kawarime · 7 years
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“There’s confetti... All over the place...”
“It’s even in my hair.”
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kawarime · 7 years
     Kid. Naoto’s lips twitched upon hearing the word, a twinge of irritation flaring up before he forced it aside. It wasn’t the first time he had been called that, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Allowing himself to be distracted from his food, the case, and the problem at hand by a single word would be unprofessional. Naoto was a detective, intelligent and well-practised at ignoring rude comments, not an immature child incapable of focusing for a single moment.
     Really, this was exactly the type of language – and person – that Naoto should have expected from an establishment such as this one. Kidnappings and murders aside, Inaba’s crime rate was usually rather low. Of course the single place which attracted the vast majority of those crimes would have such an inelegant person working there. Still, anyone who saw so many questionable individuals likely to know information that would be difficult to find elsewhere. 
     Naoto had had a craving for noodles, anyhow. 
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     He tilted his head back, meeting the chef’s gaze (or so he assumed, judging by the apron) with a quiet confidence. No matter how distracted he was, Naoto would not allow this individual to get under his skin.
     “That I may be,” he began, voice cool. “Nonetheless, this is not the meal I ordered. I requested a tonkotsu ramen. I believe this is an udon.” Naoto gave the meal a pointed glance before offering a polite, though tense smile. “I do not mean to impose upon you, I simply wish to eat the meal which I asked for. Would that be possible?”
     –He could deal with questioning the chef once he had a stomach full of food. Hunger made it difficult to think clearly, and with a case as serious as this one, Naoto had no room to make mistakes.
‘Aren’t we a little sensitive.’
Lips threatened to curl in amusement as Akito caught a glimpse of the other’s reaction to the title. This squirt was either quite self-assured or extremely insecure - he couldn’t tell which just yet. Neither answer seemed interesting enough for the chef, so he wouldn’t press the matter.
At least, not until he had a good reason to. He still wanted to know what exactly had brought this boy to Souper Noodle, as the establishment’s reputation more than preceded it. Was this a dare? Did the kid actually have balls of steel under those pants?
Oh, er- ‘Eye contact.’
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Deciding to play the part of the dispassionate delinquent employee for now, Akito lazily met the teen’s gaze. Ceruleans nearly rolled back into his head as he forced himself to listen to the mouthy, overly formal request. Hold on, wait - I can feel it now--
Nice! The brunet hadn’t even bothered to cover his mouth with his hand for that one. After making sure to leave the longest possible pause without appearing to actually ignore the request, he reached down to swipe the bowl of udon in a wide motion. Once the wrong order was collected, he finally replied.
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. I’ll even throw in an eggstra serving of meat, perfect for a boy in puberty. Wait patiently, like you have all afternoon.”
Without waiting for a reply, Akito strode back into the kitchen.
Another jarring crash heralded the chef’s return some ten minutes after he vanished (during which interim no other customers had come into the establishment), a pair of bowls balanced on a tray in his hands. With what might have been a surprising amount of grace he lowered the tray next to the table before sliding over a bowl of tonkotsu ramen whose smell could only be described as mouth-watering.
“Enjoy your meal,” ...is what should have followed, perhaps coupled with an apology for the mistaken order. Yet neither of these words left the chef’s mouth as he proceeded to unload a second bowl - one filled with thick wheat noodles covered in a pasty black sauce - onto the table next to Naoto’s.
Then Akito sat down, cracking a pair of chopsticks apart before digging them into his bowl and stirring. After a few seconds, he glanced over.
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“Oh, yeah. Bon appetit or something. And don’t mind me - I’m on my lunch break. My second lunch break to be precise, so don’t tell my boss. Go on, eat up.”
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kawarime · 7 years
Naoto pokes at the bowl of noodles with his chopsticks, inspecting it. With the serial kidnappings and murders taking place in Inaba hanging over his head, he almost doesn’t notice the mistake in his order, but after a few moments of poking at it, it hits him.
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Ramen. I ordered ramen. This isn’t ramen.
He stares at it another moment, still not quite focused on his food. There is a puzzle piece missing, something unusual about the group of Yasogami students that he can’t quite figure out.
Naoto blinks, then sets the chopsticks down. “Excuse me,” he calls, trying to get the attention of one of the employees. “I believe I may have been given another person’s meal.”
The stark lack of fervid hustle and bustle in Yasoinaba compared to Iwatodai City never ceased to amaze Akito, even a good year and a half after he had started working at his current job: Souper Noodle.
Souper Noodle was no Hagakure (probably didn’t even hold a candle to the place), but the owner was a friend of his father’s and more than willing to give the then recently graduated high-schooler an easy job while he went to school.
...Well, ‘easy’ may have been subjective. Souper Noodle had a reputation in the small town as one of the shadiest eateries, catering to Inaba’s delinquents, layabouts, and general riffraff. Fights broke out often, and only half of Akito’s occupation was to actually cook. Most of the time he was breaking up or finishing the restaurant brawls before promptly tossing the offending parties through the doorway.
Not exactly a family-friendly environment. Most inteligent folk would swerve straight around the corner to eat at Junes... unless they had business with the owner or his many ‘acquaintances’. Maybe that’s what this strangely dressed boy was here for?
Er, but that’s enough exposition. Ahem.
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No sooner had the adolescent made his complaint did the double doors leading to the kitchen fly apart. Akito strode out and peered about, hands smoothing over his apron as he searched the venue for the customer who’d spoken out. And considering the blue-haired teen was the only one currently dining, the brunet didn’t have to look very far. 
Impatient strides brought him to the client and he did not hesitate to loom over the other, who was still seated. Upon closer inspection the older male was looking a bit haggard; dark rings circled his eyes and they further betrayed bloodshot signs of sleep deprivation. Despite all that, he spoke with a steady, confident tone.
“...Sup, kid. You’re the only one being served right now. What’s wrong with your order?”
‘More importantly, what’s a twerp in a flashy coat doing this far away from his parents? Is he one of the boss’s contacts?’
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kawarime · 7 years
Standing on her toes, the brunette happily plants a gentle kiss against his cheek, smiling all the while. "Since today is Valentines Day... I'm not good with making food or anything, but I'll happily take you out to dinner tonight if you'd like. Or no! It's up to you." Don't turn her down, Akito-- look how happy she is!
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“Ah, um.”
Skin aflush behind the bandages, Akito scratched a finger to where Mitsu had planted her lips, unsure of how to respond. Truth be told he had been somewhat fearing this day - he had never been good at accepting chocolates from his peers or club members, so how was he supposed to react to a lover of all things showering him with affection and an offer to eat out?
Maybe hiding behind roundabout compliments would work.
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“Jeez, you couldn’t even buy me a cheap chocolate heart from the candy stand?” Smirk and scoff did well to shield his unease, but he quickly cut in before the brunette’s expression fell.
“I’m joking. I, er.”
Without giving it much thought the teen swooped down to deliver a fleeting peck on the other’s nose, drawing back with twice the glow plastered to his face.
“I guess that’d be cool.”
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kawarime · 7 years
send me a heart to learn something about my muse!
❤: does my muse consider themselves a romantic?
♡: how does my muse act, consciously and/or subconsciously, around people they are romantically interested in?
❥: what is my muse's ideal date?
ღ: how does my muse feel about displays of affection in public and/or in private?
💕: how does my muse express their feelings? do they do through small but meaningful gestures, or through bold declarations?
💘: how does my muse act/react when they first realize that they had a crush on somebody?
💝: what would my muse consider a "perfect gift"?
💓: how does my muse feel about physical intimacy?
💌: how would my muse go about confessing to someone they liked? would they do it indirectly or directly, or maybe not at all?
💟: what are three traits that my muse looks for in a partner?
💙: how would my muse handle seeing their object of affection falling in love with someone else?
💚: how does my muse feel about love? about falling in love? about being in love?
💜: how long might it take for my muse to say "i love you" for the first time?
💛: does my muse believe in love-at-first-sight? in soulmates? in fate?
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kawarime · 7 years
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“Skipping school is bad for you well-behaved kids.”
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kawarime · 7 years
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tfw you want to high-key low-key change your muse’s face claim...
0 notes
kawarime · 7 years
dolgelo replied to your post: “Actually, I’m quite confident that Sanada would...
I doubt Akihiko ever climbed a tree so tall. He would still be talking about that to this very day.
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Lips parted briefly before he thought better of his reply. So instead, he just nodded.
‘Maaaaybe we’ll just let this one slide.’
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kawarime · 7 years
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“Actually, I’m quite confident that Sanada would be happy to inform Kirijo of the truth behind that inquiry...”
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kawarime · 7 years
dolgelo replied to your post: “…” “Is someone gonna tell her?”
[ that’d cause hell. you really want it? ]
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I live to stir the pot.
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kawarime · 7 years
notyourprinccss replied to your post: “…” “Is someone gonna tell her?”
does that mean you volunteer senpai
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kawarime · 7 years
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“Is someone gonna tell her?”
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kawarime · 7 years
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kawarime · 7 years
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Why does Cola have so many blogs? Who knows.
Local canon Yukari Takeba of Persona 3, returning from war and looking for people to interact with. Reblog / like this and I’ll check you!!
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kawarime · 7 years
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
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kawarime · 7 years
First meeting {Sentence Starters}
"Pretty quiet place, isn't it?"
"Can I pet your dog?"
"I love your ____! Where did you get it?"
"Didn't know anybody else was here."
"Sorry, is this seat taken?"
"You haven't seen this ____ anywhere, have you?"
"Wow, this line's really long isn't it?"
"So, you come here often?"
"Yeah, can I help you with something?"
"What do you usually order when you come here?"
"So- weather's pretty nice."
"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!"
"Don't suppose you know where to get a great meal around here?"
"Can you tell me how to get to ____?"
"Mind if I share your umbrella for a minute?"
"Hi! I just need you to pretend like you know me!"
"You need directions or something?"
"This seat's open!"
"Haven't seen you around. Need something?"
"Um, hi. How long have you been standing there?"
"Don't ask, just run!"
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kawarime · 7 years
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22 notes · View notes