katieramon · 3 years
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Part 3 of my adaptation of the last chapter from the Leroux book “The end of the ghost love story”
I went through the older pages and found them awful, so I reworked them! Once I finish part 4 (the last part!!!) I will repost the whole comic with the improvements. Stick with me until then, consider a reblog!
Part 1 - Part 2
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katieramon · 3 years
Why im convinced that levihan is/will be canon
(OMG finally! Yoo this took waay longer than i thought. But that’s becouse there’s so many evidence! you’ll see. Hope you like it and feel free to debate. Also, it contains spoilers from up to chapter 90)
So it’s evident that I’m a levihan shipper all the way, it’s my otp. But besides all the love I feel for this two characters and their relationship, i actually have my many reasons to believe that it’s completely possible that they end up together. This is a mega post that reunites all the info i have from both my investigation and analysis and things i’ve gattered from different places. It’s gonna be a long way so make some coffee and take a sit 😂
First, their relationship. They aren’t opposites, like many people say, they are complementary. She gives him joy and positivism and he gives her a better view of reality and encourages her to take care of herself. They are both abnormals, in fact Levi himself points this out.
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He says hanji is an abnormal and later he says that he’s an abnormal (that’s so cute!).
Keep reading
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katieramon · 3 years
Defending Gabi Braun (sort of)
*Contains spoilers for season 4 and the manga of Attack on Titan*
With the recent airing of the 4th season of Attack on Titan, I've noticed a particular trend within the community, and that is an onslaught of hate and genuine resentment towards one character: Gabi Braun.
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First introduced to the audience as a smart, resourceful, and head-strong girl, Gabi quickly became one of the most hated characters among fans when she kills the fandom's most beloved character. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen so much resentment shown towards any fictional character, ever, especially considering she is just 12 years old. So whilst this may be an extremely unpopular opinion, today I want to talk about why Gabi is an interesting and well-written character who does not deserve this level of hatred. (And if you don't hate me by the end of this, consider giving me a follow :D)
Now keep in mind Gabi is a deeply flawed person. She is arrogant, tactless, and has a warped perspective of the world beyond Marley. However, it's not entirely her fault. Just like the rest of her peers, they were raised with false history, manipulated to portray Marley in a positive light. Even Falco had a similar mindset to her's initially. The reason why he came to understand that Eren and the others aren't to blame is that he overheard the conversation between Eren and Reiner, which made him realize that the people of Paradis were also victims of war. But Gabi wasn't present during their conversation so how could she know?
I think a lot of people who are immediately critical of Gabi often overlook the environment she was brought up in. Gabi has been living in a bubble her whole life. Constantly being told that she was the best and her natural talent and skill in fighting shaped her grandiose sense of self. She was brainwashed as a kid to believe that the people of Paradis are devils who deserved to die, so naturally, when she witnesses her friends get killed before her eyes by said people, it would only further reinforce her beliefs. Gabi saw Sasha as a threat and eliminated the threat just like any other soldier would. As an audience, we are biased towards Sasha because we've been following the story of the Survey Corps up until this point, but if we try to look at this situation from a different perspective, what Gabi did was understandable given the circumstances.
And while we're on the topic of Sasha, yes, Gabi landed the final blow, but it was not solely her fault but rather an accumulation of events that lead to her loss. Jean specifically blamed Eren because he made the Survey Corps aid him in his homicidal plan to show up at Marley unannounced. The fault also lies with the Survey Corps, who celebrated too early and lowered their guard in enemy territory, however given Gabi's personality and skillset I believe she would've found another way into the airship had the doors been closed.
It is my opinion that the reason why Gabi is so heavily disliked is that she reflects qualities of ourselves that we may not be the most proud of. Her brashness, arrogance, and ignorance are characteristics many people possess but don't want to admit about themselves. As such, when these traits are presented in a character they find her dislikable.
Some people also believe that the hate towards Gabi may also be attributed to sexism within the anime community. If you think about it, 10-year-old Eren and 12-year-old Gabi are very similar. Both are passionate, impulsive, care deeply for their friends, have suffered great losses, and are seeking revenge. And yet one is called "brave and strong-willed" while the other is "cunning and merciless" and hated so much more. Although there is no substantial evidence to back this claim up, I can see this as a possible reason.
Gabi's upbringing parallels Eren's, who witnesses his mother get eaten by a titan before his eyes and vows to kill every last one of them. However, as the story progresses, we learn that titans were once humans and the reason why they eat people is to regain freedom. His goals then shift, showing change in his character, something Gabi exhibits in the story as well.
Despite her stubbornness, she ultimately realizes that the people of Paradis are no different from her and ends up fighting alongside them against Eren, who becomes the true threat to humanity. She grows as a person and shows remorse for her past mindset, which makes her journey an interesting one to follow along.
In my mind, a good character does not have to be perfect. Heck, they don't even have to be likable. To be honest, if Gabi was someone I meet in real life, I would find her insufferable. However, as a fictional body of work, the complexity of her persona and the growth she shows throughout the series makes her a well-written and interesting character.
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With that being said, it is completely understandable to dislike her for certain negative traits she possesses. But antis seem to have a hard time admitting that Gabi has plenty of positive qualities too, including her intelligence, loyalty and determination. Perhaps if they tried to view things from her point of view, they would understand that she is simply misunderstood.
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katieramon · 4 years
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katieramon · 4 years
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katieramon · 4 years
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katieramon · 5 years
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Gouache, watercolor, color pencils
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katieramon · 5 years
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katieramon · 5 years
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katieramon · 6 years
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my version of TLJ
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katieramon · 6 years
Reblog this if you still like Until Dawn, I wanna see how many people are still in this fandom.
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katieramon · 6 years
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katieramon · 6 years
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My Muse :3
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katieramon · 7 years
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katieramon · 7 years
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katieramon · 7 years
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katieramon · 7 years
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