kaymanapurge · 4 years
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Kay has been reminded of her strength time and time again. Her fears are not a weakness. 
(Art by Ian Brewer: https://www.artstation.com/legionbrewer )
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kaymanapurge · 4 years
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After entering The Maw to rescue Kal, Kay spent the following week or so kept awake by nightmares. She would be forced awake and compelled to draw page after page of horrifying images. She wept, not for herself, but for all the souls sent and lost there. The souls that did not belong. The souls that did not deserve this.
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kaymanapurge · 4 years
A glimmer of sunlight caught the sleeping elf's eyelids. They fluttered open slowly. Those deep golden eyes scanned the bedroom for anything out of place. Maybe it was a dream. She brought her hands up to rub her eyes before gently sliding them down her cheeks. A quiet thud filled the silence as her arm hit the otherwise empty bed. She slid to the edge of the mattress and softly landed her bare feet to the floor. The curtains peeled back with a flick of her fingertips. The sun could be seen, surely that was a good sign. Grunting of a wrestling cinder pup and snow cub interrupted the stillness of the room. Kay let out a soft chuckle watching them. Then four steps to the window. Though the sun shone where she was, as her eyes gazed to the north a quick vision of a torn sky and the horrors within it flashed before her. A gasp escaped her. It lasted but a few seconds before returning to normal. Her hand covered her mouth as she realized that the darkness that rolled in the day prior was very much real and was a sign of something terrible. 
A bright flash was seen in the corner of her eye. The pets ceased their playing and stared at Kay's bag. A soft whimper escaped Logi while Winterspring's ears dropped as she sat quietly. Kandrenis dropped her hand from her face to her chest as it felt heavy. She slowly walked toward and grabbed her bag off of the hook on their door. Reaching her hand in, she initially recoiled upon touching the frigid item. It was never that cold. A second attempt, successful in pulling out Kalastus's phylactery. Kay's heart sank as the usual icy blue glow of the entrusted relic faded into a dull gray, barely a dim flicker remaining. 
The wood boards below her feet darkened where her tears fell. She clenched her teeth tightly to hold back more as she tucked the phylactery back into her bag. Her hands gestured a quick head to toe motion. She then stood in her full battle mage gear and threw up the hood of her cloak, casting a deep shadow over her face. Giving a few snaps as commands to Logi she silently left the bedroom. Once downstairs, Kay began casting a portal. This one took much more focus than the city portals that she used almost daily. This took the additional channeling needed to scry for a being who, simply put, did not like being seen by just anyone. A little more… and there. She had it. She stepped into the portal, relieved that it worked.
"Kandrenis. This had better be an emergency. I was clear that that tweaked trick of yours was to be used in the event you or myself were in immediate danger." He stated matter of factly while slowly looking up from the scrolls on his large mahogany desk. His boney hands gently pressed into the wood at each side of the parchment he was studying. He rose to his feet, though it was hard to tell. Finally he tilted his head upward from the desk, dim yellow glowing eyes peered across his office. Kandrenis stood where the portal had faded upon her arrival, head down and hands clenched into trembling fists. 
"Oh dear." He silently took note of her particular garb. “Are you here to kill me?” The undead muttered curiously.
"WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF PHYLACTERIES AND HOW DO I FIND HIM?!" Kandrenis burst into tears yelling out. Her voice was steeped in fear and she could no longer hold back from crying. Her balled up fists managed to keep embers from spreading around the room, but the flames grew hot and bright around her hands. 
"Are we fighting a lich or finding a person?" 
"He's not okay.. I do.. I do not know where he is!!" Her voice quivered, barely able to form anything coherent. She dug the phylactery out of her bag and presented it to Deadwalker, tears rolling down her cheeks freely.
"Wonderful, we are halfway done. Give it here" he paused momentarily, realizing the mage across his office was still crying and standing still. "No Kandrenis, you need to actually bring it here." His index finger tapped the desk with the resonance of bone tapping on wood.
Kay managed the few steps to the desk and placed the relic onto it. "I.. I cannot lose another.." she barely could say those words. 
Deadwalker reached out his robed arm, his skeletal hand gently patted Kay's arm. "It will be okay" were his words of comfort,  more than he would offer many to be honest. Deadwalker then began to burn runes into the wooden desk. He made quick work of creating a summoning circle and placing the phylactery in the center. "Say his name"
Kandrenis took a deep breath, collecting herself finally. "Kalastus Plaguebane"
They both watched carefully, Kay with her breath held. The room remained still. Both elf and undead looked on with anticipation, but to no avail. The warlock dropped his hands to the side and Kay exhaled. "Well, his mortal coil is not among the land of the living. Fel, I suppose the remainder of my research will be done in practicum."
“Not among.. Research? Practicum?” Kandrenis was completely dumbfounded by Deadwalker’s statements. “What do you mean he is not among the land of the living?”
“Ms. Manapurge, what do you know of the Shadowlands?” he asked as he turned to the wall behind him, on which his battle robes hung neatly on ornate hooks carved from bone. Kay shook her head before speaking. “Not much. I honestly did not put much thought into what I actually believe happens after death.”
Deadwalker rolled up the parchments from his desk and tucked them away into pockets deep within his robes as he put them on. “We have no time to dawdle. I shall fill you in as we make haste. But first, a portal to Northrend - quickly.”
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kaymanapurge · 4 years
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A calm after the storm. Kal has brought Kay much peace and acceptance.  (Art by Crimsonea: https://www.instagram.com/crimsonea/?hl=en )
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kaymanapurge · 4 years
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After quite some time and with the help of friends, distractions, work, and a partner who helped her pick up her broken pieces; Kay began to put back the light in her eyes.  A final breath of closure was gained the day Kalastus accompanied her to Crystalsong Forest to scatter Paschar’s ashes. She burned the box the Horde had placed his remains into. Through tears she threw the remaining metal clasp from the box into the snow.
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kaymanapurge · 4 years
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Bit of a time lapse here after being away OOC.  Kay struggled desperately with the loss of her husband Paschar. He lost his life during the War of the Thorns while fighting at Darkshore. She spent a long time holding on to the pain, anger, frustration, and sadness.
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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She had the pleasure of tattooing this on @monorri-liabelore which was so wonderfully designed and drawn by the client herself. ❤️
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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Kay really wants to tattoo this on someone. Any takers??!
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
“I’m taking you out tonight dear. Go upstairs and get ready, there’s a surprise on the bed for you.” Paschar gently kissed Kay’s forehead and tapped her rear to usher her up the stairs. When she opened the bedroom door she found a gorgeous embersilk gown, the one she’d had her eye on for quite some time, draped carefully I’m the bed. Next to it was a pair of black heels and a black, fur shawl. Kandrenis nearly squeaked with excitement as she quickly undressed and began to get ready for the evening.
Paschar turned to face the staircase as he heard Kay’s first step onto the stairs. He quietly smiled and awaited her embrace. “Thank you so much Paschar” Kandrenis exclaimed as she hugged and kissed him and then spun around before him.
“You look radiant my love” he was able to admit now that she was closer. She blushed a bright red and kissed his cheek.
“What do I need the Shawl for? It’s quite nice in Silvermoon this evening.” Kandrenis questioned him curiously.
“Oh that, you’ll need that for after dinner. For now, let’s go eat.” He stated with a devilish smirk on his face.
Dinner would be a lovely evening in Silvermoon. However, after dinner Paschar asked Kandrenis to create a portal to Northrend. “See, you’ll need the shawl.” he chuckled. She reluctantly summoned a portal to Northrend, as she was not a fan of the cold. Paschar took her hand and led Kandrenis through the portal. They made their way to the Crystalsong Forest, where Kay walked in disbelief at such a breathtaking sight.
“This place is second most beautiful thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing” Paschar took her hands as they arrived at a large, astounding crystalline tree in the center of the woods. He dropped to one knee and for a moment all they could hear was an almost singing tone coming from the crystal branches of the tree. “Will you continue to make me the happiest man on Azeroth for the rest of our lives?” he proposed as he pulled out a small black box with a precious sparkling ruby ring.
Kandrenis gasped as Paschar proposed. She began to tear up as she threw her arms around him. “Yes, yes!” was all she could mutter before the elf was reduced to an emotional mess in his arms. Paschar held her tightly and fit the ring onto her finger. “Red suits you my dear” he’d state with a smile before pulling her in for a long kiss.
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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Kay's outfit for @eversongensemble 's Sweetheart Soiree tonight! 7pm server time! Come get your next tattoo! 😘
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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Flash page. **I do not own any of these, they were all results of a google search**
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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~Some of her art~
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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Ah!! A friend drew this for me! Here’s her tumblr link: 
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kaymanapurge · 7 years
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Tattoo Kay did on her left arm.
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