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This assignment for digital photo is titled "Nowhere". For the assignment we  were supposed to go to different locations and take photos that look like "Nowhere", and give off the feeling of "Nowhere" as well. We had to go to 4 different locations and take around 150 photos in these various locations. Later, in editing, we had to enhance the feeling of "Nowhere" with effects like filters, black and white, frames, and vintage looks. This location looked like "Nowhere" for its isolating location. The single tree and hanging branch looked lonely and ominous. The girl in the photo, Emmy, looks as though she is searching for something, making the image look more like "Nowhere", and lonely.
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With editing this photo with color balance, and adding a scratched glass layer, it enhanced the feeling of "Nowhere" by creating a vintage look. The vintage look makes it feel as though the image is old and "lost". This gives the look of "Nowhere", because often the past is a mystery to us. Also, the girl, named Emmy, is placed in a wide open space, with no sign of civilization.
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Editing the original photo to be black and white and adding a frame enhanced the feeling of "Nowhere". This is because it made the photo look older, more lost, and less detailed, making it seem more vague. This photo made me think of "Nowhere" for its isolation of the girl, Emmy. Also, the hill she's standing on puts her above everything else, seemingly placing her alone, "Nowhere".
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This filter enhanced the feeling of "Nowhere" because, with the use of detail extractor, it brought out every little detail, making the photo more to look at. The warm tones made the photo feel like when you look out a train window, and everything passes by in a blur, very dreamy, enhancing the feeling that people wouldn't normally show up at this place. The girl, Emmy, is small in this photo, making the vast landscape look larger. This makes her look very alone, making the photo look like "Nowhere".
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Before (left) and after (right) of manipulation. By manipulating the photo, it enhanced the overall dreaminess of the photo by twisting the lights and smoothing out the texture.  This also made the lights appear more glowy, which again, enhanced the dream like photo.
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Personally, I enjoyed doing the self portrait assignment. I liked how it was easy to get shots I wanted because I knew exactly how to place myself. It was fun to get to be in the actual art piece, and also create it. Plus, my favorite type of picture to take is of people, so it was great to do these kinds of assignments. Honestly, I was pretty comfortable having my picture taken, even in Michael's, (where this photo was taken). Overall, I think taking pictures of myself was a fun and satisfying experience.
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This photo was very moody, and almost confusing, and powerful, because of the motion around the wonderful subject, Morgan. However, to contrast the power, and the moodiness, there are still vibrant colors, which give a good contrast between worlds. This photo, taken along a beautiful painted mural in Pilsen, is simple, yet complex in its mood.
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Many people took photos of this man, holding cotton candy, and each and every one was different and beautiful, all had different moods even. The subject, being a man selling cotton candy in Pilsen, was a great one for photographs, since it is something we don't see as often around Downers Grove. The mood, because of this, is very happy, childlike, and nostalgic. The photo, especially because it is black and white, makes you feel like a kid. Overall, the mood is youthful, despite the man's age.
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This photo has a wonderful subject, who when I asked if I could photograph, loved the idea, and even had me send her the pictures! She daintily sips her warm drink, next to the vibrant wall and mirror, the colors of her shirt complement this well. This gives the overall mood of a homey coffee shop, while still being "high class". What I mean by this is that while looking at this photo, you might feel comfort, while still feeling the luxury, while being well put together.
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I decided to put these two photos together because of the similar viewpoints and textures. Also, in contrast, I think the difference in vibrancy make as a fun photo to look at. I think that although they may not be very similar at first glance, they do resemble each other in simple ways.
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This photo was taken in an underpass under a railroad in Pilsen. The subject may be hard to make out, since there is so much going on under the train. The mood of the photo is hopeless, and gray. It makes you feel lost, and lonely. Since the photo also has low saturation, the image becomes more desolate. However, there is light at the end of the short tunnel, which gives off the mood of hope.
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This photo, (upper right of the eye), titled "Eyes Wide Open", was taken by Emily for the self portrait assignment in AP Digital Photography. Emily spoke to me about how she made the photo unique, and stand out better just by simply adding white eyeliner to her eye to make it pop. Some techniques she used included her close up shot, and using analog effects pro to add a filter to make the photo look more dark and gloomy. She said one of the strengths of her photo was the creativity, and the unique grungy effect. One weakness she believed she could've changed was the intensity of the filter, she said she wishes it was a little less intense. 
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This piece of art, called "Dream Me" was painted by Goda Vertelka for Drawing & Painting Studio. I voted this for best 2D art because of the wonder it holds. There is so much curiosity in this photo. Also, I just really like Alice In Wonderland. The landscape is wonderfully designed. I would incorporate this into my personal art by taking on themes like Wonderland, and out of this world details.
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This piece of 3D art, titled "The Hive", was created by Maddy Moushon, for ceramics 1. I voted this piece for best 3D art because I love the simple design. The little bee is adorable, and the best part. I also love the addition of the honey dripping down. I could incorporate the idea of more nature themed shoots for my own art in the future, since I mostly take pictures of people. Instead, I could take more photos of nature.
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I took the drapes over my bed and brought them over my subject. I then took a flashlight and shined it through the fabric. This created the dramatic pattern of lighting you see over the girl's face. This enhanced the photo because it created texture that made the photo unique. This photo was taken on my bedroom floor, but I made the best of the given setting, using the tool of light.
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The light in this photo enhanced it because it brought subtle, soft light onto the subject. The light was created by a chandelier over a couch in the furniture section of the Macy's on State Street. The light in this photo added to the soft look of the overall image, because of the warm clothing and soft, neutral colors. Overall, the not too dramatic lighting was perfect for an image of this nature.
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The light in this photo enhanced it because of the vibrant red glow it gives off onto the girl, making the photo. The overlay also added to the photo because of its vibrant colors, as well. The girl seems focused on the unique light. Because of the unique, bright, colorful lighting and overlay, you could hardly tell the photo was taken in my basement. Overall, the lighting and overlay enhance the photo by bringing color into a dark, gray room.
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