kayleehopkins · 3 years
Hearing the door bell jingle, Kaylee looked over and shot Callum a small smile. “Hey, morning.” There was no hint of her usual enthusiasm in her voice. “Do you want this cake that I baked?” Kaylee put it on the counter. “I was going to take it up to the Academy but I can’t bring myself to go up.” ​
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Kaylee had been hiding behind one of the stalls when the draping was ripped back, causing her in jump in fright. “Oh my god! You scared me to death!” She reached out and pulled Viv down so they couldn’t be found. “It’s better if we stayed here for a little longer.” It sounded like carnage out there. @acadxmiia​
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Things were going so well, everyone was having fun, Kaylee was having fun! For the first time in a while, she allowed herself to laugh at stupid things, just smile and relax. She caught up with Devon about two hours into the fair opening. “Hey Dev.” Kaylee waved with a smile to match. “How nice is this? I can’t choose what to do first.” @devonhale​
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
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“oh…” in the back of her mind the same wish lingered. to not go to the academy. it wasn’t giving her anything. the person she was supposed to protect didn’t need her or her protection. she had little to no friends due to leaving the academy 10 years ago. she was basically just partying and sleeping around, which she could easily do in the outside world. numbing the pain was the same here and out of acadia. she pushed those thoughts away from, the last wishes of her grandparents heavy on her conscience. how dare she think of herself when she had their legacy to protect. she snapped back to reality, looking up at the girl. “huh? me? yes. of course. i’m fine.” she smirked, quickly putting that well-known facade on. “i had this guy on my mind, you know how it goes.” acting shallow. great. amazing. “i’m selena, by the way. let’s grab some coffee, it’s the least i can do after running into you…quite literally. i didn’t hurt you, right?” 
“uh sure.” Kaylee isn’t sure what that meant but she could go for a coffee. “You didn’t hurt me, I promise. I’m made of tough stuff.” She smiled and led the way to the coffee shop. “Oh! I’m Kaylee, it’s nice to meet you, Selena. Are you a student up at the academy?” 
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
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Devon remembered all those years ago when Kaylee had to leave due to her father’s sickness. She wished Kaylee could’ve returned to Acadia to continue her studies, but Devon could understand that family was more important. But she still wondered if Kaylee wished she could be there. “In all honesty, I never expected I’d be a professor. That wasn’t the plan, though perhaps there hadn’t been much of a plan to begin with,” she explained, laughing softly. “But after I returned to Melbourne for a few years after I graduated, I realized how much I missed Lennox. So… here I am.”
“Oh! How is the shop, dear?” She inquired in wonder, looking thoughtful as she nodded. “I’ve been meaning to stop by.” She tended to spend more time at the academy than around town itself, for work usually was the priority. 
Kaylee nodded, letting Devon speak. “Well that still sounds wonderful.” She commented. “Some times no plan is the best plan.” She shot her a smile and put her hands behind her back, looking back at the view until Devon spoke again.
“The shop has been fine, I’m now stocking for our newer residents so they don’t left out.” She explained. “I’m still learning what they need and researching but so far, so good.” Kaylee shook her head. “It’s busy up at the school so don’t worry. I always send some yummy things up there once a week.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Nodding his head, indeed it was for his ward. “She’s a professor of defensive magic.” he stated as he watched the other carefully. It wasn’t that Milo did not trust, but he didn’t know much about spells, he didn’t want Josephine to be in harms way because of him. As soon as she picked up the necklace, his gaze immediately fell on it, the crystal a beautiful color. “I’ll take that one.” he stated before his attention was back on the other.
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“Oh, Josie? You must be Milo.” Kaylee’s smile only brightened more. “Josie and I are old friends from when I attended the academy.” She explained then handed Milo the necklace. “I’ll have to crack open a spell book but if you meet me back at the counter, I’ll get it enchanted.” She left him to it, heading back over to the counter where she pulled one of her books from under it and flipped to the page she had marked. 
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
“Kaylee,” Ophelia greeted with a soft smile as she walked into Pestle and Mortar, closing the door behind her. She had known the magician as long as she lived here, so the friendship came naturally, especially when she had to stop by to pick up supplies for school. “Hi. I wanted to give you these.” The banshee revealed a small bouquet of wildflowers, arranged nicely in a jar. “I picked them from my yard. I’m kind of getting overwhelmed with poppy’s.” 
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“Hey Ophelia.” She greeted with a smile before finishing unpacking the box she had at her feet and stood back to admire the display, not bad for a summery one, right? Her attention then went back to Ophelia when she offered the flowers. “Oh! Look at these, they’re beautiful, thank you.” She gratefully took them from her. “They’re just what my display is missing, don’t you think? You should bring more poppies with you next time, I will be able to use their seeds in baking.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Callum wasnt really in a rush but when he collided with a familar face, he shook his head while collecting the rest of his stuff. “Oh, Kaylee. Hey. No, no. I’m fine. Just on my way to the station. Late for work, again.” He told her with a shrug. “Where you off too?” He asked. “I hope you’re being careful around here now that shit has gone ceiling level.” 
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She bent down to help him pick it up with a small sigh of frustration at herself. “Again? You got to stop sleeping through your alarms.” Kaylee handed him the last of what had been knocked to the ground. “When is shit never ceiling level in there?” She nodded her head towards the Academy. “I was actually on my way to get some coffee before I opened up.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
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With all of the events that came in storms, it was nice to take time away from the academy itself. A step back, a breath of fresh air. Sometimes it felt like Acadia was being suffocated by unknown forces. Since it was the weekend, Devon didn’t have to go into work. She opted for a short walk around town, taking in the beauty that was Lennox. Despite the recent pandemonium, it was still a lovely town. Devon glanced over to where she could see the academy being like a looming shadow. She also noticed the person standing nearby, but wasn’t expecting them to turn around so quickly.
The bump came but Devon gave a reassuring smile, shaking her head. “No, it’s quite alright–” She cut herself off when she realized who it was. “Oh, Kaylee! It’s so nice to see you, love,” she greeted the other magician. While Kaylee only attended Acadia for a few years, Devon had a few classes with her and while they hadn’t seen much of each other, the blonde still considered her a friend. “How are you?”
Kaylee smiled when she realised who it was. “Devon, wow... hi! Look at you.” She gestured to her. “Lovely as ever.” She complimented then laughed a little. “I’m okay thanks, just taking in the old view here.” Kaylee turned back to look at the Academy. “Hear you’re a Professor now, that’s so weird, everyone I knew beyond those gates now work there. Funny how life works out that way huh?”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
“Anything in the form of a crystal, or necklace?” he stated, not so much for her to give her to drink. Something that could keep her from worrying too much. Maybe something enchanted? he wasn’t exactly sure. Magic was something new to him “Perhaps ..” he paused looking at the shelves “something that can keep one at ease, not to be worried.” he could feel a headache coming on. He couldn’t even describe what he wanted or looking for. “Any other options?”
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“A necklace huh? Is this for your Ward? You can tell me about them and I can make something bespoke with an enchantment on it.” Kaylee had a look at another shelf and grabbed one of the necklaces off there, holding it out to him. “How’s this? The crystal will put them at ease but a spell upon it will relax them.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
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selena was out. running. again. for the fourth time in the last 24 hours. it was the only way to chase the dreadful thoughts. honestly, she wasn’t prepared for her grandparents’ deaths. she truly wasn’t. and it was getting harder and harder for her to focus on anything else but training, because the other option was grief. and selena wasn’t ready for that just yet. just as she was making a final cut through the woods, taking a left turn towards the gates of acadia. she was looking down at her watch when she bumped into someone. the bump itself was nothing serious. she removed her headphones from her ears, finally stopping to take a breath. “it’s fine…um, i ran into you. are you okay?” she questioned, unsure what exactly the girl was. and what was she doing in front of acadia. “do you go to the academy…or?”
“Oh no, I don’t any more.” she shook her head. “It’s just nice to look at it some times and reflect.” Kaylee explained with a shrug. “Are you sure you’re okay? You came at me pretty fast then and we didn’t see each other.” She asked with her voice full of concern. 
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Maverick had been sitting in the out skirts of the academy’s grounds, taking his time to mark his classes latest assignment. Most of the students had done quite poorly and the thought of having to reiterate the teachings they had already been through annoyed him dearly. “Ugh…” He groaned softly to himself as he marked another paper with a overly large red ‘F’ before he decided quickly that he’d had enough. He pushed the rest of the assignments into his shoulder bag and rose to his feet. Maverick stretched slightly, suddenly feeling the need for a giant coffee. He swiftly made his way towards to the exit of the grounds and without even realizing it, ran straight into someone standing on the side walk. The collision hadn’t affected Maverick in the slightly, her smaller frame against his muscular form had her bouncing off him in a far more aggressive manner. Maverick stretched an arm out to steady the other, a frown creasing across his brow. “I’m perfectly fine, darlin’.” He gestured to her with the hand he quickly removed from her shoulder, “Can you say the same?” His cockney accent enveloping every syllable. 
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“Thanks.” Kaylee had grabbed his arm when he reached out to steady herself so let him go with a sheepish chuckle. “I’m okay thank you.” She smiled up at him. “There’s an accent we don’t hear that often around here. Are you a Professor up at the Academy?” She gestured to it. “I’m Kaylee. I own Pestle and Mortar here in town.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
Raising a brow at her comment, not that he cared for a fanbase, which in his opinion was rather odd. Walking over to where the other was standing. “Anything for relaxation, something that brings calm.”
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“Oh, well I have plenty of things that contain lavender.” She got off the stool and went around the other side of the counter so that she could show him what she meant. “Used right, they can aid in a restful sleep or just use a tiny bit to relax.” Kaylee took a spray bottle and held it out for him to take a look at. “If you need extra strength, it’s at the top of the shelf.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
“Okay, fresh coffee and scones.” She set it all down on the table in front of Ovi with a smile. “What are you showing me today?” Kaylee moved to sit down next to him on the sofa, scanning the books that he had brought over. “Sorry we can’t do this in the library, I have to keep an eye on my dad today.” She gave him a sheepish look. “But here’s fine for now.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
“Morning.” Ginny replied, smiling back at the other. “Hi, do you have the latest bread out of the oven here yet?” She asked, genuinely curious.
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Kaylee smiled when Ginny asked about the bread. “Are you from the Academy?” She got off the stool she had been sat on and vanished behind the curtain. A few moments later, she came out with the loaf of bread all wrapped up and ready. “This is a poppy seed and wye. I’ve been experimenting.”
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
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“I’m sure Milo might be willing to help with that, I’ll ask him. I can too.” She loved how enthusiastic Kaylee was, considering that she too had been interested in their magic. Josie was simply fascinated by it all. “I haven’t met many of the fae yet, but I’ve interacted with some of the other dragons and the banshees. They all seem lovely.” 
The other woman was right, it made her heart sing as she watched the parents doing everything they could. The magical world could be overwhelming and if she could be of any help to them, she would do all she could. “Isn’t it? We know better than anyone.. magic can be quite the daunting prospect.” At the mention of gossip and her romantic life, she felt a soft blush taint her cheeks. “You know me, perpetually single. I’ve certainly tried putting myself out there again without much success. All anyone can talk about these days are the wards. How about you?”
“That’ll be nice if you did, I need all the help I can get. I did ask my dad but he’s been getting mixed up recently so he’s not sure.” She explained. “Who would’ve thought it? Dragons, Fae and Banshee’s in town.” Kaylee shook her head some, it was amazing how quickly things were changing. 
“That’s okay, if happens, it happens and if it doesn’t then that’s okay too.” She gave her friends hand a pat. “I’ve been too busy here to put myself out there.” Kaylee shrugged.
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kayleehopkins · 3 years
The Academy loomed over this part of town so Kaylee had stopped to take a look, see if anything had changed, it didn’t look any different. Some times she tried to muster up the courage to walk through the gates but never quite made it over the threshold. With a small sigh, she turned to walk away but suddenly found herself running into someone. “Oh my god.. I am so so sorry.” Kaylee was aware of herself enough to know that a bump could go wrong. “Are you okay?” @acadiahqstarters​
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