kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: You don't have to do all of that for me. I'll figure it out on how to be happy but I'm working on it, baby.
MARLEY: Do you? I like you being a sap. It makes me happy.
MARLEY: We do. I know we do and I'm thankful for this wedding and you being off at least three of the days that I'm here. Being asleep when you get home and missing you isn't fun but waking up in your arms, it's everything. I hope that it will. I know it will.
PUCK: I just want to help, babe.
PUCK: I do. I've only ever been this way with you.
PUCK: I know. It sucks having to work while you're here, it's just hard to get a day off. I'm going to try to get a day off tomorrow and maybe we could go do stuff. Go to the beach and stuff.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I wouldn't ask you to do anything too much, baby.
MARLEY: That's what I was hoping that you would say. You don't know just how amazing you are.
MARLEY: Okay, just making sure. I actually leave on Monday. I'm sad that I do, though.
PUCK: I want you to see it and I don't care what it takes.
PUCK: I think I have an idea. You make me such a sap.
PUCK: It's okay. We've got days left with each other and because of the wedding I'm off all weekend and Friday. This thing will work, I promise.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I'm trying. I'm going to do everything that I can to make it better. I really will.
MARLEY: I mean, I hope I get more than honest from my handsome boyfriend but you know.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I'm just regular Marley, babe. Nothing fancy.
MARLEY: No more, I promise. I won't keep anything from you ever again. You can't keep anything from me either though, okay? You have to promise me that much, okay? I love you, too. I love you so much.
MARLEY: Do you? I can't wait.
PUCK: You have to stop doubting how amazing you are, baby.
PUCK: I promise, for this point on you'll get nothing but honestly from your handsome boyfriend ;).
PUCK: I'm going to try to get off work a little early if there's no calls.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I don't know about all of that with me.
MARLEY: I'm glad that you didn't, see. I'm good at keeping things under wraps without you finding out but I've always been good at this stuff. Of course I will be. I wouldn't pass up the chance to be yours again in a million years. Yes.
MARLEY: Even though, you better ask me again later. :P
PUCK: You still don't see how great you are?
PUCK: You've got away with keeping stuff from me until now but no more, okay? I want to know everything that goes through that brain of yours. I love you, you're so cute.
PUCK: Trust me, babe, I've got a plan.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: You are a catch whenever you have everything going right in your life, baby.
MARLEY: I would have probably punched you, to be completely honest with you and that's just because you would have found the side of me that hides things a lot and that would include your feelings. My feelings for you. I know that we do and I hate it but I don't want to go another second not being yours, either. I love you, Noah. I always have.
PUCK: I don't know about that, you on the other hand.
PUCK: I know you better than you think. Just not the whole you still having feelings for me. I didn't catch onto that one. I love you so much. I'm gonna ask you later in person but for now.. will you be my girlfriend, Marley Rose?
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Yet I interest someone who is as handsome as you are.
MARLEY: It's okay, I wouldn't have been angry. I mean, I might have been but just cause you waited so long. Um, I guess that's where we decide what we want to do for us. How we want to try to make sense of it or what steps to take together.
PUCK: I might be hot but I'm really not that much of a catch, babe.
PUCK: In true Marley fashion you would have been a little mad. Maybe even smacked me or punched me a little. We literally live thousands of miles away from each other but I don't think I want to live another second as you not being mine.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Is there any reason in particular you haven't or are you just not in a place where you wanted to? It's not a terrible reason, no.
MARLEY: You would have told me you were in love with me whenever there was a wedding going on? Because I would have had a problem and I would have fallen more in love with you. I would, too.
PUCK: I just hadn't found the girl that interests me.
PUCK: I just probably would have gotten that feeling that was like this now or never thing. I wouldn't do it to be an asshole. What now?
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Did you try to move on after me? Like besides Savannah? Have you tried to move on out here from me? Because I think there’s a reason I haven’t found someone else and I think that reason is you. I kinda feel like it is, too. I don’t hate that feeling either.
MARLEY: I know that you don’t talk about feelings and I wish that you would more often. That’s movies though and what if I had married someone else and you would have missed your chance with me? Us being together. Having a chance. I would. Would you?
PUCK: I’ve seen some people but I haven’t been in a relationship since her. It’s not a terrible reason or at least I think it’s not.
PUCK: I am now. Kinda at least. Then I would have gotten an invite and known and been the douchebag best friend that told you I was in love with you at the wrong time. I would.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I don’t know what it is about me that makes you want me but I like that you do, to be honest with you. You’re sure of yourself, aren’t you? That I would want you. Is it just us in every universe?
MARLEY: You still feel that way, too and that’s what is getting me because I didn’t think that you would. I would love to explore this more, honestly.
PUCK: I don't know what it is either, honestly. I am sure of myself because I know how I feel about you even after all these years. I'm pretty sure it is just us, somehow someway.
PUCK: You know I don't talk about my feelings. We graduated and went separate ways and in the movies college is the best experience ever so I wasn't going to say anything. You would?
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Again, younger you has a type but older me would be into you, too, probably but who knows.
MARLEY: I know it feels right, everything with you usually does for me. I mean. I did but I also missed you and that never went away. I thought that you only wanted to be friends with me.
PUCK: I have a type that is you. Something just draws me to you. You would be and the whole sneaking around thing would make it even hotter.
PUCK: I dated you first for a reason. I think I was only into Savannah for a physical attraction. With you it was just something else.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Our chemistry is something, I’ll tell you that first off.
MARLEY: I feel like my heart is about to pound out of my chest. What is making you tell me this now? I only ever wanted you to tell me this for so long and now you are. Like. You just told me what I would have lived for back in high school.
PUCK: Which means even younger me couldn’t resist older you.
PUCK: I don’t know. We were just talking and it felt right. I thought you liked me with Savannah back then?
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Alright, no specifics. I still don’t think it would work with you being my student.
MARLEY: You still love me? Why would you still love me? I mean, look at you. You could have any girl that you wanted and you want me still?
PUCK: I think our chemistry is undeniable in any situation we’re in.
PUCK: Yes, I still do. The feeling just never want away, I just buried it. If I wanted to be with other girls, I would be.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Are you sure? Not going there, that’s creepy. Listen.
MARLEY: I’m sorry, what now? You act like there are still feelings for me inside of you. I doubt that’s a thing anymore.
PUCK: I’m talking like high school me, we don’t need specifics to be perfect.
PUCK: You heard me. I’ve loved you since I was 17. That feeling won’t go away.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: I’m sure that you would but I work with kids so, no such luck for you. Not sure it would work anyways.
MARLEY: Is that so? We will see about that. We will see how good that charm is on me now days.
PUCK: Even little Puck was a good flirt. It could work.
PUCK: I don’t need charm on you. I know there’s still feelings for me in there somewhere.
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kaysmuarchive · 6 years
MARLEY: Yeah, that’s a good point. I should do school work. That’s fine though, I’m good with that.
PUCK: If I was in school and you were my teacher I’d flirt with you so hard.
PUCK: I’ll bring home dinner and wine and dine you Puckerman style.
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