kaykenobi · 6 years
Self Care Week
Hey so this week I’m gonna try and do some self care stuff and I’m gonna try and post about my progress so that I remember to stay on track. Here’s some little things I wanna do each day:
Sunday: go on an adventure!!!
Monday: stop procrastinating on three things 
Tuesday: eat three healthy meals
Wednesday: have a movie night with tea and some kind of baked goods and a blanket and pyjamas and no makeup and just be comfortable and not stressed 
Thursday: go for a run, or if it’s rainy, at least get outside for a quick walk 
Friday: actually talk to someone about feelings/issues 
Saturday: do a mini makeover– shower, wash hair, wash face, shave, etc. then fully blow dry and brush hair and try a new hair style, a different make up look, an extra nice outfit even though I’m not going out anywhere, nail polish, maybe a foot scrub or a facial or something, basically just some home spa stuff and getting dressed up or whatever 
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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kaykenobi · 6 years
I love galavant so much you don't even know
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Galavant + breaking the fourth wall » Season 2 [part 1]
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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i’m the person they tell you not to become
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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Art by  @iguanamouth
This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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kaykenobi · 6 years
small self care guide
get out of bed
make your bed
tidy up your room
open the windows and let some fresh air in
brush your teeth
wash your face and apply a facemask
brush your hair and put it up (or however you feel most comfortable)
drink a glass of water and fill a bottle up for the rest of the day (then refill If emptied)
eat some fruit or veggies
cut your nails
do some breathing exercises
make a list of things you want/need to do
actually do them
you are worthy of love and I hope you have a wonderful day
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kaykenobi · 6 years
Me: i love books! I love them so much! I am such a bookworm!
Friend: cool! How many did you read this year?
Me: OK, so here’s the thing
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kaykenobi · 6 years
fanon hux: and then hux stoically lit a cigarette and was a Cool Intellectual and not a hokey screamy guy
canon hux:
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kaykenobi · 6 years
Watching TLJ, and:
Rey: I know this place (referring to the tree).
Luke: Built a thousand generations ago, to keep these (the original Jedi texts).
Last Shot: “Han had no idea how a two-year-old could have such ancient eyes. It was as if Ben had been waiting around for a millennium to show up at just this moment in history.”
I’m not saying Rey and Kylo might be old as f*ck, but they might be old as f*ck.
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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Hi y'all!!
I’m Eli! Though on here I go by Gum or Gumrose.  I’m a 20 year old trans girl in college who’s in the process of medically transitioning (a frustratingly expensive process) and I’m hoping to have bottom surgery and a small amount of FFS (facial feminization surgery) by the time I graduate.  Both of these surgeries are medical necessities which will greatly reduce my dysphoria, and would allow me to be able to go through the world without being harassed, questioned, and having my identity invalidated.  
Bottom surgery specifically would allow me to change my gender marker on my ID (so it says I’m a girl) which would make my life a hell of a lot easier.  Additionally I wouldnt be nearly as afraid of going into public bathrooms or other women-only spaces, and would reduce a large portion of my dysphoria that often times is so severe I can’t leave the house.
FFS helps in similar ways - at the moment I can’t leave the house without makeup without the world seeing me as a boy, it’s a frustrating and painful experience, as well as one which defines where I can and can’t go. (no beaches, I have to pay close attention in case any place that I’m looking to go to might not be trans-friendly, public transit, etc.)   On a more personal note it’s hard to look in the mirror and see someone looking back at you who you can’t recognize.
I need your help
I’m a college student without the means to pay for these surgeries on my own, and unfortunately my family are also unable to help financially, (though they are loving and supportive) so anything you could give would be a literal and figurative lifesaver.  
If you’re unable to donate (believe me I understand) please share and spread this as widely as you can, that also is a huge help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. regardless of whether or not you can help, it means the world to me that people are taking time to listen to my story. Thank you for the love and support from the bottom of my heart, this means so much to me and my love is with all of you
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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**cries in bisexual**
Source (X)
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kaykenobi · 6 years
I wore my spiked jacket out to town and a young mum with her 4 year old son complimented me on it. She then turned towards her son and said “that’s how mummy used to dress, before she was opressed by THE MAN” I love that woman
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kaykenobi · 6 years
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Harrison Ford talking about Carrie Fisher at Mark Hamill’s Walk of Fame Ceremony
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kaykenobi · 6 years
This post is being ████ by your Internet service provider.
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We put up a good fight…but now we only have 60 days to turn this around. There is still ONE thing we can all do!!!!! 
There’s something called the Congressional Review Act (CRA) that can be used to stop the FCC. We just need ONE MORE VOTE to win the Senate!!! 
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For those who missed my last giant post a few months ago, last year, the FCC voted to repeal the Obama regulations designed to protect a fair and open internet. If these regulations are knocked down, providers like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon will have EVERY RIGHT to slow down internet speeds to those who aren’t on their more expensive plans. Even further, they have the power to censor and regulate what we see online.  MORE  further, they’d even have the power to slow down competitors’ streaming speeds, like Netflix, to make their own services more appealing. THIS SHIT IS NOT RIGHT!!!!! 
First thing you can do is to GET OFF YOUR ASS (OR ON IT IF YOU’RE AT A COMPUTER…) and take 20 seconds to sign this!!!! Second thing is to SHARE THIS CAMPAIGN WITH EVERYONE!!!
SIGN THIS!!!! https://www.battleforthenet.com/onemorevote/
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There’s going to be a huge protest on Feb 27th that I’ll be taking part in. The above link goes into detail on what YOU can do on that day. Please guys. Don’t just sit there and let this happen. THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE! THIS IS OUR INTERNET!!!! NOW FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!!
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kaykenobi · 6 years
Though I am a person who thinks the force bond is temporarily closed from Ep 8 to Ep 9, I think it would be way more interesting if it was intact in that time gap (whatever it is) and we start 9 thinking it’s been broken, but later when Rey has a moment alone Kylo’s just Force there eating soup being like “So, how was your day” and you find out they have this dumb secret from their respective sides of the war. 
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kaykenobi · 6 years
just in case you need to be reminded
dont check up on your ex partner
dont check up on your ex friend
dont do it
it is not productive
you are better than that
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