kayriah6 · 1 year
The sorceress’s guards threw you roughly back into your cell, and had the door locked by the time you picked yourself up.
“Leave us,” she commanded, and they did.
She waited a long moment, the silence creating a vacuum, drawing your attention in. “So,” she finally began, “you’ve been quite the complication, my little… What was that title you’d chosen for yourself, again? Rogue, wasn’t it? How droll. Escaped a locked cell somehow, evaded my sentries, and apparently, let’s see… shimmied up the mana forge’s ventilation shaft to the surface? My, my… a commendable effort at escape, all undone by a loose flagstone.” She let her gaze linger on your slender physique, full of judgment. “Often it is the littlest things that are our greatest inconveniences. Don’t you agree?”
She ignored your defiant rejoinders, unconcerned. She even looked away long enough to… if only you had something heavy you could throw! But the opportunity passed.
“Unfortunately, little rogue, I can’t have you leaving quite yet. Not before I figure out whether you’re a sneakthief, a spy, or just a foolish thrillseeker. And since you won’t talk… I’m just going to have to slow you down a bit.”
She inhaled slow and deep, then blew out a sinister violet mist. It was the first real magic you had seen her do, and it was done slowly, with no fanfare, just a casual ease. The heavy fog billowed in mesmerizing plumes, pooling at her feet in a restless cloud. It whorled and seethed like a hunting hound, anxious to be turned loose upon its prey. There seemed to be much, much more of it than should have fit in her lungs.
Then, at a gesture from her hand, the fog began to move into your cell, surging as a mass of dim, airy tendrils. You backed away, but it was too fast, and even eyeless it sensed your movements, spreading across the floor until it found you, leaving you nowhere to hide. You glimpsed the sorceress, smiling cruelly as she watched the clinging cloud gather its fumes and surge up between your thighs.
The sensation was completely unexpected, and you tripped and fell almost immediately, submerging yourself further into the violet mist. Warm and surprisingly dense, it forced its way past your clothing, entering you, roiling like a tempest inside. You could feel yourself swelling to contain it, could hear your leather armor creaking over your bloated belly as it grew. In a daze, you hastened off the straps to free your enchanted flesh. You could feel your hips spreading against the rough stone of the cell floor, so cold against the new softness of your plush ass. The feeling continued. Still growing? You screamed, but the sorceress only laughed.
When it was finally over, your clothes and armor were in tatters, half-discarded. Your body was as large as any full-term pregnancy you’d ever seen, and your chest had swollen up, fat tits that sat heavily on top of your tight, full belly. Each thigh was easily as large as your slender waist had once been, but now both plump legs flared up to an ass that spread obscenely across the cell floor, wobbling when you moved. The evil mist had gone, all vanished up inside of you, overfilling you, making you into this bloated… thing.
“I’ll have some new clothes brought down to you,” the sorceress said. You had been exploring your new vastness; you had almost forgotten for a moment that she was there. “It’s no use trying to escape again; you’ll never fit through that route a second time.”
True to her word, the sorceress sent clothing, delivered by some twisted, blind creature in her service. Vast, sheer nightgowns, loose over your huge body, that still clung somehow to your caricature curves. You tried to refuse them out of stubborn spite, but the dungeon was cold. Each daring neckline plunged deeper than the last.
You continued listening for the movements of the guards, testing possible routes of escape when you weren’t being monitored, but as the sorceress had said, you were much too big to fit through the same gaps in the bars you had used to escape the first time. You couldn’t even fit a tentative thigh past the opening, big as you now were. Your swollen body had made you a true prisoner in this cell for the first time, and in your attempts to test your confinement, you couldn’t avoid the feeling that you were being watched. Was it paranoia, or did the sorceress watch your escape attempts from a distance, with some spell? Blushing with shame and feeling quite foolish, you withdrew from the bars, sitting down heavily upon the cot.
Your rations had changed, too. Pastries and roasted meats replaced the previous thin gruel. You had meant to refuse them, not sure whether they were meant as mockery or as some trap, enchanted to make you even bigger. But you had not accounted for your body’s new appetite, and found yourself driven to eat ravenously, heedless of your suspicions. Nothing, you learned, could sate your hunger for long.
In the dim half-light, you schemed of escape and revenge, for a while. As hope faded, it became harder to focus on traps and trickery. Increasingly, you found your hands rubbing your enormous belly, acting all on their own.
She woke you up with a too-cheerful “good morning!”, even though you had no way to tell the time of day from your windowless cell. You turned over on your cot, sitting up with effort, feeling clumsy and huge. Your fingers closed around a shard of tile you had kept hidden, sharpening it to a killing edge these last several days. With the other hand, you gathered what dignity you could, adjusting your ridiculous nightgown over your fat breasts, but your broad, dark nipples showed through the gauzy fabric nevertheless.
“How’s my little rogue today?” Her voice dripped poison. “Sleepy, are we? How have your escape attempts been going, dear thing?” She moved closer, standing over your cot, looming. She was conventionally beautiful, pleasantly curvaceous, hourglassish. You felt your eyes lingering. Perhaps it was jealously. When you first infiltrated her keep, your trim frame would have made her look plush and voluptuous by comparison. Now, even towering over you, letting the hallway torch drape her shadow over you on your cot, your heart panged at her tiny slimness.
“… No answer? No witty comebacks this time? You’re absolutely no fun.” She grasped your chin, turning your face to look up at hears, framed perfectly by her fashionably proportioned breasts and tasteful cleavage. You were again conscious of the weight of your bloated tits, and you felt your face flush in shame. “Stand up,” she commanded, “I want to have a look at you.” Slowly, cautiously, you heaved yourself to your feet.
Slowly, she walked a circle around you, letting you wait, letting you feel her hard gaze exploring your new roundness, your new weight. “I see you’ve been enjoying the finest my kitchens can offer,” she ventured, but you refused to take the bait. You adjusted your hold on the sharpened tile concealed in your hand, waiting for your opportunity, when she spoke abruptly: “You won’t.”
You felt a flush of heat, deep inside you, felt your plump thighs tremble with urgent need. “My silly little rogue… Do you have any idea how loud your thoughts are? But you’d never actually mar such an exquisite body as mine. You’re literally incapable.” You felt your fingers slacken, dropping your makeshift weapon to the floor, heard the tinkle of shattering ceramic. “Besides….” Here she moved in behind you with predatory swiftness, pressing against your back. One hand reached around you, lifting your right breast off of its resting place atop your gravidness, while her soft breath whispered hot into your ear. “… If you’re going to be uncooperative… I can always make you even bigger. Is that what you want?”
No, you stammered. Please, no. Not any bigger.
The little wisp of violet fog she exhaled by your left ear sank in the cold air, rolling down your collarbone. Time slowed to a crawl as you stood, stock-still, watching that evil curl of smoke drift down the slope of your chest, down over your fat breast, playfully descending the ripe dome of your belly until it was out of sight. Was it going to enter you, this time? It was such a tiny wisp; how much bigger would it make you?
You shook in terrible anticipation for a small eternity.
Gradually you realized you weren’t growing.
Gradually you became aware of the soft scrape of her exquisite fingernails on your swollen breast.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, sagging back into the sorceress’s embrace. Her body felt perfectly soft against your back. Welcoming. You realized your magically-induced lust was not diminishing. Quite the contrary.
“You poor creature,” she mocked, now reaching both hands around your enormous belly. Her fingertips didn’t touch. You were stuck with the sudden thought that the garments she provided were much too big for you, even in your current state.
“My little rogue, you look so uncomfortable!” You felt her breath, hot against the back of your next, and you could help but squirm in her embrace, pressing your enormous ass into her as her hands crept lower toward your needy sex. More and more of the violet smoke wreathed you both, teasing and threatening.
“Pray let me help you relax, little rogue, and when you’re sated, you shall tell me how long you’ve been a spy for the marquis….”
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kayriah6 · 2 years
today's daydream:
What if I had a magical cock, so that every thrust made my partner a tiny bit more pregnant? You might not even notice the effects of one pump, but it would all add up, wouldn't it?
How big would you let me make you, this way?
And once we were done and I withdrew, leaving you so huge and ripe... how much would it take for me to get inside you again?
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kayriah6 · 2 years
Just a baby factory
WARNING : This story contains dark themes such as captivity, master/slave relationship, mind break and extreme pregnancy.
She was basically an immobile baby factory. No woman should have such enormous mammaries and massive rack, let alone be so ridiculously pregnant. Her breasts bouced on top of her fecund mass and her fattened thighs were constantly rubbing against each other at every movements.
With such a fertile body, how could her captor resist her appeal ? He had to kidnap her of course, and turn her into his breeding bitch.
To be fair, he didn't expect it to be that easy. After only one dose of aphrodisiac and fertility drugs, she was already done for. Perhaps he had gone a little too far. The girl became drunk on hormones before even her first pregnancy, so it was no wonders he managed to break her will only one breeding session. There was no way she could escape her now, not after the treatment she gave her. The pregnant girl was too far gone, too far broken from the overflowing pleasure that nourished her body during the entirety of her pregnancy. Her condition left her completely moronic, she was nothing more than a broodslut, a cow, a vessel used to carry more and more of her master's babies. She didn't care about her dangerous condition. She couldn't even comprehend the limits she was being pushed through with this pregnancy.
The pregnant girl's womb looked like it was about to burst with babies. Teeming with life, her baby bump was filled with veins and stretch marks that went from her sides to her belly button. This wasn't her first litter though. In her first pregnancy she carried quintuplets, in her second octuplets and in her third a whopping total of 12 babies, making her not only break the world record of the largest amount of babies birthed, but also the heaviest pregnancy ever carried. And right now, she would break this record again. She was more than ripe, pregnant with a litter of 18 overdue babies that were more than 9 pounds each. Her fertile mound had grown so large and wide it looked like she was carrying a full grown adult inside of her. She was resting on her enormous baby boulder that rested on the mattress, her feet leaving the floor, leaving her completely stuck on top of her massive fecundity. Because of her weight, she needed her captor's help to do anything. Eating, go to the bathroom, showering... and satisfying her sexual urges. Because of the treatments and regimen she received from her master, the pregnant slave was put under a constant horny state. She needed to orgasm at least twice a day, and desperately needed to feel her womb getting filled with her rapist's cum. She didn't care about anything else at all, her mind barely able to process her other needs. She had been turned into nothing more than cattle, her life resuming in : eating, sleeping, having sex. Every day.
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Right after she gives birth to this litter, her impregnator plans to breed her again. He loved breeding her little pet. He loved feeling his baby factory getting bigger and fuller of life each day. The man tried his best to make her as big as possible by increasing her fertility drug's doses, giving her excess growth and calories supplement for her babies to grow big and large...
"M-Master....~ need...~ to cum...~"
The lust filled girl was in a orgasming haze, barely able to pronounce full sentences as her mind and body kept trying to process what was happening with her extreme pregnancy. The poor girl had received so many drugs that her modified body became a huge mess barely able to fonction on its own. She was in a critical condition : her immense belly was full to bursting with babies begging to be born, however she was feeling such intense pleasure that the sensation of pain was completely dillued. As for her body, despite being pushed to the extreme limits, it had become so ridiculously fertile that it could not fight against the effects of the drugs, forcing her belly to get bigger, even though it already struggled to handle this dangerous pregnancy naturally. Her captor knew he was going too far. But still, he wanted to see how far he could push the limits of his little breeder. That's why he kept doing everything he could to keep his pet's body healthy while putting it under more and more treatments, pushing the limits of her little girl every day.
"Alright my little cow, you've been doing so good lately ! You deserve a little treat...~"
"Hurrayyyy !~"
The abducted girl giggled happily and opened her mouth. Her master gave her one of her favorite treat, a special pill she only gave on certain occasions when she did well carrying his babies. Immediately, the pregnant girl's head started spinning as her brain suddenly experienced a strong wave of pleasure.
"Ooooooh...~ yeeeeeessshhhh !~"
The cow felt her pussy lips getting hotter, juices gushing from her nethers. The overly pregnant girl stared at her captor with intense lust, her pupils dilated and she started begging.
"Pleeeeash.... I need... your cuuuuuum...~ I want more, more, moooore babiiiiies...~"
"Ooooow, you know I can't resist you when you're acting like this...~"
The rapist approached his little cow from behind. Her plump asscheeks, which grew immensely her pregnancy, were barely contained by the thin cow bikini costume she was wearing. They were more like a thong right now, the fabric pressing tightly against her moist folds.
"Oooh, no wonder you're even hornier... look at this... it seems I'll have to bring you a larger cow costume ! You've become so much bigger everywhere, even your tits are showing through your bra... don't worry my dear, I'll free you from this painful pleasure...~"
Her captor pulled out the girl's panties, drown with her juices, before groping her massive mammaries from behind. The cow girl squealed in pleasure, her oversensitive breasts spraying milk from the rough stimulation. Her mammaries have grown enormous too, each tit as big as her own head, and they didn't seem to have grown to their full sizes yet. The captor pulled off the cow's bra, messed with the white liquid, leaving the girl completely naked.
"Now... get ready...~"
The male pulled off his pants, showing his huge erection. The pregnant girl was breathing heavily in anticipation. Her entire body shivered as she felt the tip of her master's cock rub against her folds. The pregnant girl moaned loudly, her legs shaking uncontrollably from the male's teasing. Then, after a few seconds and without any warning, the captor inserted his cock inside of his cow slut.
The expecting girl screamed at the top of her lungs as she immediately experienced a strong orgasm. Her body was struck by a wave of heat, followed by violent kickings of her numerous babies, startled by their mother's sudden scream. As the pregnant cow came, a strong flow of milk came out of her two oversized breasts, messing the bed and herself. The male breeder let his little cock warmer a few seconds to recover from her orgasm before moving his cock in a slow, constant rythm.
"Hmmmm, yes, that's it... fuck, despite being so pregnant you're still so tight around my cock !"
"Aaaaah !~ M-Mas- OOOOH !~"
Between the the drugs, the strong wave of emotions and the feeling of her oversensitive vagina getting pounded, the girl's mind was stuck in a never ending loop of pleasure. The sensations were too much for her damaged brain. Right now, she was nothing more than a sex doll, barely moving, barely talking, only moaning like a bitch in heat.
"Aaaah...!~ yeeees...!~ Mooooore... more cum...! More babiiiiies... pregnancy... need b-birth... and breed... again and again, again, again, again !~"
The master's thrusts became faster and stronger. His little slut knew how to please him. She was shaking her hips in rythm with him, begging to get more his dangerous seed filling her insides. It was as if she was begging for her own destruction. This was too erotic for the impregnator who could feel his orgasm approaching fast. He pounded his pregnant slut in loud wet slaps that made her overblown breasts and asscheeks jiggle. The pregnant girl's brain was frying from the pleasure as she could feel every part of her body being stimulated at the same time. Her pussy contracted around her master's cock, who was pushing more and more against her cervix. After a few more poundings, the master went one thrust too far. Going balls deep inside of his cow, the male's cock forcefully penetrated her slave's cervix, entering her babies' room.
"I'm cumming !"
The male groaned and finally orgasmed inside of his pet. The expecting girl could feel her womb burning up as it filled with his semen. Her oversensitive body couldn't handle it anymore and she orgasmed together with her master.
The slave's voice shrieked as she squirted again and again on her master's cock, her body getting struck with consecutive orgasms. Her entire body was shaking, struggling to handle the absurd amount of pleasure. Her mind was going blank and her eyes rolled up to her head while she smiled crazily, her entire being getting consumed by her own lust.
A loud wet sound came from behind her. Her master pulled her cock out of her pussy. The pregnant girl could feel a large wetness flowing down her crotch. Her water had broken. Barely realising it, the lust-drunk girl's started pushing, reacting instinctively. She didn't even have the time to recover from her orgasm. Her babies were moving down fast, she was having them NOW. Her master gave her spasming belly a loud slap. He was proud of his little cow girl. He couldn't wait to put another litter inside of her.
"Hurry up and give birth to them. I want to put the next batch inside of you tonight."
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kayriah6 · 3 years
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Susan had always wanted a big family. She told you as much on your first date. She said she wanted a man that would keep her knocked up and she refused any type of birth control. That night you slept together, not just because you were already falling for her, but because you wanted that too. She conceived that night.
Eighteen months later she was waddling down the aisle with twins in her belly. Your first set of twins in strollers next to you, barely 11 months old. The elastic on her wedding dress should have won awards she was so big. But, she wanted more.
You held off the honeymoon until she had delivered and was ready to conceive again. Both of you knew what was going to happen that weekend. Susan would leave the beach with your babies in her belly; neither of you expected how successful you would be.
To surprise you, Susan started taking fertility drugs daily. Unbeknownst to her however, you were putting it in her food, her lotions, all around her as well. By the time of your getaway, Susan was flooded with fertility treatments and was as fertile as she could be.
By the time you bedded her, Susan was drowning in eggs and fertility. She walked in the bedroom, you on the bed and her in a teddy, with her cheeks already flushed. She was dripping at just the sight of you. When she reached down and pulled out your enlarged member she started to moan uncontrollably. Her increased excitement could mean only one thing; she was getting super knocked up that night.
As your cock parted her lips, she quaked in orgasm. You continued to fuck her until your balls were full.
“Fuck me full!” she cried as she stared at you with her big green eyes. “Make me huge! Fill me with you babies! I want to carry a litter!”
With that, you unleashed a torrent of seed into her. You laid on top of her panting as rope after rope of potent seed went in to her hungry womb. You fell asleep beside her after placing a pillow under her hips. Both of you well aware that your load knocked her up.
For the next two weeks you barely left the hotel room. You both lounged around in barely any clothes taking every opportunity to breed her. When it was time to go home, you were both surprised and thrilled to find that her jeans wouldn’t button. She flew home next to you in sweatpants with the faintest hint of a belly already showing.
By six months along she could barely stand. She smiled happily as she showed off the nine babies you put in her that night. She huffed as she pulled her shirt up for her monthly pictures.
“Well, you did me good babe! Next month you’ll have to prop me up, I won’t be able to stand on my own in the next few days! I guess this is my fault though, I knew how potent you are and I had to beg you to make me huge. I’ll just have to get bigger pants for the next go around!”
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kayriah6 · 4 years
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She was his trophy. Not only was she young, beautiful, and alternative, but she was also more than willing to have his children. She grew to enormous sizes, each month bringing a tantalizing amount of new skin for him to explore. Never one to shy away from her true nature, she adored him, letting the world know that she was his, and the children growing inside were his too. With only a few weeks left to go in this pregnancy, she already had her mind set on the next one. hoping to get ever larger for her prince.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
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kayriah6 · 4 years
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Honestly one of the hottest gif sets
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kayriah6 · 4 years
The Breeding Party
Contents: Rapid pregnancy, spouse sharing, gangbang, straight sex.
It was already agreed between Alice and her boyfriend that there would be a breeding party for her. What she didn’t expect is that as she came off her birth control her bf switched out her daily multivitamin with an extraordinarily potent fertility drug. She expected a few changes maybe as she weaned off her contraception, but as her breasts became tender and her womb ached for seed she thought she was going to go mad if she didn’t get mounted soon. It was then that her bf escorted all of his friends and a few neighbors into their little apartment.
She was waiting on the bed, her legs tied wide open at the ankles to the bed posts. Her hands were left free to hold her lover at his turn, pull him tight into her and caress his muscles as he humped and worked himself deep. As they all formed a line at her bedroom door, her bf sat in a chair by the bedside to watch and record what happened next. He had his way with her just before the rest arrived, giving his seed just the chance at being first, but he nearly shivered with excitement that he might not be the father of her brood.
The first man, his best friend, stepped up. Gently cooing to his girlfriend, her bf gestured for him to insert himself and begin the party. Some music was playing in the room, but not one person there cared what was playing, they noticed the convenient beat of the bass was in perfect time with their primal urges. She gasped as his head passed behind her lips and began to sink into her wet depths. He hissed a breath out and began pumping his hips. Slowly at first, but building in lustful intensity as his mind and his cock agreed on his purpose there. Reaching an arm behind the small of her back, he flexed and forcefully pulled her hips up to him, improving his angle. With her legs partially bent and open wide for all the guests to see, his cock drilled deep into her as rivulets of her pussy’s wetness ran down her thighs and across her ass.
As he went tense, his muscles bulging and breath deepening for the final push she began to feel herself climax. Wave after wave crashed against her womb as his cock throbbed and twitched within her. She felt a further twitch from deep inside of her, but it wasn’t from his cock, she realized. He was already pulling out and the next man stepping up as a quiver went through her belly. Her hands reached down to caress her core. Maybe she pulled a muscle as she humped him back? Her hands found a firm mass in her lower abdomen. A look of surprise crossed her face just as contestant number two slid himself down and into her pussy.
“Stop!” she tried to cry out, but her voice was lost in a hoarse groan and whimper as pleasure overtook her again. This man knew how to rub his shaft just the right way across her clit as he slid in. Still tingling and hyper sensitive from her last orgasm, the renewed stimulus blurred her vision and made her wail with glee. Her hand still on her belly, she could just begin to feel what was happening. As her new mount began his primal dance inside of her, she felt her hand slowly raising, her other arm firmly around her lover’s shoulders coaxing him deeper. Between her gasping breaths and throbs of pleasure she couldn’t help it anymore and looked down at her belly. As she watched, wide-eyed, she could see her belly repeatedly rise with each breath under her hand, but it didn’t fall, even as she knew she heard herself moan and pant as she exhaled.
Her boyfriend’s grin was impossible to ignore as she snapped her head aside to look at him. His plan was working. The pills were working. And as he stroked his own cock to this fine scene playing out before him, he was in no mood to call off the festivities.
“It’s OK, my sweet,” he cooed. “This was expected. All of those multivitamins you took over the last month were actually an experimental fertility drug. Actually, it was provided by the very man who is about to fill you!”
Her head then snapped forward again and she finally had the strength of thought to look not at the wave of muscle contraction across his abdomen as he thrust, but concentrated on the man’s face. She immediately recognized her coworker! A pharmacy tech who was an extreme X-MEN fan and a fan of all things genetics who got transferred to the hospital’s R&D wing about six months ago. She remembers him raving like a lunatic at work that he had to deal with useless interns on a daily basis. How did her bf know him?! Normally he was a quiet guy, yet anything but quiet now as his head reared back in a primal growl, his contracting dick spewing like a hydrant against her cervix, sending her to climax yet again despite her shock. Her wails now grew as the seeding was observable in her belly. Her womb quivered again under her hand and she felt a heaviness grow inside of her. Yet again, her lump of a stomach began stretching out, pushing forward as her fingertips and nails dug in, attempting to grasp her abdomen.
With the second man retiring to the next room and the third man just kneeling down, she could clearly see that she was pregnant! Or something like pregnant. She cast a fearful glance back at her bf, who was smiling ear to ear.
“Perhaps I should explain further,” he sighed as he slid his fist down his own shaft again and again. “The drug works this way. It readies your body for being hyper-fertile. Not only is your womb and abdomen flooded with hormones to make you very good at making babies, but it causes your ovaries to launch a ripe egg every time you climax. Once that egg rockets down your Fallopian tubes it is imbued with more altered hormones that make a fertilized egg grow at many times normal speed. That first lump you felt was probably mine. The newest one was from your first mate and it will continue. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe. It also causes your belly to be more …elastic, for lack of a better word. No matter how many men fill you today, you won’t burst or anything. We can’t have you falling ill or being injured, my love.”
Alice’s head swam with this information. Shock was replaced with something else as the third man now moved off and the fourth greedily took his place. Both of her hands now found a place against her growing girth. She pressed down with her hands, making palm sized dimples in the sides of her belly as she began to moan and whimper with pleasure yet again. This man had a decent sized cock! Not that the others were small, but this one was thick. She could feel her vaginal walls stretching to accommodate this invasion. It felt as if he was pulling the lips of her loins wider than anything before. She was quivering her way to another orgasm even as he worked to seat his cock on the first thrust. As he buried himself to the hilt, her eyes rolled back and her hips bucked wildly against him as her womb accepted delivery of another egg.
This one was rougher. He glanced at her bf, who nodded. This man reached down and unhooked her ankle restraints. Just as she began to feel the relief of pressure off her ankles he forcibly flipped her over. She now straddled the bed on all fours. Her eyes flashed beneath her to watch her belly, now swaying with its increased girth and weight under her. Her suitor grasped a fist full of her ass in each hand and rammed his cock home, bellowing a victory grunt from his lungs as he did so. So hot from watching his predecessors have their way with her, he came rather quickly, spraying her pussy with his cock juice. The throbbing in her womb redoubled. This time it almost ached at the speed it grew.
“Ahh, twins this time!” her boyfriend gasped. “Apparently he made you cum twice, the lucky man!”
Her belly now swept the bed sheets below her as it swayed. The immensity of it boggled her mind. She looked full term with one child, but if her boyfriend was right, there were six children taking root within her! Her hands grasped madly at the sheets, taking white-knuckled fists of cloth as she braced herself and forced her slutty body back against her newcomer’s dick. He enjoyed her well, just like the others, and erupted his baby batter where it went to immediate work on her body in unison with the rest. Her cries and wails of pleasure now were not nervous or worried, but boisterous pleading, begging for more seed. She begged for her belly to be made fuller, she wasn’t big enough, she craved, no… NEEDED… more! Her voice threatened to shatter the windows with her primal frenzy.
She panted, moaned, cried and groaned with every passage of a cock across her clit or explosion of seed against her cervix. She now was balancing her weight on her belly and her knees, unable to reach the bed with her hands as she held them outstretched. The sixth stud took this as a request and snapped up her wrists in his hands, holding her arms behind her back and using them for leverage as he churned her depths and finally added his opal essence to the torrent already at work.
Finally, the line was exhausted. No more waited at her threshold to kneel behind her and give their offering to her womb. She looked around frantically, seeking the silhouette of the next man, finding nothing but empty room meeting her gaze. She looked at her boyfriend, pre-cum dripping down his cock in rivers now, his glazed over hands soaked in his own fluid. She couldn’t remember how to speak, her mind gone in her lust-filled craze. She whimpered and looked from his cock to behind her, attempting to give him the pleading message that she was not done.
“Alright, Princess. I guess I can oblige.” he whispered in her ear, taking a nibble of her lobe as he caressed her arched back and trailing his fingertips across her taught belly flesh. He gave a firm shove to her hips, rolling her onto her side. Her massive girth towered over the rest of her and her starry-eyed smile betrayed her complete and utter satisfaction with her state. Again he gave a shove against her, placing her back in her most receptive position, her legs bent beneath the horizon of her womb. He moved to her loins, slowly stroking his hands across her. He moved between her legs, out of her sight. He knelt and inspected her slit. Ruby red from all its abuse that evening, it glistened like a gem from all of her lube and cum that covered it. His finger found her clitoris and gently brushed aside the hood. Her cry of ecstasy was her only means of approval as her arms embraced her swollen abdomen and her nails left trails on her skin. He entered her romantically. Slowly burying his head beneath her folds and slowly sinking deep, lubed by the collective cum from all the party’s revelers. He sank deep and began to piston his way in and out of her. Ignoring her legs which begged to be forcibly held wide, he leaned forward instead and locked his hands atop hers, cradling her gargantuan stomach. Her belly gurgled and shifted beneath their touch as the intensity of his thrusts caused a wave of flesh to ripple across her body.
His moans were in time with hers. He could feel her pussy still tightening down, still trying to drink one more cock’s contents down to where instinct told it to. As her walls closed firmly around him, he could feel the pressure build. Finally, with her screaming in pleasure so intense it bordered on agony, his balls clenched and erupted. He hosed down her already bursting full womb with his white seed. She twitched and moaned emphatically as she tried in vain to move her body against his for just another moment. To coax just one more wave of pleasure through her sinful side.
He stepped back to admire the evening’s work. They had lost count of how many times she had cum, how many eggs her womb may have held victim to her invaders’ sperm. They both beamed with pride at the brood that she contained. “Octo-mom has nothing on us!” he boasted, caressing her belly.
“Now, you will still have to incubate this brood for some months before they are ready to face the world. I presume you don’t wish to be bored, but you can’t move around the house very well at all. I’ve already invited one friend to stay and help out around the house while I work and you …ripen. He will also see to your other needs and keep you feeling like a woman.”
Her mind slowly came back to her as she held herself. She had never in her life felt more like a woman. Never felt so loved, so fulfilled. She would happily carry this brood and care for them. They were hers. She showed her gleaming smile and continued to caress her still growing girth. It was going to be a very fun time as they continued to grow inside of her.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
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Will love to get you pregnant like her. Can we PM?
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kayriah6 · 4 years
Request 199.9
request for a story where women can be bred anywhere any time, starting from the day the turn 20 when they are tagged on their ears, & the tags are tied to their biology in a way that a green light turns on when they’re pregnant. most women don’t like it but they can be jailed for denying a man his “right to their bodies,” and for the duration of the pregnancy their bodies are practically owned by the man who knocked them up & they have no autonomy or free will.
Hi guys I’m anonymous, or “👅👅👅”, I’m a new writer on the block who was desperate for some requests to get filled. I might do some more depending on how this goes. I changed a few things very slightly but not much. Hope you enjoy!
The day before my 20th birthday was torture. I was the popular girl of the year. Not just because I was pretty or friends with absolutely everyone. No I was the popular girl of the year because of my stunning figure. So rich and fertile and perfect for child rearing. Every man on the street wanted me. But the tag on my ear with it’s red light has them steering clear. I’m off limits right now. Too damn young. So the day before, I’m buzzing. I’ve been dreaming of this day for so long. Most women hate the idea of that tag turning from red to yellow. “Fertile, free, and ready to fuck”. They hate the idea of having a day out and being pounced on by horny guys. Me however? I dreamed of it. I knew exactly what my hips told people, and I needed to know the feeling of being full with a man’s dick, cum and babies.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
I need to be forcibly impregnated. I know I’ll resist. I’ve spent my entire life in denial of my role as a fertile breeding female and would never be able to make the decision on my own. I need to be utterly dominated. I need to be stripped and forced down by someone or something that knows what’s best for me, and that what’s best for me is to accept my place and my role and to be bred and bear their children. I need to be held captive until there’s no chance of escape, until there’s no denying my massive swollen womb and the kicks of our baby moving inside me. Until I have no alternative but to submit to them completely as they use my pregnant body for their own pleasure until I am ready to be bred again.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
Wanting to have babies is the most attractive quality in a woman. A woman who wants to give into her urges and breed. Mmm I need to give in to my urges too. I want to be a daddy. I need it. All my instincts are telling me to breed right now. I don’t know how much longer I can resist. I want to be a daddy. I want to make babies. It keeps on getting stronger, I don’t think I can resist anymore. I don’t want to resist anymore.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
I imagine being forcefully impregnated against my will, controlled and restrained for weeks as you claim use of my body. Even though your baby is already growing inside me, you breed me over and over, massaging my huge breasts, rubbing my heavy, tremendously swollen belly. Soon I am so heavily pregnant that I am completely at your mercy. You force me to bear your child and condition me to my inevitable, natural role as a woman until I accept it and realize I’ve never wanted anything more than to be the mother of your children and the receptacle for your seed. And when I finally give birth to our baby I immediately beg you to impregnate me again.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
A Cow Was Born
He was the greatest thing that ever happened to her. Tall, handsome, and muscular, he was the most attentive, caring, and kind boyfriend she could imagine. It was their first-year anniversary, and his idea of celebrating it was some much-needed R&R at his family’s mountain retreat. It was a good 8-hour drive from the city, with clear skies and crisp, clean air. She couldn’t wait.
She decided to express her gratitude along the way by stroking and sucking his cock as he drove. With her petite stature, no other drivers could even see her head bobbing up and down. It made the whole thing go by a little faster, and her man was all the happier for it.
When they got to the property, she was taken aback by its size and its recent construction. It was gorgeous. That mountain home must have cost millions. She knew his family was rich but she never ventured to guess just how much. It dawned on her just how lucky she was to meet this man so early in college. He just one year her senior, always seemed to have a plan for the both of them.
“Here, give me your phone!” He said, smiling. “No disruptions from the outside world. This is our time, now.” She sent a quick text out to her friend and promptly handed her phone over, and watched her boyfriend turn it off and put it in his bag.
They walked in and took a quick shower. She wanted to fuck right then but he stopped her. “No, I have a little surprise waiting!” A surprise? She couldn’t wait. She finished up and went right after him with just her towel on.
He was just ahead of her, and she followed him downstairs into his bedroom. “Not here, hehe.” He opened a side door to a dark little hide-out. “You go first!” She complied. She took her third or fourth slow step in when she felt the needle in the back of her neck. “OWW!” She instinctively yelled out “WHAT ARE YOU-” was the only thing she managed to follow with as she felt the second needle enter her back, and another just above her ass. Her voice lost all coherence as her protestations devolved into indistinct moans and labored breaths.
Immediately, she felt her muscles give out, as he steadily forced her down onto a board. A fever engulfed her entire body as he clamped her feet to chains behind her. She started to sweat, and noticed her hands being locked into manacles. She felt every orifice in her body- her eyes tearing up, her mouth drooling, her vagina leaked, as he pushed his cock into her without a word.
In her abject terror, it felt like nothing ever did before. She noticed every fiber in her being stretch and rock and sway with his motions. Overheated and wet from sweating, she began to orgasm uncontrollably as he drove his dick as far into her as her body allowed. She could only let out more formless moans before he paused to explain his big surprise.
“I’ve been planning this for months, my love. Remember how we used to talk about having children some day?”
She moaned.
“Well, that’s all you will be doing now. I have enhanced your fertility so that you will ovulate three or four eggs at a time. I’m going to give you so many triplets, quadruplets… maybe even quintuplets if you are extra responsive to these drugs!”
Her breasts began to leak out drops of milk as she felt the fever change them too. He quickly attached powerful hydraulic suckers to each of her nipples. As he turned on the machine, it whirred silently as it began to pump out her milk into a clear container. It was some of the most intense pain she had ever experienced. She felt as if her breasts were about to burst with milk, and yet the pain was still somehow exciting.
She moaned loudly in half-protest and half-pleasure.
“Oh, don’t you worry about your birth control, honey. I replaced your pills with placebos a few months ago. You’re as fertile as you can be!”
It couldn’t be happening to her. What about her plans to finish school? And how would she be able to explain anything to her family?
She began to weep.
“Oh, baby, I thought this would be a happy surprise!” He quipped as he kept pumping her. “Don’t worry about everyone else. They’re no longer a part of your life. No one knows where this place is but me! You’ll be here as my darling brood mare and no one will interfere with that.”
What?! She was never going to leave?
“I’m going to keep you nice and pregnant in this house. I’ll feed you and take care of you. You’ll be safe here, my love!”
Her moans turned to screams.
He climaxed directly onto her swollen, undulating cervix.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
One day I want to be confined and milked and bred for so long that I’m reduced to a stupor, too dumb to even dream of protesting. All I’m capable of doing is bouncing happily on cock every time it’s shoved up my cunt. Im rendered completely docile, continuously pregnant, the subject of endless breeding experiments you’ve forced upon me one after another. My entire sense of self is completely gone. I’m a hole to be used and orgasmed inside as children grow in my belly and my breasts are pumped for their milk.
I hardly even react as I feel a pair of hands ease one of my massive swollen breasts out of its pumping sling, kneading and fondling it, and I happily, simply accept as an unfamiliar mouth wraps around my nipple and begins to suck. My body belongs to whoever you’ve granted its use that day.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
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This was her life now. She sat on the floor in her youngests’ room after gettting them to sleep to marvel at herself. She loved what she had become.
Years of getting continuously knocked up had changed her. She remembered back to being a skinny 18 year old cheerleader who had let her boyfriend convince her that condoms weren’t necessary; that inevitably led to her waddling across the graduation stage swollen with twins.
Being 19 and a mother of two didn’t stop her though. She loved being pregnant. She loved bedding a man knowing she was about to get knocked up and that his seed would make her change, grow, and waddle over the coming months.
Over the next 10 years she kept getting knocked up over and over again. Her body never disappointed her. She always got pregnant on the first try, and twins and triplets were common for her. Her body reacted to her new lifestyle perfectly. Her hips spread wide to accommodate her swollen belly, her tits remained fat and full ready to feed her offspring, and her belly remained stretched out ready to swell again.
As she admired herself in her kids’ mirror she couldn’t get enough of herself. Even six months swollen with quads, her body still looked amazing. Her belly quickly ballooned to carry her brood and clearly had plenty more room to grow.
She was made for this, and she wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
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kayriah6 · 4 years
220 - 4
220 - 4. Happily married couple with many young kiddies and babies (some are multiples and their age gap only a year apart from each other) and the mother keeps getting pregnant and handles the household all by herself. The father does love it to see his wife barefoot, naked and pregnant in their house everytime. Someone write about this please!
Bryan turned down the gravel driveway and pulled to a stop outside the large farm house with toys strung throughout the grass in front yard. He smiled as he heard a chorus of “Daddys home!” Coming from the children on the playset, who where now now running towards him. He got out of the truck and crouched down as 9 little bodies barreled into him. He loved on each one asking how their day went, before sending them back to play.
Bryan made his way inside the kitchen to find his infant and toddler snacking away on cheerios in their high chairs while his beautiful wife was preparing dinner, humming along to the radio, with their two month old suckling at her breast. The sight making his cock instantly hard. He loved seeing his wife being a mother just as much as he loved seeing her pregnant. 10 years of marriage and they’ve managed to make a dozen kids and don’t plan on stopping until Hannah can’t have anymore. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck, and pressing the bulge in his pants into Hannah’s ass. She giggled and spun around to kiss his lips.
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