katofasgard · 2 years
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Inspired from that interview where Tom described coming back to ‘Loki’ in the Avengers after three movies post-Thor and giving the Jotun an insanely insensitive greeting.
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katofasgard · 2 years
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Hour and a half-ish Loki sketch because I wanted to draw but wasn’t up to tackling my big wip piece tonight
do not repost!
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katofasgard · 2 years
👀 Hello, hello, omo scenario.
I just thought of something. Remember that scene in Thor Ragnarok where Thor arrives on Sakaar and is stuck in a chair? What if, since Loki is said to have arrived there weeks ago, he was desperate? I haven't quite worked this idea out yet but I've taken the same scene as a basis, only showing Loki's arrival in Sakaar.
Sorry if it was a confusing and bad headcanon. 🥺💚
Hiii! Sorry I took so long to respond, I've been very busy 😭​ That's a cute headcanon, and Loki totally wouldn't want anyone to know so he'd be trying so hard to hide it. Have you read All Streams Flow Into the Sea by limerental on Ao3? It's one of my favourites. I absolutely adore the idea of the Grandmaster being into omorashi and taking advantage.
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katofasgard · 2 years
I have another 'Loki is everyone-with-a-brain's favourite prince' omo story brewing but damned if I can find the time or energy to actually write it down.
Idk, the Loki we actually saw before the ill fated trip to Jotunheim seemed remarkabley... princely. Thor just seemed like an arse. Whether or not that was an entirely accurate representation, it was probably what the normal people saw.
Poor Loki was always trying to prove himself to his family, the warriors, and the nobility, and meanwhile every other Asgardian was like "We have two princes. One is a little odd and skinny but intelligent and sensible, and the other is a total moron. We know which one we like more."
Honestly even watching it now for the nth time, I think Loki is more like Odin than Thor is. Thor doesn't seem very much like either of his parents, but Loki, even at his worst, has the cold ruthless intelligence of the Odin that raised Hela. Odin mellowed a bit with old age, and I think it seems to be implied that Frigga was a huge part of that, and Loki loved Frigga and wanted to please her. I think Odin prefers Thor because of racism (even if he doesn't hate Loki for being Jotun, Loki fails to live up to the Asgardian norm because hes not Asgardian), and Loki can't possibly know, let alone understand, that.
Basically, Loki could have been a really good king if he'd been properly encouraged and supported and didn't develop the toxic traits he did due to childhood and young adulthood emotional abuse. Oh wow I rambled, maybe I do have energy to write lolol
You know what there’s a woeful lack of? Content on Loki as King (Odin) between Thor TDW and Thor Ragnarok.
Like what did he do? WHO did he do? What did he get up to? Who did he get INTO?
These are the questions we need answers to.
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katofasgard · 2 years
I like the idea that Ragnarok is told from Thor's POV which is why Loki comes off so weird, and Loki was actually a very good king and his plays were actually super deep and he encouraged all kinds of arts, but I'm always a sucker for Loki being the peoples favourite, even if the nobility and warriors prefer Thor. (I also love run on sentences 😜)
You know what there’s a woeful lack of? Content on Loki as King (Odin) between Thor TDW and Thor Ragnarok.
Like what did he do? WHO did he do? What did he get up to? Who did he get INTO?
These are the questions we need answers to.
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katofasgard · 2 years
New Loki omo new Loki omo!
I am so happy (and honoured) that my fic inspired this, and it's wonderful 😍
Loki's squirming is just divine, I love him trying to hide it from Nat, poor embarrassed baby 😭
I feel the need to specifically mention all the leg movements, which were delightful, and of course the elegant leg crossing! I've come to expect it now, you'll have to find some way to keep his legs apart to surprise me 😜
Thank you for the wonderful fic! You are a blessing!
Natasha: Part 1
[ A Loki x Black Widow Story ]
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Summary: Bundled onto the Heli-Carrier with a sore head and an extremely full bladder, Loki is left alone and absolutely bursting in front of Agent Romanoff, while Thor is negotiating his release with Director Fury. Predictably, Loki refuses to voice his needs in front of the assassin, instead favouring to ask to see Thor. As he pleas to see his brother intensify, will she understand what’s underneath his desperation to see the God of Thunder?
Basically, Loki’s bursting in front of Black Widow. And there’s a plot after that. Four parts in total. One chapter every day for four days. You’re welcome ;)
Pairing: Loki x Natasha Romanoff
Words: 3,300
Contains: Omorashi, strong language. 18+ only please.
Notes: This is a jumping off point from this brilliant story by @katofasgard​. The conclusion of the desperation, plus the mentions of Loki being hit in the head by Mjölnir, are Kat’s headcannons.
Like what you read? Grab me a coffee.
“Tell Prince Charming to remove the stick from his ass. He’s not in Narnia anymore.”
Natasha rolled her eyes at Tony’s quip, equally unimpressed by the patronising double-pat on her upper arm as he walked past her. This earned a chuckle from the God in front of her who, as Tony had accurately described, was sat bolt upright, feet flat on the floor, with his knees pressed firmly together.
“Something funny?” She stood in front of him, her arms folded and legs in a wide stance.
He tutted, an amused grin on his face. “Oh dear. A team divided. That won’t do, will it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come, now. You do not enjoy the company of Metal Man. Understandable though that is, it is not wise for a team to engage in petty squabbles.”
“Thanks for the advice. You’re an expert in team dynamics as well as a murderer. Who knew.”
She shrugged. Loki scoffed. She pulled up a chair, placing it where she had stood. She sat, facing the bench he sat on. They were in a holding area. A small alcove. Glass above his shoulders, a wall below that, and behind them, SHIELD employees scurrying about, busied with their tasks. To their left, a locked door. To their right, an opening. That is where Thor had ventured, Loki remembered.
He sighed.
“You have somewhere to be?”
Keep reading
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katofasgard · 2 years
whats your favorite omorashi/desperation trope?
Kink Discovery, definitely 😏🤤 Whether it's a solo kink fic or a shippy one, I fucking love it when either the desperate character OR someone watching them goes through all the throes of "oh no this is hot / feels weirdly good, what the hell, fuck I shouldn't *like* this but I DO 😳"
And if it's in my fic, chances are good someone's gonna get off about it too 😂
("what's your favourite..." ask game!)
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katofasgard · 2 years
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Thor misses his long hair, Loki misses being dead
I really love to suffer and also to draw Loki’s hair orz
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katofasgard · 2 years
I genuinely love when a stubborn character or someone who doesn't like to bring up their needs reach their limits and their composure crumbles just enough for whoever is with them ask them what's wrong and they just, stand there in horrified silence as they wet themselves, just, unable to hold it anymore, and the catalyst of it happening being the question from the other character (maybe because it surprised them and all the attention to their ability to hold instead went to trying to make up a lie or something to tell the other character?)
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katofasgard · 2 years
You know the classic scenario where A asks if B is okay and B just starts sobbing?
That but omo.
A, who has probably been watching B for a while and has definitely figured out something is up, asks an "Are you okay?"
B, shocked and struggling to think of a response since they were trying to keep quiet about how desperate they are, just starts wetting themselves on the spot.
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katofasgard · 2 years
I... Am still around. I didn't vanish. I just haven't been able to write for a while 😔
Sorry to everyone waiting for updates, I have every intention to eventually get around to it xx
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katofasgard · 2 years
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katofasgard · 2 years
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Loki sketches
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katofasgard · 2 years
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Loki (based on the Thor What If episode)
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katofasgard · 2 years
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perceptive about everyone but himself, my ass
i hate hate hate how so many people (including his own fans) internalise this line by frigga as an objective assessment of loki's character rather than seeing it for how cruel and gaslighty it really is.
both because the major issue between loki and his family—his breaking point, if you will—is that he's recently learned they lied to him about his very nature for his entire life. so on one level, this can be read as a cruel jab at him for not being able to sense that they were keeping something so central to his identity from him for all these centuries (not terribly unlike odin's private joke about thor and loki both being "born to be kings", actually). and on top of that, it's just plain not true. loki lacks neither introspection nor self-awareness regardless of what certain dipshit writers seem to believe. on the contrary, he's likely spent his life desperately trying to figure out what was so fundamentally wrong with him that no matter how much he gave and gave and gave of himself, it was never enough; why he could break his back trying to be the best brother and son he could while thor ran around like a bull in a china shop, and yet.
no, loki's self-perception is not fundamentally flawed—except, perhaps, in his internalised belief that there is anything wrong with him. and that is not his fault. it's the fault of the woman who has the audacity to say this to him, and her husband, and her other son, and the rest of asgard. it's their fault for treating him so differently, so alien—despite any claims that they were trying to avoid that very fate.
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katofasgard · 2 years
Thank you so much for your time, energy, and effort! Writing isn't easy, and you bless us! I'm really excited for more, I hope you're excited too xx
Loves - it’s been a while since the last update, but I’ve been writing a shit load of A God Can Hold His Liquor. I’m over 100,000 words in now. There’s some good shit coming up!!
Thank you for being patient. (Or inpatient!)
But thank you for reading and giving so much life to this story. It means the world to me.
-LCM xxxxx
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katofasgard · 2 years
Omo Tropes & story elements I enjoy
💛 Paruretic/bladdershy characters, and challenges specific to them. Socially shy/awkward characters. Anxiety-prone folk of all kinds. When mind and/or body prevent a smooth, quick toilet break.
💛 Partial wetting, leakage, drips on the floor. The urge that comes and goes. The slight time-delay between a lost squirt and a drip-through depending on the type of clothing material.
💛 Clothing drama before, during, and after: stuck zipper, tight pants, shirt too long or not long enough, too many layers; how to hide the wet spot? how to fix the zipper broken in frustration? Broken zipper consequence: (wet? dry?) underwear visible, and OF COURSE it had to be this one, with the embarrassing print on it.
💛 The peeing itself. It’s not just a hiss - it spouts! splashes! undulates in a 2-minute all-over surge that’s impossible to steer! it’s a three-pronged weird rush/trickle hybrid, and each of them hits the bowl/receptacle/floor in a different way! - I actually kind of like the pees that are supposed to be as silent as possible (for whatever reason) but end up resonating anyway, or trickle in a little pool of liquid and can be heard at least by one other person.
💛 Hurt/comfort. Angst, shame, embarrassment; some mild whump; crying, tears – all good, but then I need comfort. Lots of it. Comfort can come in many forms, and depends on the characters involved. Not everybody likes (to give) hard candy and backrubs.
💛 Aftercare: comfort, help cleaning up, distraction/humour to cheer up the omo-victim. Comfort doesn’t have to be immediate, and can come in myriad forms. Comfort is my drug.
💛 Double omo! Contagious relief, peeing together (in a non-se×y way). Bonus if the shared experience brings a new dimension (and inside-jokes) to a pre-existing relationship.
💛 Unable to go! No restroom access due to cleaning / a plumbing problem – PLUS the tour bus is leaving in 3 minutes? Or the suck of stuck: stuck in an elevator, in traffic, on public transportation; literally strapped-in on a turbulent flight. Stuck in a formal function, presentation, ceremonial duty.
💛 Not allowed to go. Can’t leave the cash register unattended, being the only server in a crowded bistro, caught in impromptu important meeting, performing a delicate task that bears no interruption, taking a test, working against a deadline; not allowed to enter restroom without ordering something first; helping someone who’s critically injured; lying on stretcher with a broken pelvis.
💛 Making it against all odds. Winning the race against the limits of one’s biology is beautiful. Smoothes all the ruffled feathers. Cue Ode to Joy.
💛 Peeing in bottles (classic), odd receptacles, or a friend’s jacket as a last resort. Peeing in strange or inappropriate locations. Non-traditional, unconventional, creative ‘mergency pees.
💛 Confusing/odd toilet. There’s a whole world of odd toilets out there, if you’re interested in a rabbit-hole. Perhaps there are a toilet and a bidet right next to each other and they look far too similar.
I remember French roadside pits of despair faintly resembling a shower, with footholds too far apart and faeces everywhere. Campground toilet barracks in various countries. A Spanish toilet that was normal enough but I forgot how to open the wall-high sliding door afterwards and the tour bus was about to leave. Rows of plastic outhouses at fairs and concerts. Japanese squat toilets, both clean and unforgivably stinky ones, and the modern western-style ones with water sound buttons – imagine waiting to use the toilet and some dumb tourist is holding up the line playing with the buttons and laughing too loudly. *cough* what? no, I dunno, wasn’t me <.<
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