kcshkin · 4 years
Open to: Vasiles Location: The manor “Don’t be shy.” Lev moves his arms, tied down at the elbow and wrist, and gets nowhere. The fuck is the point of these visits? Sick fucks just want to break him, and they won’t. “I don’t bite.” God, but he fucking would if they got close enough. Maybe if he can just get one of them to trust him, they’d undo these restraints and…
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“Turn down the drip.. can’t see straight. The fuck is in that thing, anyway? It’s too much.”
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“ i’m not doctor,  i don’t know how. ”    an already naturally confrontational irina found that part of eli’s message challenging to follow .  so much so that she wasn’t planning to pay her superior a visit at first .   she knew she had to tread lightly with lev ,   she just wasn’t certain on what TREAD LIGHTLY entailed.   she had to be nice to him ?  wasn’t the basis of their relationship the healthy back-and-forth insults ?    
“ but i will give it a look.   for you. ”     nevertheless,  a smile, a     ( forced customer service )    one as she examines the IV with a hum.    “ how are the drugs ,  do they make you feel high ? ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
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outfits I would kill to have [1/∞] ❤ Tokio’s party look (La casa de papel 1x06) also known as an excuse to gif Úrsula Corberó in all her beauty
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kcshkin · 4 years
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Birds of Prey (2020) dir. Cathy Yan
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kcshkin · 4 years
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Villanelle being a LITERAL child
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kcshkin · 4 years
this night was turning out to be a lot more of a crazy ordeal than he could have ever seen coming, which might have been pretty stupid of him. also an incredible feat considering what a pessimist he actually was. with the added factors of both josie and lev being hung up like puppets and the chaos breaking free all around them, fergus was barely keeping it together. now he was out on the deck, having already expelled half of his stomach into the sea. whether it was from what he had witnessed or motion sickness, he had no idea. he was just thankful he hadn’t eaten anything tonight. his head was on his arms as he rested them on the railings, wincing when footsteps approached behind him. he wasn’t sure he could fight anyone off right now. “can you not find someone else to bother?”
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          irina was usually more than capable of keeping cool under pressure. usually. but she finds herself itching to pull the trigger on a gun she grabbed from her holster. impatient. what may be sadness - an emotion she had been conditioned to stop feeling - transforming to anger. that thing was lev, yet not lev. like a fucking zombie. and she was more than certain her answer to solving this matter wouldn’t have gone over well with anyone else in the family, so keeping her distance from her superior was easy. managing to get herself to the deck, however, was anything but. “ fuck off.” the response was almost immediate, as if those words were begging to slip from her tongue; sliding her gun back to its original spot as she makes a closer approach. “ do not fuss at me. eli wanted us to stick together, no? what’s your problem, what are you doing? do i need to rub your back? ”   
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kcshkin · 4 years
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           EVENT LOOK :     Night at Sea
           ★   ✧    -     ❛             irina koshkin !
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kcshkin · 4 years
To my dear family,
We know that you’re struggling, but we have information in regards to Lev. You’re cordially invited to a luxurious night of drink and dance on the Queen’s Waters cruiseliner, docking at Navy Pier this June 29. This is a black tie event, and while weapons are unnecessary, you may carry on board should you suspect you’re followed. Keep this invitation & your ticket classified for the sake of unwanted stowaways; tonight is to celebrate our accomplishments in the war for Chicago and that our family will be complete once again. Dinner begins at 8 p.m., and don’t be late. We don’t have the patience.
пусть ваша война будет выиграна.
—Lada Vasile
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kcshkin · 4 years
Location: Vasile Manor Living Room
Open to: Vasiles and Affiliates
Her brother was missing and it was taking everything in Katerina to maintain some kind of composure. She had tried to keep herself busy, logging everyone moving in and out of the house and just always moving. Though that only lasted for so long and now she was going on almost 48 hours with no sleep. Which was enough that sitting on the couch for a moment was enough for her eyes to drift closed. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, eyes snapping open when she heard someone enter the room. “I really hope you’re in here to report some kind of change?”
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" no, but i am in here to report mimosas.”   as shown by the champagne glasses she’s shaking lightly between her fingers. maybe irina couldn’t make her friend’s brother appear, but she could mix up some killer cocktails. doing so helped her ignore how heavily lev’s absence sat on the vasile manor, it was gloomy.  even she found that she had underestimated how fond she was of the guy.  however she was aware that admitting that wouldn’t help kat in any way,  and she didn’t want that truth out there just in case he was still alive.    instead:  she offers a poorly, obviously rehearsed quote that she found on google.  “ it’s okay for you to be sad right now. i understand, i would feel the same way.”  air sucks through her teeth, extending a hand to offer up one of the champagne glasses.   “ you know if you want to talk about it or, i don’t know, get fucked up on tequila, we can. ”  she just prefers the tequila idea.
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kcshkin · 4 years
open starter // based // location: literally anywhere, she’s a civ so go crazy
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❝ Can a paring knife remove a human heart in under a minute? ❞    
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“ under a minute? ”   she hesitates for a moment, a bottle trapped between her lips while she considers the question.    then,   a shake of her head as she swallows down a gulp of beer.    “ no,  i don’t think, it will take longer.    but a tongue, probably.  gross but it looks like cutting a piece of cake. ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
open to: vasiles || location: vasile manor living room || eli
“Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to do an interview for this position.” 
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“If you’re unhappy with your placement, tell me now.”
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“ no, no,  not unhappy.   i will sit   and watch  and wait  for something to happen. ”    in spite of the pout.    “ can i be with you next time? ” 
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kcshkin · 4 years
You remember the festival?
Rahi shrugs. “Barely.” It’s a lie that matches Irina’s own – but not that either of them know that. If only he knew what she’d been up to. If only she knew every bomb that went off then had his name and brain behind it. What a conversation that would be. 
He eyes down her injury, curious eyes scouting every inch of the scar. Rahi smiles a little, then shakes his head. “I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t think heroes looked like you.” Then, waves a hand off, as if to rule out the subject before it even begins. “Yeah, it’s a compliment.” 
“Just do both. As a thank you for your service.” His conditions didn’t say anything about not being able to joke about it. “But I’ll choose your third.” 
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his compliment allows irina to tilt her head upward. although her qualities are quite opposite, she found herself to be very fond of feigning heroism.  her hands clap together excitedly when he confirms buying her drinks,   a kid in a candy store when she waves the bartender over to recite her order.
still, irina isn’t as good at lying as her job may entail - she had never found any use in fibs until she joined the vasiles. so while she would have gladly soaked up the praises she doesn’t deserve from deeming herself as heroic, it was best to stop the I saved lives story while she was ahead.
“ okay, what about you?   your scars? ”   she nods upwards right before her brown eyes begin examining him.    “ anything fun? snake bite? a lichtenberg figure like the one woman with saggy skin?   ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
The aftermath of the Gala was still at the back of Callie’s mind. Every time she closed her eyes, all she saw was everyone running and trying to get away from them. The blood that came from the bodies that were dropped. The fact that she put a steak knife through someones throat that had tried to bring her down and then continued moving. The fact that she let someone get away and didn’t want them to. Taking a deep breath, Callie leaned against the wall of the booth that she was in. The coffee shop was pretty much empty at this hour and it allowed the brunette to be able to clear her mind. Hearing the door open, Callie kept her eyes closed as she heard footsteps walking up to her. Sighing she opened then finally and looked blankly at the person in front of her. 
“Can I help you?” 
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callie’s question was ignored,  a roll of irina’s eyes being her only response until she sat down in front of her.    “  shut up, i wanted to hang out. ”  and considering the torpedo didn’t offer an invitation  - rude  -   she thought it best to zoom in on her location and show up anyway.  a coffee sounded appetizing enough.    “ why are you moody? ”    it sounded less like a genuine inquiry about her feelings and more like an attack, offended by her friend’s original greeting.  “ what, are you pissy you can’t support faust business anymore? ”    fucking genesis.  she breathes out a chuckle, the admission that she, too, had a tendency to stumble on enemy ground being hidden behind a head shake.   “ i mean it’s not a smart thing to tell anyone, you know? ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
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Why did they turn you in? Why did they have to tie you to a stretcher?
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kcshkin · 4 years
A quick run to the convenience store to satiate her craving for chips ends with Eevee seated on the ground of a dirty alleyway. There she tries to calm herself down from an impending panic attack that threatens to overtake her senses. It’s not him, she tries to remind herself, eyes shut to keep the tears from falling. It’s no use as a quick wipe across her cheeks is met with damp fingers. They’re dead. Oliver and Lenny had made sure of that. Familiar eyes of different shades still haunt the young woman and so when she’s caught the sight of a man staring at her the same way they stared at her, she couldn’t help but be reverted back to that night.
The sound of approaching footsteps has Eevee looking up, eyes wide and frightened. “Please don’t hurt me,” are the first words that leave her lips and she hates the feeling of being so weak. She’s stronger than this but under the circumstances, her mental health seems to get the better of her. “I’ll give you anything you want if you just leave me alone.”
open @crimsonstarters​
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if there’s anything that could ruin her buzz,   this is it.  irina was walking home tonight,  the keys of her car secured somewhere in her back pocket,   she felt like she was in enough dog houses to risk being pulled over with alcohol on her breath.   besides, it’s a shitty thing to do and she’s nothing if not responsible.   for tonight.   she was just about to turn the corner to get her own treats from a convenience store when, upon further examination in the allyway she was used to walking through, she sees a face she knows well.    eevee.   part two of finding her on the ground and coming to the fucking rescue.
her mother was a woman of many mysteries. a woman who felt sorrow that, at the time of living with her, her daughter could never understand.    sometimes a young irina would come home after school and see the woman balled up in a corner.  trembling, sobbing,  her breathing quickened.  and that young irina   not yet   too corrupted by the world, did all she could to help.     so excuse her if the bad-ass visage she tried to wear cracked a little when she saw eevee in such a familiar position.   she’s shushing her,  both out of frustration and to get her to quiet down long enough for irina to let her know she was safe.       “ it’s okay, it’s me, it’s irina. ”      chop this up as another   i owe you.   she’s on her knees now,  sharp rocks of the alleyway jabbing into the skin that protruded through ripped jeans  but  far too focused on eevee to consider comfort.    “ hey, it’s okay. ” her voice was soft,  a complete opposite of the vulgarity it’s so used to.  “ breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.  like this. ”   she demonstrates, breathing in deeply,  holding it,  then releasing it slowly.   repeating the process until, hopefully, eevee followed.
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kcshkin · 4 years
OPEN » @crimsonstarters​
Rahi muffles a grunt as he sits down at the bar, a hand pressing against his stomach. Gala aftermath or no, he did still manage to burst open the stitches from only a week before, and gotten them patched up back again — this time, by someone else. Something about the drugs he’s taking and blood running thinner (whatever), alcohol isn’t the best call for the night, but how else is one supposed to cope? To get over it? Rahi’d seen more than he’d hoped for, but so had everyone else; what happened that night wasn’t anarchy, it was much worse. At least in anarchy, the state answers for their own crimes, on the hands of those reckless enough to expose such atrocities. The gala — well, that was just a massacre, plain and simple. No humanity there. 
He orders a beer, to start. It’d soon become something stronger.
The person to his right bears an injury also, Rahi can tell from the corner of his eye. It seems as though almost everyone did. 
“I’ll buy you a drink,” he offers, all sat-back and amused, “if you tell me the story behind that.” His finger circles lazily in the air, until it aims at the other’s injury. Rahi waves his own bottle around as he talks, as though it serves for punctuation. “I mean, it’s the least we can get out of it, right? Shit night, freakin’ awesome story.” 
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it was a successful enough night for her.    a night celebrated with a shitload of room service and cocktails, and one irina is celebrating to this day.  she never had much of a talent for reading the room but the atmosphere as of late was evident for even her, so she hid her satisfaction as best as she could.    digits move from drumming themselves on top of the bar to grabbing at a warm bottle of beer.  piss-warm.   the kind that made her face wrinkle with each sip as she wondered why she even bought it,   so the stranger to her left came at a perfect time. 
his fingers gesture to four red dots, the result of having a fork impaled into her upper arm. unfortunately, admitting that it was  ( retaliation after opening fire at the charity event,  )   may not get her that free drink.   so she waves it off,  feigning it as a story so tragic she didn’t want to talk about it.  she could milk it up with watery eyes if she wanted but it would directly contradict the giddy temperament that soon made itself evident.    “  you want to see a cooler one? ”   irina has always had a taste for scars,   a kid who would peel back a bandaid just to pick at a scab.    she lifts her shirt to reveal the gunshot wound that was gifted to her at the music festival on her lower abdomen.     “ it hurt like a mother fuck, worse than childbirth i bet. ”    although frankly she didn’t have anything to base that theory off of.  “ you remember the festival? the one with shitty music? i got shot helping people out. ”   man,  what a lie.  but she really wanted that free drink.  “ anyway i’ll take a mojito, yes?   and then maybe later a cosmopolitan? i can’t decide. ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
Oliver leaned back in his chair as he stared at the plate in front of him incredulously. The gruel a pig is fed had more food than the single lettuce and pickle on his plate. His nostrils flared with his increased agitation at the gala. The only thing that grounds him is he had to be there. He had no choice but to grin & bear it. Dark eyes moved across the table and he found them on the other stranger at the table. A female he hadn’t known before. He pondered slightly how to tell the Russians at the table, and then he finally settled on the reveal. The Vasiles left many scars on his body, but two were the most easily exposed. Oliver removes his gloves one slowly followed by the other. Skepticism illuminated from his gaze as it honed in on Irina. “Don’t believe we’ve met.” Oliver murmured in a cold tone, as the scars that belonged to stigmata were prominent on his hands.
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her fingers spend more time methodically playing with the silverware on the table than her lips do drinking the champagne.  alert,  at all times.     she still can’t help but think about how easy it would be to shove a fork into the socket of the faust's eye; perhaps her own life would be at risk after the sudden attack but, god, what a rush.    however rules, no matter how dull, had to be obeyed.   playing nice,  impatient legs bouncing up and down,    waiting.        and it's not like she was on edge,  but oliver's movement from her peripherals caught her eye.   and  then the reveal of his hands  -   it was rude to stare.   her mom's voice echoed in her head,  she could feel a sting on her own hand as if being hit by a ruler just for looking for so long.   howbeit,  it was beautiful to see.    one day, her arrogance will be the death of her.   a smirk, tugged on lips, was only able to be suppressed when her tongue slid between both of her lips.    " no, we have not, handsome.  irina. "  a hand extends for a greeting.  maybe it was to be a dick,  maybe it was habitual politeness.     either way, a smile extended with it. the smug expression after seeing his scars had faltered long enough for her feign to kindness.  “ you have to make sure you  roll the r   when you say it, yeah?  a lot of people forget to.  IRINA. "  her repetition of her name is almost like she wants him to remember it.    “ and yours? ”
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kcshkin · 4 years
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this was nice.  this was peaceful.  carnage had always been peaceful for her.   there was a part of irina that was finding more enjoyment in shooting bullets than what should have been the norm.    her gun was aimed toward anyone who looked like an enemy,  or wore a color that she hated,  or accidentally ran into her.    and right before she recognized her friend’s voice through that french accent   - that irritable french accent-   it was almost aimed at her too.  “ hm, no, why are you talking like that ? ”  her finger strays away from the trigger,  the question casual amidst the drama.   “ seriamente,  kat,   you sound like a tool. ”
Location: Centre of the maze, the fountain
Open to: anyone @crimsonstarters​
How stupid it was of her to think at any point of her life that she wouldn’t be involved in this. Even more so now that Katerina was finding herself actually having fun, firing off at every person she saw come through this area. The fountain, something so beautiful and what one might consider peaceful and it was where she had chosen to set herself up. A black jumper covering her dress, faced covered by the balaclava and the hood up. She let off three more shots, hitting two people and grinning as she watched them fall to the ground, yes she was having too much fun. Hearing a scuffle off to one of the other entrances Kat held her gun up higher as a figure emerged before speaking, a French accent perfected over the years enough to hide her voice. “Now that wasn’t your best idea.”
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