katmasteryoda · 5 days
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katmasteryoda · 6 days
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katmasteryoda · 12 days
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We found ourselves stuck on a hostile planet between ecstasy and pain
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katmasteryoda · 12 days
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katmasteryoda · 17 days
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And so it began on a nondescript morning before the land started to boil and curdle up below her feet.
"Hey!" she hollered at the handsome gentleman in the red convertible, "Look Out!" [Bonehead she added, only to herself, as he walked away, hoping he'd hear and be appropriately offended!] It'd been a long time without name calling that made the heads turn! It'd been unfathomably long since she'd.gotten under a hot umbrella and begged for her tenure to extend to a full sabbatical on the brutally expendible ground
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katmasteryoda · 3 months
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The stories in their minds failed.
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katmasteryoda · 3 months
the boomer squirrels, that is...
squirrelnation a #squirrelly place where #huggybear & #rockythesquirrel hang out with animal, our muppet drummer, Squidward & Sandy the Squirrel
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a message from squirrel
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katmasteryoda · 3 months
I SHALL WRITE A GHOST NOVEL! -the sexiest words ever 👈⚰️🌡️
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— I shall ghostwrite a novel. In Alison’s name. A modern bestseller. The most erotic fiction of the year. — Oh, no.
Ghosts (BBC), 1x06
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katmasteryoda · 3 months
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Great little ditty I just discovered with Grohl on the rolls Royce dw kit.
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
hoarding these constants
<like a beggar picking at free food>
into a {self-serving period of}mourning period
Only to find them gone
Good at going
Adept at leaving
Mostly walking away
Edition no exit - too soon a maniacal
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Heresay version of her teutonic plated excuses for a lie being told in liaison with high kite I opened by kaitak mistake in 77
As if it wr will be erased from collecitcd ravaillard san dume
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anne sexton
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
I keep losing
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Anne Sexton, from a letter featured in Anne Sexton; A Self-Portrait In Letters
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
I'm lost at sea/Don't bother me
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
Vol four
Hamlet Act III
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
Sacred geometry and black & white sanctuary(*^^*)
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
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Crash land
Expectations lowered
Miraculous discovery
Mountains to climb
A soul of merit
Till the soil
Til we meet again
Dew drop in
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katmasteryoda · 4 months
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The new #heavymetaldrummer series follows Theolonious M. K. Proudfoot thru a heavy metal nation where Jesus is a bass player and God comes down from Zion disguised as the best drummer who ever lived. Throughout the summer of a nearby future, mankind is lead through a field of bliss past a theater of wars, over hill, over dale we will fight the Rusty nail live for peace we hail fight for freedom die for your liberty so you may carry on the dream which has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with the words set forth by Ibsen, Becket and Rufus Jenkins the third, a man with a flare for zoot suits, vintage hats and retro hues. He had the best tonic and always smelled like sex in the beach. Where everything is new and clean and you're awash in a splendid sunset-before waking up on the other side of the wormhole.
Wake up to ostracized.
We're onto leg 2 of the post apocalyptic survivor colony maze runner geo intelligence supernatural paranormal interdimensional time and space shooting straight camouflaged as time's arrow.
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