kazred · 1 year
Best Game Of All time (Also best soundtrack for a video game of all time)
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kazred · 2 years
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Twitter AU where Prompto subs in for Gladio at an event because he has a personal emergency
Patreon | Ko-Fi
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kazred · 2 years
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just a cool guy with his cool tattoos 
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kazred · 3 years
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precious bub ♡ (trans cr. haruharu_w_bts) 
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kazred · 3 years
A Flirting Guide For Writers (And Real World Usage)
I reblogged a post a day or so ago, and the result (which made me sad) was mostly people saying that they feel they cannot flirt (and therefore cannot write it effectively). 
So I thought I’d share my own, admittedly limited, knowledge (under the guise of writing advice) so that you can all write kick-ass romance and show your feelings like the boss-ass-bitches you are! 
The Basics; Eye-Contact, Personal Space, Body Language
The thing about flirting is that most of it is non-verbal, and the world is split between those writers who find this part the easiest, and those who find it the most incomprehensible. 
The problem is that it’s all dependent on a fine, mostly unspoken, line which makes the interaction creepy if crossed. When writing a character who is trying to flirt with someone, or when trying to flirt with someone yourself, you need to keep three main things in mind; personal space, body language, and potential restriction. This is especially important for men. The problem is that this is mostly instinctual, and so it can be hard to write if you haven’t had time to develop the right skills yourself. 
Personal space
When trying to show that your character is flirting you need to make a note of them moving into the other person’s personal space but not too much. Consider this; someone leaning into your space just a little to speak to you versus someone being practically nose to nose with you. One catches your attention, the other is uncomfortable at best and intimidating at worst. The idea is to lean in enough to show interest and create a sense of intimacy, without becoming overbearing or threatening. As a rule, I find that I begin to feel uncomfortable if a man I’m not sure of gets closer than the distance it would take to perform a ballroom Waltz. 
To get an idea of how that looks, hold up your hand at arms length as if pushing someone away or pressing against a wall. Now slowly bend your elbow until the point sits just under your breast or pectoral muscle. 
That’s the maximum personal space invasion I allow from people I don’t know well. In my experience, this is common to many women, though others prefer more space. Likewise, in my experience, men I have met seemed perfectly comfortable with me being closer than even that, but I am small, relatively unthreatening, and we have to allow for the fact that we were in the position of viewing each other as romantic interests. Men may prefer more space from other men, or from individuals that they do not see in a romantic light already. This changes from person to person, and noting your characters preference is a good way to show what kind of person they are.
Another fundamental which relies on instinct subtlety; conventional wisdom says that you should make eye-contact in order to show interest. Actual wisdom will also tell you that too much becomes intense and a little creepy. If your character holds someone’s eye for too long its becomes fixative rather than flirtatious; it becomes staring. Depending on your character and their interest this can either read as obsessive, creepy, or aggressive. 
Flirtatious eye contact can take a few forms; 
1 - the “getting caught” method where a person looks at someone and quickly looks away again. When caught have your character (or yourself) look away quickly and then back, hold eye contact for a few moments and then acknowledge the other person. A smile, wink, or nod will suffice for this. 
2 - the “lash” method where someone, usually a woman, catches their crushes eye, looks down, and then back up from under the lashes. Also very effective when done by men with big eyelashes. 
3 - the “full cheese” method by which someone winks, grins, or wiggles their eyebrows. This is effective when used sparingly. 
If your character also touches the person they are flirting with lightly, this will build tension. The touch should be gentle, but obviously deliberate. Avoid possessive gestures like gripping or pulling, however. 
Body Language
When flirting, the body language of both people is important; your character should watch their crush for signs of interest and/or discomfort. 
Positive signs; leaning in, touching, playing with hair, smiling, licking or biting lips, tilting their head slightly, mirroring. 
Negative signs; leaning away, crossing arms, pursing lips, refusing to make eye-contact, raising their shoulders, crossing their legs away from the other person, frowning, clenching jaw, balling fists. 
This body language can apply to both characters in the scene. 
Advanced Techniques; Verbal Cues, Suggestions, And Other Senses
This is the shit I thrive on, as a writer you will probably feel the same way; I notice the sounds, smells, and textures of another person as well as what they say (in fact, when you read my work you’ll notice that the smell of any romantic lead is noted upon more than once). 
Verbal Cues
This is the thing that most people focus upon when it comes to discussions or attempts at flirtation. The verbal sparring that comes with flirting is what really gets our stomachs churning and our hearts pulsing… but why are some people so naturally good at it, while others are… less so? 
And why does some of the most vapid and run-of-the-mill stuff seem to work between the right people? 
Well, the sad news for your unlovely characters is that physical attraction makes us more likely to respond to even the most poorly constructed of verbal flirtation. Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so even the least pretty of characters could find themselves flirting up a storm with the right person. 
Verbal cues include; 
- Gentle teasing 
- Compliments
- Inside jokes
- Using someone’s name (yes, really)
- Asking questions and responding in a thoughtful way
- Sexual innuendo (when used tastefully and sparingly)
This is the easiest to miss or overshoot because it’s a combination of everything else we’ve already covered. For example, your character saying to a friend, 
“I’m just going to hop into the shower, talk soon.” 
Is not a suggestive statement. Now imagine your character flirting with someone on the phone before sighing and saying, 
“I’m going to take a shower… I’ll speak to you soon, ok?”
The difference is subtle but important; the second suggests that they don’t want to stop talking to the other person, that they definitely want to speak to them again as soon as possible, and subtly encourages the other person to consider them in the shower. You see? 
Easy to miss, easy to fudge. Suggestion is hard to pull off, and hard to write, but think of it this way - suggestion;
1) Encourages the other person to think of you/your character in an intimate way
2) Implies enjoyment in and desire for their presence
3) Is open-ended and encourages reciprocation
The Other Senses
This is not so much flirting, but the act of making your character/yourself as appealing as possible to another. Personal hygiene, a good fashion sense, and good manners are a part of this.
But - 
When writing about this you should not discuss it directly unless your character is making a conscious choice. Instead, focus on the character that yours is focussed upon. 
- How do they smell?
- What are the textures of their clothes?
- What manners do they affect?
- Does their voice have a texture?
- Do they touch your character a lot? 
- Do they note upon your characters smell or noticeably try to take in their smell? 
- Do they react noticeably to your character’s voice or mannerisms?
This is just a basic guide, of course, but if you get this down you’re in a good position to build romantic tension in every walk of life!
If you found this post useful and you want to help keep me writing, you can support me through Kofi!
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