POUNDS?!?
“Anyways. This thing” You discard the box to the side and wave the tube in the air. “is supposed to make my lips look good, so let’s try it out”
Your fingers dance over the smooth surface of the cap before you twist it open, feeling a satisfying click. You pull the applicator loaded with the product upwards and carefully swiping the gloss across your bottom lip– then doing the same for your top lip. You lightly press your lips together, spreading the gloss evenly, feeling the rich, yet slightly sticky texture. 
At first glance your lips glistened with a perfect sheen, the subtle pink tint enhancing their natural colour.
You turn back to the livestream, pouting your lips towards the camera playfully. “Okay. It’s on– what do we think?”
Smiling at the flood of comments of fans, it’s mostly compliments but you catch a few questioning whether you can feel the spicy, plumping effect yet. 
“My lips are actually burning now” You laugh, touching the slide of your lips with your thumb, cleaning away any excess product. The gloss now feels cool on your lips, the tingling sensation begin to take effect. “But I’m not sure if my lips actually look
Just as those words leave your lips, you hear the door to your room open again. You glance towards it, smiling when your girlfriend cheekily winks at you before she heads straight into your shared walk in closet. 
“Baby, we’re leaving in an hour by the way! Reservations at seven!” You hear from the closet. You hum aloud in agreement, far to engrossed at your shiny new tingly lips and the comments on the live. 
“Right” You clap your hands together, leaning back slightly and fixing your hair. “This is my makeup for tonight’s date. I honestly don’t wear a lot of makeup because I usually end up falling asleep with it on– don’t do that kids– also
You get distracted when you see catch Leah walking out of the closet in your peripheral. She has changed out of her loungewear and was already dressed for tonight’s date– and she looks damn good. She was wearing a classic black button-down linen shirt, slightly oversized, with sleeves she had rolled up to her elbows, revealing the simple gold bracelet that you had given her for her birthday that year. On her left wrist, she sported her sleek Rolex watch, the one she never leaves the house without, and an extra thin black hair-tie for your sake– you are always looking for one and she wants to be prepared. She has left the top few buttons undone, showcasing a delicate gold necklace with your initials, that rested just above her collarbone. 
The matching shorts completed the co-ord, cinched at the waist with a drawstring that was tied into a neat bow. The shorts were tailored enough to look polished but loose enough to maintain the relaxed, effortless style Leah has been into lately. She paired the outfit with her favourite pair of white leather trainers, and her staple pair of arsenal cannon earrings are on her ears.
You watch as your girlfriend walks over to where you were still seated by your vanity, snatching her bottle of perfume and popping the cap off. 
Shit, she was hot. 
Leah is, in your humble opinion, the most attractive person you had ever laid eyes on. Her eyes are a piercing shade of blue, framed by naturally long, dark lashes that flutter with every movement. Her nose is straight and slender, and sits above a pair of full, expressive lips that often break into an easy confident smile in front of the cameras, or a smug smirk when she’s in the mood to tease you. Her jawline is defined and strong, a personal favourite feature of yours, proven by the amount of kisses and hickeys you like to bestow upon it and her neck frequently. 
You watch as she cranes her neck slightly, spraying a few spritzes of perfume on both sides. She feel the sudden urge to bite.
And she probably sensed your thoughts because she held your gaze, that familiar smirk on her lips, before she gestured to your on-going livestream with a nudge of her chin. Oh!
You risk a glance at the comments. 
mollie_mae: girl we’re still here

stargirl23: Was that Leah that walked over? 
tilly: She was definitely looking at leah 
bellasbaee: GET A ROOM 
lessisflyingboots: same y/n. same. 
“Anyways I’m about to end the video here! Thanks for spending time with me and letting me yap on about things
Leah walks over, crouching down beside you and cages you in her arms. She flashes a quick smile at the camera before turning to you, smiling fondly and whispering “my yapping yapper”
She leans over and kisses you sweetly. 
But then abruptly pulls away for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, her lips smacking together. You were about to make a joke about how you had brushed your teeth earlier but then she speaks
“What the fuck?” You girlfriend mutters in a low voice, leaning back slightly away from you.
She grabs a hold of your head with both hands to hold it still, leaning forward again to kiss you, this time taking your lower lip in her mouth and sucking on it lightly. She pulls back again, this time her face is contorted in pure disgust. “Baby, what the fuck is that on your lips?”
Leah takes the bottom edge of her shirt, pulling it up and wiping her lips against it aggressively. Good thing she’s wasn’t standing directly in front of the camera or else she would’ve flashed her abs to nearly 7k people. When she’s had enough of exfoliating her lips clean, she lets her shirt fall and glares up at you. 
“Get that shit off your lips” Leah demands, one finger raised and pointed. She crosses her arms over her chest, her blue eyes glancing down periodically at your lips with a look of digest on her face. Her eyebrows are still furrowed furiously. 
You raise an eyebrow of your own at her, mirroring her crossed arms. “Excuse me?”
“m’not kissing you with that all over your lips, mate.” Your girlfriend gets up from her crouched position, spins on her heel and practically marches out the door to your bedroom, leaving you completely dumbfounded.  
You glance at your phone and nearly crack a smile at how quickly the comments were coming in. If it was any other time, you would be more than happy to laugh along with fans who were obviously very entertained by Leah’s reaction to the lip plumper, but you knew it would be wrong to continue any further. 
eveliiiina: They are so cute wtf
jojo_mojo: okay who want me??????
“Right, I’m actually going to end the stream here” You hover your finger over the end button. “Thanks again for joining me. Bye everyone!” You muster a quick wave at the camera, blowing a quick kiss, and then click the button to end the live. You lock your phone, placing it face up on the dresser. 
You were just about to call out for Leah when you hear her stomping back into the room. She trudges over to you, and holds out a wad of tissues. You glance at the tissues hovering in front of your face, and then eye your girlfriend. “What are these for?”
“Wipe that shit off.”
“No.” You lean back on your chair. You had just bought this lip product and it was stupidly expensive. You weren’t about to wipe it off just because your girlfriend was having a tantrum. “I just put it on, Lee” 
“Well then it won’t be hard to take off, will it” Her mild Milton Keynes accent intensifies when she’s upset. Her vowels are shorter and her speech becomes faster, almost slurring her words together, exactly as she was doing right now.
“Baby, my lips tingled.” Part of you wants to giggle at how utterly fed up she looks. Another part of you couldn’t help but admire how attractive your girlfriend look when she’s all worked up
but now was not the time. 
"Lips aren’t supposed to tingle and burn y’know” She continues, gesturing wildly at her own lips. 
You roll your eyes. Leave it to your girlfriend to exaggerate things. “Love, it’s just a lip plumper
“A what? Baby, you don’t need that” Leah bends down slightly in front of you, your eyes now levelled. You watch as her eyes focus in on your lips, slightly glazed over, almost as if in a trance. “Your lips are perfect as they are” She mutters.
Your girlfriend thumbs the corner of your lips, before moving to caress your bottom lip. There's a familiar softness in her gaze, a look only reserved for you. She moves her gaze from your lips to the rest of your face; her pupils are dilated, letting in more light as if they are trying to absorb every detail of you before they settle on your lips again. Your lips which are still wet and shiny from the gloss. Your breath catches at the intensity of her gaze. You feel her thumb swiping at your bottom lip gently– intimately– and you think it’s sweet at first but then you realise–
“Oi! You’re wiping it off, Lee!” You recoil away from her touch, scowling up at her. 
“s’sticky too. bloody hell” She mutters, more to herself. She’s wiping her thumb on her shirt so aggressively you wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to burn a hole into it. 
She stops briefly to look at you again. “Baby, how am I supposed to kiss you when you wear that stuff”
“No one said you need to stop kissing me”
Leah glances down at your lips again, cringing slightly at the shine that still lingers on your bottom lip. 
Looks like she didn’t wipe it all off. 
Your girlfriend closes the distance between you, cupping your face in her hands. She freezes for a moment and wets her own lips, her furrowed eyebrows– a familiar determined look on her face– and you open your mouth, ready to cut off whatever shit she’s about to spew, but her lips meet yours before you can get any words out.
Leah’s lips meet yours hastily this time, as if she is a woman starved. From the months of being together, you have come to know just how skilled of a kisser your girlfriend is. You are more than happy to follow her lead, often trusting her to lead the kiss since she’s so good at it. She can kiss softly, gently, when the mood is right– prolonging the intimacy of a dance only the both of you are a part of. She would direct your head with a steady hand, tilting it ever so slightly so she can kiss you much deeper. Her lips would part deliberately, gently slotting between yours with careful ease because she wants it to be perfect for you every single time.
But other times, Leah was a little
rougher. She would kiss you like she was about to devour you, like you were the last meal on earth served up to her in a shiny silver platter. Often times it was messy, sloppy and the sounds you both made could made a priest in a confession booth blush. If a moan slips out, she would reward you with a low chuckle, smiling into your lips before she would go back to devouring you. Her hands would travel down to you hips, waist– ass– squeezing and groping any sliver of your skin she can. She doesn’t like to pull away first, often letting out a groan of disapproval when you make the move to end the kiss. The only time Leah would ever end the kiss first is if so she can admire the rosy flush of your cheeks, and the way you always take a second or two longer to open your eyes again, eyes hooded with an almost drunken grin on your face. 
The way she was kissing you right now was a mix of the two. Sloppy, but gentle. She’s leading the kiss, and you have no choice but to follow. One hand is tilting your head slightly, but the other hand has started the journey down to you waist where she gives it a quick squeeze before she pulls your body even closer. Your hands are on her hips– fingers grasping the fabric of her shirt, mainly because you have to be touching her too, but also so you can steady yourself against the intensity of the kiss. 
Leah finally pulls away, ending the kiss with one last, sharp, teasing bite to your bottom lip. Your eyes are hooded when she pulls away, and you can see her smirk slightly when she sees the lack of lip product on your lips. 
She kissed it all off. 
You watch as your girlfriend smacks her lips together, probably tasting a bit of the gloss, but the furrow of her eyebrows is gone. Leah presses her lips against your bare ones one more time, giving you one more smacking kiss and almost putting you off balance by the sheer force of it. She smiles down at you adoringly, loving how dazed look in your eyes. She caused that.
She cradles your face to one side, pushing your hair behind your shoulder and baring your neck to her. She lays one wet kiss to the side of your neck before you feel her lips move up to your ear. 
it’s going in the bin, baby.” 
Before you could fully process what your girlfriend had just confessed, the girl had already snatched the lip plumper from where it was sitting on your desk, and was speeding out the door. 
You could only stare at the slightly swinging door in disbelief before you force yourself to snap out of your leah-drunk haze, and sprint out the door right after her. 
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made this slightly longer as a little treat for leaving yall hanging last month lol. pls forgive me <3
it's been nice and sunny lately so im hoping this lasts until the end of the week, but you never know with British weather. hope everyone's has a great week ahead.
thank you for being so patient and being here. I appreciate you more than you know,
-- kisses, butter.
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katiemccabeswife · 14 days
i love them.
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katiemccabeswife · 15 days
Sparklers (Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader)
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A/n Requested. Honestly this one isn't my best work but I just wanted it to be done, so it's not as substantial but I promise I did my best to save it from the clutches of undone WIPs.
Content/Warning(s): Fluff, Kyra being a pest.
When Kyra had first left for Sweden, she'd been adamant that she couldn't leave you behind.
But after many tears, hugs, kisses and persuasion in the form of future travel plans, she left for Hammarby IF, while you stayed with the Melbourne Victory.
Thus, nearly two years later, just a month before the World Cup and one week before the start of camp, a very tired and whiny girlfriend of yours sits on facetime with you, begging you to let her come over to Australia early to spend time with you.
"Babe, c'mon, I'd only be missing one match anyway."
And thus, you subsequently scolding the twenty-one year old.
"Kyra, no. No way. Seriously, play your last match, if I remember rightly, Hammarby haven't offered you a new contract right?"
She huffs, silently fidgeting with her fingers and not making eye contact with you through the camera.
"You need to play the last match, Ky. Be professional about it, please, if not for the club, for me? I want you to be able to get opportunities over there. Take it seriously and you can come see me the moment your last match is over."
She groans, letting her head hit the bed from where she'd been laying stomach down with her phone in front of her.
"Promise me, Ky. Play out the rest of the season. Even if you don't get the league, you've still got a trophy under your belt there, baby."
The look in her eyes as she turns her head away from the camera makes you sigh softly.
"Kyra, promise me you'll stay. I miss you more than anything, but your career comes first. Promise me."
She mumbles back, finally.
"I promise, baby, I promise I'll stay."
You nod in satisfaction, giving the girl a small smile and pressing a kiss to the tips of your fingers before holding them up to your phone as she does the same.
"Goodnight, baby."
"G'night, Ky."
So she does stay.
She plays her heart out in her last match, taking the draw with PiteÄ before finally getting on her flight to Australia.
She's exhausted from the match, and nearly forgoes showering and changing to switch tickets to an earlier flight.
Instead, she heeds your warnings of not kissing her should she decide to show up at the training centre without at least taking care of herself first.
She's already got her bags packed and ready in her rental to fly to Australia, and just about drags them to the match with her but forgoes it.
The poor aussie just needs to see her girlfriend. To collapse into a warm, fluffy pile of cuddles and-
"Flight 157 to Sydney, Australia, Now boarding."
She sighs and hopes the flight boards quickly, eager to see you.
Everyone was told similar times to be at the centre by, giving them a roughly six hour window to arrive in, given any delays in flights, although that doesn't seem enough knowing international boarding mid year can be dicey.
So you've taken the initiative to be in Brisbane early to avoid the traffic of the day.
It's ripe time at six-thirty in the morning, meaning you're far earlier than all of your teammates, even the one's closer to Brisbane than you are, and thus you have plenty of time to kill and nap in the lobby waiting for your teammates to start arriving at around ten.
Of course, you're startled awake by a slap to the stomach.
Taking a precursory glance at the clock on the wall above the receptionists desk, it's about three and a half hours later.
It's Steph and Caitlin, both of them sporting tired smirks at you.
"Well hello miss."
You just about jump into the arms of your vice-captain, having missed seeing the woman at the last camp due to injury, thus you haven't seen the woman since the games in April against Scotland and England.
She chuckles, giving you a tight squeeze.
She had taken you under her wing the moment you'd stepped into your first national team camp just four years ago, not long after the World Cup but right before the Covid Pandemic.
She'd been the one to stick with you over facetime while you navigated the league in Australia, and of course, once a sense of normalcy returned and after the Olympic games in Tokyo.
You were often found in her room with her even though you'd all been given the privileges of single rooms.
Now, you tended to spend more time with Kyra, but, if your teammates needed you, it was always one of the two of them that you'd be found with.
"What, and I'm chopped liver, am I?"
You poke your tongue out at the striker, burying yourself back into Steph's arms.
"No, I'm just the favourite."
"Please, you and I both know you're no longer the favourite."
"Shhhh, let me have this, she isn't here yet."
Giggling, you nudge the defender and separate from her.
"I'm in love with the girl, but you're more tolerable, some days."
"Ayy, that's my girl."
She ruffles your sleep mussed hair.
"Hey! Hands off the goods, Catley."
You swat at the older woman, who dodges the tired attempt.
"Yeah, stop bullying my girlfriend, Catley."
Your head shoots up from it's laid back position on the back of the couch to look at the newly appeared brunette, standing across the lobby from you.
"Ky, get that cute butt over here, right now."
At your demand, she drops her stuff and runs over in two seconds flat, nearly tackling you back onto the seating, arms wrapped tightly around your form, nose buried in your neck.
Staying for a moment to just breathe each other in, your hands rub circles into the woman's back, your face buried in her hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo, wincing at the smell of airplane on her.
She pouts when you pull away with a terribly hidden grimace.
"Baby, I love you, but you need a shower."
A soft whine from the midfielder makes you raise a brow at her.
"I just got in, can you blame me?"
There's a teasing smile on your lips as you wrap your arms around her waist.
"Obviously, you were supposed to shower before coming here."
Kyra huffs at that, crossing her arms.
"Love you."
She grumbles in response.
You nudge her, pouting.
"Love you."
Still no response.
You grab her face, turning her head back towards you with a small frown.
"I love you."
When she doesn't respond again, you start peppering her face with kisses and she gives in, grinning at you.
"Alright! Alright! Love you, too."
Satisfied, you give her a small peck, to which she chases you up for a second, a third and then someone clearing their throat beside you interrupts her from a fourth.
"Alright, you two, stop being gross."
It's a grunt from the striker on your left, which earns her a slap to the shoulder.
"Leave them be, Caitlin."
It's your final day off before the full commitment to the World Cup preparations takes precedence over your time in Australia, thus you want to do as much as you can with your girlfriend before your time together, alone, gets limited.
You'd had a few days off to explore the city, but nothing really concrete as you and Kyra had just wandered around the area where the hotel is.
This time, you wanted to plan something for the midfielder, something to last you both the couple weeks of the World Cup, hoping it would tide you both over, knowing it'd be torture not spending time together.
At least when she was in Sweden, you had space to yourselves over facetime.
World Cups are chaotic, and allow little to no time to yourselves, as you've so discovered and been told by the older girls on the team.
So, here you are, calling various different restaurants for reservations tonight, with, unfortunately, no luck.
Instead, managing to sneak away from the girl for an hour or so, you run down to the grocery store, pick up several of her favourite snacks, drinks, and a small surprise that you think she'll love and then rush back to the hotel, getting ready for a night out in one of the cities parks.
She looks at you suspicious when you drag her down, scraggily dressed in hoodies and sweats, to a taxi rather insistently, dragging a completely full duffle bag behind you.
Not that you blame her.
You would be sussed out, too, if she decided to randomly drag you out to a taxi at six on a Saturday night, carrying a nearly ripping at the seams, black duffle bag.
"Sooooo... Where are we goin', babe?"
"You'll see."
You let out a little laugh at the small pout she has on her face, pecking her sweetly on the lips in exchange for the small smile she relents at the sound of your giggle.
When you finally pull up at the park, you're all but dragging the woman across the green grass and to the edge of the waterline where you drop the blanket you'd been carrying down onto the somewhat flat grassed area.
It's lit well enough that when the sun starts to set, it's not ridiculously dark, so you take a little comfort knowing it's not entirely dangerous out, plus the added comfort of the occasional family or couple wandering by on the path just to the left of you by ten feet or so.
You nudge her to sit down next to you, hand settling in hers.
"I wanted us to have a nice little sit down together to just relax and talk and eat and just be stress free for a little while. Just to breathe for the night. Together. It's about to be even more hectic and I've missed you."
You pout softly, leaning into her a little.
She leans over, kissing you fully, hand on your face tugging you in closer.
You're both a little breathless when she let's your face go again.
"I love you, so fucking much."
Giggling, you kiss her once more.
"I love you, too."
Finally, you open up the bag and dump out the contents onto her lap, knowing you're about to have a very excited sugar hyped puppy on your hands after this.
Her eyes sparkle up at you, the grin on her face causing her eyes to crease at the corners.
"Just wait 'til you see what else is in there."
Eyes darting around the small pile, she digs through it to find a pair of packets of sparklers and a small lighter.
She feels giddy, and looks the part, too, her immediate giggle and hug crushing you making your heart just about melt through your body entirely.
It's adorable.
It's cute.
It's oh so Kyra and you feel your heart bursting at the thought that you get to call her yours.
You're dragged out of your train of thought by said woman dragging you to your feet, lighting a sparkler and handing it to you, running around you, both of your giggles and the small handheld fireworks lighting up the night sky and the river before you.
No matter where you are, how far apart they keep you, Kyra will always be your one, you realise.
It's a small, heartbeat skipping thought, but it makes you smile harder and enjoy the moment all the more while you can.
The sparkler she's holding blasts out tiny stars of combusting magnesium, being spread out harmlessly in the air and onto the grass as she runs circles around you.
It goes out within a minute or so, and she's looking over at you with puppy dog eyes.
"Babe, can you get another one out, pretty please? I wanna attack those cheezels soon."
You chuckle, obliging with her demands, a small kiss to your lips as thanks.
She may be a child at heart still, but she's yours.
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katiemccabeswife · 15 days
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