kayarai · 3 hours
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Taking a break from desperate cc sorting to actually play the game a bit for Grim's event.
My original plan when making this sim was 'someone who looks like they would do favors for the Grim Reaper'.
Somehow, this is where I landed. She definitely is is giving off the 'new age' vibes of the part of this play through that's messing about with Crystal Creations for the first time.
I'm tempted to restart and make her a high school drop out just because I haven't done anything with that yet either. And also maybe live somewhere with more easily available dig spots than the For Rent world. I do still want to live in a rental though (because I haven't played with them yet) so, maybe I'll dig through the gallery a bit.
Name: Sloane Stanford (I hit random a couple times.)
Hair: High School Years (I think)
Top, bottom, and shoes: For Rent (it was very annoying to find a pants color that matched that pink top swatch)
Wrist bands: Vampires (pretty sure. if not then Realm of Magic)
Necklace: uhhhh Strangerville? maybe?
Traits: Nosy(for rent), Overachiever(high school years (I think)), Practice makes perfect (the log in event thing)
Aspiration: the Crystal Creations one
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kayarai · 4 hours
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kayarai · 4 hours
There maaaaay be a number of gouges in the downstairs ceiling from playing around with my brother’s swords. Maybe.
We also might never ever let my cousin live down that she broke the tip off tip off his halberd on said ceiling.
We maaay have told that story to her husband when he visited our house for the first time
I used to wear a chainmail shirt to elementary school. The teachers never knew what to do about it because there was no section in our dress code forbidding medieval armor.
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kayarai · 1 day
Is this fic like Effloresce where Helion knows that Lucien is his or that truth bomb getting dumped on him too?
Let's hear it for sex being the least important part of a relationship in an affair plot line. (ace brain likey)
Have I mentioned that I really like it when Nesta let's Lucien see the ways that she's Other, something Else, and how Lucien, instead of thinking too much about what that Else might be, just seems happy that she trusts him enough to relax around him enough to see it?
Eris gonna waltz in and steal the show (and another dance with Nesta that's going to make Cassian break his teeth he's clenching his jaw to hard)
(Did Elain eat that whole stolen cake herself or did she bring it too her girlfriend's?)
Backstory question: What's the deal with the mansion that Lucien and Nesta have taken over? And the forest? (I very much like the wild magic and magic lore that comes up in your stories.)
the rolling in the graves reread thoughts/ favorite lines/moments:
Chapter 1
"He thought, some nights, of walking into it." "Himself, Autumn-gutted and war-torn: the trees might as well swallow him whole." -- AAAAHHHH my poor forest baby T-T
Lucien contemplating starting a forest fire.
Eris contemplating if Rhysand has a domesticity kink.
"He didn’t want to be alone, in this strange body of his." *cue more screaming* "Blending where he didn’t belong had been Lucien’s whole life, of course he was subtle." T-T
Lucien, sun drunk, losing his shit. Nesta walks in while he's naked and absolutely nothing sexy happens and I love it.
Lucien's longing for home including the sound of Eris's real laugh and his dogs.
The last summit. The image of Feyre in the most obscenely eye catching dress possible insisting that she didn't want attention. And the fact that people were probably still gossiping about the fact the Nesta and Elain hadn't been there.
“Feyre was busy stealing me.” Someone please rescue my fox baby
The Night Court is afraid of Jurian.
"Nesta Archeron lived, and no on in this court wanted her living."
"That Lucien wanted, horrifically, to be touched. To reach out, to all that fearsome strength, and touch."
Chapter 2
Rhysand trying to call in Eris and Eris being like "Ha, ha. no We're doing this my way." A way which includes every diplomatic formality he can muster and the IC having a whole ass dinner/meeting just to bitch about it. (Azriel keeping his mouth full of alcohol to avoid having to talk to anybody.) Elain making off with the whole cake.
The Laugh That Changed The World.
Cassian scowling at the sight of Nesta being genuinely happy in someone else's presence how dare.
I'm suddenly having thoughts about the fact that what changed everything between them was Nesta's genuine unbridled laughter and one of the things Lucien misses when he thinks of 'home' is Eris's genuine laughter. (not meaning to imply Lucien's having any sexy thoughts about his brother. Maybe a representation of Lucien wishing the people he cared about were safe to feel and express such laughter. Words hard. Thoughts not wording good. I think I remember "Lucien missed his terrible, awful brother" from a snipit)
"She was so fucking gorgeous, and utterly unable to ask for what she wanted. It seemed possible she’d never had the chance." *screaming again*
"Nesta opened her eyes and showed Lucien pure, molten silver fire."
“Absolute authority and eternity should mean something.”
“He pulled away?” Lucien just sounds so, so offended that Cassian pulled away. Like, this dude, this asshole, could have all the Nesta bites in the world and he pulled away. Lucien just trying to reassure Nesta that the biting thing is natural and being like "You can bite me when ever you want" and also being like "Please bite me. please please pretty please."
"Nesta Archeron was not easy, but Lucien thought Andras would have liked her too." T-T
Feyre and Rhysand insisting that humans were under their authority and then proceeding to not really give a shit when Lucien tries to tell them about them.
Feyre only caring about Lucien going to see Elain.
"There was no question as to whether Elain would be present- she did not seem to use her magic for anything but to avoid him, and Lucien couldn’t blame her. There were only so many awkward conversations one could have with someone magic and tradition insisted you want, where absolutely no spark lived- and it remained easier to just go, than fight Feyre."
“If you smell like blood, it’s usually mine and you’re much, much happier.”
Feyre buying Elain a house and painting it completely in nursery colors. Elain and Nesta repainting the rooms Elain actually uses.
“Someday,” Lucien said, leaning down to kiss beneath her ear, “I want you to fuck me.” I think I speak for the whole Lucien fandom when I say that we all want to see Lucien get pegged.
“Do you think,” Lucien asked, “Elain will ever tell Feyre?” “What? That she’s about as romantically inclined toward you as she might be” “A chair? A hunk of stone?”
“For three people obsessed with fucking each other, It is staggering they’ve never managed it, in half a millennia.”
Lucien finding Cassian's fixation/obsession with Nesta uncomfortably familiar. What other man might we know of that's over-controlling and possessive of his powerful wife. gee I wonder. (not)
"You hate it.” “What I like doesn’t matter.” *rage*
"Choking on pollen, stupid Spring cravats, cutting out pieces of himself until there was nothing left. He didn’t need to like Ceylon velvet. Itchy lace. Stag hunts with dogs and horses and arrows, when Lucien had fought wyvern with his bare hands as a boy. He didn’t need to like Tam’s rules or the courtiers jokes, the endless pale fucking roses- Until Lucien had talked himself into walking after Ianthe in that cave, let Tamlin flay him to the bone for disloyalty-" *more rage*
“It matters. Your husband should care to know.”
"But Feyre just laughed, wine glass jaunty in her grip, and admittedly blithely to bumping up against all their shields- Rhysand hadn’t even taught her to keep her magic to herself. Just that power, power, was hers. For the having, and taking." *rage again*
"The North had enough men who used emotion as an excuse- enough faeries in this whole fucking world, who’d made anger a haunting."
"Nesta folded her cheek on top of his head, one of those not quite right, even for High Fae, motions that snuck into her mannerisms when no one was watching, like she didn’t have joints. That Lucien got to see." *That Lucien got to see. That Lucien got to see. THAT LUCIEN GOT TO SEE*
"The sword of a Queen if he’d ever seen one, blade imbued with screaming, forest-fire wild wrath and beautiful for it."
"Lucien had done worse things than say yes, for the hope of belonging." have we rescued our fox baby yet? I think we need to rescue our fox baby.
"One of the things about Feyre that both charmed and wore, as time went on, was that she saw love in an utterly human way. Childlike. Rhysand was her soulmate- her only interest, her sole desire, the best she’d ever have. Lucien had wondered, more than once, if they were even friends."
To Feyre, love was an ending, happy. To an immortal- to perhaps, Nesta Archeron, smiling at him sidelong, it was an open door."
"She would have burnt the sky. If they hadn’t sought out to humiliate her from the start, hated Nesta human before she ever found a power than could cleave forever- she’d set fire to the world, for those she loved. But not for herself. None of them deserved her."
“Earlier. I am usually happier. You make me happy.” *excuse me while I sob*
"All fire wanted, was to be free. To burn."
“You owe me.” Lucien Vanserra said, burnt bright and alive for it, beloved of this place where he’d never been, “So help me.” It would take a High Lord you said? Pardon me, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go traumatize my dad/give him a heart attack.
ANYWAY, lovely story is lovely. I deeply, dearly love all the non-sexual intimacy. The cuddling! The "That Lucien got to see". The *flailing gestures to whole fic* EVERYTHING.
so, anyway, reread hearts <3 <3 <3
(I really need to figure out how to do emojis on my laptop keyboard)
this has filled me with delight and joy!! and fully reminded me how much I love this story <3
thoughts thoughts thoughts: you're poking at one my favorite through-lines, which is that it is an AFFAIR, a sexy sexy affair and they're going at it like crazy, a thing they are both pretending is The Only Thing Happening, when in reality it is...maybe the least important aspect to their relationship from either of their perspectives?
(despite the desperate horniness)
Eris actually shows up next chapter, and continues to be pure comedy.
No, but the laugh thing IS something- Lucien hasn't felt safe in. forever, really. A very, very long time. He's not at a point where he dreams about that for himself. He wants the people he loves to be safe. He's so, so, so deeply sad but he lets himself actually be mad beyond belief over other people. Fox babe IS burning it all to the ground on his way out.
And he just. god, he loves SO HARD.
Enough to reveal that he does know about his secret birthright and just completely shatter Helion's heart in the process, along with committing himself to a full-scale Autumn rebellion, if it gets Nesta out. With the hope that maybe, MAYBE, she'll want to help him...with all that.
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kayarai · 1 day
Excuse you?
Loop 27 actually managing to concoct a series of events that convinces Feyre to actually leave Rhysand? (with three kids if I'm remembering right)lol
And there being a loop where Elain just goes "Fuck this. Fuck everything. Come on, Once and Future Boyfriend, give me my dog back. We're gonna go kill your father." And then Eris just shrugging like "whelp, this might as well happen" and tagging along.
(Helion having A Time)
Is Vassa anywhere in Effloresce?
For the backstory asks: the fairy and merchant grandmothers from Effloresce and mama Archeron also from the same fic. Your Vanserra family backstory since more of the brothers are dead and Sorcha is the Vanserra and Beron married in. Your version of Rhysand's mother and sister, because I love the previous posts about them. Llewellyn in both the soul mate aus. Ellie as well. Just the magic system in general of the universe. Where Jason got the idea of the "I love you×10000000" flower language bouquets. What happens to the time lines after Nesta and Lucien are sent back. What is Lucien's deal with Helion in lucnes affair fic? How is the human lands fairing in any of the acotar fic? Sorry if this is a lot! Thank you!
No apologies necessary, I love abundance!
Murder tree Grandma and Archeron Grandma both get to have relevant plot fairly soon in Effloresce's timeline, so minor spoilers from here on: Mama Archeron was a faery princess. Think the little mermaid but more flighty and impetuous. Those legs were meant for frolicking, and that's what she did, right up until her death. Her mother, off in the Blooming Country, is very interested in finding her murderer.
Calista Archeron- merchant grandma- lived a very expected life until she was about 45. She was the unnamed head of the family. She protected her vassals, loved her land, made absolute heaps of money. And then, one day, her healer told her those little pains, strange aches she was having, indicated a lethal condition. Years left, maybe. If she was very lucky.
Calista looked at her prosperous, respectable life- her fun, not a love match gay husband, her well-educated and happily married son, next generation already born, her well-hammered out contracts- and decided to live. For herself. For just a while. A faked death later (her husband absolutely helped), the untouched fortune she brought to her marriage secreted away, Calista set out to find the dreaming city all her ships had long sailed to.
My tract with the Vanserra backstory is that Sorcha is Autumn Faery Elizabeth of York, basically. Beron's a conqueror. He married her greater claim, and remade Autumn into what it is now. I do different brother stuff in different stories, but a through-line is the desperate, violent fighting for favor under a monstrous father. Who may never even die. The longest long terms plans and the haunting futility of really trying. Lucien being the youngest is an incidental saving grace, this has all already been doing on for centuries by the time he was born.
I've said it before, but by almost any measure, even in canon, Rhysand's mother and sister were both about 10x cooler than he'll ever be. For fun, I like to reject the bad marriage proposition- the writing there is also just. SO weak- I think Rhy's mum was cool and hot and wild, to a degree that her ancient traditional faery husband probably couldn't keep up. His true love gifted chaos gremlin. If Rhys is most of his own parents bad qualities (reckless, too invested in his own power, ect.- by accident almost certainly, the books DO make a firm argument for this point for both him and Feyre), than his sister gets to be a different mix. Maybe she was better at understanding her restrained father. Maybe her mother foresaw her absolute break with tradition that her existence implied.
Llewellyn! He's a trauma surgeon by most recent training. He was born in 1919, which makes him older than almost everyone he loves and, conversely, an absolute cute little infant of a witch. He's Thomas O'Malley the alley cat but grumpy, about to scowl his way through sweeping all of Dick's siblings under his wing. He's the only au character who had a good childhood. His most natural magic is a creeping, crawling, consuming bloody control that he has very, very stubbornly pivoted into being a doctor. His hated of Nazi's is deeply personal, seconded only by his distaste for his first magical mentor, the reason he ever had such experiences in the first place. Whereas Dick is like, candy coating of charm stretched over a league of extreme competence and HOPE that almost hides a nuclear core of rage- Llewellyn is all scowls and stubborn enjoyment of being truly excellent at things, but the love is right beneath the surface at all times.
Ellie gets a more traditional shitty Gotham background (partially for Very Plot Relevant Reasons)- she's the only daughter of a teen mom. She has three half-siblings she's never met and looks a little too much like. She spent much of her childhood poor and clever and furious, being repeated rejected by bougie private school. She has connections to the irish mob. Her mom named her Eleanor Grace (REDACTED) in a hope of upward mobility. She's equally lost as Llewellyn is, and hides it almost as well. She went to Wizard Parliament and promptly punched someone in the face- (the fact that he was born in 1467 made this much easier, considering her limited reach). The attack dog on a chain ism of Jason/Elle gets almost immediately flipped whenever she really gets going- she is NOT ANYONE'S moral center, actually. Just a heart.
"I love you×10000000" flower arrangements- a name which is making me laugh, thank you- is a couple things. For one thing, Jason is a dramatic bitch in almost every possible way. He's also. DEEP deep deep deep deep down, got just a lil childhood shyness leftover that he covers with immense bravado and/or being an asshole. This has synthesized to make him a Gestures Guy. (see: knives, guns, eye-wateringly expensive lipstick and what he's going to do when he actually figures out her real family situation). He's also, it cannot be unsaid, a massive fucking nerd.
OOOO! Timeloop, okay. A constant, which you might recall drives Lucien very lightly insane at the start, is that the Archeron sisters die or drown. Always. Fae or death. Early death timelines are bad for everyone involved, and usually end in Lucien's shared premature demise or Hybern winning the war. When Nesta has time, they get more interesting. Dead Rhys causes, across several lives: Feyre as high lady NC civil war, HL Morrigan, Illyrian breakaway, Elain throwing up her hands and taking over with Eris, and so many Feyre breakdowns. Loop 25 when they all die causes massive civil war (spring + autumn team up never to be repeated in quite the same way) and the destruction of night. Loop 27 (Cassian murders Lucien and Nesta, in turn, rips out of his heart) leaves Feyre in a life where she's bound by death promise to a man she's left. I like to imagine she goes back to Spring.
Affair fic Helion involvement is to be revealed, but the basics are that he needs an heir. Lucien agrees to actually be that heir (and help kill Beron) in exchange for any help to save Nesta, a thing he does not totally understand a heartbroken Helion would have given to him for free.
So, in effloresce the human lands have much more complicated/normal governments, cities, populations ect. In almost every other story I tend to go with canon...which seems to be that it's a giant mess? Humans don't get to have religion or history, (equality for anyone but their...hereditary matrilineal monarchy?????), and all their queens rule...together? and are now missing and or/evil/presumed dead after the war? I like to think this triggers greater regional independence and societal change, but yeah. It's bad after the war. It has to be absolute chaos in the ruins beneath the wall.
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kayarai · 1 day
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kayarai · 2 days
Honestly, I love the idea of a vampire who only drinks blood taken from blood banks and hospitals, because it so beautifully encompasses someone who's more concerned with the vibes of something than the actual impact of it.
Drinking from someone on the street, barring some other condition they may have, isn't likely to kill them unless you gorge yourself. Taking blood packs? There's always a shortage of blood, and having even less of it runs the very real risk of getting someone killed in a way that is wholly out of your control once you've sipped on that blood. Someone you can't assure the innocence or guilt of, if you're the type of person who cares about that.
Despite that, in popular stuff, I often see discussions of drinking from a blood bank being somehow better or preferable, and yeah. No. The only thing it does is make you feel better while doing more harm, because of that degree of removal. You're effectively drinking blood from someone on the cusp of hypovolemic shock, but since it's not straight from the tap, some people seem to think it's better.
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kayarai · 2 days
This song is going to be stuck in my head for a week and it’s all your fault
he could've just named the horse. seems like they weren't doing a whole lot in that desert. he had time
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kayarai · 2 days
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Happy Halloween!! Eat lots of candy and stuff!!!
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kayarai · 2 days
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kayarai · 2 days
I'm a big fan of wizards-as-programmers, but I think it's so much better when you lean into programming tropes.
A spell the wizard uses to light the group's campfire has an error somewhere in its depths, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. The wizard spends a lot of his time trying to track down the exact conditions that cause the failure.
The wizard is attempting to create a new spell that marries two older spells together, but while they were both written within the context of Zephyrus the Starweaver's foundational work, they each used a slightly different version, and untangling the collisions make a short project take months of work.
The wizard has grown too comfortable reusing old spells, and in particular, his teleportation spell keeps finding its components rearranged and remixed, its parts copied into a dozen different places in the spellbook. This is overall not actually a problem per se, but the party's rogue grows a bit concerned when the wizard's "drying spell" seems to just be a special case of teleportation where you teleport five feet to the left and leave the wetness behind.
A wizard is constantly fiddling with his spells, making minor tweaks and changes, getting them easier to cast, with better effects, adding bells and whistles. The "shelter for the night" spell includes a tea kettle that brings itself to a boil at dawn, which the wizard is inordinately pleased with. He reports on efficiency improvements to the indifference of anyone listening.
A different wizard immediately forgets all details of his spells after he's written them. He could not begin to tell you how any of it works, at least not without sitting down for a few hours or days to figure out how he set things up. The point is that it works, and once it does, the wizard can safely stop thinking about it.
Wizards enjoy each other's company, but you must be circumspect about spellwork. Having another wizard look through your spellbook makes you aware of every minor flaw, and you might not be able to answer questions about why a spell was written in a certain way, if you remember at all.
Wizards all have their own preferences as far as which scripts they write in, the formatting of their spellbook, its dimensions and material quality, and of course which famous wizards they've taken the most foundational knowledge from. The enlightened view is that all approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but this has never stopped anyone from getting into a protracted argument.
Sometimes a wizard will sit down with an ancient tome attempting to find answers to a complicated problem, and finally find someone from across time who was trying to do the same thing, only for the final note to be "nevermind, fixed it".
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kayarai · 3 days
Let us all thank fuck that I let the dog nag me into taking him out because number four was on the grass outside.
He did immediately try to eat it again.
The Gods of cursed me for my hubris. I was too pleased with myself that I'd been managing the dog's stomach problems well.
I've spent the last hour cleaning up dog puke.
I just finished cleaning up the first puke puddle when I find the second. I'd sat back down for like five minutes after cleaning that one up and we get puke number three.
Let's all thank fuck that I'm a horrific night owl and was already awake and didn't get woken up by the dog puking. Or worse, started my day by finding three puddles of dog puke that'd been sitting around for several hours.
Why'd he have to throw up on the carpet? Why not on the wood or tile? Why'd he have to do it twice on MY BEDROOM FLOOR?
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kayarai · 3 days
The Gods of cursed me for my hubris. I was too pleased with myself that I'd been managing the dog's stomach problems well.
I've spent the last hour cleaning up dog puke.
I just finished cleaning up the first puke puddle when I find the second. I'd sat back down for like five minutes after cleaning that one up and we get puke number three.
Let's all thank fuck that I'm a horrific night owl and was already awake and didn't get woken up by the dog puking. Or worse, started my day by finding three puddles of dog puke that'd been sitting around for several hours.
Why'd he have to throw up on the carpet? Why not on the wood or tile? Why'd he have to do it twice on MY BEDROOM FLOOR?
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kayarai · 3 days
SUPPOSEDLY the lawn mowing guy is going to do his job tomorrow(today).
I'll believe it when I see it.
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kayarai · 3 days
[OPENS FRIDGE, REMOVES TUPPERWARE CONTAINER LABELLED "Pomegranates from land of dead do not eat"]
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kayarai · 3 days
plaese do you have pics of the wolfbulls
they were from a pair of surrendered wolves intended to be used for illegal breeding and the female arrived pregnant but when she had puppies they were like wtf these are lab puppies???? and later they found out she had been around the owners pit bull.
theyre from Mission Wolf in colorado
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this is batman
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this is another one. his sister i think?
its so crazy how they look so doglike but just ever so slightly scarier and unsettling
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kayarai · 3 days
no offense but if i exit out of a program that program should close. none of that running in the background shit.
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