kayzerflame · 8 years
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a clumsy team leader
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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My submission for @stardustcandyzine, a Pokemon Go fanzine! Pre-orders open up on August 3rd!
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kayzerflame · 8 years
Pokemon Black and White was a game like no other.
Throughout the story, there is constant clashing of morals and values, and some characters come to realize that the answer they have to a problem is no more right that the person they’re fighting against.
[To the Seven Sages] “I can empathize with some of what you say, but I can’t forgive the way you reject everything else!” ~Drayden
“It is the way of the universe to take from excess and fill emptiness. Taking Pokémon from people is restoring balance to nature!” ~Zinzolin
“Originally, Pokemon lived in the wild. So is it right to contain them like this?” ~The Ace Trainer
“You have two options. Challenge me to a fight you can’t win, or leave this place and watch the birth of a new world where Pokémon are free of people!” ~N
“Since I couldn’t become the hero and obtain the legendary Pokémon myself…I prepared someone for that purpose—N! He’s nothing more than a freak without a human heart.” ~Ghetsis
“Pokémon cannot speak. People may hurt Pokémon even more by imposing their selfish thoughts on them. But, no matter what, Pokémon and people believe in each other, need each other, and will continue to live together…” ~Drayden
“If the king of team plasma rules the world, battles will disappear, and disputes will end! Isn’t that a great vision?” ~a Team Plasma Grunt
A lot of them understand this in the end
[At Ghetsis] “HE is the one without a human heart!” ~Cheren
“Those who left Team Plasma and are behaving with respect and understanding toward Pokémon… Them, please forgive! However, those who won’t interact with Pokémon in a kind and honest way… Even I will never forgive them!” ~Bronius
“No matter how many battles I fight, I don’t know what strength is. Perhaps you can find the answer.” ~Brycen
“The legend of Unova is about Pokémon and people working together to build a new world! The message is that simple and that strong. If changing the world makes you a hero, anyone can become a hero. As each of us changes what is in our power to change, so the world itself changes.” ~Giallo
“Strength and strength alone is what matters in this world. So I believed, until I met Alder here [on Route 5]. But, winning in Pokémon battles isn’t all there is to life. Once I learned that lesson, my eyes were opened to many different things. We all have our own brand of strength, people and Pokémon both. The strength to make our dreams a reality, the strength to protect what we hold most dear… Why do I think this way now?” ~Cheren
“The longer my journey continued, the more unsure I became. All I kept meeting were Pokémon and people who communicated with one another and helped one another. That was why I needed to confirm my beliefs by battling with you. I wanted to confront you hero-to-hero. I needed that more than anything.” ~N
There’s symbolism hidden in almost every quote, even down to the most minute details
“This lighthouse shines with the light of freedom. Only authorized personnel may enter.” ~sign outside the Liberty Garden
“That room was the world that was provided to our lord N… I don’t feel anything, even when I go into the room… But you may feel something.” ~Shadow Triad
“‘Eyes brimming with dark flame, this man rejected everything other than himself in order to bring about one singular justice…’ That’s part of a novel I’m writing. I was inspired by the challenger who was just here, and somehow I got a little sad…“ ~Shauntal
Game Freak was working on generation five before HGSS, before Platinum. They wanted to make a Pokemon game that sent a message to fans, and made them think about the Pokemon world - and even ours - on a philosophical level. Unfortunately though, most people failed to notice the theme behind every word spoken in Black and White, to see the lesson taught in this masterpiece of a Pokemon game.
“We’re all different and we should do the things that we can do. There are as many truths and ideals as there are people and Pokémon.” ~Cheren
“Change your perspective– and the reality changes.” ~Child on Route 3
[To Bianca] “You know, there are many people in this world. There are people whose way of thinking may be completely different from yours. Sometimes, this means you may get hurt.” ~Elesa
“I couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t believe there were Pokémon that liked people. Because, up until that moment, I’d never known a Pokémon like that.” ~N
“N has been separated from people since he was young. He was brought up with Pokémon… Pokémon that were betrayed, mistreated, and hurt by bad people… Ghetsis deliberately brought only those poor Pokémon closer to N. N was touched by their plight, and started pursuing his ideal/truth, thinking only of Pokémon. N’s heart is pure and innocent. But there is nothing more beautiful or terrifying than innocence.” ~Concordia
If you’re one of those players who disliked generation five, go back and play now that you know what to look for. Go back and see that there is brutality in beauty, pain inside truth, difference within ideals, and that one simple question has many correct answers. Even something as simple as a Pokemon game has complexity.
Because when you face reality, nothing is ever truly Black and White.
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kayzerflame · 8 years
it’s worth the watch. pls watch n be aware
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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Pre-orders for #PokemonGO fanzine STARDUST + CANDY are now open! Place an order today to reserve a gorgeous 6″x9″ full-color book with 50+ pages of art and comics: https://stardustcandyzine.storenvy.com
Store will be open for 2 weeks ONLY. Shipping anywhere in the US is FREE!
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kayzerflame · 8 years
Draco Malfoy in the books
If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know…
Draco Malfoy personally made the Potter stinks buttons and nobody could fix them to say Harry was cool and shit, if they tried it would only make the insults worse
You wouldn’t know Draco Malfoy was always right behind Hermione in grades
You wouldn’t know Draco was seriously the most animated person at school and acted out everything. 
You wouldn’t know Draco got deeply offended when people didn’t laugh at his jokes
You wouldn’t know Draco created the Weasley is our King song, tune and all. (Probably in the shower or something because he’s such a weenie) 
You wouldn’t know Draco and Ron got into a fist fight in their first year
You wouldn’t know about the huge knock down drag out between Draco, Harry and the rest of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch team in their fifth year. (Harry  and Draco just fucking tackle each other and start whooping each others asses and it’s amazing.)
You would miss out on basically everything Draco says and does. He’s a walking gold mine and It’s upsetting the movies didn’t devote a few seconds for any of his shit (Azkaban did an okay job) 
You wouldn’t know about the Weasley is our king buttons he made in fifth year either
You wouldn’t know Draco didn’t actually try and fight a Hippogriff he was just petting him and offhandedly said that he was ugly. He didn’t sprint over to him, he actually did all the bowing and what not.
If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know that Draco is the most annoyingly smart and artistic little shit you’ve ever heard of. 
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kayzerflame · 8 years
Kitchen Nightmares UK version: "Mushrooms on toast is a simple dish. Just mushrooms on toast. Yours was actually pretty good, there was just a lot going on you probably didn't need."
Kitchen Nightmares US version: COMING UP NEXT ON KITCHEN NIGHTMARES *Ride of the Valkyries plays* *50 tracks of explosion sounds* CHEF RAMSAY DOESN'T liKE THE F00D??????!!!!!! *strobe like montage of Gordon Ramsay eating intercut with atomic bomb stock footage* "WHAT THE F%%% IS THIS F%&%ING GARBAGE????" *Chef throws plate* *shot is repeated 4 times* "UNF%%%ING BELIEVABLE" *SURROUND SOUND MACHINE GUN SOUNDS* *graphic of Gordon Ramsay literally throwing a knife at your face* *sound of shattering windows*
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kayzerflame · 8 years
I spent an hour messing with assholes on Pokemon Go today
I sat at the campus gym for like, half an hour whittling its prestige down so I could take it over, then just as I did, some random red dude sniped it from under me. So I healed up and cleared him out of there with a sound beating, but before I could get anyone in the gym, his buddy stuck a pokemon in there. It took some careful timing, but I eventually managed to stick a random flareon in there (I have so many flareon, guys. It’s a problem. I just want a jolteon or vaporeon. Either one would do. Just not another flareon, please)
So naturally, the guy starts fighting the flareon to take it out, but this time, I was ready. As soon as he wiped out the flareon and the gym turned grey, I struck. I stuck another flareon with the same nickname and nearly the same cp in there.
Cue “WTF is this piece of shit glitchy game doing?” reaction from the guy. "I beat it, why is that thing still there?“ Meanwhile, I healed up my first flareon, so when he tried again, I just stuck it back in the gym. After a few times, the timing got really easy. He beats flareon, I stick the other in, heal while he’s fighting, rinse and repeat.
I was just gonna let it go after a few repetitions, but then his buddy said “Maybe it’s that girl over there doing it?” and he replied “No, can’t be, girls suck at Pokemon.”
Bitch, it is on.
I kept it up for half an hour until he ran out of healing items and had to storm away frustrated that he couldn’t seem to capture this “glitchy” gym.
You wanna be a gym sniping asshole? Fine, I’ve got better things to do. You want to be a sexist dudebro asshole? I will destroy you and everything you love.
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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2 more days until pre-orders open for STARDUST + CANDY! The countdown is on!!!
Artists featured above: Vanessa Stefaniuk, Ewi, Nicole Fieger
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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kayzerflame · 8 years
Local anime dad™ needs irl pokeballs to catch all the bunnies in the park
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kayzerflame · 8 years
You are suddenly able to see numbers above people’s heads which are counting down and you have no idea why. One person you meet reaches 0 and…
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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pikkusisko pyysi eilen mua lukemaan sille iltasadun ja mulla ei oikeen pitäny pokka
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kayzerflame · 8 years
I feel like Legend of the Guardians is one of the most beautiful CGI movies out there, but nobody ever talks about it like they do Frozen or Wreck It Ralph or Rise of the Guardians. 
It’s so pretty tho
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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This comic is for you all whose English is a second language for you. <3
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kayzerflame · 8 years
brain: here's a good memory with someone who ended up really hurting you
me: why did you bring me this
brain: just because
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kayzerflame · 8 years
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Watch: John Oliver perfectly (and frighteningly) compares Donald Trump to a bed of nails.
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