kawaii-piggy · 3 years
Put your thumb in my belly button and grab my underbelly and lead me to the kitchen✨🐷
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
i know it’s embarrassing to gain sometimes. i know you might think you’re ruining yourself, pushing your body to its extremes, gorging yourself until you’re useless. 
but it’s okay. it’s not your fault. 
you’re a pig. pigs are meant to grow. pigs are meant to eat their fill and put on weight. pigs are meant to waddle. pigs are meant to care only about food and the feeling of eating. pigs are meant to be fed well and often, until they’re round and slow. 
it’s not your fault. it’s just who you are. don’t fight it. 
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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2011 vs 2020 transformation. My double belly disappeared… I just ate myself into this huge woman, I’m almost the double of her now, and getting even bigger. 😍
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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could somebody maybe feed me until im this big please??? 👉👈
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
The Walk
She knew he’d be home in an hour, but the feeling of desperation was becoming too much to bear. He’d left her on the couch this morning with what he thought was enough food feed twelve people for the day, surely enough for his “little” princess. But these days she wasn’t so little, and after all this time he should have known it wasn’t quite enough. She knew he’d make up for it when he returned, but until then, the gnawing hunger, the need to keep eating, was making her have to consider something serious. Leaving the couch to venture into the kitchen…
She’d already made her way through mountains of waffles, Danish pastries, pancakes and fried bacon, blurring into several large pizzas, cake bars, chips, chocolates and milk, then a box of 24 donuts, a cheesecake and a huge chocolate fudge cake. As she forced the last piece of cake into her mouth, she automatically reached out for more, but there was no more. She sat for five minutes, breathing heavily after the day’s consumption…but the craving for food would not go away. She had to have more.
She struggled to move herself into an upright position, as she did so crumbs and chunks of food cascaded off her large, heavy chest. Her vast stomach say proudly between her big, doughy thighs, sagging off the couch and making its way toward the floor (not quite touching it…but surely another few months of being fed by her man would take care of that). Standing on her own had become incredibly difficult after she’d passed 700 lbs, but she was desperate to get to the fridge. She needed to keep eating. She couldn’t wait an hour for him to get back. She needed it now.
She was already gasping for breath just from the effort of sitting up, now she began to rock her body back and forth to try and get enough momentum to stand. Rolls of flesh wobbled and slapped together as she did so, her face becoming ever more flushed with exertion. With one final push she managed to stand, the agony of all her weight being supported by her weak legs only surpassed by her need to eat. It would be worth it, she thought.
She steadied herself by placing a hand on the wall, still struggling to recover fronts the effort. The realisation that it had become almost impossible to do something so simple as stand up only made her hungrier, and hornier. God she wished he’d get back soon.
Feeling recovered, she then began the arduous task of walking ten feet to the kitchen. Moving one fat laden leg past the other was so hard, she managed to shuffle slowly forwards, her heart pounding with effort. She felt like she was running a marathon, but she was moving like a snail. She edged closer to the fridge door, her mind starting to race at the thought of reaching it, of opening it, of emptying its contents into her desperate stomach. Closer, closer, her body swaying and shaking with every small step.
She stopped half way, fighting to breathe, feeling like her heart would pop out of her chest. If only she wasn’t so out of shape. But what else would you expect after years of non stop gorging? She’d no one to blame but herself…and him. He always knew how to press her buttons, make her eat more than she thought possible. This was the result. A shuffling mountain of flesh barely able to walk ten feet.
Onwards, she reached out for the fridge as she became close enough to just touch it. She slumped towards it, the fridge groaning slightly as she put her whole weight on it. She swung the door open breathlessly and grabbed the first thing she saw. Mayonnaise. She squeezed the fatty condiment straight into her mouth, slurping and swallowing desperately. More. More. A whole fried chicken. Chocolate eclairs. Cans of whipped cream. More. She needed more. She opened the freezer to find tubs of chocolate ice cream, and sitting on the floor she began to scoop the ice cream into her mouth with her hands. She was lost in gluttony. The exertion of the walk had sent her over the edge. She could only think about food. Eating. More. She wanted to be fatter. The fattest. More. More. More.
Only the sound of the front door unlocking broke her out of her stupor…
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
She struggled for breath as he brought yet another slice of cake to her messy mouth. She wondered just how much more she could take, and if he’d ever stop. He was incessant, but then he always was. Yet somehow she was unable to say no, somehow she always gave in and let him cram her as full of food as he could. She loved to eat, and he knew it. He also knew she had absolutely no willpower when it came to food. And now, as the last vestiges of her mobility were buried under a mountain of soft, heavy, lard, she began to wonder where it would end. She was already so much bigger than she ever expected to get, yet still she couldn’t slow down. He would whisper in her ear as she chewed and swallowed that he would never stop, how she was only going to eat and grow fatter, joe that was her future. She wasn’t about to say no…
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
All he could think about was spending every day filling her with food and making her get fatter. Watching her lose herself in food, how she’d become overcome by gluttony and greed, unable to stop herself eating everything he put in front of her. She’d piled on so much weight since they’d been together, and neither of them seemed to want to stop. He knew that she could never be too fat for him, so he kept bringing her as much food as she could take, as she laid in bed, watching TV, gorging, growing fatter, lazier, and more out of shape as each day passed. Soon she’d be too fat to leave the bed, but he knew that wouldn’t stop either of them from carrying on down the path they’d chosen…
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
The mini-van creaked to a stop. He glanced in the rear view and caught sight of her. She was just finishing another bucket of fried chicken, he saw her lazily toss it to the floor with the others and reach for a box of donuts.
“We’re here” he called, but she didn’t notice, or seem to care, she was too engrossed in pushing donuts into her beautifully fat face.
He jumped out and slid open the side door. A few empty cartons fell onto the road as he began the task of getting his enormous girlfriend out of the car. He took her free hand as the other plopped the last donut into her mouth. As she shifted in her seat, bits of food fell from her enormous front. At almost 750 lbs, she was incredibly difficult to move. She was crammed into a t-shirt that was far too small do her, it exposed her enormous double belly and her breasts were smashed together and spilling out of the neck. She tried to swing her vast leg out of the car, but even this task was proving too much effort. Her body wobbled and shaked, she had to keep stopping to catch her breath. Eventually, after much struggling, she was ready to attempt standing. She shifted the weight of her belly forward and as he pulled her she tried to stand. It took five attempts, Gravity pulling her rolls of fat toward the ground, her legs clearly unsteady. She was completely breathless now. Only in her late twenties but completely exhausted just by standing up.
He handed her her walking canes and watched her proceed to shuffle up the driveway. She must be starving by now, he thought to himself.
He was conscious of being watched from the window, as he looked up, he saw her parents, jaws wide open, incredulous at the sight of what their daughter had become…
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
Cake & Sex
It took her ten minutes to roll onto her side. She’d become so horrendously fat that this simple task was like running the hundred metres to her. Maybe it was the ‘bait’ of a whole chocolate fudge cake that he’d laid just out  of reach of her, maybe it was because they both enjoyed the ‘struggle’, seeing just how far her greed had taken her, just how fat she’d eaten herself.
After much wobbling and shaking, catching her breath, she was finally in position. Her belly pooled out in front of her, a seemingly endless swathe of soft, heavy flesh, rolls seemed to pile upon rolls. Her eyes fixed on the cake, she wanted it, NEEDED it. He asked her to lift her leg into the air but it was simply too heavy for her weakened muscles to move, so he did it himself. The weight of it was incredible. Thigh fat, calf fat, it seeemed to go on forever. He could just support it’s weight, barely able to get his arms around it’s fatty circumference. He struggled to enter his mountainous beauty, but she didn’t seem to care. She just wanted to eat. She was aware of her body rocking back and forth, but all she cared about was cake. More. Cake.
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
Heavy Lifting
It had taken her a whole 5 minutes just to get to her feet. She rocked back and forth, her gigantic body bouncing and shaking as she tried to move her vast weight. Her upper belly cascaded over her lower belly as she leant forwards, pooling into the space between her huge distended thighs. Her face reddened with the exertion, her breathing growing more laboured with each attempt. I could help her, but seeing just what her gluttony had done to her fitness made me stop and enjoy the sight of the struggle. Eventually she managed to lift all 650 lbs of herself into a standing position, and I watched her slowly and deliberately shuffle into the kitchen, gasping with each step. She was starving….
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
You're completely immobile now.
Everything you do is pretty much exhausting.
Out of shape doesn't even describe you.
"Shapeless" however...
You've eaten yourself to this point.
Your legs are spread as far as they can go.
Your arms bloated and heavy.
While you don't regret a single crumb, you're nervous about your future.
Your feeder keeps pushing you.
Your tits sagging down your soft middle.
Three large rolls of bellyfat overtaking your lap and knees.
Sometimes you struggle to get comfortable and you know you need to stretch.
But now you're stuck.
Being filled with junk food thats only going to pin you down even more.
No clothes fit anymore, only a king sized sheet.
How humiliating is it to lay in a bariatric bed, only to be covered by a sheet?
You don't care. You get your pleasure.
You get your fill.
How big do you think you can get?
You chug and chug your thick hearty gain shakes and watch yourself swell bigger.
Your body spreads across the bed while the months go by.
Physical activity is no longer an option.
Only eating.
Your skin has been stretched nearly to its limits.
Your feeder forcing you heavier.
You can't even see beyond your mountain of a gut now.
Hands graze your corpulent body while you gorge.
Rubbing...jiggling...wobbling your fleshy frame.
You grow out of breath just by sitting there swallowing calories for hours.
Full is what you want. Its all you've ever wanted.
Your body is taking over the room.
You need more though.
Greed has taken over, it did long ago.
While you were piling on the pounds you didn't realise how fatally addicted you were becoming.
Pleasure took over and you completely let go.
You let yourself go.
Then there was no stopping you.
You then decided that you would live the rest of your life in gluttony. Pure gluttony.
Your health is terrible yet you continue to gobble down carbs and sugars.
Your body will only get so big...
It can only hold so much weight...
Then will you truly be satisfied?
Like my writing? Want to spoil me? Drop a tip in my Kofi, its linked in my bio at the top of my page ❤ I appreciate every tip! I have plenty of content.
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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So there’s a guy who introduced a whole new fetish to deviantart
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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If I was Aladdin 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️😍😍
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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There’s nothing quite like looking at a scenic view! But I think people behind me enjoyed the view even more 😛
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kawaii-piggy · 3 years
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I’d love to bury my face in that perfect fat ass 🤯🤯😍😍
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