katierod114 · 1 year
Henry dreams about his beautiful Latin lover running towards him on the beach during sunset. With the wide grin, glowing tan skin, and wild curly hair, Henry realizes it’s not a dream when Alex suddenly trips over a rock and face plants into some kid’s sandcastle.
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katierod114 · 1 year
Alex would totally ask Henry how often he thinks about the Roman Empire, then Henry goes into a spiel about the homoeroticism of gladiator fights and Roman Architecture. Alex just sits there fascinated.
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katierod114 · 1 year
Thinking about Prince Henry’s autobiography and how he’d describe Alex when they first meet in Rio. It’d be so poetic and beautiful, something so longing like this:
“I was sent to Rio for the 2016 Olympics to boost morale for the British team. But at the opening ceremony, I encountered the most beautiful thing, something beyond the games, something so different from the life I knew. Something that I longed to reach out and touch, but couldn’t even stretch my arm for fear of losing myself. Or rather, someone.
He lived in dimensions I could never access. He walked with little grace, but with a striking assuredness I lacked. He spoke with brash, but with a wisdom that I could ever know. He actually lived, something I thought I did but realized in that moment that I didn’t. He had little care in the world, yet I saw that he cared for others. A spark of an eternal flame lit within me. I figured I need to pour water on this soon or else I will burn. Yet every second I experienced him, the little embers of my being grew into a roaring fire I could no longer deny. He changed me and didn’t even know me yet.
His name was Alex Claremont Diaz.”
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katierod114 · 1 year
Heartstopper season 2 proving my point that people don’t try to talk to people they actually hate. It’s always Ben trying to talk to Charlie or Ben trying to talk to Nick. Neither Charlie nor Nick initiate anything, they simply respond to Ben actively provoking them.
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katierod114 · 1 year
If anything, RWRB is peak miscommunication trope. It’s not just the Rio misunderstanding that’s resolved during the press tour. It’s literally when Alex and Henry were hooking up and both of them believed that they were casual. It’s Henry ghosting Alex TWICE because he assumed that Alex didn’t or wouldn’t feel the same about him as he did for Alex. It took Alex impulsively flying to London and storming Kensington Palace soaking wet and cursing out Henry to finally get them to talk about their true feelings for each other.
No judgement but why is Alex and Henry's relationship in RWRB considered enemies-to-lovers?
Henry doesn't dislike Alex at all. At most he's defensive because Henry's annoyed by the giant crush he has on a beautiful loud American who obviously dislikes him yet demands his attention whenever they're in the same room together.
Alex does dislike Henry at first, but it's mostly justified hurt feelings confused by the giant subconscious crush he has on an elegant closed-off British monarch who attempts to cosplay a wallflower whenever they're in the same room together.
It takes one genuine apology for Alex to decide they're bff and I'm pretty sure that was in chapter 2?
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katierod114 · 1 year
How often do you think Alex thinks of his humble background and his life up until this, then looks and Henry and thinks, “how did I bag the literal Prince of England so hard, he gave up his prince hood? Why was I someone worth giving up his status for?”
Meanwhile, Henry is somehow still flabbergasted that he scored the chaotic American little shit he fell in love with in Rio, and leaving the monarchy was one of the easiest decisions to make.
It’s giving that one post from ages ago that’s like “I just want someone way out of my league, but thinks I’m way out of their league, and we live together in confused harmony with a dog (David).”
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katierod114 · 1 year
Throwback to season 1, but honestly, as much as Nick could’ve probably communicated better his lack of romantic interest in Imogen, at least he had the decency to not humiliate her in front of their friends when she asked him out. It’s not like Imogen wanted to make a grand gesture towards Nick, she was pressured to by the crowd, especially Harry, who was provoking her. Sure Nick could’ve dodged from answering by saying “maybe give me some time to think about it” but not outright telling her “no” in front of a bunch of people was a better move than rejecting her and setting her up for embarrassment. Considering both Nick and Imogen were set up, and Nick is a teenager, his reaction, while not the best, was realistic and not shitty. And while he probably could’ve given Imogen an earlier heads up about not going on the date, he at least made sure to communicate how he really felt IN PRIVATE the following day. So props to Nick with how he handled Imogen’s one-sided crush, especially because it’s really difficult to reject someone who you see as a friend, since it could definitely affect your friendship.
Also, gotta give it to Imogen for taking his rejection like a champ. While it’s the bare minimum, it’s refreshing to see someone in the media move on immediately after getting rejected the first time. Because a lot of times, we often see someone get rejected and they still pursue relentlessly until the other person gets rightfully angry at them for committing something creepy if not outright illegal. I’m also glad she still stayed friends with Nick with no ulterior motives other than to just be his friend. And how she reacted when she saw Nick and Charlie at sports day is forever priceless.
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katierod114 · 1 year
One more thing to add. Friends with benefits is usually done out of CONVENIENCE. It sure as hell ain’t convenient to fly across the Atlantic once or twice a month for a supposed booty call. Or invite them to international events, which needs approval, just to get one out. Lovesick dumb dumbs I love them.
There was no way Alex and Henry thought they’d be casual because why tf did they not set any ground rules like any other friends with benefits situation? Hell even other fwb turned lovers have ground rules like “if someone catches feelings for someone else, we end this shit.” Like they didn’t even communicate if they would sleep with anyone else because they KNEW the other wouldn’t. It was some long haul shit right from the start.
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katierod114 · 1 year
Alex: fuck you Henry and your stupidly soft looking hair and stupidly sharp jawline and stupidly high cheekbones and stupidly good looks and natural elegance and rich white privilege I’ll never have because I wasn’t born into money and status like you and fuck you for looking down on me because of that or whatever even though I’ve wanted to meet you for years and still want you to notice me FUCK
Henry: oh how I long to live a humble life outside of this gaudy castle built off of centuries of genocide in which I write books and poems and use my portion of the crown’s money that I didn’t ask for to give reparations to those my family has hurt and provide shelter for those without a home while living with the man of my dreams, Alex, who hates me for some reason
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katierod114 · 1 year
#they aren’t British soldiers 😏
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Alex Claremont Diaz has this but a crop top and he wears it whenever Philip is in town
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katierod114 · 1 year
To my knowledge: Henry is the heir to the throne, since all of the monarchy to some degree is heir to the throne, just in line. However, Henry is not the heir apparent, which means WILL CERTAINLY take the throne (Philip). If Mary and Catherine were to die, Philip would be next. Henry is 4th in line for the throne. However, once Philip has kids, Henry gets pushed back further, since the next person in line in after Philip is subsequently his first child, and any children after that child are right behind each other in the line of succession (so think Philip, Philip’s first child, Philip’s second child, …Philip’s last child, Bea, Bea’s kids in birth order so however many kids she has, Henry). But if Philip were to die or abdicate without kids, throne goes to Bea, and if the aforementioned above with Philip happens to Bea, then Henry takes the throne.
About Red, White, and Royal Blue and the monarchy….
(I would make that the title but that would make this feel to Official Analysis-y.  Also to all my British followers and anyone else who might like the British monarchy irl, sorry, maybe don’t read this post.)
One of my favorite aspects of RWARB is how clear it is that the monarchy sucks not just as a political institution but also for the people born into it, who don’t get a choice.  Like.  What Henry went through was brutal and no one should ever have to live like that.  There is no allure to this monarchy (which is the main selling point modern day–it’s the celebrity appeal), it’s all silence and oppression and being essentially stalked every moment of your life.
I was a bit surprised the ending wasn’t Henry abdicating but there’s always the future haha.  Also, is he the heir or not? The book says he’s the Prince of Wales but then later on he refers to himself as the spare??? I’m so confused.  And then there’s the option of his mom becoming queen? Then why talk about him as the heir? Idk if anyone else just randomly gets curious and googles this, but I have in the past, and the line of succession is really clearly laid out and there are SO MANY people on it.  Like even if Henry and Philip straight up died tomorrow, there would be people after them.  So like I get Henry’s anxiety about the heir and the spare but the line is LONG.  The only trouble would be selling someone people haven’t been used to seeing as the heir and making them feel right(ful)….which tbh just exposes how fake the entire system is anyway.  
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katierod114 · 1 year
Henry: *one week into ghosting Alex for their sake while yearning so hard for Alex* He’s probably forgotten me by now, maybe seeing other people.
Henry: *wistfully* sometimes, I can still hear his voi-
Henry: oh shit that’s actually him
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katierod114 · 1 year
Hold up, is Henry an orphan in the movie? Where’s his mom in the new teaser? Are both his parents dead now? We only see his grandfather and siblings. That’s…really sad.
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katierod114 · 1 year
Henry thinks Alex would never love him back as if he isn’t a literal PRINCE who doesn’t have the personality of wheat bread with nothing on it, actually understands the ramifications of the monarchy’s wrongdoings, and loves Star Wars. Literally anyone would fall for that.
It does raise the question of how Henry would be as a king if that were to hypothetically happen. I know he pulls a Prince Harry in the bonus chapter, but hypothetically, the throne is his birthright. Knowing how he feels about the monarchy itself, he’d probably reform the crap out of it, if not just destroy it altogether.
Also, did Alex ever think to tell Henry how whipped he was for him since he was in middle school? Or how he always wanted to meet Henry?
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katierod114 · 1 year
As if he didn’t fall for Henry BECAUSE he matches his level of intelligence and wit. Man went to Georgetown for crying out loud, and graduated summa cum laude (highest honors) at that. He reads up on historical figures FOR FUN, and it helps that Henry encourages this. If anything, he’s the gifted kid (ala undiagnosed ADHD, author confirmed this) who would’ve inevitably burnt out had the people in his life not told him to slow down and evaluate where his life is going (I.e., June, Rafael, even Ellen and Oscar).
Me thinking I have no fear:
Me realizing I have one fear: I'm not ready for people to make Alex a himbo, because fandoms always make the smart brown man a himbo because they're just slightly laid back sarcastic, even though he's ends up going to fucking law school. Like oblivious sure but Alex isnt fucking all looks no brain
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katierod114 · 1 year
Alex: so you mean to tell me that whole time I…
Henry: yes, that whole time you provoked me at events to get a rise out of me. Enjoyed every second of it. Because YOU, person I hopelessly pined for, gave ME attention. Raised what little self-esteem I had. Then of course I put you in your place because you’re hot when you’re mad.
Alex: …fuck you
Henry: no you do it
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katierod114 · 1 year
I like to think Alex is like this when Henry speaks French. “I don’t know what he’s saying but I’m turned on”
I feel like when Alex speaks some Spanish and Henry with all his royal dickheadness melts and not even respond with his knowledge cause he knows; he's so damn hot when he speaks spanish although he knows exactly what to say and how
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