katpowers406-blog · 7 years
Secret #1
Okay so, basically your secret could be anything. Im going to start small. Im secretly gay. The only people that know is my closest friends (two people) and now you guys. I know that may not seem big, but like I said I'm starting small. This is big for me to share, and also kinda hard.
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katpowers406-blog · 7 years
My new account is for people tired of secrets who either want to share one or share one that someone kept from them and they need to rant about it (If that makes any sense). This is a safe place, any hate will be deleted and your account will be blocked. Also if you post hate, I'll make sure to let everyone know what kimd of person you are. Dont worry! You wont be the only one sharing! I'll share and try to respond on time to what y'all say! I will hopefully post at least once or twice a day! Your secret could be anything from you secretly dislike someone to something really worse! I'll start small and the more followers I gain, the bigger my secrets will become. If I dislike something you said I'll DM you first before taking down your stuff. I'll try to talk to anyone about something thats bugging them. You could even if you dont feel comfortable sharing a secret post how you're feeling, and what caused that feeling. Basically this account is a therpy group lol.
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